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<br /> _:�. '✓'�ir. nr. , . . - x . __-
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<br /> ♦T � _ � . .l11':�
<br /> ��; i'�. F �( .'�'s� � — .. _
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<br /> 11" 't'" , J � . . .,- ,-
<br />�'� ,, —� , ` . / . . ,�,–.,.�--..� ,�. ,
<br />���.�t �� t .4` . . . .< , � v . � ... . ' ' t . . }. .. ' . • Y i��� ��.�� t .
<br /> -- _' � = . ,l'Tria�fa�t��t�s� a�r a�g�ci�i"dnt�3 f�t��ir�svrc�,�ss]!a�ai�g�it<(Sf�15..° .� p . . .3I1�II�ClC�3t�it°; � < <`�
<br /> — � F1s-sulsf�tra.tisferi�.(03 if�,�iateiESt ua��'�wer�saSd oi#rau�sf'et�sd a�d,�or�+avuer'�s�ot��1P��1�i�t�� _ -
<br /> i.e�,der'� priar written con�cnt, Lei�°r:pnay.�at its vpti�n. rt�ui,se�iats�ymenx in f�l!>af a[� st�s�,vaai.is�thi�, � °, ;
<br /> _ Setusity Instrur¢znt.Hm've+�er,lhfs'�ion s6a1!r�t bo exex�ised by I�des if r�cise is pct�ai6it�d�6y.fe�[er.d tow ac oftIie d�e � —
<br /> - - — ' af thtg Sccusity t�uume�.� . . .: � . � . �� . . < , �,. . . ,.
<br /> _ . If 4e�tet exstctses�nption,.Le�ct��r s�aIl give Bor�iarer�Ice o4'acceferatian..'E�e u9dee stsa!!�vviste a�eriad pS�not '� ''' �
<br /> _— ' . �:less.thah.30 tlays.from.tIis,+Ea2e!�e ttotise,is delivcred bt cuaited cir€a93n�vbisY��alzrow�r m1�t PaY,.alt aWns seeuvG�by this
<br /> -- � S�ecurtty Instr�nt.If Boniawcr faiis co.pay these evsns p�a�to t��erc�ir�oiu��ttsi��esia�:�.e�+3�r,may r'nvo'de aay remedirs., <_ .
<br /> ---__--____- _- . . ` �nnittod by th�s Secx►nty i�t�umeut wit�Q�t�airtHer rra�tice o�dem�a.�on�orrar�e�.`° . ,. . .o .`,-
<br />- — � 18.;Bosa�owe�'s.Iltg�E t�Reinstaic.,If Borro�ec �ts aertaiu canditions, $q�sower sl�all"$ave tIUe tigli4 to [tave � .
<br /> -� �
<br />= `- enfa.re�m�nt of W�s S�rit�Instiut�teat-diountis�ued at auy�pziar to ttB�eaziier o£�ta)S days(or sus�u¢�r periad as . , .r�
<br /> �.-'� � ���'f���fisr��:�t)--l�!'cfrc:�a€,�tss. �.:ur-any��orr�e�f sa�,°��in�s.�__�,=-�
<br />- Secusiry Instxum�ns;or(D}etticy of�yndgment enforeia�Wi�.SecurI y n�sin�men�'�aSe couduuous ar�t�ai Borcawer:(a}E@�aYe . .
<br /> ':� I.�ader atl sdsns wtuc�t�er►�voulc�#�due uttder this Set�nqy.Jnsuvzttentaad ttse Note as if:no aaceieration.had oceu�ed:�}. ---
<br />-- - _ cure�°.s�;r defasilc of ai►Y omer covenauits or agree�eats;t�)•Pa3�alt eapensr�incarred�n enfoscirrg thSs Security.insUrt�aascct,
<br /> ' . iaziuding,but nat limit�d t��easatrable attom.eys'fiees:.and(d)talces sueb ac�ion as I.end�er�ay res�..o�a61y req�uuce tg assure.
<br />--_ � _-t�at the lien of this 5earrity inxuumet��Le�r�t�r's dgtus in ttce i?mperay tutd�rrawer's�ligr�ivn tn gay tLe smms se�vr^�r!b}F
<br /> th6s�Sec�Jrity Insa�ent shal! caminue'aachaaged. YJgoa ieuutatement.by Bonnwer, tHis�Secority Instsaatsut a�l th� -
<br /> - abingations secured h�rehy shall remairt fally,.effexiive as if�o aocetetatiaa bad o�oa�rnd.Hovvevet,tfis right Yo r�i�state shult•
<br /> = uot appiy in the case of aooelet�tian nnder paragraph�l7. - -
<br />= i9 Sule o£No9�Cbange of Laan Sesvlcer�T6e Piote or a parti� ime�t in the Not�(togetder wiAB t3�S�rIty
<br />- fn..�)m�Y!se soW oae or mme ti�es tivitlioui prior notipe ta Sotrawer.A sale may t�sult in a change in ths�ff��arc►.
<br />- --------- as the"Loan Senricet°)thai oolIects�monthlY FaYmeats due uader the Nate add this Security Inmumeat.'{'tiere also may be oae �
<br />�-��� ar mos�cbanges o�ihe Loatt Senricer cmrelazed w a saIe ofi ttu��Note.If ths�e is a d�tuga af the taan Se:vioer.Borrower will Ise �
<br /> —'y�`'�=`�`-� given w{ittea nata�ce of the e�ange in accordaaee with paragtapP�,.l4 above and applleuble taa.lY�e nqtioe w�71 sta�e�the�ac� .
<br /> _�� . address of ths.rtew i.oan Servioer and the address co tivhich�aytt�nts sfloWd be tftia�e:'Fhe notioe will also co�rain any other '
<br /> -- ��. informatioa ,
<br /> _--._._�. . . .
<br /> w. .
<br /> _:;.Y�_ �• .�,' r�ecf.u.ue4 by Itcable Ia
<br /> ���`b-#-�- . , 20..Ba�trd4ns�Sorrower shall uot cause or 't tlie pres�nce, use. „stora ar ieleasc af
<br /> _ ..:�..r..�,..r..�,7..,�._ . nce
<br /> -- ---�_ _._ .
<br /> -_-i�.J«�.�,�� �..- .------...__�a�dou�.Su�:��s.oa or in the_Fcoperty__Borrobver_s5ai1_no_t�_d_o�nor altow_a�rone et,�e to�do. anyd�mg.?ffectin�t�� .
<br />�•``x��.at��;•� Pro that is in v'solation of an Emimmnental Law.The rece0an two sentenoes shatl not l i�t�e resenre.t�se,or � .
<br /> ;;3 r �,.�::...; •a- PenY Y� P S aPP Y P
<br /> �¢�„��,, •.:�;.��= storage on tf�e Pra�erty of small�uantities of Har�dous Sub�an�t�at are geaerally reoognized to be appmpriate to narmal�
<br />�ti:�u;Si••;'`:�%�;r, reside�al u�s.and w maintenance of the Property. , �
<br /> --.,;:.:•.,:....•�' :. Bormwer shall prompdy give L.eader written natice of any investigation,claim,demand,lawsait ar oiher:adiaa b}€any
<br /> .
<br />�_;._ �_ �
<br />�'"-�°���'~�: :`:� govemmeata!or regutatory ageacy or private patty invofving tlie Pcaperty as�d any Karardons Substanse or Fnvironrrientat Iaa -
<br /> �....z..:•...T..-;.t�;..
<br /> ....
<br /> �-;��� ' ';, •°. - of which"�o�avler has actual kndwled e If Bomiwer leains,-oi is aotified b- over�unental or atory autlwri that '
<br />���.;:, :� '.:{• S Y�Y� tS+•.
<br /> ,.,..°:::,.�... ` . .._ at� .temaval c5r oiher r+emediation of a�r Hazardons Substanc�affecxing the Property is aeeessary:Bsitrawer shall pmmptlY take �
<br />= ;};����' �r,r�ssary remediat actioj�s in accardance with Envicdmns�atal Law. �•-. -:. ~ -
<br /> - ;"' '�:. . . ..As.ased in this paragraph 20, "Hazardous Sulssttinc�"are those substances de�d as wxic or hardrdoes:suGstanses by
<br /> ;�♦f���5`j�•!« . :•; O - _
<br /> ,,3�`r�l.r;�.�..;�, � �
<br />- � <<•��,�-F .. :, ' • �1J�ftt`JGtif�fif:tE�Laa and the following substances: gas�o?s�. &erosene,.other fl�Te or touc peuolenm.products, tonic
<br />- :y 1�'`�J�" .,. ..
<br /> ;;,::,,�•,;,. . peseicidcs'aIId�.fr�icides.volutile solvents,materials comaining as6estos or fo:maldebyde.and radioactive materials.As used in
<br />°• ri"�; :::,,'; , . ,.: this paragraph Z0. 'Envinonmenta) Law",m�ns federal la�vs and laws of the jurisdiction where the property is located thai
<br />�,�`'.r,'; :.�: �;;,; _ �� .� re)ate to health,safety or envitonmental protectio�. ---
<br /> ,,�,�'`'.� , ' .::�. 1�SON-UTiJFORM COYEilVA1�3TS.Borrower and L:ettder further covenattt and
<br /> � •� ' �as foltows:
<br /> ;��,'S(..y'tv�,<,,-... .- . -
<br /> ' .r}�t';:k"''�;�..';;.;-..•, R�edies.Leader shal!give�mliso to Bor�nwer prior dr�ieration foito�Bor�ovrea's 6reach
<br /> �r({c;�3 i•::�,�;:,:. .�;..,�:; . ` 21.Acceteration; _
<br />_, ,' �N� ��a�';.;;,, 6iE.any covenant or agrecment in tt�fs Security Imtmmem (bvt nat prlor ta��ceierateon audes parn��t�,17 us�l�'
<br />,;;�: �,,���<.,, .� ap�licabte 1aw pmv�des othenvise).T6e nottce shall sperSiy: (a)ths defaa�dd;(b)the actton reqaired to care ttrE dePawtt;.: �—
<br />�,,� ` ,.-,:�:_ (c)a date,rtot less than 30 days irom th�date the noUce is given ta Borrower,by wh�cb th�defauii must be cared;and �_-
<br />-�w� •. ;�'�`,�'�;, • (�that failure to cvm t6e defaWt on or befose the date spacitied in tht aotfSe�y t�esal�ta acceteratiota oP the sums _ _____
<br /> ' - � a�ued by this Secarity Instrument and sale of t6a Property.T6e nai�e sha[i.E"iu'�er it�orm Bon�rov�er of th2 tight to:.: __=-__-
<br /> �. . � r��''tate after acceleratton and the right w 6ring a caurt adion to msseri ttr�,�r+i��.existertce oY a defsmII3�or aay other �-�
<br /> '. ' �� �"` •titj�titts�e oY Borroa�er to acceleraflon and sale. If ttre d�'ault is aot cured an�I�eGpre th2 date s�ecitied in the nofise, ��"�,�---=
<br /> _ � �er, at its o p ym e�s� 3r tY �`n�--
<br /> �i .�;,'�.,'. Ption>may require immed�aie a ea�i in fWl of eil sums s b t6is Secazri Insh�umenE.withuc^,�, �---_--
<br /> �, �••:,'�;�,4�. fi�tther dema�snd may invoke the Qa�rcc c;:f�uie and any other ii�tced�es pem:i�S ed by a�tt�a62e ta�v.E.ender sL�ll F�r • °�---
<br />_ entitfed to ra�JY�all expenses incurred ia�saing the remedtes prtie��ed in th��:�aragraph 29,�ndading,6ut not limit�°�•:, . -- _ -
<br /> '•:i,''�� �. ' tm;:�asonatti,:f�orneys'fces and cost�of ti�evide�ar: • ' , ��e��YM._�
<br /> :�';":h;:;�;�'; �'" '-'`���he,�o�'Pr of sa[e is invoked,Trustee s6a��t,c�ass-d a Ratice of dePaeit Im�each county in whtc6 any part of the �
<br /> c+�as
<br /> � �: ..... : �.-_-
<br /> �:;•,.�}i.r;:.}°��`�'� Y'�j�erty fs tac�.i�ed and stra�li r�aii rnpies af sucFi q�i�.i;aa the msv;�;sr prescri�,�by appl�cable law to Borrower and to . . ''�t�±��'
<br />;A, ;� ;�'X'I�,,,. • themtherp�iina�i'escrii���i.'Cti14•�Pplicu6t�[aw.AfferiG�timereqrrr�u�63•aPPlica6telaA,Trastees6ail�ivepublicaot��r. ,- r � -
<br /> = . � � of sale to t�e'��ns and�'ti�tl�.�annet'.(�tR�iS�ie�!�SV applicab�G�k'snv�.Trustee,�vithout demand on Borrower.shall sei�" `j'�°_:'
<br />�i` ,.`'•r'.- ;^'•� � � tE�e Froperty ar public au�tta�t c+�the I��..�f3i�:�the time aru.t�I.ace aad rt.��er the terras des3gnated�n the notice�P•.. ' *��
<br /> �'�f�"�r„ '� ��� !. �.in one or more rcePs`�,ad in are� �� � �: -
<br /> •'::��,. ,�j r,';.. ' . .�i!- pa x� �"cu�Iz,e+fi.tefmin�.Te�,zst��r,• �ustpone sale of alt or any parcel oY ttte,'� , ,. , ".. 'r:-
<br /> ' §I
<br /> :•,:L:4��Si�,�:;:.;�• .. ' L��erty by publlc annouucement at tt�;�t:i�a:u1,�V�u�:of any gr�+cir�tsiy s���ed sale. l.ender or its��esignce may �
<br />_ • ��,���;�5`:` . ,s' ' �paxChasetde Pruperty at any sate. ,'. ' � a . . . ����:��
<br /> r
<br /> �'., .
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