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<br /> ' .-i.�5,'.:� 4 � .. . ... , : • .. t , ���'�� . . : r_a� .. . ,y�.... i 4..�f'� ..
<br /> _— ��e��?'���*`4�8���f4VC�ftCtls&Y��i1 t}��Cf`�.6t�t �'�ft�`.'iy+���� (��• `�N l`
<br />- - :.i�tu�s��ro��r�1�re�P'.cr a'�p�tt of.t�`��at�t< A!Y.r�+1ac�ats.a�'additt`�s'Eta�i"`�isa.�:c�u� ����us SGCUrex�r r.s;.._
<br />- __ ',i�s3�ut.Rl4 gfs�Z�.foraga3�►g�ts rc�eired.t�s jz�.t#us�5e�urit��Iast�i9�et�#�t�t:"Pic�rcy`._�' �.�:..� � � .�� :� ' ..
<br /> :. :���ovv�corr��rrs�i�����pT.3s i�vefulT�r�.�,s��qa�of t3�e��Uer56y obnve$eid���e�Sg�t'W`�r�t an�
<br /> - . canv�else Psnge�y�Q�t�e Pz+apeaty+'is�a!e�a�t:_�Et,c>e�ra�braa���reaord.�Bo�so�{�s.av�ixant§a4dt w�.t•. ..
<br />_ , defeir���ai��at�WT�w,the Fr�gett�€'a�ins�aLt c�a�s�s#:d�mAi►��a�u�j�t t�any ea�uri�r�es c►f rbcc�i+6.�: , :.,�,. `
<br /> - - -- .. ,�iIS S�C�"1N�fiRUM�NT com�it�es:uniform ci�vc�l�far,x?a�atia!iisa anc��t�ia�i4�t�avtria.nts�iitti limited�> �
<br /> - � 'era�tioas by���atiiq�i ia:QO�stitu�a ttnif��sitY in�u�t�at aov�r�,t prnlwi�:- . � '.� . . .
<br /> - -=--- �JNX1F.t?i�16�G�1�i�dl4PF['S:Bartowir aa�i�dictcuuena�s arnd a�e as f�iPoc��i. . . . . ..;:�`: '� ' , ,.,. .':�. - :�zk tc.=`
<br /> - - -_ . . i.P�iyma�ai.�f�F���.'�� ��ad�Lste�..Bora�a�Yef,�3�zaU'P,rq�3�,�Y '��S��tiit• ; �.��.�,r:;
<br /> - - - pr�t�igal oFsnd intgresLan.i�e debt eviac�cad b��Ite Nai���aay pr�aytr�t.�later di ,�g u�i�isr sh�i�YBte. �� ' .•< < .
<br /> - -= t- _�;������a�.s���+��?�,�rog�►;a:��.����� ����► -
<br />_ r�ta�roi�-ateaaymo�tt&ty.�ay�entsare.au�r_.��,t�.:x_.����.;i���ia��faLe,�asam.��.��� t�:.��1f�S'��, :<.:
<br /> h�oD�cna nttain ri�o �v�er as '�# thc , {;'.:.•
<br /> . , an�t�ssrssr�snte.�ua y P. xa�! �,���`�.��J�Y� �if�, anth �t�gc�y:N)3�. ���+�1�`�i� `
<br /> �L- •
<br />_ -- os grasoud�ta oa tha�'a�ty.if atnc;(e�Yea�igt•'h�ar�,.at p��ty_iusiu�oe�rcr�mnns•..{���3,y fYan�t��ardi�Gr��tuus.. -
<br />- - - _ . i�a�g•;(e�qc,trtgpt.prtga,�e in�uanue pre�iuu�s,if�.ny:and dt�..at�r svms�aYa�rIe b�r Bmrro�rer ta�.eude.r.ui aoc�rd�cc with..
<br />= the provisiar�s a8 pat�aph 8.fn lien of s�P&y�nt af murtgage i�ar�noe prs�nium�.�'fscse lr�ts ur�e called�w It�ma.".
<br /> Lender raay.a�ar'sy:time.:s?a��ad�old i�usrls in an emaimi ani to e�c�tiie maximum a�unt a dander.far.a faSeEallllyr�. .:;,-.`:.
<br /> -- — , . re�ted�origage tozph ttr�y aequir�far.Barro�isr's esciow a�oount under t�e�etieial ResY Fstada Si�tie�s�ocedures AcC of " �
<br /> - ------� ItY14 as rimeQded fram tim�e to Ihute. 12 U.5.C.�Ction 2601 et seg.('RESPA°).un�s another[�w thst appl��t4 the�unds .
<br /> stts e issser amaun�If so. tender rrsay,a.t any time.r�U�sx and kold Fuinds in�n amaunc �wt�to eaaeed tha��srr�ur,t. � ;
<br /> .` Lcnder mux rstlmate the ar�auni of F�rAs dae on t6e 6as[s af cvreent data a�reasonable cstimates af eapeadit�urs o4 futur�• ,
<br /> 6s�w Items oa othetwIse ia aocasdarae with;epplicubte law. , , ' ; , � .
<br /> . � �The Funds st�all �e,I�id,in an i�tituttan whose depo�its nre iasured 6y u �edet�l agcacy. it�suuuutitality, ar entity .
<br /> _....-_ . -, (iaciudfng t.ender�if l.endcr Is 6a�nn instttution)at in any Federul Ha�Loan BaNc.lrendes shaf!apply.a,6e Fundg i�pa�.alie
<br /> , � �mw[�ans.l.rndet miy oat chtqrge Borma�er f�dotdfng and appIyIag tke Fur�4s,anwaa}!y analya.ug the.sscxv;t�aoeount,qr
<br /> __==---- = ver�Fying the Escrow IteMs.unless�ender pays tlorrower interest an tAe Fw�ds and a}iplira�te!aw per�dts tea�r#o make su�b..,_
<br /> -'_""`_ _�,v=--- a charge.However.leuder may require Bonnwer ta pay a one-time ct►arge for an independam real estate tau reporting senrice., ;
<br /> - _ ° asod by Lendec in oonne�tion with thts l�an. untess applicsibte law provides otttenvis,e, iJntess an ag�eeme�t is made or
<br /> =_--,=�"���:�::.�.�.� aP8licable taw reqalns Iaterest to be puiA.Lender shall nat 6e�equired to pay Bomower any interest or eurnings on the Futtds." �
<br /> - �����;4 Borrower aud Lender aiay agree in writing,however,ti�at interest stsall be paid on the F�ds..Leader shalt give to Somow�r, . .
<br />�" r�fr�:..::- arithaut c�urge. an aanual 2rooaantia�of the Funds.�shoa+ing cre.dits aad debits to ths Funds and the purpose fnr whieb each
<br /> � LA
<br />��°+�'�`+:a�"'%� de6it w the Fur.ds was made.The Funds ace IeQ ed as additional securi fpr all sams s�•b this Serurity Ias�nt.
<br /> -�2pr..•�-�i?y�:,;,•:. P 8 �Y Y
<br />_-��'_.:;:._�,�;�:•�;�.�;:��<:. If[hc Funds held 6y Lender exoeEd the amannts pem►ittcd to be held 6Y aPPUcable law,Leader stm(i.�ooumt t�fd�ormK�r
<br /> �`�°�=r'�'�-;�.,;e�',:
<br /> ;�x��<�r���>�� �, for the eacess Faads in aocoidance with tbe requaemems of applica6le law.If the amount of the Fu�r;;f�d bY���Y
<br /> .;":= .=•r:�. '�<'�` ' time is not sufficient to pay the Escrow Items vrhen due,teader may so notify Borrower in writing,a�;'�3iz sttc9 c�se Borrawer
<br /> :<�:;=:�;�.(.�...,. .., .
<br /> • .•� • .<; •��•, shall pay to Lender ihe amount necessary us make up We deficiency.Horrower shall mad�e up the d,��cy in r•o ature than
<br /> ��ri�' `�"�"`�`;�r�r; twelve monthly payaieats,at Leuder's sole di�tfan. �:::'� �
<br />_ ••,r''';+'��:�_: _.,�. .�:?-,.
<br /> ' . s.% .` � �::. U�on paymenC in.full of alI sums secu��tiy this Secvrity Insaument, Lender shall pmmpUy sefimd w Bomower aay
<br />- _::�.�K,:;•;,t.!�':;.;r:�'" .
<br /> �: � . . . Fw�ds 6eid 6y i.ender.If.under para�ra�h 2l„�.xnder shall acquire or sell the Propeity,Lender,prior w We acquisidoo or sate
<br /> • of the Propesty.shall appty any Funds Ge2d hy Lender at the time of acquisition or sale as a rredit against Qte�sums sccured by
<br /> � tinis Security Insuument. .
<br /> � • 3.Apgltcatlon of Faymenta Unless alsg�:i�Is Iaw provides othenvise,all payments received Iiv�.�t�ixS under paragraphs
<br /> �, ' � 1 and 2 shall be applied:first,to any prepayri��G�rges due under the Note; secand,to arnounts p�;[fi�+��ndcr.paragraph 2;
<br /> ':`.:;,;.:";•` .-�'�';.: ' tFvrdq.to inte[est due:fourth.to principal due;�mrt 1�?;,t.�ariy late charges due under the Note. �'°r''••�;:.�.. .•. .
<br /> � ,, � f; ��CLs�i�ges;Uens.Boaawer shull pay�.}I N.r.�o�,�.;,.�-rrients.charges,fnes and impositions attr��i�l�aa t��:•i'roperty
<br /> '�°�' • • aA..�a�.9 may attain prioriry over this 5ecunry iny�su�pent;;:t�3t•leasehold payments or ground reirts,if�r;�,�v�:r sball pay
<br /> - . . F.�.r• I �t. " •
<br /> V.�r��
<br /> �. : �:'�?•�':�'�•° ' ` these obligauons iu.bit,e masu�er provided inpa��ph 2,or if not paid in thatmanner,Banower shait��v��em on time directly
<br /> ,^ ���`'','`,�`'`•' ` ta the person owa3:r:�,�ment.Borrower sha1C psu�i:�pdy fumish to Lender a!i notices of amounts to�e�is±$under this paragraph.
<br /> •�`. •.;i.�r��i`'•.:,:�: .
<br /> 1 -,,,,.:�. If 8oirower makes¢hese paymenu directly,Bcrrower shall promptty fumish ta Lender rec,eipts evidea�g the p�yments.
<br /> ���,�
<br />_ f .,;;.;S?��%��;��.�;�,%.,,;.`; Borrower shall pramptly discharge a�r,i�which has priority over this Security In�t�c�ent unleSS'Borrower:(a)agrees in _
<br /> -.� . � �,�t;�►`yf . .. writing ta the payment of thu obligatian secun��y the lien in a manner acceptabla to L,e�s.e�er (b)c�;�ests in good faith the lien =
<br />�;i�; ��:.�, pt..��:.. ' '''+ . by,or defends ageinst enforcement of the'1"uas�'in, legal proceedings which in the l.ender's opini�.rr operate to prevent the -
<br />?�±. �'� ::`�- ` � enforcement of the lien:or(c)�ecures from�fir,�fn�tder of the lien an agreement satisfactory to I.eitd�sr:�.bordinateng the lien w -
<br /> ' this Security Instrument.If i.ender determines tit;;i��ny part of the Property i9 subject to a lien wht�iray attuin priority over =
<br /> ���, ,', : '., .. this Securiry Instrument.Lender may give Bo,rm�r��;�r�.hciii►i:idemifying the lien.Borrower shall s�t'csfiy the licn or take one or _
<br /> � mo�of the actions set forth above within 10�.����af iltr.csc i;�g of natice. , . _
<br /> � . Form 3028 8/90 �
<br /> :s
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