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<br /> y��Lr,�,.�� .y�3'.�:�C�3, .- � . . . . { ��. . ~ ` „ . ' . � —
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<br /> � a �. :?::�: �,a�.�'M. 3 ' _ -
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<br /> . T �� �' ` � ' ' .� . � ` • ' � • � ��y�• �{��� �y' n � ,�� .--,-.._..�-r.
<br /> _____.___.__...�_�_.:-.__. ' : . .. . . . . . . . ,. . . . .
<br /> ---_ ' ' .�r�'�',:�'d�.'�[B�I�IItS IIiltA QT�I1.$'�k'I iEI�4'Cl2i�OA fJE$(!l6�J23�JIs��'�.C�S�dlI9.�fjWIL£ItaSC�'q R.�::...: . _
<br /> .� S�t�f#7Et111E�_ftQ?�t O!�3S�8�f 8 g2st�t$@�[0�➢E14.ji �[���OTltEIltS.8Ild 8dd1aQA5 S1E8,�:8�!bC:�OYClY1d b�i t�l�$C�'tt�tyt. . .
<br /> — • �tt5$flIIlC�t t�0��S f13I�0�Ti$jS I�d tO�llt,t�.9.�C:CItTltSt 1115h7�Cflt 8S thE;�tOjf�t4,�'fi-°. : . .� --"
<br /> - .-�_—��- , BORI20V4�G'�y�tA1�ITS ii�aa�osow���t�w�idty sei�ed Of the estate keYebq cameyed ausl ktAS t�e rigffi tiN grant •
<br /> -_--- , , , sad convejat�e Fto�rsyr_attd�at��Pragerty is tmeu�mbe�d.cxc�gt for eacumbtances of recaad. Bazaar�er aiaaants m•td
<br /> ------- ` w�ldsfen��en�altY thati�Ie to the Piopeat�+a8ai�sst a#3 c�aims and�mands�subject tv any encum�rances af t�cotd. . • . ,
<br /> _......-._- -;��::�-�;,��. , �}L5 3ECLJItYt'�,JI+IS�RLTM�ri1T combiites��rniform cov�aants f�x natlonal ase aad ncin-nuit'ozrn�ovemnts,wtih.� ._.=-_____---
<br /> „��,�;�.,,, timited vaaiations bY�usis�tctiam ca cor�ti�uve�itpifnrm s�uiry insuuraent.caverin�Real pmpertY• . ' � - .
<br /> ���;~�� " -, ...: �UImiIAOpR�NS M4♦QY,/Q�1�t�{A.��I+�S;/g�jomyit�v�eqr�aa�d L�cades coven-a-nJt1 8nd sg*t�e a�fotIo�qwns: _` �j J����}.,� ----
<br /> +t0.J�Fi�LCSLf . � �j�iHfIQ�O:�IUY�YL{�3Lli�{iON�--`�^'���� FV�r��G1��l g�����i il�v �� i� � .... ..�. . ... -.
<br /> ,n � ��� F��P�of nnd iptf�nest an thc�e'bt evidenc�d by the t`ote aad anY N�P3Y��and Iate char�sduc�dar the�1ate. v�`� _ _ .
<br /> -- --.z,:-���j� , a. �����*�� Subject ta 4pp�t�h1�i�w t�ta a a:itt2ri waivcr by�d�r.B�,�wet sit31}pay to
<br /> =_=_-"`���. l.cridsr�n the day a�onthlY P�Yments are duc uridcr thci Piate.u ytil.the Not�is paid in fiiil,�a sum f°FUnds°)far.fII�r�ehoid —
<br /> -_:=�.�:.� tuxc�nred assesm�nts whish saay attain pr[oriry ovcr thls Securit insaument gs a IiQn on 4he��ertyt(b)9�Y .
<br /> =`-""`��'�'� p3ymects oi graund rents an'the Properiy.if any: (c)Y�Y���.P�nY insuranoe pmmiuma:!d)Ye�erIy 4iaad .
<br /> — - in.gutance Premturrt9.,if a�y:(e)Yearly mongase inss��ssnse(mmiums.If any:snd(�any sums poyabte Fry Burmwer ta'
<br /> _ °—---- -_= t.ead�t.in accmdance wIth the prbviatons o�.patagaph 8�ib lieui of che payment af mortgage inse�raace Qremiums. 3'hese •
<br /> „a:�,£�� items a�culted"Hsrrow[tem�.-.I:ender may.at anyr tiate.coIIect and�o1d E�ads in am annoaat not to exceed Ne m��m,m* __
<br /> �:�'�'�'�"��'`�„�:=?�; tunount a_tender fvr a federalt r�aTased. Ioan eia u�rc fgr Bom�rverSs esemw accauat under t�e federal Reat
<br /> � �'. �� _
<br /> �_� � . Y ��B°$¢ �� 1Z U.S G�260t et seq.("RESPA� unIess anather ---� -
<br /> �„ : . �staCC Setl�emetli PCacedures Ast of f974 as ame�ded fronx tIme to time, •
<br /> "'';` S`�`. �, iaa IT�at epplIes to the FLnds�ts�I�s�c�nmunt. If sv.I.endar may.at any time.colfect and hald Cvmds in an amount nat W
<br /> -;��,�:�`�''�.��a�` ea�ceed ti:e tessar amo�G Lender may esti�mate the amount of Eiu�ds due on the 4asis of cument data au�reas�nabFe -__-
<br /> �.-�` ' .. estuuates af eapeadiwres af futuce Escmw[tems or otbeiwise in uccotdanee arith applicab2e law. _
<br /> _' F�:;.:._ .. ":�•1 =�----
<br /> ';_�.�.:,<•:':�;=e�.:';t The E�utds shali be heid in an iaseitntioa whos+e QeposIts are iasured by a fede�al agency.instrumentalitj►,or endty �_-�_
<br /> ��,�},_ � ��a. (including Lender,if I.ender is such aa iastitudmt)or in aay Pederal Heme Loan Bank.�L,eader shali aQply tbe Funds Ga pay ,�, _
<br /> „��..:, . , .,.,,, the Lscrow itea�s. Lender may not ct�ge Basowes for ho2d�ag and applying the E'vnds.annuallY�Y�S the escmw -
<br /> �---. _. ._. _..--- ---�---- -•- -
<br /> ,'. ;: accotmt,or venfymg ihe Fs�St�-Ite�:unles�Lxuder�pays-�Bdrrowerinte�st�fla-the-funds.�and-applicable-la�+- is--...---�--�---- -
<br /> Lender to makc such a charge. However.Iender map�equue Botrower to pay a one-dme charge for an iadepeud�ut real ��;°-'=`
<br /> ' '� °t � '�`` estate tax�portin�service used hy Lender in connect�on with this loan,antess applicabte law pmvides o�risc. Onless an• t.;;�,-,��
<br /> ,� lr,_;,�F� i,l `fi•.';: agree�nent is ma�e or appticable law req�ires iaterest w be paiQ l.ender shail uot be reqaued to pay Bomower any interest or �;�:;j�;���'"—
<br /> ' ' '`y`. :,. eamings on the Fuads. Bo�wer aad Ixnder may agrEe in wnriag,however,that inte�est sha11 be paid on the FRmds. t:en�er �r �-.�. �
<br /> � '�, � -shall give to BoYaoR�er;_arithout charge.-an annunl accounting of the Fvmds;slmwing cmdits aad debit�m the Fv�nds.and the. . . ���T�-
<br /> ��;1 � pwp�se for which each debit to the Funds was made. Tha Funds are ptedged ss additional sacuriry.for aII sums secured by+ "�f�.:�
<br /> '�` " � tlus Securiry lnstcame4t '=`����
<br />�''�� �• ,� '• . �.' • If the Tvn�s hetd by Leader eacceed the amounts Qemutted W 6c�33r�by applic�hle 1aw. Lend�er sbait accouni 40" r"•'"�'�`";; �'
<br /> r ;.,�_
<br /> _, . ,., ,;:;: : ' ..:�.;: , , •
<br /> • Bonower for the euess Funds in accaidance with the cequiiem,ents o�apglirable law. If the amount of tt�l�nds ke�fls� �
<br /> � [_eader at an ti�e is not sufficient to pay the Esccow Items w&ea due.Len��may so notify Borrowec�wriang,a�3.in �� ry,�,
<br /> �* � � .� y •
<br /> r , such case Bo�rmvec s�all pay to Lender the am�tmt necessary to make up-;��e deficiency. Bomn�.s�rall make ap the '-F�a = —
<br /> ,�� r '� deficieacy,in no mo�¢i�w twelve momhly paym�eats,at Leader s sole discnetir.a�. •"'� { �. 7�`'-
<br /> :;is�:;,`:;°.:.,• UPoA PaYmant in full of all suau secuced try this Secwity Inswmea�'�:,�der shalt prompdy refuiitd w Barrmwer any '. ,�»: ���'-
<br /> � .,,��aj.';1�'l,�;1 Funds held by Lendec: If.under F�S�Pb 21,Lender shall acquin or sell't�Ptoperty.I.ender,prior to the acquisition or > .: _, !' � , �-�
<br /> S . ��t�t � . . -
<br /> ..:�'�;�} sale of the shaii agply any Fnnds beld by Lender at the tiane of a�`:�sition or sale as a credit against the sums , , =s`
<br /> , ��. . ���` :h _
<br /> ; ; . .�. :'�E: sectired by this S�a�.i:t-g Insuumen� • : �
<br /> ... ,,.., .
<br /> � ' 3 AppIIe�;ar.of Payments. iJnless ag�licabte law provides adtc�,se. all payments receiced bY Lender under ` � #���r_-
<br /> -- � • � -� • ' par�gtap�s 1 and��aall be applied:fust.to any prepayment charges due�,�xihe Note:second.to a�nnts paya6te under �===
<br /> ; ' •� . . : `�,: �.+�o��
<br />'.+:�.... . .: par.�r,�gh�:third.to interest due:fourth,to principal due;and�ast,to any lut�.charges due under the Mote. . , �;�-
<br /> .. �,:�. ,�� .Q. .�;Liens. Borrower sha11 pay all taxes,a.�aessmenu.charges.fines and impositians auributable to the . .;�_.�
<br /> . � „ prep�;��ic�i r�ay attain priority over this Security Instrr��s.and teasv'��Id payr�ents or ground rentS if#�ny. Borrower . . � .�
<br /> ' sball.pa.y Sti�q�ii�:i'�ans in the manner provided in para�'���2:or if cr��3 in that manner.Borm.�'¢r shall pay them on ,� _
<br /> , time directly t��.pa�on owed paymen� Borrower sh�l��tly fur"c�.-t.��s f:.�.-�ier all notices of a�r�sts to be paid�mder �. ° : �� --
<br /> � : , � this�xragtaph.�'Tf��i�ower makes these puyments dirrctTy►��tower�:�^��ar.�gtly fu.-nish to[xn��receipu evidencing . _
<br /> •: �. the payments. • �: � . '� , .,�' ����—.
<br /> Borrowet s3sy1�pmmptly dischar�e any lien which has�i:odty over this Set�uin L•.�asti�.h�nt unless Borrower.(a)agmes .,r:� _. : � ��,�^_
<br /> in writing to the�,-r.�:ten;of the obligatian securod by the lien in a mannec�,'�"able to'�i.ender;(6)wntesu in goad faiti►the • :.��t;
<br /> • ' � • lien by.or defea:ts�ainst enforcement of che fn�in,legal praceedings�-�:1���the l.ender's opinion operate to prevent the ' `< '�,.•r=�
<br /> "� .,.., a P r• pTyr g ' `�' � :'���:t;';c'�, .
<br /> � . `° . �_.;, ,: . ' enforcement�t�nen;or(�)aecures from the holder of the Ilen an agro�+�t satisfact to Lender subordinatin the lien �.°. •. , _ - • _,.,.,,...;�,_
<br /> "�`�- ��='��="" tothis Security�.�iswmen��If Lender Aetermines ihat any part af the Pcc�oa:y is subject to a lien which may attain priority _ . _ _ .. ..
<br /> �� ...-
<br />� � � over this Securiry Instrument,Lender may give Botrower a nouce idenr.�:��the lien. Borrower shall sadsfy the lien or take� ' _
<br /> ' . � � one or mote of t�he actions set forth above within 10 days of the giving a€�ahce. � • _..'�,_
<br /> S. �c�vJ Property Inst�rance. Bonower shall keep the��a�:ements now existing or hereafter erected ort tiie ' . . __
<br /> ,' ,�'' � Property�:t��c�st loss by fire,hauuds inctuded with�n the tema°�rs.'r:,�ecl coverage"and any other hazards.includin� .. .. , _
<br /> � : , ' flaods.ar•ftuc�sc:g,.f�as whieh I.ender requires insurance. 'It�is ics�:a�a:..°�,�.�11 be maintained in tha amounts and for u'te " _. .. "'
<br /> � '�'n<'?l�t ' � , Fotm 3428 9190 (Doge l of 6 pagesl � ' +;"-
<br /> . , . ,
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