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<br /> "r������j�`� ='�-`-` � � 1V&BRASNCA,NATIONAL ASSOC/ATJON,as Benefic►�vy,u/�vn ths real es�apd impr�ovemen�s �
<br /> ��t�>,r,.�,. � � -
<br /> = ''- �'v `' `� ��� descri6ed in Exiiibit"A';whiclr is attached herato and by this retenenoe Tr�vrated herein: , � ,
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<br /> �-��'_ �`' ••-�`� Ndl�lONAL ASSOCIAT/tlN,as payee,and secu��y tlla Desd of Truat, %';,:;: —--
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<br /> . ` , � � NOW, TH�REFOi�E,forand,id.�rnsider�tivn of ihemakingand furrs��'afsai�d d.oan,and fof - • . `�;;_. --
<br /> :,,,;•:' �: , ,other goad artc0 valuahle consideratian;�e receipi whereof is h��y acknowledged,A�ai�tnr,for itself,: : �;�•..;,=. __ __
<br /> - ���� its ar�ccesso�rs e�sonal re resentatia �r�i�s and assr ns has l� ined sold transferred�ssr ned '�`��'-� -_�,
<br /> ��' .Ip P '�i. 9 , h� . . . 9 . : ; _r
<br />� conveyed,sei overand de�ivered,and by these pnesents does hereby baryain�,se/%transfer,asslgn,and�,>��;:•,`:;:�;;?�'.:.�';-�;>> .'�!;�;���;_-
<br /> ' .`�� convey as secnriry for th�'repayment of the abovs descrybffd indebtedn&ss aRd the payment and per,:;. ; � � �x r �-W
<br /> � farmanoe ofal/of the terms and conditions of d�e Note and Mo►tgage evic��nci��the same,andany_��;_: :;;�;�;..�:�:':.:,;, v
<br /> ' ,,. ;,�.� . .�•< ��; and ali amendments,exrensions and ieaevuals thereof,al/leases now or hereafter executed effecring �`•� � � ``�-_�`.-;:= ,'_,�!'_-
<br /> � ,".�,i'.�,,: the Mongaged Premises,and al/rents,rssues,profits and income and sums of i»o�ey wh�ch may naw • -��:=�,
<br /> . � ' ` � or hereaher be or become due and owrng under and b y virtue of said/eases,ir being the inten¢ion .,
<br /> ����`� � ��`� hereby to establish a complete transfer and assignmenr of the leases hereby assigned and a!i tire avails _
<br /> ;:.,, : . ..
<br /> - .. �e�under unto ihe Assignee,its suec�sso�s and assigns;together with the right,bu�without the " � �
<br /> : :r},�1;;;.:°;;:� � .
<br /> . . ob/igation,to collect a/I of the said rents,issues,profits aad income arising or accruing,o�which may �., �"�
<br /> � ;' 6ecome dueai any time during the life of this Assignment Assi�{qr furtheragrees,upon demand �s::' � `..�" .��'�f-
<br /> '�°' thereof,[o deliver ro and deposit said leases with Assignee. �. ��'" ` ' ��
<br /> San' • 1 • : - � .
<br /> �i . 1� J..l,. �.. :� . ,�.. . . � ,.
<br /> F 4�°����:z�'=`-'- � Assigno�hereby designates,constitutes and;�tsoints AssTBriee,its s�rei�sors and assigns.�vith`:.�,;� ���'z:,, -_=
<br /> .'�y,;�'"i�;`�t`':�:,::, .:: . fut/power of substitution,its true and lavvlu/atiemey with power for it ar'i'd in its name,place and���. • ;;•`•n""i-- _
<br /> � �� . sread,!or in the name of Assignee,io ask,demand,collect,receive,receipt and g:ve fult ar�d com- �� ;:•.�:�'�=`_-
<br /> r.--
<br /> � � plete acquittances for any and a!/���rtm Jssues,profits and income hereby a�signed wiif¢fx rr:ay becom� _.. . '•�'�;"�`�.
<br /> � dus aad p,aya8/�by lessees or other occupants of the Martgaged P�emises;a»d at its dis�tion to fr,'� � '
<br /> �` - �-��� any claim vr take any othe�action or proceeding-to make any se e c aim e'FAer rn i�"•�' j.'�t��� ''`.�� ':<
<br />_:i�y � � . � aan�aame or in the name of Assigno�,vr otherwise,which tbe A ay�; . . � :��;;4ti����..;':':'._�'
<br />-'?,�:;' "; '. • - . ° desirab/a in p�der to collect and enforce the payment of any�ar,d //�n,fi�.a incom� ' � • ., �•. :�-
<br /> herein assigned. The lessees and occupants of the Mortgaged F ' r �ereby� . .. �
<br /> - •.; , .. . � .. expiessly autho�ized and directed to pay all renrs and sums h�in.�ssignc-d whrc0�wnu d a payable � '��,��.
<br /> � • � r�;r,%�`,
<br /> � to Assignor,except for this Assignment,ro[he Assignee,a»d ta iransmit and delive�such payment • .:;}���i':' �� �
<br /> �. .:, . � .
<br /> � ` t� � , ..' to the Assignee or such nominee as it may designare in writing,.,^L9fivered to and received by such , ' , !�.
<br /> _:;; ' . '. lesses or occupant,who is expresslyretieved ofanyand al!dut}r�0iabi/ity or obligat/on.to the � . �• ,:,�.:<;;,;
<br /> ti .4ssigno�in respect oI al!payments sa made. � ' � _ "�'
<br /> , ` �;�:.,j,-;
<br />--'.�; r . . ; ��� ' ,' ;'y,_'.
<br /> . .. �[q��, •.`. •.` . .
<br /> ...t?�t..". - ,�.. ' . - � . ���9�.��. ..� .;..,
<br /> Assignea shall 6e,and hereby is,vested with Iul/pnwer ro use a!I such measures,I a!and � :;;t���:; .
<br /> �.•1:��,�';:�;i;;, : .� . ��,. ' .
<br /> . �;;;�.;��,,�;„ ; . ,^ • vquitabla,as in its discretlon may be deemed necessary o�praper to enforce this Agreement and . .
<br /> :':;?t�s`!`.�';:�.�, � � ro collect rhe rents,issues,proJits and Tncome assigned hereunder,including the right to eRte�upan •
<br />-. '�'��•� • ihe premises and to take possession thereof,and Assignor hereby grants Iull power and authoiity j ''
<br /> ,,l,l�t� to the Assignee to exe�cise al/rights,privileges and pnyrers he�ein granted a[aRy and a/1 times here• .
<br /> ��" ���'������s���<, after,without notice to Assignor,with tu/!po►n�r ro useandapplyall of therents,issues,profita and
<br /> �� ,;::ti.`;�:':-..
<br /> ;'t�:: ' '��^`�r-�..�� ;'.- income herein assigned to rhe payments ol any i�rdabiedness or liability of the Assigno�to the
<br /> Assignee,in such o�der as Assignee may determi� . _ , ,
<br /> `� .�.. . � : �: � .. � �ibat°n° �
<br /> � . . � � � - .
<br /> :� i
<br /> . � . _.,, .. ._ ; : : .
<br /> � Undividsd,1/2�nterest in artd to OfRoe Unit H in the Grand Island Ooctars . i . . ;
<br /> � Buitding�Condominium Property Regime.Lot 1�Saint Francis Medical , . • ,
<br /> ._. ,
<br /> :.;:
<br /> � •:" ����:' �-�. �.,. Subdivis'son.City of Grand lsiand. Hall County.Nebraska.as defined in � , ; .
<br /> � -- �=-_-- -' '��-_'_- the M�st�r deed Creat'sns Grand{stand Oc�tors 8uitdirtg Candominium ; '
<br /> �.--_-.:-.------;_---
<br /> � ., � .... �,:. , Property Regime,irtcotporat�d herein by this refierence. � :
<br /> �:�� , . . ..
<br /> . . .. ..,,,_.._.,.�.�.....,<�,
<br /> � � .
<br /> � __
<br />