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<br /> � ' �1iF#ER�AS;Barrar�rer ar.sf tendar h�a$g�ees!tRat.any r�nts a�+d"prAfits attrf6utebtg to t�?ia prc�arry sitcstSd�nstttuta� . ---
<br />_: p ,.
<br />=� ;� _..a�dTtIfsnal t�tuity.to ttr�►ler�dar for.th�paY�!t of tha N� .. . .
<br /> . . _,:__ _
<br /> N4�ff�YtiEftEi{OR�,it is agr�d�rattiteSeaurity tnstnimant ah�i�ise amer+dad hsrcbpandQeemed fo ta�tude:tdt�.ittfiawlz�p
<br /> ° prttvta40ns: " . -
<br /> _ � f. es�tnnmenl+s�Re�tsat}e�j,��(erRer�tat_�nite�cit�npiq�,BorraareuAsrebyabsoiutelyandunaor�ditldnattyas�i�tsatf
<br />-- ' ren4�.tnaues and pratits ot tt�e property td �ens�ic[ary.. t:esidar�a10 have the rigRi, P,aweraaid.:authurity,dsarirt� tt►e.
<br /> - - - �pnt4nuutce o�i tRe Security tnstrumant ta eotteet the rents,issues ancf proflta o!the pro�eRy Afid cs4.�ty'Asteonat D�IIenY ° --
<br /> _=.�� ioc�Ited tt�sreon wit�i ot wtthou!takin�Ro9sesalon ot the proparht 8�ected herehy.le�der,,hdweve[f hBteE�f;¢anserrfa to
<br /> -�-=��s�.: Berra�re�s coltecttonan:f retantion o!such rents.issaes ani3 pratits ae;A�r acaruean6 De�come paya�le,so to��s 8omower, _
<br />--�----- � �-=�:.� , la nat,at sucA Slm�.[n detauit witA�respect t�.paymer►t af any Tndebt�drtess secur�ed�ereby,or,,in tM pecfor�ic�tice at�ny�<�::;�
<br /> - —�==�;�n���= - .: . Q�e�snt he�uh'�9r. . , . . ..._ _
<br /> .� �e�:�ti�� . �. .. ... i � . . '...',�-^jf3•
<br /> ��-° -;� ' 2 _I��fMmen!of Wecetvaz tt 8r►Y�vertC tsf datauti.in`respaat ta tlra Seeurt .Ihstntment shali�have acaurt�j�}and be '
<br /> ---�_�M.��::�: .. : co�itfrift�.cig,LenQer.as�a matt�r at r1ghY�artd without nott�to Barrowe.r or anya�itea ctafmtng unda��ortawar,��a►ithoat'
<br /> __ �,�Yr�'�. ro�srctta�ttte vatae of the ttust t#�te ot the interest of��oirower tQere(n,sAalf h�va the rlght to�pAh�to�tly dsc�t�saving •
<br /> ��:°'� :� ' lur�sdtctton to apDoint a receiver of tt�e pmpi�rty. . � �. , ' `'. •� .
<br /> ��'�"`3R,�*�;;�y�` 3. �4�1 ta�axar�lon Irt case of duta�tt,�Ci tha paYment of the sai�princlpa!Note vr intereaf,or any paR thsreot,as it • ,
<br /> e �w a a;:
<br />���������:�r�w�.� . • ahatl matu�a,ar 3n tRsi9 case of fatlura to kee�'a��ertorm any of the covenants or agreements'contatne�in the 8ecwity Instru�: , _
<br /> 3 1u,��:s����u:�:':�,:;;; ment.tAerr!h9 t eniEer, fts successors or s�sslgns.str�ii�and is heieby aathorfa�d ai�empowered.ta take immadiate` _
<br /> •�''f".�,1�5, ��;•-;'•.: :.
<br />- ,c�,_ �, possesafonoft4�ssaldprem�as�tReretndescribedandta���c+tecttherentatherefrom.�ndtoapplytheprqceedstheteottOtRe _
<br /> - .f�:�-�r z�"�r'L�`�.%'��� OaYment of the�Not� - �`°, . ':.`-.�•°. °, •
<br />_ .��, ;;�,`:: ` ' �'�, � 4, , t(1pp t�a,ntaf Rei�4a�issues and_Ptafit:�dtt9,rents cottecte�by tendar ar�the re(:eiver sAalt fto�pplied tlrot to payrnent•...
<br /> - i f.. .;.�.:'
<br /> - ��::;-,:.�'+:�,��� . ;�. ,' of thA costs ot mana�.gernent o!the property e�+h3.±�itla�4ton of rents.inctudfng�bu4 not timtteA to.rso�tr's tees,pramiums on _
<br /> {•, • :� � recetvaPS bonQs arYd reasonabte attomey's tees,aYid titan to the sum3 aecured by the Security Instrument Lender and the -_. ...-
<br /> .�:``;,; °:. , ;.. ,.'.�`i; racotver sP�atl Do Itabte to account only for those rer�d�iaidy recetved. . � . -�-,�,�-
<br /> f ��`r� ` .:': 5, Coa�tructina ot Provistons.EacA of ths proviaiens�gAf,�fned in thisAssignment ot Rents Rides and tha8stxirity tnairu- ----- _
<br /> :y • , - m�n4 shatt;uni�38.otherwiso specificaity requ(red,be 6a�-��ed d�r a�ordance with Nebrdska law,and(n ttte event any � � __
<br />-`"! -, r. ;:�r�' �' provisian harein Gx slieroln contalned shall ba determined b��r.�iy�tof'CCSnApetent jurisdictton to be u�entoreeahfe,tAe same • . �-=_=-� - --
<br /> '•,�;�i%.,':�.:��.,;.,�= Bh811 tiB CdOSt[ti�d 88,tAough such unonforceaDlo provisic�v�i�r�rial:e��iart hereof or thereof. ��;,I�" �,�'
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<br /> k,���,,k 6. Effect of RIdQr.EacceDt ae opaNfically madifled by or.�israns�s.ant with this Asstgnmant of Rents Ridar or by arry other �; , ,��_tr•
<br /> ` '' �'S appticaDle rider.aU oi tho temis and provlsions conta�ned tca t�a 5ecuri Instrument shall contlnue in fu8 torce and effect
<br /> �;�i •�i;t�r'; �� 1Y .i.7sx?+L'�i71r��
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<br /> - '`'�.� '��`'/� � IN WRNESS WliEiiEOF.Barrower Aas executed Mis Ass n ent of R d r n t date fi noted above.
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<br /> y�o � t '����'•� . On this ��TM day of mAY -19 9'�+ befote 1ne.the undersigned a Notary PubitC duiy commisstoned and � �, • '-��4` �� �
<br /> ,.. i,.•�,�4`r",;s' , � __' ' , _ ��,'t'{,�
<br /> 4y , . QuaGfled tor said county.persanaliy came �ONALO LEE JELINEK AND SHARON H JELINEK. • ��� '`�•
<br /> , ��::°��1�;�?'� HUSBANp ANO WIFE � ' � � �
<br /> �' : ,�;l,��q,{�:.�!. . .to be the identical person(s)whose nama(sI Istaro subscdbed . :..-. _
<br /> '�::��".. ,
<br /> � to the foregotng Pnsirumont,and helshelthey ackna�r��o�fhe executton thereof to be hisJherltheir votuntary act and deed ...., . , �.�^
<br /> :t�;i : . • ' • :
<br />=��� �; ` , Witness my hamd pnd Noterlal Seal at fRR"JD I5LAN0, NEBFiASKA , �; �
<br /> _ r �.�st�,`�,r . . tn sal .the date af resatd. ' . �-�
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<br /> . . .� My Commisstan expl �0.K�tl�tiSiAti . ,: . -
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