_ a,�-�+;�'�i .t s�s;�#�;; ; �� . L
<br />_ . �� - � : —�--;- =- ..�,.:_ - _ ° --_
<br /> _ / •�r,,�.c,.,�. T�'�0 , � � . �i , ..d� . ' : - �s� .,
<br />. . � _—`��.` i - . �ti� . . ' (� ` y` � . � ` .. ..:��� .�� �Y� _ .
<br /> - --- . .� .'. �19��t�v+�'tdte I'ltcge�4r Ben��lt�tet�t�n�ir.rax��r,bf�1!ar gart o�tb.s�mp�jt as an��aest ua€� . .
<br /> �e_--�, • is�oid.�r erausf`en�d.(ar if a beae c3al�ntxi�in Borrowcr is s�td d,r uansftrreA an���row�r is ao��a naturn}pc�san�a�t3�:�ut
<br /> _— ' � �d.e�+Ies's p#�or�ua$aanse�s�.Lea���a.thay�82 �tS��t�071�.,.f'�tl.`iitT IIb1t�Ddl�fe(?�lyii�]'d,in.f�Ii of�t! slirrss s�by�tiris -
<br /> � � � S��ttytristaunsnt.�iawevzr,thts opE�art s�saii not.beex�rci�ecl by Leztder f���grcisa i�p�aPea'tit�t�by fedtsal lac�a3o?9.h�a�daid. � ,
<br /> _ �., of S�sutity�isi�ntettt. , � . .,,., . ,�.- .. . . : ..� : .
<br /> - ------- if LendeY n�erci:�es thi�vpiian�i.endxr�hult�iv.a 8arraw�r�t�iitice o�uacst�ation.Th`t no�fce�t�l��pravidc a�€ia�bf nis�! , � .
<br /> rti ��
<br /> � �CSS th�n 34 dey;fcnm the 6aae�2ie aaiac a�s�ei�y�or maiiad with�n��ct�Buirowtr'm'iibt pay atl 6utas s�cwr�d by:�}iis'.;�..::� . :
<br />- � ���. �5ecurtty�m�i.If Bomnwer�Stils t�pqy'�h�s,�ms ri�r to the di�pi�tifln af chis peciod.t.a�xlsT�ay Imraka any a�ecn�dks�. � .
<br /> GCUP
<br />_ - - � p�itt�by thTs Sc�tcrtty�fnstiunteat.�uithouE fltrt�r roi nt deri�and'on gorrowtr. . . • < � .. .�. � , ,
<br /> -- --_= IS. Scsrr�s'�r°s-Rt t.to �eYtr�s�[te. Ef B�rtnKCr"mc� ccrEpfn �tim�,,�3usxnwcg �a1X�av� �e.rl�Itt`ta h�ve�
<br /> ' enforccra�:nt,o�thfs�.Lhstrume��di,scos�tinued as any�tune prtor to the carliar�8 (a)��d��s,to�=sust�other peri�,d a3�; ;
<br />- u lIcab2� !aw m�y specify for reinstases�nt be�qre.sate.aF th�Fmpert5+ Dur6uant w uny�`w�r.o��8a1� a+�fnined in t'4€s ,
<br />-� .�: . .
<br /> �,ty_I►�cts�t�mr�4�entr�t�nf�.�t,��s?,, cafcstru�g fb�S�vatE,t�tat�mtt�e.T6ase;_ �that�nun�r:,r�.i(�2�pa�--.---'=_.._
<br />-- - _ --- � �.endeQ adl snms whicA theni�v�ant�ba'daa�n�c*�his�Ity,�ast�uaFent�d th�l�ta�t'ax if aa aboc2�r�ttion Gnd o�rtezl:tb� ,
<br />- � ` � c�es a..^y defxult of anyr at�er tavet�ats or agre�ments:tc?F�3's d2!expeiues'ints�ered in enforcjng this Scs.uti3y:ic�ument. °
<br />- ------- . inctudi�,bvt tfot limite6.ta.�as�rrab]C uttmm�s'fe�s;and(d}taices sucb&ctton as Lender ms�y reasunabl�reqvire to 8ssure
<br /> - d�t tde llen af this Sea�rity Instrument�Lenda s ri t91i1 tIIB PIOjfCity 8At��Ol'£OWCT'3 O���gBt�OD�b O�Y lIIB'sums�tiy.
<br />_ this Ses�rity Instru�cent s�l cora€stue u�ts�an�.Ugnn relnstateus�t�6y Bnrrow,�r. tY1i3 Se�rfty��tsCrr�nt a6d tha� - -
<br /> - � obiigations secute�h�reLy stiallt remFdu fully effective as if na acoeleraqiaa had�.Havravel,[T�3s r[ght w rcifwffite ahali`
<br />° nntapply in the ca�of aoaeleration ander pazag�H 1'�. , . - ,� . �
<br /> — . i1 Sale of Note;Cbang�:oi Luan�e�vEcr�:The Nose�or a pasatil imerest iri dc� Note(oQg�ther.wit&��is.3�ty►
<br /> _— Insm�ment)muy be sold or�or more tirr�s cvithout pr}or aotice w Harmwer.A sale may resutt in a chunge ia-the�utity��iCaoa�n � .
<br /> as tiie"Loan 5etvioer°)that oollects mun4fltX Payments due under the I�Iate atsd this 3eairi Yr�tmment:Thex�als�.may�be o�
<br /> or mote c,�anges�f the Lo�5eivicer umelated ta a safe 6F the Note.If there is a c�samga o�tRe Laan Ser+ricer,Horcgvvef sv�ll tie
<br /> given writtep notiGe of�e cbange in aceQZdaace w�th paragraPh 14 above aad applicable taw.7he.uotice:s»II state i�na�aad . .
<br /> address of t6e new Loan Servirer and the addeess`ta which payments should bc made.,l�ae notice will alsa oont3in any oiher
<br />�----.-.--� informaston s�ired�SY�Plicable law_ � , � . : :_ ....;:�,• ; -
<br />--�-�-��--��.-�!+ ?.�.Ha�rda�s S�sIIau�s 13orrower sf�ail•uot ca�e ar g�niat tfie�sen�.tise.di�j�osaJ. storage, vi tel�e of aay< ..
<br /> -_ -=-- Hazat�ous Sabstauces on ar in t�e Propeity:Bn�tnwer s6alt ant do,.nn.�allow anyoae efse to do, anythin$�a�ecting th�;' �,:,:
<br /> �-� pcaperty that ig ia vioL�tion of snyr Env�ra�•taw.3Zre preoadia�two senteao�shnll not ty oa$ie�.ase.ct�r -
<br /> _ Y - -- .. .,
<br /> 9.^"„",-�. . . .�If3i"dgC OD tI16�y Of SID�I�Q113Atlt1�.4��H3�ia071S$a�5#�OfS.tf13t 8t'�`$CaCl'BIIy�L6W w 6a aPi�Priai?�qomra3:.;
<br /> �= ::� �*���+�uses.sud to mauitenanoe of the Property. ; . . . . . :. ,: . .
<br /> - �"""""-� �darrower shatl pmmpdy give Leader writtea naac�vf aay'inve�tigati�r CI3�II1�fIEID'dll�r ISWSIl1L�!Q�1CT'dS�[Q�it'�i',�IIjI : •
<br />���,����,� �vve�'iental or re�alatory ageacy or privatg pact�+�avoivia�t�Prapert-�r and eny Harardons Sui?stan�or EnvIron�at Y.av�r
<br /> - .. of wtucfl Soimwer has actual kaowledge.lf Bor�v.�teaans.or is noti�ed 6y any govemmental or mgiilatory autkarity,d�t . . .
<br /> --_- .`�'°:�` re vai or othet rem0diation of an Hazard u�r:Substance affectia the is rteoess 'Bairower shall ro take.. , � .
<br /> - _ _�.ra"..:,, ;,: ,�7► � Y � g �A��'�Y �Y, P �Y •
<br />��'`-;.*�"��1`'��t��•`• all necessary rem�dial act�ons in aceordance witi�.Faiv9roAmenntal Law.
<br />����:�;_;��'`�,,::. . . t�aised in this pariagaph 20."Hazardaus Sabstances"are those substances defiued.�s toxlC or hst7ardous suhs�icc�s b3+, :: -
<br /> �`�"'':``�`��r'�' �m`�ental Law and the foltowing sabstances: gasoline. kerosene, other ttammabfa or toxic petmleum pr�dii�;:taxic:. .
<br /> ..:�
<br />°��'�� ` ' � pes�yeiili�and t�erbicides,volatile solvents,uiaterials cantaining asbestos.or fam�aldeDyde.and cadiaac6ve materials._¢G,,�sed•ini , � . '
<br /> �`'�S:°Z,: += '.. k�.
<br /> `
<br /> ���'y�'� .'" , thi�:�jr��raph�3T::'EmIcionmental law" us�ns fecieral laws and taws of the jurisdiction where the Property is located�1s3�;::;:�
<br />-_�::�t}; '.r�. • 'r •�E;t�r�:healtTr��i�.�or environmeusal pr`o4ec6o�::;�; `, ;.,
<br />�;'_.�� .. .� , � ' `; ;,:�ci�N-JN�'c'�QOVENANTS.Borrower aad I.ender furthercavenant and agree as fallows: ��
<br /> ,
<br />�:::z:i?;�r�`.'• �: `•r� ,;•��``"
<br />_�:,;,;,.,_.:,.,:,_.;��.;: , .., . �';` „Aooeleia:ii'm.Remedtes.Lender sHall give not�ce to Bon�oarer prlar to aaoeleratfon foBowing Borrower's breash';.;;;;:...,
<br /> _ .:.'. .,.�:° • : . a�"a�':ibveaant or agr�ement In thts Secarity Iaslr�ent t6ut not prior to acceieratian �der ParagraprB�.i?nnless '
<br /> ::.?,:;.:.'�..::.'::.'c'� ; .
<br />_ :.:;.�^, , ,;..:;, ; ;•_ i � sg�Q�2e law g►ravtdes other�vtse).The notice shall s�reeii'�; (a)ttte default;(b)the action r�qaii+ed W car�t(tg•defaala
<br /> >�" • ..(c)a date,Qoi te�ttwn 30 days from the date the nati,�is given to Borrawer,by svhtch We default mas3 6e a#a�ed;and
<br /> - r ;�:�;;'. . ' � �dD tbut failure to.cu}e the default on or iseEac�C�z d�?s�e�iiied in the notice may resalt in sucelerat6on of the sums
<br /> ,,•;�, ';•, .. ���. �by tlils Sez��slty Iastrument and safe u�'f3�tz�frr-:;�esty.The raotFse s6alt fuethes Inform Borrower of�tke rigLt to.:.., -
<br />_ • � �:ate after aroeteratton am$the rlgl�t to��is�a:ai��;action to•a�ert the non�xislence of a defau!t or�y,oth� �;:;•. -
<br /> . �- ' �' `t'lr����'4Y Eorrower to aoce��f�i�n aad sale.I?�t?�'�u�ra�t is not cared Qn or before ttie date speciiied ia't�n�3tor�;.;��'�` �
<br /> ' �.:�. . .' � P
<br /> _ , _,,".a . .'' l�,e�E�rs at its opiivas�y r�l�immetliste�S�3m:�-f;ib�a11 of�R sur�.s se�ed.by�N�L S�vsity?n��ttt�iti�C.;,;•. _
<br /> , . . furth�r deaian�a�df may invoke the powes n�s�a*e,2��y other�"�s pern:Lt�rIl f��..�PPldcahle taw.Le��i�i•b�, .�,
<br />`;, �'`:'�"i'•- ..:+ enHtle�to collec�ul,��eases incurred tn g��e3�e iR�tedtes pmi-id�in this para�aph 2l,.fmoiu�g,but aot limiterf.�
<br /> -�
<br />;. • . � � �� to,reasonable sttecuags'fees and oasts af tntCe�t�si�i'�s�-, � � ; , ,,,., . �
<br />-�c . If thep wer u'F saIe is invoked,Tn�sta����s-,�mi.a not�ce oY dcti4ault in each coimty=tiu��a any*.p�st oP the•'� ��
<br /> h o
<br /> -- , _ - � Pcoperty is located and shaq mail copies of surIa,t7aCim�ui�the manner prescribed by applIra6te�w.to l3orta�rer and to -
<br /> ' � -• �. '.:. : the other petsons prescribed by applicabte iaw.��h4�e requirerl by appllcab[e law.Trustees°:all give pnbltc notice
<br /> •� �,; ., `, of sale to the peisons and in the manner�aesax-��3�?;:s�vpllpbte law.Trustee.wIthout demaad mi�•Borrower,s6al!sell -
<br />`-:;�,� '', �'� : the Proper4y at�z�bllc auctton to the htgites4 Qt��;r4;�ai.,tt3e time and place and undes the ter�s di�,�ted in the nottce of =
<br /> .<• y,. .;:..� ��.;;�„'.,.,''-'.; „ :,ale iq one or cm�:paroels and in any order.T�ira.ste�cfieiermincs.Tructee may pastponr sate a�;�ti or any pareel of the =�
<br />- •�:•�`:;;:;�.`'� :;;;�•: �' Property by�ta�ir'announrement at ihe IIi��ac��p�c�of any previously sc6eduled sale. Lender or its desl,�tee moy =
<br /> a;,,;`�: p��tPte t'�+:r�:rty at any�4� .. . , '�,.
<br /> ;;sX��,�.; .. , a,.,
<br />_ ::�,��'-,',*,��Sr�: `, , , , , .,, , . .
<br /> _,, �:
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<br /> , �. ,, ". �. . Fartt�3ttZ8 BfSfl
<br /> . . � - . . Gaqn G ol 8 �
<br /> �.:.. �.,-.. -.
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