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<br />--- — - �s�mk4 c�r tr�.f�rrcd(�.i��a�efisial i�rt�t,In`Hc�torr�ri�s�IQ�c t�.�f'�tt aatild:�Zrt�a�i�ne�:e�s�t. >��.�x��•_
<br /> —_ `;: • ��•s pr+�r:v�iriiten c�ent,.t.e�eF gssY.. � it� t�pc�d�tt;ro�nr�'u�o�ie�:�p.eyts,aar���r�,fui4 uf�ii att�+s����ti�s�
<br /> — �• 5c�sify Imts;usx��Hmr.�ver,`eg,Is iQptitm�slv►€S�i b�er.erci�rQ iry�r'��;�sc zs�xs}�itritad�g fod�fa9 tn�r�s of�daEe, ,
<br /> --- - u. . �f Efsis Sccr�tiz#�I►I�tnitnetK- . . , . �� . . ;:. .: � : . , .',,<. ,. ..' ' � �,.J
<br /> _ � . .
<br /> � i��r1��7cenises thi�csg�t�,��Sder slasll givc 8a�cb�ru r��otice af�e��io�.°1�1et�ic�a�s6�Upr��3c s peri�!af ntst' • ` ,
<br /> , • „ � tsss Ih�t�f!��S fiom ihe dtic i3�,X�p�3ce es.dtiivtra�or�Iled wi�wii�Ia Hom�v►� p�r:aiD s�ms Isr��+a�.b�r,tbF�t'. ,
<br /> ,� . Ss�uri Ia,atra�.[f&�mw�r`f�il�t,it� ti�cae�ume privr to tI�c s�pIiatlon`o�thts�erti�4,��nd�may ia�eke aay deatodk�, , .`�
<br /> S u t��oti¢+e ot�deti�i an$qmqa�r. ° '"�
<br /> _ --- � .�.�L.���zr�I+t�t tu �:��`ow�r.rt� c�etain.qa�l.�ti�� &►nvve���sti{i,t:tss��ae �ight c�J�e,�>�� �.
<br /> e�cfor�crmens o�this 5c�urity9 d€s�atl�3.at any tt�.prIQr ta tt.c airiier af�(aj 5 dsys(ar�st�c�cytha!�uti ss
<br /> �
<br /> - � ��licatt3e•In:w �sp�F4p ar rAir.�temei�befur�sa�e.a� ' � ;tt�Pa�ragut to�y:�'wgg o�r�e croat�:€�.f�3!`,;
<br /> . ��
<br /> -- ... _
<br /> '�_ � ���i�t�►a��;�+�.��ea�? u�f�'�t�eat ' ' , -• � .._.
<br /> , _ �- l ., e 4,afnman�-!�.��- --2�SS«�'.�rJ�s�a�xt 84tr�w�s'��,;���'s_ . .
<br /> �.eadEr at!sums�+hi�ther►wautd be 8ua�nder[his Security t�m�s and abe N�•e as i�a�n i�ooe�er�issn t�odt���(b�.
<br /> __ au�s itny��i'uult of aG3�oti��ca��ss+ir a�its; tc)pays�aii�e�u�s.ia�ur�l�ia.emf'arcing�Itis�ec8rsay In'st�, . ,
<br /> - , �• f�sti�. ug,Dus not�Iutited to�rea5�n�le�orngys'fre,s;�(d)caY�.�:�ftm�as I,e�C�ez mxy rr.�onabty�equec�t�s s�.xe: .
<br /> ' tt�t tt�lies�of t�is 5�cit�[nstrume�t.L�end�ts rights.in tt�ss Pcops?ty�i�.�'ov�er°s a1�li an to pvy thc sut�s�d�y ,
<br /> t�11S SCCqI'[tj+ IIiSSitlAiCAt S�t3II.OOA1�Qttfl�1InC$2t3�OLI. U�OA LOJf18�ittCi31�S;��Sj�'..BhIt�O�'►3u.R: .�S@tRSi[tg► .�1L�tiS ���d
<br /> diliga�ians s�u�Q�by shall r�na�n tnity effecaice as�f an att�leaatiau�hx�l.oaxur,ad.Hanaaver.this ag�t to rri�suue s� .,
<br /> uo!apgly in ti�csse of ac�ei�ation und�ps�agraph 17. � . , .
<br /> I9.S�tk of Ks��Qf i.ou►Setvlo�:'lIie Nate 6r,a:psrtisl�itum$�t�in th�N��wgcthtr wiih this Sec�it�y .
<br /> —�-- Inmu�ni)may be soitl vne or a�are tia�s without prior a;atice to Barrx�iv�s:A sa'a magr res�It in a c�c sn•th��rity{�svs. .
<br /> as tbe°I.nan Servicer°)that wI1�ES tnoal�ty�paymenis da.°�Eh�Nmte aad�his SaRUitY dns�.1�ata�►may E�ol� •'�: � ��:
<br /> or mo�d�anges of t�e t,oa�e�cer�etatod w a sale of tts�Ncits.-if th�ae is'a chauge af the L�ate�oe�,Bnrruwer voi�'[ie'.,�;.`'.;;<:
<br /> � g'ev�writtea�tioe of t�e chaag�ia auoosdanix witb paragrn�•14 t�ve and�i�e law.'iLe natioe will st�tt�ma��u�cl� ..
<br /> address of tlte�w Loaa Seivicer ar�i ttte addnss to�vtush p.�yr�t#�:�QVtd.�m�ade.77te�oti�vvill also cbntai�3 uay,�� ��'
<br /> �' infotmacion mquiied 69 aPPlicable taw. ' . • . -. -:'•. ... , ' • � �. , .� � . �.�
<br /> � : �t?.Hua�aas S�s. Barrower st�aU r�ai canse or.p�-.t�pa�e.�.�•��5�.or mlease of ars�r. .;.;::=:;=�.�'
<br /> Harardous Subs�aaces an or in t�Prop�ty. Bomower shaU:ts�a.��i����anyone else to do. anY�B ��S�. `'�`<;;:;�'t�;;
<br /> �Proptrty thai is in viotation of erip"Luvi�onn�ata�Law: 'llse�4s�s�t�oes sh�ll�obt applgr w tl�e Pres�a�+u5e..or � . ..
<br /> .__--- — , stozags.on the Pmperty of smalt`+qini�3ities of Hazar�tans Sub�tt�a3�.�,�eo�taliy reoognized to be agpropriate ea;t�al '•
<br /> -- -= re�slAentiai u�es aad to maintena�oe of the Ropetty. ;°. `: :.°>:ir_ � • ":`; • •
<br /> Borrowet shaU P�PUY 8�Leuder svntten antice of a�r im�dg^�:daim.d�and. I�wsait or other edi±�aa.6�"�a��
<br /> ---_----- govemmr.mtal or regnl�tor5+��Y oi P�are party,iavolving t6e Ptnperty a�I�any Har�udaas Sabstanc9e or:Fatma�titr�.ia�v '
<br /> -___------ of afiich Boimwer das actuai lmowledge If Bam�ver I�aras,or is notifced by any�ave�l or.�al� ,.;drat_
<br /> --x�-:��:�*;'� _ any removal or ather�emediation of any Ha�iaus 5ubstance afferiing ti�e P�perty u ne�.saty.Bmmwers�tl�r�take .
<br /> - --�'��' a11.r�cessarY c�emadial actions in a000rd�noe with Envi�anm�f f.aw. • . ., . : �,
<br /> -----�,=�`�� As ased.in t6is paiagraph 20,`Har�cdons Su�na�':a�e titose substances defu�d as to�tic or f�ous su��by.
<br /> '__"'-.="��"'��'?� Fnvironmcatal Iaw and the following suhstaase�_'ga�tine. kerosene. other flamnrab2e or toxic pelmt�P��r��toxic
<br /> _--��;��;,� pesdades and hefiiad�,volatite solvenis,matetia.�crofftaining asbestos or fom�a4dehyde.a�d tadioactive materials..As�ed in . • �
<br /> ��' �� this paragraph Z0, 'Eriimnmental Law' mears fc�zza! taws ami,taws ot t�jarisdictioa where the Property fis�loq�ad that
<br /> �
<br /> — ��''�.���f� relate to health.safety cr eavitonmeiital..pmtaction: . ,
<br /> n-"•,`'-,�,"-.-�..,�: . IJON-UI+TIFOR.h�COVEh�ANTS:�nrrower and I.�dee£u�i;er ooveaant aud agee as follo�vs: ' ` `.� .
<br /> = ���`��..x �;i � ,
<br /> ��'�� �,�f�-`� 21.AooeB�o�;8er���I;¢�er shaII gtve aniiue tm 13�aro�er prlar to aooele�alion follow�Bormwe�'r�ur�ach
<br /> �-x:�=..r,.',.., � p P��P� •:`�..
<br /> �'"�i�.{ oi any covenant ar �t in tlds S�rity Lstr�ma�fc.'.i,'�i nai rYor tn aa�Ieration u.uder !T antess '
<br /> .�.a,H;.st,e,:;i.±•.�t
<br /> =-==_ -�:_..��_._.. aPl�IcaDle taw pro�Fa��oi6�wt�e).TQie uo�cc s1�a11 sp¢cifiy:"�►)the de?aalt:N).t�adion reqbiwd Eo aue 4�e d��nl� :.
<br /> 'O/� 'i+(�
<br /> �:=�'�,:�'',��=�_ (c)a date.noi�esg ttr�a 30 daps fiom tlte date the nottce is�giv�to Borros�rea,by�v6tcb the ddanit imnst 6e�;and �'��`
<br /> :;;�:T;,�a:�-;-�;r:-,;<?� (�that fai[me to core the default on or.before We d�te�led in the notice may�It in aooeEevat�oa af t�sotus
<br /> �.F::; �., secnnet!by this Sec�[[ty Iaclramemt aad sa[e of the Pt�o The notice s4at1[arther inform Borron�oi ttte�ci'' W
<br /> ;,�a�-:����4;:.�;..-x. ec p��` �'
<br /> °.,;c•�;�.::,...,�����,;-. . . rei�utate a4�er aae[eration and We tfight to 6risg a cautt.ax�ian W assert the nntt�existenoe of�d�aalt ar e�.�n�ee.
<br /> ;';�:;�.�`;;��e'�`;�r�';1•.;: defease af Bormwe�to aocderatioa snd sule.It the detaalt is not canad an or bdore We date sp�d'"c�im k���sttue,
<br /> �;.-�,.�,�`;�:.�::�,:•:�,.;: I.ead2r,at its ojttfar�;�ay rpqulre imrnedfmte�,aym�t in fu11 of aif�nzs secured 6y t6is Sectuit�:���irt ivI4T�out _.
<br /> ;:> , }:.rft �;�; ; „ fmth�demand an►�rtvr^3�invoke tbe power rst`���aa�any other reat F,�permitte�by apptica6i¢��tsv.I.euder shal)be
<br /> res
<br /> �"'��',t�'i�'.�����u�sf„' e�itt�to cof[ect_aD�espeuses in�t,3a ur$the r�u,.,�'. ,�rovide�iux zltts paragraph 2l,tududiag,but aot Itmited ,
<br /> �'�`.�`�������•` • to,rwsona�le attoraeys'tees aaat�nut�����,denca . : ` . . '
<br /> -� .,.,,. _.
<br /> '� �'-:-,. r..,.<', • � . IP the power of sate is�nvd�i�T,';�r��ail necar�}c rs�ajrnt�;ot,�:�it ip¢ai�v,fis�antq[a whic6 any part ot the
<br />�'�;�� ;:,�:°:..':.:;'�' Propeity ts toeated arad shall mail toples a���u:�i�.�od�e�us ti��;1�6ed 6y applIca6te[aw to Borrower and to .
<br /> '``•'' �• ' ,. the other petsoas tTri.�ibed by appftca6ie t�::��ltJ�rx the time�equire��i!p���e�pltcabte law,Tnutee shall give pnb!!c noSoe °
<br /> - ` � o!sale to the gc�'�'�u�d in the manner pre�ri9�by appfieable ta�v:�'Ci�"stee,witdow demand on�orrac�er,s9�aD seif . _ _
<br /> '��' • - , the Fro�ty�t�pi�ie,audion to t6e highest Dfi�t,�er at tbe tirrie and placr6 gnd under the terms destgoated in the Quttce of� ��. -
<br /> �� • ' saas t����r tty��ns.'�rceis and in any order Tnistee det�mis,��cs.Trastee may pastpone sale of all or any'��q!the • -
<br />- � :r:,. . ' Qm�ty.'T�y.��Fs�nouncement at tbe ttme and place�;�'�msy previo�scly sche�Wed sate. Lender or it�desigvee may .
<br /> . : p�se the�iu�v�t any sat� . . .,.; '., _
<br /> - - . . . . � . -
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