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<br /> — �.._,�tur..` .�` —. .� . . < . "_ -� _. ' . .;t (~ ' .___
<br /> �, t `fv • . ' • � ':.rf'�. .s 4 _ '°f�.. . _r�` t . . .
<br /> -- —_= t.`y.. � .. .c. '` . � ...�f.' �� �- .m . � _ .`. � � . (
<br /> �q�.. . . . _ _ � . . .' .� ' . .�'.Sri�ir€t-V • .5 �� .
<br /> ` -.. . • - . . . . _ .. . . . ., , � ' � . .�c • '�t %i: .y, ` `q'.> .p -
<br /> .__�— � • . c .. �__`.�• . . . � . .. ` `.: . ..�. � .[� . .. . .. . i �,-.
<br /> _ —---__—. �'.� , ; . . �. ' � ... - � � . . .. �, . ' ��F�. ���i' :t.. - .. . ' .
<br /> `� , ��:� <su� L9vais�da !o t�to�k�t 9QC�sziCy. BaRO�}ctir��dv�t�'sY uat�`s�s �
<br /> ,. � e,ac�i�l�l.tp,. �
<br />--- __ � . Aasnafic`�aty. ln it s aale aiacteCi.on,;deaaa. teaaon:t�Le.�:o $:t��a�'�`, .
<br /> - - - - - ,. '. � Suas a$va4n�ed t�5 eratea'! the�B��urfEg srh�tlse�t e{�et�iglcalt�:eau�e�6�et!a�'�u�l�, � .
<br />- . . ` . he�eln�gs reaa�nab�e aonaLsded to pc�a�a a8vd�rcr4 ahall�Dacota .Ct�e�obYtg�e� _�pn,o� .:
<br />� . �he Ti�stox. Tisa �ayaent of bu�h��aQ�`a,taqetriex`�vi�l� the� inteskrst t�seseon �hs�.l.;
<br /> �-.--I.---a- .: .- , ,Ee_ se�aze9 bY _�i�ia �ae� pg 'Q1tua4. 7�}7�d intetcee�,�raEa foz gnes�ddvan�aa Ci►<';� . ., �
<br /> --��.�-,�,�,.� _ � � � � . _ _ _ __
<br /> _ � � . � ptote�Eh,e eecuslty e�s13 ba dt`.26t`p�i.amra=�os �R�fity�ies�`ra;�a ��3a��1-��.�.- ..._ '- �-;
<br /> ��� - ; iav fso�•tfee daLe eueh.auits were p�tld:by� Seaeticf.�r�r. � � � � �
<br /> `��. 9. Ra�eQies Hat.6�ccit��iva: Ther ze�eflAea provide itt thls llgue:ent eta��3li. .:.`.•.
<br /> - �ot ba ex�iaaive`. Upon tht� defca�lt dE the T"tustos �e 8�eseEtelasY:t��Y�s�mh� ' ,
<br />- � ze3lie£ by.any,lega� at, eKlnitab�e saatui- TDc Benel�ala�ry a�y seefc to ea�o�ae the _
<br />_ agaeeaents hors aada ia�.su�ii.osdec an0 ecanna= as SenagAcla=Y ��ee �lE., �Ko • _ �
<br /> =entedy� is inReAdod�to.be exctasivo but,eaaA•eha�l be. en�uaat�ve.. Bvesy poatat o� �
<br />� teaeay.nndas tha DeeQ o# 7txust to the gsnatee o� BeneE#clary os• tio vDich elthas
<br />" o� thes as�p..othaZVias 6a ent�tSe(! by lav aay ba txeaeload coatsnare�tly ot <' .,,:
<br /> .� � !r►alependeatly.as.o��en.ars Qeeaea.�neccaaary:•1�I� tne �saatse.or. tns 8eneficiasy os- • , � .
<br />=-.r�.�•_�;-.�� eithez of tttea and elther of tbe�:maY Pnsa�:irt�onalste�t =t:e8tea. 2ha . r.,,
<br /> _- _----- , ' • BeaORicia�sy or iYnstee may paoaec-a�to puctiu4 a.�e�iciency indqaesnt againtst the - .
<br /> - ---- — irustoz to tt�e cxtent�`sa�h aatibrs is paswttted hy 3aw. ,
<br /> o,,,;���� � • 10. Transfer of thf���operCy; l�sauaptlon. Ho pa:t o� tha prAgaaty ox . .
<br /> ___ _�� , • interest thasela Ray Bd���o1d vitbin 15 yeaxs of- 'the date bf �be deed• .
<br /> ------ °�t=ansfessed a=.otAesviae convsyet! by Yzuator, u��esis fn21 payat,at is �aflr.upon . .
<br /> -_-�-�;�€�_-��==� , note secnreA by thia Deed of,TSUat� exe�uaing la1 tpe�cseation of a�liea oz � •
<br /> encusbsance sabo=3inete to tfii$ Qe� of Trast; �ar �b) a ttanafes by'devise,
<br /> =-�:;<�,:��� • �a�aent or by opetati0n of Za� upon the deaEh af th� �zastot; siicb action ia a �
<br /> r .,�.S�vf r��� . . ##�dcb of:this agxeoientt�and Hentficlasy.... •.at 8eneficfacy's option deelase • ,�-
<br /> � .� r u.,� s • � � snms aecwted bg thl� OeeQ of R�nat to_.b,�is lmme�3ately dae and payabia, or
<br /> _ s f� • 4�'., . .
<br /> - a :::�-F:F:,�� ;:;�;;,_ ';�stise tIIe Rsuatee to ffie a notl�r..t oE d6�a��t• .
<br /> ''. �'���¢�-�"�,`�`' - �'�.r-;;�•`.• • 11. Fozbea=ance by 8enefic and BaSvez. �lny EprDea=aace by Benaflciery to � _ , ,
<br /> -:�;,.. <<�< . !,� :........:.: . ��:'
<br /> —:._�,,�+„�.,��;.- t - • 'T�i�stee, +Yruatos or anyRn�, f '�,�,�rciaing any rigAt at teme0y hesenndet, os
<br /> ��: �:-� • }��� othesvise affazBeA by a�}grt�Tc�'.;�aw, shali not be a vaiver of os•Qseciude ��i� ,
<br /> J, :;`%���E,,. �. � ' —
<br /> `.` ' t! .' • e#c e s e i se, o£ an y sueh �G gi���.�,r`ie4�e8y hereunder. Likevise, the`o�aives by -
<br />���`�`�� � ..�,:,,_,� . Beneficiasy to Tsnstee:�::ci�'��g�;c�2fault of Rrnstor andes this ���d`o f T sus t a n a l l
<br /> '�^=• � . ` , not be deemed to be a la�i:�':'��c�.any oLher o= aimtlac defaults_ts'tiD�eguently
<br /> •. occnrsidg. Ho yaiver s4t�`Bit:;�a�;idii�sued against the Beneficiasy nnless mueD
<br /> ,•.r�.: � . .• '� , ' vaiver ahall be expseaa ati�3'-r�:�:;{�$ting sigaed Dy the 8eneficiaty.
<br />_ �t..�,. '��° 12. HCA0f�C18Zj/�S POV8L9:`:��$ri Beneficiasy wi12 cnuse to be released, �he •
<br />_ �„?:,r,,�:;,,r:i,�,x� ��;; , ertlse amonnt secured.by thia.d'eed of Tsust, aEtes C6s L� yeas tera� Qas expireda �
<br /> �, �`' , t�ginning Erom �he da�a;'�f.the AeeB, psqv.Edud ali othes te:ms �nd con8itiona o£ o _
<br /> . :�,„;._kr`�t�,�. ,.,s':•
<br /> ��,��yn �.tlzis Deed have Oeen �+xT����.3e8. Beneftciai�p�.u�y, fn its sole �.s�eetion ti) ,, . __
<br /> ` .�. ����,�35;. . . ;`.€r�pect the gsemfses.;a� a�s�,reasonaDle t3�:::1:�.7l1 req�ise sncPi;.�.itional ' ;� __
<br /> � °�.�,'f'� �•.s>�"s2cusiEy as may be r���o1�3Yr��;r.a�i�r3..liif�:�At�$tti�te :t.i�a Trus�,�liesela vith any '��"";r.,;.r. - __
<br /> , ' ' :�' `i, .. -
<br /> .. ,''� �.: � . 'person, entity, or cat��a��v�::`+�ftEied �,� �Q act. : �¢�a attor��y8 oE ths . , -
<br /> , ;,: , ' Beneficia=y or one oE.itt�jea ma���z�cw�or suT��ently b� desigaated the Tsustee �� :.0
<br /> � ' herein and may perfo�Cb:fu�s the 8enefieia��v�sintiea as counseZ arul�.Truatee. All
<br /> � - �guato=s shail be �o9�n�iy and severally ¢EaT£gated and bound by',tE►e �ctions of �.r �=�
<br /> ,;:,,:�3���.;: �. � Benaficiary os t�;�Yzostos as herein state8. ;<� :� ��a�;�;_„
<br /> ',• .. �3'���f , �•;5�3. llttarney's fe�,' CostB, an9 Bxpenses. Truatos agsees to pay all fees, :,. . ����;,,s�1' '
<br /> `���''�r`��� � �:� coate, an8.estpeneee inciudin attosney's fee ex ended,.b tDe Benef icias o= tho =���.: ��� Y���..--_�_-�_--�`-
<br /> - ';�y���.::,,;. •_;:�f; 9 D Y y '..'�;. ,•�:.,:..tf�::•�_-
<br /> :�l?�`� ',q " Tsuatee to co2lect any sums due haseunder ot enfo=c�e �lhis agreement. Such suma s �':--
<br /> ' 'I 15��4 ahali ba deene� an ad�aacement to psotect the secur�,t�vhen paid by the „' ,. ,yi+�-.._
<br /> ''�•�`�''• �-`�'�N��v�� ` F,a:naficlasy. psoviQe�-,£usther, hovever, that thls ���tion doss not apply to the rT ,,
<br /> ..r: :�*.;,:t,tixt�i� _ , .. . ',' .'• ,
<br /> :!�.9.`:^"'� 7°�stee fee =efe=setE t�a .in pa:agsaph 8.1.IIt• .' ,. . :' ��`
<br /> �:. '��r�`:..,�- . ., _
<br /> . � ;�t��q�j��;� •`,,1{. Reconveyanae 1y� xsustee. Upon vrtCt=en xeqnesL o� the -��nflciasy ata�ing : �,
<br /> Chat ail condition9 aE �tnis note have been•'�n.`t; arn3'•�i�on ausie':�des of tAis DeeA �E;'� �:.,.�, t � , }�
<br /> : , . . ttiz:.
<br />- �• ' of Trust and the ootes to the Tz+�atee for cancellaGLR� and Yetentlon and upon ,,.. � �':''���D."�•^: �-
<br /> � ' ' � , payment by the Trnstor of the �cu�tee•s fe�s, the 7'swstee ahall :econvey to the • =;�'=; _
<br /> - °" ,• � Tsustos, or the pesaon or persnrrs le a11p entltled the=eto, vLthout va=sant �"''�' �?.. •��K��==
<br /> "•, q Y� '•..c:. .._
<br /> � • �� � � ' any postion of the gsa�.�=zty then hela teera+�des. The =ecitals and such • ,:*r•��--
<br /> .,;,��� x .�
<br /> ` � ,';�( s��.��.. �teconveyance of any �Cters or facts sha2H 4e conclusive proof of the n `� _r, � ;; • ��.�,� � �,:..:;;
<br />-,� "'i.Y' ' tsuthfulness theteof. �lhe firantee in any reconveyan.e may be describeA as tho ` , � � � �: .�;�:t.� i-
<br /> . , � . . .����• .
<br /> • person os pessons leqally entitled theseto." • • • � +�:�" '� ,. . .
<br /> :" ;:.'�� .;: � . I5. Notices. � . , . . , ... : .
<br /> •• �' .' 15.1 ctat#ce�as =equixe8 by the Nebraska T=uat Qeeds Aet shall be given. . �' . •,
<br /> � '� " 't Except ais asovide8 [�eiein an� vAe:ever pet�isaible by lav Trusto=s valve notice. '��;.,��
<br />- d` ' "���?, Mo�lce ttia be sent �:es the arties at thelr aAdreas as liated ln thia ag=eement � ' ��,:�;���,:r'•,.'• •
<br /> '�Yt�y?' as as othivise cha�r..�c�. All notices sequi,red he=efn shall be !n rriting. llny � �':+f;��`��;�+�};.;
<br /> ;:,F :, ,..r.�1��, •._�:-;,:e'�f,.,,y�• .
<br /> �� • party may at,any tiae change it's aEBzesa fos auch notiees by delivesing os ,,f,���:�;,,,,,,:
<br /> '"` ' � ` � mailing $o �t�e olhet Qa=tiea hereto, a notice of sach chenge. 11ny notice ,':�'"5�;'•,'
<br /> . -rs:.�..��;��.ti �S
<br /> herevndes sh�ll be deemed to have been glven vhen piaced vlthin tha U.9. Hails, +�,;�,1,:.`�
<br /> • � . ,poatage gse�aid, addYeased to the adaress oi the pazty as 1i9ted heieio or as , t?::':�,f'��'����
<br /> ,�•�ji::,•,,,,
<br /> : . p�operly change8. . ,;;.; tul�,,.
<br /> . 15.2 Tsuatar, BetteEiaiasy, and Tsuste� sequest that a copy of any notice �`��"�'``�f;"`
<br /> ,;,,;:'.�:' � .: �.;���. ,
<br /> •-�'f+;` ; ' provided hereunder, prvvide4 acco=81n to apglicable iav or provi6ed by the , ''?�•�+%fs��?
<br /> �t ' • ' ,fi;.,� '-..1:•:• .•e:
<br /> . tesms of any othes eecurity agreementgcovesin9 tAe security he=ein, be mailed to • . ,
<br />- � them at tlte�addsess provlded above. � . , '
<br /> � � 16. Hisceilaneous. '
<br /> •t._ :.; '. 16.1 Thi� Deed ot T:us! ahall be governe8 by the lavs o£ the 9tete oE � ' . ., ,
<br /> � ',���' '� Nebraska. •
<br /> "' � 16.2 Rhia Dee� oQ Trust and ali tetmo, aon8itlona and obllqatfons hvrein,
<br /> �' apply to and inure to the benefit of and binds a11 pasties hetcto, thef= Aoite�
<br /> t � � deviseea, pesaoaai :epreaentativea, auccessorg anA asalgna. �ne term ; .
<br />_„� , . °8eneficia=y" ecnail mean the avnes anA �oldes of tha note9, vhethes o: not naeed �
<br /> 1 ' ae a benefielary he=ain. • �
<br /> � . �.� t_ � . .
<br /> . .;. • ,:-.---- �,.1-'_...-- -----
<br /> ; .. . , . .
<br /> ` ,.. _ , ,
<br />