` �� ��. �`, r ,,,�Y� I y (`�` . -- �----
<br /> r.� ,�.� �..i.�E3ie:�„_.
<br /> . -'4 f� - .,. .
<br /> -2, _ — -- -• -
<br /> �--�,.:,'s:',r.
<br /> -`{YtE ._ -, , - .,. ' .< . - � . ' � . . ' � :, 's'� • . '` , ` .. . � ' _ �,` ��_
<br /> :�'` - ` . � � t,� l • .f " .— . . � ' ' a . - __'__—_—.
<br /> -- — <. ,; < . .. �.'.. .�fII�iRi01��:`� � ���� �� �. ;
<br /> . - . 'I�.'�cr a�tlic Ikmper�y cv s Se�4[�Ia i ar cuiq che Fr4 or.��aaay�inu�ss#n it .
<br /> - - es sol�ar�(�r if a Bnacfcc2�Iatez�i�<�rtou�a.is svld ar tcat�sYem�unst��rwvlar isr�a m��rson��ti�st. ,
<br /> - � �rd�'s'p�i�r�written car�cnt,:�ESdcr mx�,`rat its'�g¢fan: , ire iuua`�diai�.pr.�ut,in.fisa!of�x�.1 sttsns s�sx�by`tlsis: ', --
<br /> . ,. �.S�rity�.n�-��ever.this�fon a�l t�i be exoacisN�y is�_if eicerc$se is pr+nl�ibicsd�ys f�eaai�atv r�of t1t�83ia
<br /> mf ti�is Sece�ity�St�vu�t. � _ , , ,. .. , .,: .:. ; T.—. . . , , . r ,�
<br /> .` If L�a�e:eaeaci�es this ag�on,t�i�det s�aSl giv�,�rmarer�crtioe af�ler^�on.Tts��natice sfsaali� pruvlde a perInd af�ot.� .
<br /> : ; t�s rhan 30 days fram thz"dats the rw3so�#��aliv�.aY ma�dcd wrimin wiuch Somutiver awst pay s1i suins seaue+d by this� - .
<br /> . '�Ses�sity Ius�i�uaeas.If tiorcu�rer faa�s f�t�f_t�s���or to the expirattoa of ttc�.peri�d.�.e�t tt�y 3nvo�snY remedics .
<br /> _ . �;. pertmt�!-�SY�#S�t�r Inst��i wtt�►ul�futth.'r.caixoa ar de�nd en Boria�i�r. , �. � •
<br /> . iS. Bom►n�et's RigYtt fw It�v.�if Banower�a�ts oert�in.qo�dittops. �arroar� sba11�ttave the r}g6s to have .
<br /> _------ . `enfoi�nt o�"this�eitjr I�ssnur,�a't'dit�ra�ucd at.a�y time ptioi to t�eariier of.(a)�deys(or sus��mher period as
<br /> —_ _. aPgttca6ie Iaw may sp�f�r far.rai�.,mz�qi�6efot+�sa?e of the Pmpq�psi�avaat tv anY power of saie ovntain� in t�is
<br />---F�_..__�. �ea�ty is�t�u�t:or{b)e�,►"+of���F���S��Y�'�QSe eand&�n�s mz tt�Earm�er:,(a)�ys _ .
<br /> - ---=--_ -- L�acter ali sum$whit�thza�audd t�tis�°un�zr t�h£s��ocuziry Isc.qrumettt a4d tho Note as if ari Pooe2�oa had ooa.tr�sl;@? .
<br /> ------ -- cotes�uty d�fault of.any oiher wvea�ats or�a�e�ts;(c)PaYg all exp�-.ASes in�in eufo�this Security InstituneW;. .
<br /> irn�l 'udu�,a;bnq aat t�na�A w,reasua�bi�tittaraeys'fees:myd(d)takes sud���on�►s Leader may�easonably r�quine to ass�ue
<br /> °= t6at tb�ti�of this Se�it�Insicttm�,�'s rigtYts iu tke Pmpe�t9e and�mmwes's abligatian to pay the sums��.
<br /> tblsr Serurity Inst�mea3 slralt',ooaEiaue'tm�rs,gr�:: tTpatr teinsiatgm�i by Bomo�ver. this Se�ritY .
<br /> - obisga#oas seaaed t�eby s62i1 temaia fuliS+effective ra.s i�rra acceferation 1�oocumad. Hawever.tlds ri�ht.W rein�tate�a1!
<br /> �inia�y in tha rase of accele�tian t�es parag�uph 11_
<br /> -�9. Saie oi i�Ic�C6aaS�r o�Laan Seaetoer.'I1�e Nute or a partiul.3�e�rest in th�Note(tog�her with this Secu:ity
<br /> = Iasf�ameai)may be sold one or��ti�es witt�t prior aatioe to Bom�n�er:A sate may iesult in a ct��in the eatity(Icaovm
<br /> _�.._.___� as the"Loaa Se�vioer°)ti�at mllects mnathly payrtneais dua nnder the Note a�Wis Sea�rity inshumeut.T7t�ce also may 6e og,:
<br /> or m�ore changes of dte Loan Seavioes anreiatad to a sate of the Note.If there is a cha»g�of the Imas Se:viser,Borrower will tse
<br /> --- ---- giv�vmtten norioe of the chan�e in accondaaoe witi�paragraDb 14 ubove and applicable lazv.Ttae aorice wii!state the aaa�€aa8
<br /> == a�dtess of the new Ivan Sec"vic�er a�l the address to a6i,ch paym�ots shoald_be mzd�'Rne norioe will atsa co�ain any ather
<br /> --_-.-:.:-=--�-., infom�+tIoare�iz�l6�r�ap�iicab2elaw. �. —
<br /> --__-=i;��`, , Z8 �.�u�.Bo�rourer shall not cause or permit the pr�sense.use. dis�CSSaI, starage.os release of a�y. � ,
<br /> --==.� • Har�rdo�s S�'on or Ra,the Propeaty. Bomawer shall nat_do, Aur aitnw anyoma edse to do; anything affetming the� .
<br /> ,_......_ _�.
<br /> ---a-_°: -
<br /> -_-�---�s� v tbat-is in violatio��f' EnviroAmental�l.aw.-TEu tuo.sentenc�,sshaU_�s. 1 w.We u�,_Qt--.-----.-.- -
<br /> ,;-_—_=�_�.�.�ts�. _..--. .--�_�Y� ��l+- -P��S- ePPY� �•-
<br /> ---_`==�*�'F:°��,t�� �e on the Prapaty of�#Ii'quantities of HazaMovs Scbstanccs that are generatly racognized to be�p�griaTe to normai _ __
<br /> =" �,,,��. cesideaba!�ses aud to�of the Property. " � •
<br /> ---- m -�� Bomawer sball Prumptl}C;�.ve Lender written notice of any imestigation,claim,demand, fawsuit or osh��action by any _
<br /> = .....�
<br /> ,�,���F�'� . gavemmantal nr regulazori►ap�t��or privane ga:ty iavoiving ihe Prape�ty and arry Hazardous Sabstanoe or Eavimnntental Isw �• - �;:
<br /> of wtucb Borrowu has acmal . Iedge:.If Bbrrower teaiias,.nr Ls na�fied_bit_�3'�wemmental or regnlatory anthmity,th�u
<br /> _ k�.�� , t u
<br /> = � ?K,.:. aa�'�rnov�l or other�em _ ryi`o�any Hazandous S�bstarcce afffe,c.ting the Prapertsc�i�essary,Borrower sT�all-Pr'nmPtiy take - ��"-
<br /> wx±_,r '�,s°t,�it��ii 8U QCC�.Sdry IE'•1Ii2d[3�2C�lOAJ�RZ7jCCOI�dA' CC M�1 EIIYIIOL�(RCJ1Td�I�VV. �
<br />�,�,;9�,'•_�-:X`�.� :'l:"., Rs used��;at this paragrdph 20,_°i�.�Sbbstanc�s'are those substances defcned as toxic or hazardws substances 6y
<br /> �: ' `:�: Euvimnme�yi3z•;�w aad the foilowirr�:�_,,.... ces: gawlit� Ecerose�.r�t►er flammable or toxic peuoteam pmducts. taxic �"
<br /> „-� .
<br />_.,�.,,,.;���-;r�;� pe�tic�des a�h�cides,vofatile so3v�i#t�erials contain�"rng asls�.S�;c�r•fotmaldel�yde.and radioactive materials.As ased ia �,
<br /> A:,..�„;,:� �:�: this parag�a�:.'�►;�"�nvironmenral Laar�:s�e�ns fedeeal�a.�F�and.���V��t��[he jurisdiction where the Propert�► is loc�d th2t 7 r:' ,� `S�
<br /> i°`"`„ " �„�'y , relat$to�ealth,'s�fQfy or enviropmentai proiection. '. ,�;' "�
<br /> ���' .'�,���.�;: i1iON-UIdIFOR1IK COV�i�xt�.NT5.Bomower utd L.easi:.'r Further oov�ant and ag�e as follows: ��•.: , '`�' ,�"
<br /> g ��,'��` r f�?+ . Zl.Aoceteraffon;Realg�f�.LeadeP shtill g�ive aotioe to Borro�se�prior to aa�teration toIIozving 13dXa.?�itr�'s breac6 ,,r
<br /> v� �, h1�<�i r�, of atry cav�aat Qer..��u in thLs S,ecurity Iasd�nm�tZ Nnt a�prtar to a�ceteration��i 17 nnless � �� _
<br /> 4�:` `�`��:Js�, , appttca6te t3�piti��d�s othersvLcc).7`laP eiaiioe sh�il spz�3fy: (a)tt�e dcFuult;(b)t6e a�oa�eo+�e t1�e defaWt; �
<br /> :..:Y`�F�i s.�.-Y*,.
<br /> :.,,r�c:., .;- :,...�. (c1 a dat�.aas tcs�tba�30:daps from the date tBe aot�oe ts given to Barro��er,by whirb tltedr�m9t masi be cuzed:and .�,,;_,;; :: t
<br /> �. ' .�: ':>�;�.: (�that failase to cure.i�defaWt on or 62fore We date speaiRed ta We notioe tnay resWt in aaceieratfa�uY the s�ms • ,. ,;
<br /> :i�;`�:;�;.' ' ,`. :;�:� sewred Iby this Secu�sYt��,ti'�unent and sale of the Pro p e r t y. The nntice shalf tfnthee inYorm BorroRer�f tlte right to '".;:.:�er;,-=--___
<br /> CI3�4
<br /> <<,:,:;' �.., ,' re�qstate after seceEe��ssei pasd the ri to D a oourt act�oa to aaert the non�existeace of a defanYt or any othee ;� .': ;....�; "
<br /> _ ,, � � `�"w�_--== _
<br /> .�-_,.......,... : ,�6
<br /> • � ddwse of Bosrms'��•cs�erat�oa and sale. [f the defanit�s ant camd on or 6efore the date specl�ied in the aotice,. <" .':�. Y,v-..r
<br /> ,•r�;',,:•.r..:."•:.� �: ,�;- � _---
<br /> Lender,at it�.�g(tf?a�;is�y r�uire immediate payment in iWl of all swns secn�red by this Sec�rity Iastr�e�withua�i:� � ;: •.-..-���
<br />:'�_:::'�:�;: .,,,� :,' �fmther d�mara�l:aii�•�say i�voke the po�ver o!sa[e end any other remPd[es permitted by appltcabfe ta�s.Lender s6all'�te:': . • -y:.,_
<br /> „•. : entitted to wfl'3�aI'9 �s;inturred tn arsvi ihe edJes mvtdeA in tt�is 21 inchr �sAtt,mot llmite���`.. '��•r,� °t "�..--
<br /> �'`�'�,i€t�:�;.; .� .,,-.` �► P � 1� P D��P� + �. ^:r:r.,;�
<br /> 'u��+'�';,:.• ;�.. :r .�,,rmsona6te attorneys'Li,�{�nd cosis of title evid�ceat:. , :. • `:•. , r�. '•'�.�, �"°°�'�'"'"`•:
<br /> r1 ;`�if�!i�sJ r�;',Yt`�� • . If the puwer ot sale��i'aivoked.Tra.s4ee si�l:i`•r�stc'•1 a aotice ot de7aWt in each oounty in�shirfa��,}s�rt o!St4e �:{, Q+?�r� b �,-
<br /> f� ;,>ii;'tc't'1�� �''D�'�tacated and s�9 mail copi��i!sae�a4�i�e in the marWea�prc�scn'bed 6y app�icab2e law to:�ro�ve�and to � � , Ar
<br /> �.�,<,� tr�j'; .+ , the other peisoas prescribed by appltca�i�[aw.After the time epquf�xt by appllca6ie taw,Trust�saall give pubfIe notise c .• j '�)�(J+t y
<br /> ��( 4e �Ih47M�9'�.
<br /> ��:�,;_�. .��� •T o!sa�e to tbe ac and in the enanaer bed b a fic�bte law.Tnutee,without dem on Borro�ser,shaU se11
<br /> • ���`$;����%"�'''���'a the Pto ��nblic aasHon to the 6t pestr b der aihe iime and place and under t6e te�d tc�in the nottoe of ' '`E'' {j��' j{� � ��
<br /> :��§:,,:... . ',;'.���:,, P�9 P � � �`�,.<;'`;��>"'i ,�
<br />- � sale in oae or more paioels aad in a�y order'Pc�utee determlrtes.Tnutee may pastpone sale of all or any p�arrel ot the -°��`��t t�d�`?:;�,"�;
<br />-�`w� �.•`,,, P t o P e r t 3' �Y P n b u c a t e n o n n o e m e u t a t t he t i r ne and p1aoe of an y prevPousl��sctiednted sale.Lender or its:dest g nee ma y :ft���t`. ¢`';.�` ��,,.�.
<br /> --,..�: : _ panL�e 88ee{�1nup�y � :. . •�•' ., .
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