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<br /> -�� �. �� . SccurIty�asf�en�or.(b)en.uy of s���idgmei�euforcin�this Se�t�rd�s..��'h�sse�dcros s�ti t?sat Boimw�r: {�} `: ;
<br /> -- - - , �, 1ra3�s���►det ail aums�sahisD t�.�}w�I�be dua ua�.thfs�Ssc�rEhlql�tru�nt�nd•tt�e.Kote.as if.[io asseleiadan�
<br /> - ------ ' ` . . axus�+e�:.(b}��euras any d��c of airy other coveasnts.ar�tgr4ea�ettt�;f�}Pli�&811 CxpE�SO9 i1lCiitnd iIi tI1fUTCi3�g tb.IB S�W��Y`, ..� ,.
<br /> ��:',y � . Tos�°nt,ii�ct�d'ing..bu��not'limifed Yo:reas�able'atta�c�'fers:aqd�CcS}xakes'such•action'ss T:et�tet may t�s+inab�X �,`' ° . ,
<br /> - ��uire w assusathhat the tzea of t�tis Sccvrity insnrumen��ader's tigitis ip�he Pioperty aad Boaower�A6ligatiQri�ca pap tha•..<
<br />- - -- �; aums se��yt thfs•Sccmity�nstrr�mea€s�l c�daua. uuslhan8e�. Upon i+�instatem�nt b��B6�mwer:`t�us.Secuae�r . '� •'
<br />- -- - � <insuuyaent asi!t�e obI�atians s�Y�ete6y si�ati remain�utly��e�ixeas if no ac�elarartats it�c!oecurr�d. flau��rsr;th�s. , ''"
<br /> _- - --_----- ,, c�ght to reinstate s�all ttot'�ppIy in the c�.a ofarcclraa�oa,auder�raragaaph 17. , . , . .
<br /> ��_�
<br /> ��,
<br /> , .3151,Sat�a�f�1�Ioi�e;C�age uf Lo��ervYaa: 'ihe NQte or a gafial int�res�in the I�€o�e'(Eogether with this Secu�ity' ` -
<br /> � �_- --�-�' � ��tnay_be�b2�cme�nr_marn i�mes vnt$oat g�rIa�r.is�tJcece td 8arraweL_A sale may r�sntt iu a cT�g�u?�he.et�.y;: _
<br />�; .: ` (Ia�uwa as die"I.oan 5etvr�er"?tbat coitects monthlY paj�iaeents d¢e uader'tfte Note aad�is Seauity Ia�ni ��atsa.. � ._ . . _
<br />-1 ynt►Ybe on$ar.mo�c�ian�ea a+f the�van S�c�r�mrelated w a sate af 3he Notc. Iif t�ete i�a`ci�ttge of the I,�a�S�vicer..
<br /> - ---_- Boaawer on'IIbe given w�n uatice v�i�r�ge�r acccadaucx�zt��aragr,�#14 abuve�eggL=c�2�1_sssv. 3'N,e n�- ` _ _
<br />= w�l.sraoe t�e aame aad�dd�ss o€ticc new Im�a SemcPx aaddse,address ta wii€ch paymeuts s@auld 6e�nade.T6e nnlise v�li �
<br /> e
<br />- aL�vwnt��:.c1�.",s���u:cccls�:i�.�sg�fe yaw:. . .
<br />- ?A:�H��T,�i*t3�$�i�..Bq�ac?r�Shall�t�se ot peemis t�e pseseuce,ose,dispa,�a1,stara�.�az�-te�.pf any.
<br /> _ �u�;��-te�°i��'�ai;;a�.Fr���.�s�icci���not do,.uoa aldovr angane e].ve to du,any�:;a�r�!�n�.t�e
<br /> ��fa:�� ��.�;t�ka�?�;€r�ssm�i�';��r�ce���eentet�c�s�allaatc3ta��pe���?�::�,or
<br /> __ - --- - -_ - .<�t� .��arri�ta��� :��mi�l��.r�+��o�����srarnces,��.a���'�~�����r���1'��',�:
<br /> __ ��,��,[� y.,�' W. .Y, rn`�!p�,� ,. �.:; � 5 r
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<br /> a�,�aa�i�s�. , ��i'�".-'.,�s;'�'Y1��' •,x"1�,�G, '3:�'•£�.�: �?i�va[�,��.�5�� .�'r�w�s�.�--`,}�',���c+c:��i:�1���til?�:5:�,; , �
<br /> _a._..__._-_.._.�`.°�.�,- '�o�'wi`'�!'�tb���-�d�:ay�tt;,«:',�:�:"�f'�u'����5,�-s�:c:�.l��tEWs'A�n'���fh`�"IIt�' .�'''.�k�t',' y.
<br /> p":.��� . , 2rithority tt�.�.;��nudai'�'�st!'ser ��axtaa,v��j�tarridnna�'�?�`sx''�£fer.�:.�a��,'�.�';�S'tt�,�3oyza+r�� '`;'.�
<br /> � ,>
<br /> - ���ieeaau►=,'�,� shaU�mmF��-f��Il ne�essary�a4�i�i's in accur�aace wit��nental Law. ��:. . .
<br /> --_-_`-�-?'�s�tltYf'AYYi��:•., n '
<br />-�f���. As use�n�x�is paragtapb 20."Hazardaua Substances ane thos$si�tances deSned as toxic�ihaaardous substauees 6y'..�.�. ��• .
<br />� -��;f'`=-�,��.,'"- ... ._ _..Faiviroutaental.Law.aad td�e foDo�ving.subsiau�es:.-gasQ�it2��erQS4.n��ol�ter t7amma6Ie or wxic petrutwm prodarts,fnzic.
<br /> ;',.����' ;�.,•.. � ,; pesticides aad herbicides, volatile solveats.materials containing ashestos or farmaldeAgde,and radioa�tive matenats. %�s
<br /> ` used in this paragapb Z0,"Environraentat Law"mcaas federal laas aad laws o#the jo�s�ction w�e d�e Ptaperty is located
<br />- .� �;�,�?:'•��;�; that relate 4a 6ealth,safery or eavironmentai pmtecdoa � � ' � �
<br /> .�=;:�r::1r.� :�. NON-UP�FORM COVSNANTS. B�aower aad Lender further covenaut and agree as fouows: •
<br /> ----��.���:-.��: � +
<br /> �.� ,•
<br /> . e�; ;•s,��-..,::.;.•;.-:.•. � . -- ZI..Acceteratiow R�naedies._.Lcnder sha4_�bve Bottce to Bmmwer prtor tto ucatxratian[ollowtng Borrawer e �-
<br /> w.r�;,��.�;#; ; ,, : ;.�. breacb of any coveaaat or agreeuient tn this 5ecurtty Iasteuirieaf(6tit aot p�ios to seceieiatton�mder ParagraD917 ,• -
<br /> .;:;,;,• :. aatess appiicabie law provtdes otflerwLte). The aotioe a�sll spectiy: (a)We detaalt;(b}the sction reqatred to cure the � -
<br /> - � � 'u:�' detaatt;(c)e date�aot I�s t68n 30 days Uom thx dafe t6e notice is g�ven to Bore+ower,by whlch the defaWt must 6e --
<br /> ;." _'. ..;; .f�•`:%. cured;end(d)tt�i fr�ilure to ctue ttee defaWt on or betore t6e date specifled ln tbe no4ice may resvit in Bcaeieradan oi.� - --
<br /> ��.+.�'� : . . tDe�sumg secared 6q Wis Securtty Instnrmeat aad sale ot the Peapeet� The notice shaD Nrtber tnfora�Borrower o!� �-
<br />- , . . the eig6t to retnstate after accetewttan nnd t�he rigyht to brin�a cowrt adioa to assert the noa�atsSencP oY a detaWt o� � �';'a.;
<br />_ . . ' ` � ' � •any other defense pf�orroaer to ucceieratton an�sal�r. V the�efaatt ts aot asre�!on os Defure tlae date spetiiied tn .. '���
<br /> , ,.'` ,:. .,,-�. '.�`;,.-
<br />- � �-,r , the aot[ce,Gendec at Its optton mey reqatre immed�ate paymeut I�fall of aD sums scctued by Wu&�eudty�a�trament �;+�:,
<br /> '`> �.::;: ,. .. � :�:.�`:r', wttttaut fuctBer demand ase8 ma Invotie the y oWer cemedtes per�dttea bY aPPUcable law. ' . ,:. .;� ` '��
<br /> ;.:, . �•. . . uc y power oY saie aTS�ea ;
<br />-- ' `' ' �' ' Lender s�a13 be eneiffied to coIte�alg expenses iacareed in pffisudmg the remed�es provl�axl Im t�is P��Pb�,'•+ %. �:x`' _
<br />._ •.�:��, � Inciudiag,6�B aot�nited W.r�nable auorneys'fees aad costs oY ditt�evidea�se. . � ._};��# '-��
<br /> . ;:»y If tise power oY sale(s invoked,llrostee sLall reoord a aotice of defaicIIt in eacd coam3y tm whEcb any part of the ,. . �
<br />- .>:`;5� P r o p e r t y i s I a c a U e d e n d s 6 a ll m a D o u p l e s o 8 s u c b a o t l c e I n t h e m a n�e r p a e s c r i t�e d b y a p p i i c n b d e l a w t o B orro�s er and to °` ' .:. .:. ' ��_
<br /> ;�.�5,-:`z�,:;;�..�,i
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<br /> �� :?��ii;i nottce oY sale W the persons an�m tt�e�aaer presrribed by appHica6le Iaw. 1Yaste�without demand on Barmwer, .
<br /> t .:� •.: �'-�-
<br />__�;= . • ��;�' " sl�aD seI!tde Pt�sperty at pn6lic auctdam�ehe Wghest bfdder at t@�t3�e and piace and��the terms d�te�fin �:`'�'-=�=`°==-v
<br /> �� • -
<br /> ,�., ttte aolice off s�'ae tn ome or u�ore parc�ika ia�&�n Amy oMer 7t�stee�ines. 'ilrustee�y�one sate of afl o�a�y <.: � � '�' ---
<br /> n
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<br /> , •�,,f.�•. • ��`�rhASe t�e II'roperty at aay saLe: •. `. 3 =
<br /> :.,{;,��:r,� • e
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<br /> '• � - ,�,�`�'�,' Fioper�iy. �c5eettats in tIIe 7Ynstee's d�ed sbaD be prtma facPa�deace of the tnrtb of tdse.�,*aUeements made theee�. .,; • *, -�-.
<br />�;; , ,y�?;��;;•a;.� � 7lrostee st�ali ap�7y tiye prooeeds of tds¢s�2 in t6e follo�tng order 4a)to all costs and es�en�of exerclsing the po�veg" . • ;.
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