�.� � :���t` ::= y�' _ � . � _-
<br /> '?'� ,- t �,-.. ,
<br /> �- -. �-� ��� ' - -� — - ' . '' ,�_.s -�.-
<br /> 7;, s
<br />_i�.e• , c. 1 . ^»�+�.."^^ t — -- —
<br /> — f C .::.. .— -� _ }. 5��i. '' ^ � `F '!. -<' � . . .__ . . _' 1L` � � -� ,—,. r ` r kc .
<br /> '� \ . - .. ' � �'� . �� � � - , . ; �F`. .. " ..`:. h.. .. .
<br /> — — _ '17:�1'r�B�r oi tbe&'k��ty��&�.,yT��s�t�e�t'��s�tts�.<Y��l�a�,�3����t"Fs�c�'Fir��p'ext��es�axs�t r
<br /> . is�.t�QZ ti7lTS�40S�S!�l'i]C�f�lttiftl'�'Si t!'!R�433itiRt4�R gQ, �T���tTlt."l��B�l3'a`tFtF���t e�cu�sY,.,�cr�pa3 a�gft�,' "
<br />- - , . �t,�es�s�painr�vraittrn c�ssent.;l.t�tder fisy, �its�it�e t'��t�m.��ilitsc p�kqt�t�ttt�a.ftx�1.of a!I�siims sac+irsdn��.�::�
<br /> �S�un�mes�t l�ip�Fa4er;i�tis�pt�on 5�t3 tin��6e eaer�ised b�t,I�df easice�o ts pm�ibicttl ay,T�r�i'ti�r`a�c►f sh��be:
<br /> . � 'O�t�f13 'L��ILSUUIDfQ� . �,� , :., : � � ,...,. -,., . , � , .,,, .,.
<br /> — �i$�s�exercisca tE���i�n.'L�ndcr s�isti�i�o Sntxa�er ta�i:ce o���.a�.��otioe ahafi rovide a�aod af nbt "
<br /> .. � _t�thar��3t!dxys�fc+em t1�;'�date�tfie t�otice ds del�verod.or uiailed witbin�evL�ch,�cs�r�uSt pay<�s�aia sav�hy tliiis' , . <<:
<br />� _ � �a�u�ii�r Instnimtf�t.If Amn'o�vet feiis to y t?xst su:ms,pt�cnc.ed tAe G�pjt�ia�of this:patiaci,Lendar'fiay�inwoka�tiy.rr3modks : � :
<br /> 0
<br /> ----- � ; perutiital6y this`�ttt��t�'�xnt�wilt�ut f�ttt�er a�tic�a�dem�d ot�Hpmawrt. � ,.. • • � � .
<br /> _ , �8. Bo +l+�`s tdi�l�8esdaLe. tf$artoR�r a�eis.�erta�a uan4idors, Borrower shat��ha��`dt.�.,ight t�n.h�to ` .
<br /> -- -- ,'eufor�ap.�t tfii$'Sa�6�st�iflknt dlseohfiinu�a€arry time grlar to the ear3ur of:.(a)5 days�or siish�ot�or period as . •
<br /> ° - ------- �piic�le taa.�.��-_ar�f�Irts�l.uefore�te. of che �+rapel4St�utsaaist`to azry powei of�a!e cmbt�imxt.�n9�is - `___
<br /> fC •
<br /> _ - - __ �naity Ins�d�ent;cr�(b1. bi�II jufiy�tt`.3'�f�iritiagt�tfs St��iity�.'�"uas�oam�i������:`{&3�i :-�"� �
<br /> -- --� - I�endsr a11 suass whec�t�wouid tr�;dina�e thzs Seair�tY�'taum��ur�td�e i+Iute as i8 na+:�asian E�a�d o�urt�3�`(b) � ...
<br />_ � ct�es`aaY Qef�ult of any o�her rar�ats or.agrem-.�s;(c)�y s.all r�eu�es Inra�irres!in enforcit�r this Sec�n`ty�at�
<br /> �
<br /> • inc�ucting,bst not ii�i�to.:rr.dsoi�Yh�4� s'fe�:&n�t(d),t�ss&prc2s as�on as�Eee�der t�aay reasonably ac�ite tP�tss�e,
<br /> - ` � that the li��f th'ss�{t�t;�{�L�s rigbis in tbt Propaty and Baao�rra's flb16g�on ta Aa3r'the sums aewred by
<br /> • tt�is.�rity insUiug��a�.s�l�ocs�2iutv�:�uneQsat v�. Upoaa rat��temeqt by-$srrmwer� thts Security In�t � ti�
<br /> �oblig�tions sec�r�d I�emby siztlt�tem�in.&illy��effedive as if ao�ocel�atian i�d o�it�.Hoa�.er,this rigt►t W rews2at�sT�l��.
<br /> � . nnt ap�r�i�the case of acpet�asi.a��tra�.,az Qact�aph 17. • . � �: , �i"' �.
<br /> _ 19. Sat�of Nat��C�of�s�S�ska'.TY�e Note ar:a paztea��t��n the i�ata Cwgethe�r with tb,es�
<br /> I�omnaent)�aY be sald:�cr�r caar�ti�s irir�hOUt�irior aotise to Bbmnwer.Et�,°may result�ti a chan,ge m s����
<br /> - — -.,as the''•'L,oar3 5ervioer"��,6��5�ly�p�m�u iY�se�mder tise Note aQCI t��ew�ity Ins�n1.1T��3�t�����
<br /> �:: aqr maie c�aages af the�a�i'�me��lated w a�'of t�Note.Tf theie is a cliange of tiie Loan Setvfoac,:����,-' `� �
<br /> giv�s arcitte�norioe of t��i��idanoe aritP��agraph 14 above and agplicabta law:l9ie cioSce ar��s�t�i aa�,�:" .
<br /> address af the new La�s.�icer�:t�e addtess to whic6 paymeuts stioutd Ese m�e.'[1�notice�aritl also`�o�ain au}?;;�T ;:�:
<br /> infoimatioa regaiaed 6}�.`�-.;.'cable tacv.�� .� : . �. <� ; � .��.'j1::`::", i}::
<br /> ` Z0.�H�ndqus 8am►urear sl�all�ro¢tc�se or p�mut i2ie p�sauce,.+�se.disposal: storage.or t�ease o�an� �t�
<br /> �"� ..i.Aazandaus Substances���'�t�e Praperty. Sa�m�t st�alt npt do. nor atlqt�r:aaYaae else m do,.a�y�mg a4�arn� the, ..
<br /> -- — �.<:=:�coperty t h a t is in v t o�;o f afly E a vironut e m a[;�Z C;'T h e P i�e d i a g t w o s t�i'm,c e s s h a l l n o iep p f y w t b e�r e,u s a e.a s e.o r
<br /> —�-_-=_=_-_- n-torage on the M�opeaty��mall qnautities of Harar�isus Substans�es tiaai are g�alty.re�g n i z,e d to 6e�ppropnate to�ormal
<br /> ----- tesidential uses and to maTmtenanre of the Pca�tty. - � . . :. , _ . .
<br /> --'-�---�""'� Borrower shall PmmptiY g►ve Lendes written nouoe of any invcstigatian,:c�aona,ctemand.Iawsuit or ather astion anyr .
<br /> -----_��_^_� _;;; govemm�tal or�gulatary ageav.y or private party imotving the Property an��.Narar�fous 5vbstane�or F�vitanrnart�I.�w
<br /> -������:_ ` :'.` of which Borrower 6as acKUal Icnawledge.Tf Borrower Ieams,or is antified�yt�a�y govemmcaisi ur regalat�sry aulP�ority,tLai `
<br /> --_-=_-— '�'`'sriy removal or other cemediation of any aiaTardous Substaace affecting tt�e Praperty'ss neaessaryi.Bozrower shall promg�tiy take ,
<br /> �{°=------- . all�teo�saiY remedi�l actions in acco;dance wsth F.nvironmental Ia�!: _ . � . • .�
<br />- - . . � As�ad.in this ParagraPh 2t1.�"3��rdous Substance�"at�;eii�e substames defined as toXic or hazardaus sabsfa�ss.hq .
<br />- --- . Fa�vironC�.'�1 LaN attd the'follm��.xis�'��ibstances: gasoline. 6��ie. ot6er flammable or toxic peirnl�m prod�Cts;:�xic
<br />_ ,. .•. ��;:;�.',.cpestiridesl'�herbicides,volaWe soIv�:'matereais containing�4'os or fom�aldehyde.and tadioncKive ma�s-As u�eid in, � .
<br />- .''' '��"� �: � i = .::>this h 2a, 'F�vimnmental law" mear�s fodera9 laws i�4aws of t�,'urisdiction nhere the Ptap�:.is located shat '
<br /> �'' 5-�� z �-*•_./ �;;,,.,_, P�S�P oreavironm,atal mtection.
<br /> . . .��e' .: � �:• J ' t""_.
<br /> _a :_ :,_;;•, ' �retate to health,saiety P :�. . . ;,:;
<br /> •."r`�r-, . 1�ION-LTNIFO�iM C�VENAN.TS.Sorrower and Lender fa�s�cavenant amd agree as faliows: •
<br /> ,i�? � �- Zl.AacrleraHon;Remetl�es.[.e�adQr sball give autI�to�o�priar to aooeteration foQowfng Bo�sower's bt+�ch
<br /> �.=�{n:
<br /> ;���='G!�% �s�:i of any ooveaaat or ag�+eerneai in�Riils Sea�rIty Iash�ment Rsut uot prtor to aooelcza4ion ander paragrsgh l?nnle�s
<br /> �:�:r"�;�.e;`�-:•' a llrab2e law rovides M�w�vEse).T6e not�ce shaD spec�fy: ta}the defaalt;(b)the ae.tton r�d W c�ue We d�ault;
<br /> .,�..... . PP . p
<br /> ,ti;�.:,'..,-._ _,,,-,� ;", ; (c)a dai�not less t6an 30 days fcom the date tfle notfoe tc�iven to BorroRer,by wblc�tlie de�fln(t must be cu�ed;and
<br /> �.''� � • : • (� that fa�Iu�+e to curc the defauit om or beforr the date spec3�ied ia the notIce may�+esWt tn soeeteratloa ot We swms .
<br /> `�:`'��;'"".� �.;`'`'.: sewsed 6y thls Se�rity Insln�ent and sa�e of the Property. �e aotice sLall fm4ltea�infor�Borrower of 3he rlght to
<br /> `�'`�-"' ' �'�' "'` ' � ` reinstate after aoeeleration and th�¢�r'i�,,,ht to bring a caurt acE�nn to assest We nan�eiisteztce oi a drfuWt or any athcr
<br /> .�r{c,.:��s': Tf <.
<br /> '4�b.�.,'::,-• •.„:� _
<br /> .-: .,.;.....} #. : ,• . defense of Borrower w ncoeieratu�lr�,�d sate. If the defani!��uot cured on or beYore tic��date spedfced'w the natit�
<br /> :,':�,- �.. . ..,,- , . . .,.-,;•; .I.euder, at ets opLton,may requig�¢i�mediate paymeat fi f��i�aIl sams secured by t6is Sec�ity Ins?�rammi withoat
<br /> 1F;;"r�..`,`.'•�`�,t
<br /> , �,��s� .�,,`'.:� �. ;�farther demand and c�;6iavoke t�re po�ser oi sale and any ot�avt remedies pexmitted by appUca61e lacs+i.LRadez sha116e
<br /> i, •��, F
<br /> �,i���., '��,:;, '�`,:� ¢atitted to ooUect a!1 �fa�in pwsuing the mmedics provtded in{,6.Es paragraPb 21,IactadIp�,�huE aat Hmited
<br /> }�„�;,. :�`�"�.,�"'•;r . to,reas�na�k aitor�,��.����'�.ai�t&of titie evideace. . '•� , .
<br /> .::�.t,:�!,�ry�r� �X�%; ; � „ w �:..
<br /> It t'u�i'r��iqwer o4��:>u.a�+�;%�'rustee shall record st.c�tfoe of default in each coun in�vWch any p�4 of the
<br /> `- :�;'•;�x ���`'� .` p�,npeef?�i�;:�acated ax���'�,m�oY such nottce in the'3»anr�er pmsc�ibed by ap➢1lca�ie law to BorroR�and to
<br /> '`�i;::,r..: :�`,,;::�.�}r.', .,i � �y .
<br /> _� the other�oa����t„�y a�ura61Q law.After t6e time required by applip6le 1a�v.Tiustee shall�fe pnblic aot[ce _
<br /> :X��' � .�'.,;::.t' . r o!sa�e to t[ie peiscsa�;�tS'ttin t5e manner pmsc�by appl[ca6le tncv.Trusterti�v�Wout�emaad on Itnnrn!tiwer,s6al1 scU _
<br /> ; ,y,�,��`���•,,:•:^��• ' .:� i ,: the Property at puQ��ss`�v�rt.Las to t6e hJghest btdder at the time and place and under the terms desig�7D��.l;fin the Qo�ice of � _
<br /> j��Y.:�
<br /> '� w'�.,,;:;�;��� �� . � sate in orte or more pa(�cels and in�ny order Trustee deteruiines.Trostee may postpone sate of all a�'�y pamel o!the
<br /> �F.:;-:z..�.�,.f`, � _
<br /> �; : ;,� ,�,Y: � P r o p e r t y��r p ab lt c a n n ouncem e�;�,the time and place oF ai�eg previousl y schedW¢d�saf�:�i.cnder or�ss d e s t g�ee m a y .
<br /> :.,���"�����. tgn
<br />-'r ';���:. �.y y�; Pur�ci�ase�`s�Pro p e r t y at an y sate:
<br /> �.,•: 'F.. ,.�`�' . , ... =
<br /> ii�;!� ,:�.• '';'• _
<br /> .'�;'', i�, , . ' . ,�,,. '�I �
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