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<br /> ..�1�e�$1�t�w�y s�Ci�p.fa���,�tt�a,tc�a:�.tit�c��satt.ol�Y�ia�e�ty pu�sar co��ay�n�cs#�c�ine�.i5 ds3s_ � .
<br /> — - _- ; `��t Sr,ttnY¢� ��E:�r(E►,)+�tiy',i�,a;�a3,�a#atforc'sag#�is.zS�esa►ily'�sptrme�� �tc�se FCriditi�Asc�`t�orAa'�ar`..-�o}` �
<br /> •,'• paY��.,e�et ell sum�wtiich thaa,e�os�3�i'tie'd�c eader`�tbts'��c�tait�r Yit¢�c�nc s�-�e�Iott,�.s.if�r accetCr�an`�riii! ; ?<� '�
<br /> .. , oc�n�ced;.tb)cs�es anx�fauzt srf an3�e��?ooveoants a�i��nsu�s;C�l I�7�a!l�xpense�inei�d��£g�cing rhis 5ecuriry;.
<br /> ..°` In�n3,iatI�Qi,ng,lw!x�5t liriiitt:�ib.`Y+e�sa�lDk itfw�Y��fEs�•�Atid(d➢�?�����R�'�F��Yr � . .
<br /> . � • sx�qahe tsr atsuie tisat thc I�a�f i�s�ca�ty.F�13p�men�.E.end�g's'ri,g�ts�n the Ptmppt}�amd,Bor�ower'a�S3�,gat�4 ta+p�y tb�
<br /> ; � sutn's seEw�d��y thYs�Secunity`�sa'ti�a�t s3islt c�sine�tfitliaa�ed: Upoa�ni�r.�ives.tlils�.S�It�t � :
<br /> --_ , �" t�str�me#ts:+�t�cbtlgations s�cuzs�t�eseb}r�htil rme�,fq�y��'eciav��s�f c�a�lcr�tic�I�ad oxus�d..#�ow�Fer.tt�Ts -
<br /> _ � ` righLtareinstato 61�aut sgPtY inthe c�!nf ac�e�ei�on a�t��17. ..� . . � � : .'` - , .
<br />--- --- � �� ,. 19 Sak bf Nat�t�6aaga o4�ar��ery[sxr. 't'�e 1�'a�e�s a �ntexst in ths I4t�ots(ta�eth�r vsd�t�is Saauiry . _•
<br /> ak �
<br />---- =- . �. _ 1[�st��ent�ma,yl��mld_a��m�te t�es.�rntli�t g�iaa�ntice,t� o�owes A►s��,y�tllt.�_�c�ge in t#�e ea�r.' ,. _. - . ___ ___._
<br /> -- - - . (dcu,bw�f�s th�°�az�Sezvic�r")Lf�ai ca}tects mQaiMF P�Y���e Wide,�'tf�e No2�anii ti3uS 3esuri�.����� � ,_
<br /> 'mzy la�asne Qs ut�re e�aar�,,�of th.Loan Sea`vioei u�et�d w a siite`o�'C6e S�i�ote: If�2re is a ci�e�f t�a I.qa�'S'�rviaer, �: .
<br /> ---- -.- , �Bmmtxer wilE be'giv��wait�n�o2ioe of t1�x c�ange it�aoco�daace cviPh:pa�s,�spb!4 a�ove sLCt��b2a daw..T�a au;ic�. ,.<:.-c. .' .
<br /> - wIlt�tate�ita a�mcs ensl ad�dress of tha new Loa€�Servioe�and ttie sddcessta wt�ds payn���s shauld be nsade: T�e andce viT',�i:
<br /> - - atsa oaLtsin aayat�a iafoiq�atian n�i�$Y�Plicab2e taw. ' ' " "° � '
<br /> ----- . . Z4� Hav�r�s Sabstetsc�. Banower sI�all nnT c�e.ot prt�mit.ttt0 p.c�aeuoe,u�.dispQSal.stora8a,ox tel�tse�of tmy; .
<br /> , Haxa�aas Substaa�on oz in ti�e propecty. Sa�mwer.�sbatl uot do.�or e�Iaw nnyone else to doi anqrthitt��'ec�ir�g,t�e. '.
<br /> � Pmpecry that is tn violaseon of a�Favlmnmental Law 1he Pieoe�'mg two semeaces sball aot agply ta tha pm�,sc��a7i' "
<br /> stuaag�o�the Pmpe�cy of small qUatitides of��zardaus SuDstances that sta�eneially�cagpiaed to be apgmga�ts ta non�mal ` .
<br /> - - --- resideatia9 ases a�I w maintenance af the Ptaperty. . _._.--�-- � �.
<br /> Hamawer s2�aa}l P�P�3'8iv�Le:is?ee written notice of aay invgsti8atioa,claim.dem�nd.lawsait or ottuer�ctian�y any ,.
<br /> �,`. --^—;� goveanmental ar reSt�IawiS►agencY or prlvat�g�ty involving t6e Pi�apzrcy aad any Ha�atdoas Sabstaace orF.�rvhanmeatal:
<br /> � L:.�x oY c�rhieb Bonoa+�has ac�nal kaow2edge. If Batmwer 1�in.s. or is nor�IIed bY��Y 8avemmeaFal or cegvlatbig < .
<br /> --_ -_ . � authority.thai a�y iemova]vr other�e�istion of ai►y Ha�ardous Snbstance affecting the Ptagerty is necessaty;$oaower ,
<br /> -_----- �L�'m�Y take sIi n�ry remedial�Ctions in acxondaace with�us�oaa�taI I�w. ,. •
<br /> ._ .--.��_— , As as�d�u��bis P�Pb?A,"Hazatdous Sabstances"aze timse'�c$s d�fin�as oqxic ar ha�andogs�ubbsr�nces by � ,
<br /> ,�„�p� ._ F�vimnmeat�I=�ui:sn¢.tflefQllowipg snisstances:_.gasolEr��;.�.„'�ftat�m�►12 or taxic petrotenm:praifitcds.toxic Y
<br /> - -�-� pesticides aad���;'�.J.p�1$solpents,ma�erials�ca �.��y.v or fortnatil�yd� atcd iadioactive m�Fsiais. As ' -
<br /> _� _� nsed ia tt�is p "� �."F.�vironmeatal Law°means foi�i�3�'�f�''t�zsvs of the jurisdictian arbec�the plroperiy#s toca�ed ' . ---
<br /> m` � thatrelaze to �• `� @nvironmentaD tectian ;<;```�:.�;t
<br /> , . ��Y.1� P� �r:t. .�f��;;`;;, ., � ,
<br /> ��.�.���... . ,
<br /> _ � � . NON- ��� RIVI COY�NANTS. Boaower and Leader fi�ithe�rq�t and agree as follows:.
<br /> T=�_m✓ •`�`-"" �1.1. Aca�i&�tion;Remedies. LeatLer sbaU give ctot�Qe to���rer piior to acodsralia�fuQowtng$oisawc�s
<br /> ��-- ;�:��;� •
<br /> _���;��;'�.,�`•�`��o � �4t a�euvenant or ag�e�ment fa tWs Sec�urEf�.s't�n�at(b�ao!pdor to.aooeleration uader.�ug�apb 17 ,
<br /> r:'.<.. "' r; ' ��app1�cabYe fa�pmvides at6crwise). The no�fc�:�91 speciYy. (a)the aefaaYt;(b)t6e adien�,faa.wre ti� • . -
<br /> ������,•`;r�Y',:'':` =de�isal�t�)g dat�not k�Wan 30 days Uom the d�4�e not�ce�i�givet�to Boreower,Dy w9�fd�t3�e d��pst be
<br /> r t,��% �-. - cnr�;u�.(tk�.l�at failnre to core the d�lt on or 6dore the�t�ed in t6e nottce arr��tr�qit In�o!
<br />�� ,;.� , �. �...>, ;�
<br />_ �+�' ,:�,- :{'':t r;;:�, ti�eums�bY thLs 5e�it9 Inst�i�i�at a�d sate of ti#e� The no8ce sball fi�r fnform 8orso�r�,�!°:�;��'
<br /> _;�;,;�;•h:.,ti`� . . tha rIgQt to�te after acc�erat�e�b.�id the rtg6t tv brfng a E.(�iun to assert the non�exi�aae ot a$d'a�lt.afr<;;;:;- .' � --
<br /> rI
<br /> ,�:1.h���?t' umy u4he�de�¢h�se af Bortoc�er M act�Frrgtion an�sa3e, If.t�r��'ai�ific•fs Qo3 aiW�on ar befone the date�e�in�•�` :
<br /> °f�;�;%c'������,.. . ,.:: �.�.t�'+:nntice,r�naer at tPs a�i�:may res� 3mmedt�{�ic,�ue�3��f eY a°�sraair�.�nned by thss sernrtcy r�ament� _-_---- _
<br /> f�
<br /> �`;r�+�f' :�� ::t�}if�Aat!�'u3d�le�dCm9II��(iqst3i�ty d��tlte potv�'.�sale aac�{?;�i�:� @��Y ePt��� � -
<br /> , .�deq sball be ent�ed t���IIed��ses inc�red in pue�tfie��s provbded in t61s patagrapb 22, -
<br /> � � : . incIutNng,bat aotllmited to,casuna�isb�torneqs'fess and aosts o��evdde�sr: _
<br /> 1�the po�ver of sale is invoke�,lYostee r�datl record a notfce oP deEanl4 3�t eacb ccsunt�in wLic6 a�psu4 of the
<br /> . � . .�.:i'aoperty is Wcated and shralt maSl copics of sach notfc¢.fi.�the maaaer p�ssrIba3 A apg7�ra6te iaw to Borao�er c�nd to �;.----
<br /> • . . �:t�ie ot&�ee persflas presa3b�r3 bq app]icz�ble!aw Af�;L�e time req�red 6y e law.Zlrastee sT�al!giv�e pnblic - •� ��=
<br /> --�� .� � ��itae of sate to/6e persons and in t6e manner prescai�d by appttcabie[aw. • w[ticont demand on Borsovrer, ::�:�-�
<br /> . . shaU scll the Property at public eactIon W We 6ighest Isidder at th��me and ptace'and under We tenms d�tc�tn. -:,'��="_---
<br />-- ' , ;�;� • 4he notice of saie in oae or pnore panceLs�,n�in any order llrustc�..d�nes: 7Yustee may postpone sale of a�or any ,"'�:=-=�:_._
<br /> . , ti ;2�.•. •,��..;garcel of the ProPerty bY Public annonnrement at the ttme and pto�c;�any pc�e�ioasfy schedated sale. i.ender or ita -t;-'�-'�`
<br /> ,.': . ' � ,diesTgsee may punchase tbe ihoperty at eny sal� ,,:`. ,� ; . '. . : ••� , � ��,,���'`_.
<br /> .,,; ...•• ... , Upon ieceipt o!pa�•.of ttie pr�ce 6ia.Trru��:s6all dsliv3r do t�e��aser 1Y�ostee's deed caneeytag the {,$&z �� r
<br />�� '. ,� • ' ' ,,�IPtnperty. 1'he recitaLs in I�'i�Yastee's�aed shall l�:�efa�a Pacte evw�ce oftt��€�uth of the s�atements m2�x f�ereia. � ,9'��1f� ��.
<br /> �4. E '�'�
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