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<br /> - . _ .. c� . � . .. _ .. - - �-- -...L�-'...._..�_,.___......-_..__. ..:�c::�•� '.'i � - - � -
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<br /> ��o'`n. ..0 i." - . . . � . . , < - • � . . . . . .
<br /> --�owo�.-a-a�ss..x�soc.ea��'.,�SY!' . , . . i ,�. . . . . .. -. . . . ��• ���'BfiO � � ,----- �- -
<br /> -- ----------_ • .S.�Bara� or��fg ias��. Eoi��er shall��eep:t�t:<irnpiovemrnts um�sxtstiag or hei�af.3er e�os<tfic < .
<br /> - - Fraperty i�sur�i�aiva.4t.Ia€s:hp�fire,ha�dsfiIICiu�ed aoithui tt�e tetm°e.�te�cavera�e'aa�t�any ott:er i�rd�,tncladtn .�° .
<br /> - - &. .
<br />_ _ - - _ - � �toods or Rn�isr�,faa wt�c�L�uder req�ires insvjamce.,�Y113 lilS�C'Sd�II I�C�►1 in ain�:•llt IY'i@ BdIDOQIISS At�till S�lC�TI@�S$, .
<br />_ — — • that Le�der t�zquires. 'I�e insurpt�ce carr�er ptavidittg t`Ite insucanoe s?►alf 6e c�aqsen by�'3omu�rer subject to�ttQe�s ep�ebv�] , ,
<br /> - . , which shali nat 6e unieasoaabiy-withhetd..If�orrowe�_fa�s.to,mliiatain,oovc�rage d�scribad aiwv,a. I.euder n�y,at Lendr�r a
<br /> - — - . ,optnon.ohts�in caverage to pt�tact L.eaBer's ri�it�u►the Pnoperty in aaa�rdaase with pa�agtaph 7. � ' �
<br />��� , . ' qyi in�tuarice�es su3 reaie^rsls sLall bs�bie[o l�nsla�a�d shali ins2aQe a��catgaae daass�.L�ea�� . _ `--
<br />- � 'shait have the right to ho�d t�e po�isi�aad rre�aev,rals.If Lender requires,�oa�arv¢t shail P��P�Y 8rie to I.et�er atl reoei�ss of -----
<br />- �paid premiums aad re�ewal notices.in the evcat of toss.Horro�ver shai]give prompt norIce to ths insn�asc car�ier aad L�uder..__ _ °'"-
<br /> ,w� ,.' ----
<br /> _ _�_`-_L� I�a�er ma�i make p'roof of tcsss if nat ma�e pmmgtiy 6y Saren�ver. =
<br /> --- ,, - . , .Unless Leader�d Boreocvcr otttenvise agree in wtiting.i�uaQCe proceeds shall 6e apglied to zestoiarion or iegair of th� __ ---
<br />�, a�., >r p�¢rtj,d�ntagc�d,if.the resLosaxina or�pair is ecouomicallY feasi6ie an�L�nder's security is not Iessene�If the cesiarationos ----
<br /> _ r ----
<br /> � repau is not eoanomiTally feasible or I�nder's sea�rity would be lesseQed,thc ia�uaace procee�s shaU 6e applied to d�e snms • —
<br /> , se�ued by thi�SEcumtY Iastn�m�ct.whethsr ar aoi tteen due, with any excess paid W Burmwer_If Bomowea abandnns th�
<br /> �r=.��-�;. � Froperty.ar does ao�aastver within 30.days a aatice Cmm lxnder that the insutancc carrier hus offared to settle a daim.�d�•
<br /> Leader may aollect the insviance pmceeds. Lender may ase ttte praoeeds to mgair or sestare the Prog�ty ar to pal+ a�m¢
<br /> secuted'6y this Secarity.Tnsdrument.whe.�her or not ti�ea dne.'d'he�O�day period will begin tivhet�the notice fs�ive� • _,: . :�
<br /> -:;�'.;-;:.;�;:,�:,;�;s.. Unless l�endet aad Ernmwer othezwise agiee ia writing, anY applicatiaa of prooeeds w ptincipal.�aaI! aot e�os .
<br /> .,.�s f- _�_:.:.-:._,�" Rostpone the dus dar�of the mnnibly payments referced to in paragraphs I and 2:or clreage the amount of the'pay�.If� ------
<br /> ,�',;':.:f f'"'�`�� under paiagraph 21 the Pta�erty is aQquiied by Lender.Bormtiver's iight to a�►y►insa�n�=polis:iss and prooeeds result�.� —
<br /> ' -j.T�- .•;'- ":�-r �damage tp tit�Property prior to the�.oquisition s5a11 pass to l.endes to the extent of the soms�*ed hy this�S�xurity•In`ctratment _--
<br />���-�';;Y:;�-�,.`��j�«�;� imm�iatetypriarta.diea�uisit�au. , .- . �-__-
<br />�l��p:�:��:;:;�`r;:`r-�7r.',- 6.�cy,�crs�vs�tion►t�5�ntea�toe aa�PtofectFon of the�c+n�eertq;Sorro�ea's Loaa Atit�`�itiaa;Leas�otds. - --
<br /> �J��iik (Y.Ff. ; . —_'—___.
<br />��;. ,,�`,..,�;.:f�.'" . Borrower shall ocntpy.cs�tablish,aad tise the Pcoperty as Borrower's principal ri�sidence wf1f�..�itcY dBY��the execation of =_-_-
<br /> �` . this S � Inmar��and si�ll r�e td o the �s Borrower's�rmc�.=t�i"�'for at least one year after -
<br /> _ _
<br /> :`°�r, ,. .. . �:.,:� --------.... - - --�-- ---�-- -� -- -- - - --.. . _ _ _.-� --- ---- - - -----� - ---_...--��--- -
<br /> . .. �X. . , ... . , _.......�X..--- �P�-- � --.. .. . ._ .
<br /> - ... .... ... ..:, s - --�� - -- �_--
<br />_ .:_.�' '; �_,`. . . . ; the date of accupancy.un2ess L�a�r othen�se ag�ees in wribng which aonsent shall ni�t��Z:i�sor�b�v withheId.or anless . ��,•�_
<br /> �..� eatenuatin circum,tanc,es exist which are Borrower's camiol. Bomower si�all not �3:.���: e or air the t '���
<br /> •jE g beY°�3•� de�°Y:',.�g �P ?��` -
<br /> :,:� , ', Property.allow the Property to deteriorate. or oot�mit waste on the Pmperty. Borrower shall 6e in�f'�!`t if any forfgiture ;�:..::=,�,f_ �_ --
<br /> ; • , aaron or prooeed'sng, whether civil or criminal,is isegun that in l.ender's good faith judgment coald res��in forfeitare4't;l�#e '_'��� _ — "
<br /> - . `��,. '�• PmRertY vrvthenvise matersally imp�ie the lien created by this Security Instmment or L.ender's security iaterest:BorroB�rt�ay ������Y.'�'-"'�'"°°�'°�!
<br /> ` � `. ,,�`.�..' aue sush a def�It aad reins�ate,as:�srnvided in paragaph I8.by causing the actioa or praceeding to 6e dismissed with a riiling ';�.�::��_::.�-�-_---
<br /> . . . �te r
<br /> :��;;: '.. '�� " ` ttmt.in Leader's df�'det�iination, Indes farfeiture of the Bormci,�s's interest in the Pro or other material � � ��� --
<br /> �.,� ° g� P� FertY ,Y��..".�-� -
<br /> � ,�- - impairment�of the[ie�"�by this Security Instrument or Lender s s�.�i�terest. �orrower shall also be in defanit if ' ,���- ���' _,_
<br /> '� .�:; t� `�, ; �...�. �: Rf : �.:
<br /> �., ..��,,.,-::� : Bornnwer,during thr[oai�applicatian pracess,gave materially false or inaccur�.�for�ti�.�cx h.r statemenu to Lender(or faited .�; ,��..:s�� ,
<br /> ` to ptovide�xndes with any material inf+�tmation)in eonnection wiib the loan evidencecl6y ifz�Note,including,6ut not limited '�� •
<br /> ; � '.,.`�.:�, •, .
<br /> ; • . to.repr�esstaaons conceming Borm�;�s's occupancy of the PropeAy as a princiP�,i�esid�nce.If this Security Instniment is on a • ..,,t.,:.
<br /> J �e . :'.'�.;�;�:. ,
<br /> i , •° ; leasehald, Bomnwer shall comply widi aU the provisions of the lease. If Er�rr.iwer acquires fee title to the Property, the ��• ,�'::�,�-�y;;z. �f;:
<br /> _ '� i leasehold attd the fee titte shall not merge untess Lender agrees to the merger in writing. �' � , ..: {
<br /> ;,... �� ; 7.ProtectIon of I.eudei's Rights in the Property.If Borrnwer fails ro perform the cave�tartts�sd agraemenu�t�ntained in :_ � � :..`,..`�;�
<br /> ,,;,,.
<br /> � ' � this Secvrity Instrument,or there is a legal proceeding that rttay significantly affect Lender s rights in the Propecty(sucA as a ' t
<br /> �:°';� -'��� � prooeed'urg in bankruptcy.prabate, for wndemnauon or farfeiture or to enforce laws or regulationc),then Lender�ray do and " , '���
<br /> . �~" '�" ' i Qay for whatever is necessary to prateci the vatue of the Property and l.ender's rights in the Property. Lettder's actions may '`.� '����°-
<br /> :���'•� � � include a in an sums secured b a lien which has riorit over this Securi lnstrument, n io court, a n �; ��� "` �'
<br /> P Y 8 Y Y P Y �Y aDP� S P Y� g '`� f�`-
<br /> ;. . ° , ': reasonable attomeys' fees arod entering on the Property t o make rep a i�s.Alth o ugh l.e r.de�m ay t a k e a c t i o n u n d e r t h i s p a r agrap h ; ,._
<br /> � ' � 7.Leculer aoes nat have to ao so. �� --
<br /> �- �} ���u'��' �-ssinounts disbursed by T�tri�r under this paiagrapb 7 shall become additional debt of Borrower secured by this� �='`�: �
<br /> � �"f';`�`��``;` . Securct}t�.turttent. Unless Borrow�r.:u•r3 Lender a�ree to other temu af payment.[hese amounu shall bear inter�est from the � ;�:�'„,_ _-_
<br /> R; � ,��,- �
<br /> ` ' �te of disbursement at the Note rate and.shall be payable. with interest, upan notice from Lender to Borrower re��esdng �' ;��•, e<<:` ; � _
<br /> ;;�j` e . r: :.; Y.,� _;
<br /> . � . '. . �ayment. , y;:,••:,.,r �:� . .,:,
<br /> �s_
<br /> , , ' $.+l�stgage Insnrance.if Lender required moztgage insur�xua�as a condition of makin�the loan secured by this Security �'•' .'�� ' .�t�� `'`'��`-'-'�'--
<br /> - • � InstTUmer,x..�$orrower shaQ pay the premiums iequired to mair�c the mortgage insurancc in effect. If, for any reason.the � �k"' �.`"'�'�t���' �'Ffi�;;,o
<br /> �r� - � �-�- • mongage insurance coverage requirad by Lender lapses or ceases tu be in effect.Barrower shaii pay the premiums required ta `'��'�, � . '•=�.�•� � ...,��L'
<br /> :�. ,::�° •�: _ ' . i�:;� : . . .
<br /> _.�,� �f��, .::,.:� � obtain coverage subuantialty equivatent to the mongage insurance previously i�a�:ffect.at a cost suhstantialiy equivalent to the q� • __
<br /> • : � cost to Borrower of the mortgage insurance previously in effect, irom an aICar�:te mortgage insurer approved by Lender. If
<br /> ,��` : .�:''�'�'`'�' � sUbstantially equivalent mortgage insurnnce coverage is not available. Borrower�.hall pay to Lender each month a sum equal to ,� ,�` , "j. � � '���' • , � •
<br /> t,. ..
<br /> - � one-twelfth of the earl mon e insurance remium bein aid D Borrower when the in��urar�oe covera e la sed or ceased to , '"���ii� ' �
<br /> Y Y f�f P P P Y . S P . ,,,.,?�.:4. �
<br /> be in effect.l.ender will accept.use and retain these payments as a loss reserve in tieu of ci�a�icgage insumnce. Loss r�i.'�v� �.:;,• ; . �-. - - . � �
<br /> 'h �:'�t'�%•i. . Form 3028 9/8d . i' �: ��- . -
<br /> r k���,�
<br /> -.j: �{ �,a, . � . . " 7apo3a16 . •• ' ' -
<br /> ��Y�tY.��' - i � � , �
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