rs � 3 Y-�7r�»`ap'a�.' ` ' ' -� ' �xw-.---
<br /> . 3 i �t Z..,».��. � � 'c.x�i��.z- ._ �i I I . ' c�_ ---
<br />_�• -�� a }.: _ .�c'4 �i. K! -- -- ---- . r �� .y5= 'k. ._._... � � -
<br /> � � _.Yt ��'� . . .' .. ` . • �� . ' "' ^_ . , y__ — ,--'� _t . � __ _ -.'-_. _'
<br /> _�o�e_-�a�u�ew�r'�� �?`A�a.fEI1���. "t - ' ... " ._ .. � .�_'O �RA�� ... . '.f. - ' .«..�--_._'___
<br />_ --- --mm R:�<<:: .���` ^1@���`nftro�r.xercErtt�C�n�a�e�n�ption.�#�av�t;�{r�tm�e�crnafeesm�dialor�.`�s�c�dltFanasrct�:�ts�)�'• .. - - --
<br /> _ - __- � ����muai.�i��ih�N�te��Iea ns►d1�46�3�Q�wuat�tae d�i�e;ditl.�,a tha�nvsrst�an:,�it�':t�tise.�io�Ds in'c�stmut3 u��� :• : ----_
<br /> - -- - _ ` . '�� aitet!1'�t�or,theSecurKY��tts�mt��li.i��1���dataelt�ec�Rt96��te�t�rHotde't',��t��eNo�eHafdersca�nve�tm, . -- -
<br /> -__- � �rt of�1.��S ' 2 �.Q0 . � � ., ` .,. ;iad(tv�l��tusy;at�f ens#gtvo ih�Nottt Hof�rr�ny dqct�rrttn�s thc
<br />--__-- -_-_ ---_- � Note 1Hotder.r�g�i�to e�[ee�!he��vera(oa. � , ..�.: � . • , . . �. -
<br /> . �• . � . �` � �. ��•:�_,: .�. , ��
<br /> ��� ,.
<br /> , `. !B)�t'��►Ystian oR ii�ed_tGtc .°�. ; . ; _ � � . : '. � . .. -
<br />- - -- fi�fy necr.�xed�ntea�taae wii!�e�il,ta�thr`Tedsral't�tEanat hsmrtgage AAaso�attun's�equited net ytef�.�s . , -
<br />-r � BPa ctate and titiie ot day$pcca�ted Dq tRe Note Halder f�r.(�If ti�a d r t g ina l term o f i n ls Nats t s grsa iet t b�I S yaasa. � --_-____
<br />° � 3Q•ye�r 1'u�ed rste mona�g�eQVUSd by apptica6fP 64-day m�ndatory del�very Rommitatcnts�pWs Bve,eighitu vf aar �
<br /> 3
<br /> _-€�'`'�_� ���., petc¢.�lage paini(0.52S4i).rounded ta ttie n�ax�at o�rst$6ti�oP one perccwagr pofnt t0.13 �i}.or�ii�tt thm qriginat �''� --------- --
<br /> _ _ 3.. _ <__..__ . . � .
<br /> �� #�l �i ten�n.of thls Koze ts 1S ycats�sr�sss,��ryeu tdxe�rste'morigag�covererl 6y eppt�cab#c 64day insncfaior�d�vtry.. •w - _
<br /> � :' �• ' casr�hntrnts.Alus ftvaefgi�tits otune pe�Cenict$�po#nt(b.62Sli?.r�anded to!hc near�at aae-eTghth of ana�ercentage ��"� - = --
<br /> ���''`;°�`" '�� p�tna(O.i�Slir�.lithisrequire�aesyrFs�d.�nnaltrtdeAe�ntued.becausetiteap��tn�6�ecomrn9�t�entsarrrtatavailt�ble, ' - -- - _
<br /> =.�:?i',�,,t��.�<A.;:, �":�..-..-
<br />� °.� "..."" ttie t�iota Hoidst wlq dctetmi�my intere�t taie by�us iag campara b ir iii[mmia t loai.M 1�.�s�.�t�-�t c u t a t e d u n d t r t l t i s =_==-----==�
<br /> ,t. ,�:,:.� -r-.. -- -
<br /> �'�`'��{ � Secaian S(6�wiil�at be grcatsr tiian�fl�r MA�t�tium�dtute staled in S�tion 4(DZ�6ovr. ;=-�-�-_ --
<br /> �T•����w�� ,
<br /> •x�:l_"Lf3«.:: �try N�r Fi��!Adta�tnt Rad FrUteulse Oate . . . �.: . .
<br />= ---- - �;<: : --
<br /> - *= = 7 � ° � if 1 chpose to acercfse tAeCanversian Qpt{ap,the Nase Hatdu wi11 d�e�tne tht amaunt af the monthlY paYmeac -__--
<br />��;,<< ?. ; -
<br />�F,>,,v,;�r�.�.���- thttt wauId 6e=uYildeat t�tep�lY�he anpsid prDertpat t am exgectec!to o�ve a�o Iha Canversion�a�te�r�futt on the P; �
<br />�u,,.;�.���,, �: c�atur�tY+��te at mg�ew ti�ed int�reat rata�n anbsusNaUy equaF pmYmenta.'�`tte rcsult o�tbia ealatY2tioi�:wilt 6�the = ---_
<br /> ' �`.,�c,r� �=� ntw s�taunf of mY e+anthly 0�►Yats�i:Be�tnntuut WIth�y fiisl enamhlY DaYrntn!after the Coaverston I?ate,t sadil _ -
<br /> - ':;-"�;-;,„ : •;r"` pay ehe aew aatqunt�s my mantt�iq paya�sat uadl ttse maturity da[e. �;.:�:--
<br /> —° `Yr"-� < . af- . . ,� . . . � . . . —
<br /> = i ,;<,` ., ,x, C.�'iRANS�AF Y'��ROPEATY mR w e�ccw.�rrr�r►.�sosxow�' . � -:_
<br /> —"�' "� t.;F: 1. Unt�i Boriower�+eisea ttse Ca�v�daa Op�ion artder thd condit�ous%tated in Sa�lon�of t6fis Adjnstable �' --=
<br /> : . -
<br /> - �- qr "�" Rate Ride�r�;tF,aVanti Cpveauit!7 ot ti�+e S�urtty tnst�umenl i���dsd t0 ratd�•as faf1� -
<br /> _ _ �a:
<br /> .. •� - --�-- -�- --- - -� -- ._.___.._....__._._..,,------- ------.__-�---- ......_.:-- - -- -- ,:,;,,-----�------�---- -----�-=''�---- -
<br /> ,��� --- ..<.r::.��E , . ;'� � ��', ;, .- ,.,.. �. --
<br /> • �,� . � � '� ,,; '�''{ _-_--
<br /> , ;� ; �;�c Teitc�:'4�tAe�operly or a BcalEQei�t Intecal in Borrarrtt��`ali or anY P�.o�'�'r���?rapertY or any intere� ; � , �
<br /> , � .; �.. :.,
<br /> .�:: :,:;.:;::t`r,dr,It is sdQi��tansfemd tor 8Pa 6enelicial im4trest In�or�owu is'satd or iransferred a�lf��arower is�tt;�najur�r �-��
<br />� �'"� ' `"�aon}�ri�out Leader'�prior.wtittw ooase�s,L.aider may� at.Its uption uire im�tced�!� a �ri��%�'ul!of aD '.`d���',-"�' _
<br /> /.i� r �:: ,`� �':�'�: b thi�Secudt Iruuumen��a option si�aA not He eae�rcised by Lea�r,�f exe Cir��'l�roht6ited - ` -��!'��
<br />� �`1�: &ums Saitt�t. Y Y • . ;:
<br /> J`.,7 «.
<br /> 4' 6y,[ede�ql Cgw as of the date ot WIa Secu dty tYtatrument.L s n der a f su s h a U nQt ex u c ise t E c fi s�t ton i f:(a)Bonower °: .., :.�;;
<br /> . ;��,;L. . . �'. . ...__ �..
<br />��'' '=�?4��; .;t;�tawcec to be aubmitted to l.�rtde�intormatton requlted by Lender ta e+raluate th�intendcd trartstaee as i[a new toan � °���:�;'�
<br />- ' • � :'�urae being made to tii�, :��t�ee:and(6)Lender rcasonably determines that Leuder's sesedty wiU not 6e impained '�`' '�'-�°'°°'-"='-"}
<br /> j ,.:;.,; . «.,��::_
<br /> � . ,. ��-:t ��by�he toan ass�mpNa���t+a��he�S�of�b[each of ar�y oovtnant or agreemait in this Securtty Instrument is aceepieble . •.: f:_ ,:
<br /> .. �;"r'f,,?f,� _-: . ' ,��,�;
<br /> s to 1 ettder. � '��%
<br /> _ '..;,',.: ,; ,. �..4�.��,: . .,..�:, , .�: . .;,, '
<br /> . ,;,. .
<br /> > �,..�i',- Ta ll�e�lr.fswnt peamiteed by�ppli(�tSfle taw.Lendes may charg�is seasonable Cee as o�u�i�n to LeaQa's eonseni�. . �"':`.r� -�`
<br /> �: z,.; � .
<br /> .��._.�� , �� .. •r.
<br /> _ .: .f,,. to t�te tat1a:03,39uctPttot�.t.ettdet tlsd t2t:�y tequlre!h!ttansferes��'ta`�ign aa aasumptiah e�r,�ent that is aecepta6�.. ;:,.fr � _,,
<br /> • to I.rnder u�d that o6llgat�the transferee toteep all the promtses and egreemr�ts made in theNote and te�tbls Se�titi��' `�." . .;r . '�;:
<br /> ,, ' � .. � ins3rument.Harrower wW continue tm 6e a�ltgated ut►der tAe Note and thi�Seauiry Instra�ment untess t.i�tri�r ieteases � :"°,�•-�4 ;
<br /> . . Boraowcu in arriting. ' , :'�;,•�` :i
<br /> y;, � ��. It I.taa�r acereises the optao��to requlre Immedlat�payment in fuU. Leader shall give Borcower notTct o�'' • _ '��`��� ___
<br /> _ � . accetaauan.The notice shali provida a perlod of aoi l�ss thaa 30 daya from t he date!he nat iee i s d e t lver�or m a i l e d�,, , ''.,; . ;. ; �� .,v
<br /> � • • wiWn ahtch Borroaet muat pey ap sumsteeured by tht�Security lnatrumertt..[f Bnraower t�ils to pay these sums ` ' '��� : ...a��.::
<br /> rlor to Ihe eaptration ot thta period�Lenda may Invake any remedtes pem�ttted by thia Sesudty Instrument without� �;;:;:'' :�`�.: ��-. .. A`.
<br /> � • ��%� � f rther aotioe or demand on Earrower. ' . ��#'�'��' .
<br /> - . :},, - . . . , : . , .:;;; +�, . ,.
<br /> � � �. lf Bonower exudsea the Canversion Qpuon under the condi�ions atatcd tn Stcid�l�ot thls Ad ustabte RatN'� _ �.>��'���t��,� `��
<br /> ;,::;;;,., ,-_.:, j �.:,,�t<.��� `r",.;_:.
<br /> Rider.ehe araendment to Un{fotm Covetunt 17 0!th�Sacudty Instrument contained tn.3ezc9or�C i above ahal�then � :` ''��'1;�'�_;:'
<br /> ,� .. � aase to be in etfea.and ihe provislor�s otU�rltorm Covenant 17 0!the Securiry Instrument shall lnstesd be in eft'ect� � %.�-�':'��.�%�-
<br /> • w eollowa: .. �.;� - .
<br />- � . '.� Tramtter o!tda Propetly ot a Ssae!lcLl[nterta!In Qorrav�.l[all or eny part of th.�Property or any intcrest '. � ;��j�a;y,;�'...,�::
<br /> ��., ,;:�
<br /> `���'�'?� In It le aflW or tttnsferred(ar i�o 6erttRc7at(nte�aat tn Boa�u�ci�sofd or transfened acciC Borrower is not a natural
<br /> ,... .,. • �� .�J.,.;�'� � ' �:�a��;:�yf• '','
<br /> .t.:,r '�': . . �.l�$i... .• ' .,';'��c�3 :.:... .
<br /> -?>"�����_ �� �`�� ��' peraon)without Lender'a pdor writtea consent.Lcndcr its optfon�requtre immec�llate payment in fu11 of aD
<br /> • ; f., �r ..
<br /> °+'��>'Y'•r'����'��,';�•.. � aums aecureQ by this Sa�nIty inatrument.Howevtr�thia oplion thall not be eacetcised 6 Lender if exercise is prohi6ited . � . -
<br /> .:��' ,Y�,.�f�•. Y -
<br /> by�ederal taw es o!the date of thls Secudty instrument. �4:�.
<br /> .a y:�"?'���fi���r',S�� ''j�'i'��i:7) �' '. � ' ,,��•i� f.:�' ..
<br /> , i . ;i ,�n.,,1;,;:'. ,r�`�'f,.�:
<br /> '�" ��� '� v , •: �;:ff�rY�,,.....�.
<br /> k��'�•..���.�'`�:'�Y,„4.��-` ll Lendzr acucises this o tion.l.enderthall ve Borrower notia of acceleration.Tfce�i�aix ahall rovtde a eriod ;, , , y„..
<br /> ;�.�•:.,;: �,7.,,Y�"�..�,�';:. P 8i P P : . :i:'r.:,;. .
<br /> �r,�<<....,.,�r,;;,;�... ; ::
<br /> � �t�� a�aot tess;than 30 day�trom tQe date the natta is ddivered or mailed withf�whicti��arrower must pay all sums ,
<br /> � :�;i3���,:i.��: ,,. .;.,f,�,�� ' '
<br /> ,�� .�f.:. . . �G�'•�; .
<br /> �;�. ,,.p�,:�.;,�,.;-,; eavred 6y this SecuritY Borroever fails ro puy these sums prior ro the eapiration of Ihis periad,Lender U,r.r
<br /> r., - �'� t,:�� .
<br /> . ,•,r<¢,�;�';�,!„- ,<�;'� rney Invok�any re�il�s permitted by thld 5ecuei�y tnstrument wtthout fuMher notIce or demand ai�$arrower. �
<br /> `� ..t�.�� �i ;,��}t,,.;. . {' .
<br /> ': ,i: .�-il:f,�r��rv.�,4:
<br /> _''�t� , ' kyi�t,.r:,� �������Q Q��W� BOIfOf�8�t8 8ti�i!{�E9 f¢1.I1G tC[1119 0I1t)COVlOaDt6 cD07�[IIIRCII tiD C��x�diusr�Gt� �•
<br /> �•.+s,� .�a1r�l•�1;,.
<br /> _f�i,'.tit�4�'�� ' b:•�je: �9�Q`.,��A• i. , . , ,};f. ' .
<br />_ � "���s"`3�. ' . '•� , , . :�; . � '. .
<br /> - ` .;{;�'ii}Y" ' �` � �� � '
<br />-.� �_• , ' G' � ' , ' � .
<br /> _ `1.•'. � . . • t3�' '1�.'. . .
<br /> ' fy OANI$L E HO L 8orrowa
<br /> �F�;��, .. . , '
<br /> :�� •,i. . �
<br /> ,�.Q� �• l9�i10 (Seal) f
<br /> � - , : . - � � SHLILA J ORRBL Borrawer � . .. .
<br /> ;
<br /> .:�, ',>;:. , (Seaq , .
<br /> _ Borrower ,
<br /> ,`.�?::v. i.- -- -- ------
<br /> .- , , ._ ---- . ,. . . . (Seal) f---.- - -------... .
<br /> ;:.}:• . Bonaaer .
<br /> .�,, .
<br /> ;.•. �. ,
<br /> ' ' - -- -
<br />