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<br /> ` . .. .._� . .. �.. � .
<br /> ---- . P�Y�.�y�a Sanr��x ta�,�qa�•at ihq a�tiota af i,e�er.i�.t�ofi�age"fit+..�wv�:s��(�ti.B�e�.�aunx�faa��he:p�raqcf�� � _.,�,-
<br /> - . etcat Lc�s�teqtiia�gxr�vid�_b�an ins�ai�ag��v�4 by Lerr�eguin�mcs av�itt►�t��t�'�tit�ir,�.Ba�;.Ak�-�1��Y:'` . .
<br /> ' tt�p�niu��cr�qi:��to matm�=.n siii�it�ag�istsunar�in ef€vc�4 va ta{szc+vtd��to;s�erve,unti!thB r�utt��f�r�ge ��_ ._ .
<br /> iz��r4zce�uds i�n aac�a�t�vra��y cNrizc�n agr�en�het�r�BuFtower end I.�ad�a oT g�g3tcable ta�t.'.;. �.. :
<br /> 9:�.Ler�a�sa i�s a�,�as may raaSrx a�asnnab��r�uies ug�as�d inspec�ir�af tJr3 Prap�tt�+.�I�endcr�hsti�giv�' .
<br /> . Bom�es�ae�t ttre ti�e af u.r g:ic►�.to sn it�gocl€on sgtcifyi��reasa�nbla cause far t�Ir��eti�n. �.' ,..
<br /> 10. ��idoA.lTw psoceods oY any a�rard ar cIai�fas dnm�es.direct oi.cos�.�ri�i.in oannec�Qn wltb aay. � � . ..
<br /> __= condcm�tian ar:ot�ta�g of amy p�"°.n of tftQ i"cu�rt�r.aa f��couveysafle in 1€eu of��'?�mnsatFa��h�elsy t�.s3g�tsd.sar,d�
<br /> s�Cll�e paid tv l,ender• . �
<br /> _._._�=, gn ths cve°�t of a tat.�]t�3tt�of tlte Pi�perty.the p�aQs shsdl be appJi�to the sams s�xtn�d hy this SEOUrIty Y�ww�t.*s�t. .
<br /> - ufl�th�r aF r�nt t�en uaa,vrIth auy e�s paici tcs�tsrat��er..I��eu�t�f a p�stial l�na pf�Pec:�.�a tiyl�:'6ci�:tL�fair :
<br /> �� . . . . . -.._ . _..- - _. .
<br /> _ markea v�lue o�the Pro�ty imst�iate��t before ttfe t�kii�g is equs!to or gt�ter than the tunoura,of tM�u�ns sc�tnd by�is —_- -
<br /> __ wtless.8o:rmvrr a.nd Lgad�atttErwi�e agrc�iai'arr�ti�.the su�secaind by. �,
<br /> ----= Scwrity Yn.�tnxm�2nt im.tt�di�tQ�y.D�fure ttc�taging. ,_
<br /> _ _ tids S�ity Its��n�ent sf�all.6�reduced tiy the ainouaEt af the pmceeds m,nitiplied.iry t�e fo4loa+ing.t�stiarj: (a)the wtal�
<br /> -- a�aia,ns of th�s�s secured i.�Y�efore tHe taSaag.d'evidr�d bY @i�ce f�ir maplcet vatas of the�ivperty im�is►tetY . _
<br /> - -- befar�tt�ta��g. Any bc�oe shali�be�xsid"to Bomswer.In tbe evta�of a pa�tia!t�of tice pmperty in wl�cD th:€air. .
<br /> --- ta�E�a vatue of tia:Pra�1y i�i3teiy bef8re tke taking is I�ss th�n tha az�sattat ot ttre s�.cros secured i�iatelY befote tb� --
<br /> __._._._._.: t�tkDng.uniess�om�tic�amd l.e�mder othenvise ag�in wriiing or uatesg a�litabie 1aw ot?i�nvnse pYm�.s.the pmreeds sball.
<br /> ----_- bs s�lied to th�sams se�vred�y this Secvrity.*.^n�.�*^.*^�^*�+hRxh�or aot th�snms are ttt�du�. . .
<br /> ---------- If tls�Pto�erty is abandom�d by 8omnwer,or if.after n�otioe by L�der to Borrawer that tt�e oo�.�or ofier�ic��e au
<br /> --- ---- a�vaYd o�seule a ciaim fos damag�s.-$otrowzc fails to�go�sd to Lendez within 30 days after Qg:dr�ie t#�notar�is given. •
<br /> ---,.---- t�ter is a�h�,uized ta coltec¢sus�apply the pmeeeds.at it�aption.eithea to�estoiation or repair of the Praperty or ta t3ie sums � ,
<br /> —__- secused by th�s Sewaity_Iast�eui.wheth�r or rm�the�due. .
<br /> ---_—__°= Unless Le�34a.a�l Boiro�ti•er otherurise ag�ee in arritin;,any ap�i8cai.ian at.�n�aeeds td prinri�!�sha14 no3 extes�d or
<br /> ----==�'�°.
<br /> --- - -- p�t�due date of ttre mvrsthly.paymeats refease�l to in p�ra�I aaw�2 ai ct�an,�rtt�amoum of surd�pay�ents.
<br /> --_- -� ,
<br /> _,_.__,,.,._,
<br /> � . _ .. .
<br /> --- -��- -----li:HaFeni�Nd�ReEs�sa��F�ibcaran��By.L�s��r�[cat�Wai��x[�i�a8 th�amc for-paymens urar�oduficasioa --. _..
<br /> �=�=-��"�"�•-s��; r in icrtere�t of Bo�rruwer stx�� �4
<br /> ----_ �"" of aacxuti�tioz►�f t�sums ssaared by this Security Irutn►�cut gran►.sd tsy Leax�es w�rry sir�sso ---
<br /> --_.... -��. `°'-
<br /> J ��� 'ant ope�w�tea4e tta:}iability of ths origi�!Bornnvser or�Barrov��ea's s�,ccessars.in interest.Lender sha�l aot be t�equued to. • .
<br /> __.�_,�`�.�E�E 4..; °°mmeace p�ce�t�,a�nst any suvcessar in ir�r.�aesc as�m�w`�e to ext�tim�for payment or bdce�wise modify amo�ation� � -
<br /> �:,a�� , r. , �_
<br /> a,..� ��'�,�i�: of-th�sums�e3"�6f�.-tbis Sewrity I�tcumeat.by r�a.soT.of�ats�t.d�u�l�t�de by the origiaat Bortower or �oriawer's
<br /> �:� ����.;* suceessors in in',�vrest,A�Y fo�eardnee by I.eadec in c.cercisireg aky rigUi or remedy shaIl nor tse a waiver.of or Qrecliide the
<br /> PaA: . 5 .,.. , � � , ,--. , . .
<br /> �' �C Y�G'h/ eacenase uf as �i
<br /> " r E�,<;,<<'r�� � �1���9- , , 'Rte covetsAUJB�and a ts of this
<br /> �.��; '��� A�.f� : l2.Saoc�s�t.c�•A�i�Bflna��:�u3At.and�ev�iLi�^.�Ilit}�sf�-�gn�ts greemen • __
<br /> , • .
<br /> _�,,:;.,:�.,.-.`s.'l:4 ���,' SCcurity it�trtr.aieaC:sP�Il�bind•ar�heae�ud�•:siitb�ssors and assig�-s�e�;�traader and Borrotver.SutS�sct to the provisioas of
<br /> . • ? %t i�� ::� 'para�ap6 17. Boarovret'�s oave�an� aadi��ss shall be joint�aci�sst"veral. My Borrower w-[ta co-signs this�Socuziry s�
<br /> -'A:�Gft, f..i-. .,.�• � . .
<br /> f � :. ���..°�•. 1�mt�ent but does am�;e.�t�tt�Notec(fi)_L�.co-sigain��ttus Security Inctn�eat�onSy to martgage,Srant and sonvey that
<br /> �rs���;d,�,:�r: :;. BORIOY(t'3'is iAt�.,Te&I ib;�ei P,t lmder tt�i of,tis�Secu�ity Ins[mment:(b)is not�5�.°rsonaliy obligated to pay the sums �" _ �
<br /> +�Y.�: �
<br /> •.i-E�';,.,:Y:,,:,. :-, secatr�`by tbis SCc�titj`.4itstnimutt7 and 4c)a�es tirat�Lsud�r aad any other Bnrrower may agree to extend.taodify,forbe�or �r m-�----
<br /> '� { �y�y��z�at�ans witl�Tegard to the te:iei�of th;3�S¢cariry insuauvent or the Note tivithont that Borrower's.00nsent. ., -
<br /> s r... :
<br /> !3.Loan Cba3gts•If the loan seaued by ths S�uit�•Inswment is subjert to a law wfiich sets maximum Ioan charges. '"' �' =
<br /> � A.a .,. [ . _...
<br /> 1 � �
<br /> ;���, � ' and.th�t law is finally interpreted so that the interest or�o.h�.loan charges collected or to be collected in connettion with the , i
<br /> t�•,'` �'��� toun�.a�cced the permitted limits.then: (a)any such loaie ciraig�sha116e reduced by the amonnt necessary to redave the charge ;�t,�;,f .-- _
<br /> . , r��a)i`,::;':=`�. �: -
<br /> ` .,.�a�- .;. :�• , to the p�rtni t t��l c s�i c:a u d(b)a ny s u m s a l r e a dy c a l l e c t e d f n 3 c z c B a r r o w e r w fi i c b e x o e e d�i p e r m i tt e�limits will be refunded to ,.::;,?,•�;�•��_____
<br />