"z� �:,.�,.... ' �- '�x'ac=t_ . F: .- _ . :i:t,k` c-. L'-','," ti .. —
<br /> _���' _.�1 _.er_ srZ•�1'%F..�`t`,.r.4y�; _ . � _ e1 —_.
<br /> , , i�-�� j 1+»,Sv' "`i,i_� • � .. � �4 c.w°_—
<br /> -c i' ��. .� .i '� .�"�_'.`°m.""� m_�.� _-..-_— ..._ __ -
<br /> _ F. - . , . . — -_—
<br /> � �
<br /> .
<br /> ,:�t _�r aYF11C ' - ... . . � r ' , � .. . . . . . . . � . C•J"..� a ` � . . _ -� �-�—
<br /> . . 'c i . � ` ` . • . . . � .i . . . ��� .����. •• (•• • ` � --�_- _--_
<br /> - -- ,. ♦ .. � ' � c `• ... . `` . �_ _ __.
<br /> — :. -; : .,.ia�riodg thar�deiaequ�e.� 'ihhe insr�ce c�riar pioi�iding��m�ura�ce s�J!6e cfiosea 6y I3amawer subjea m Lend�� �.�, --
<br /> .- � . anrpmvat wtuch aha11 not be unreasot�biy witLhg2d. �Hortawce�r,ils�a u►ainmia oo�erage d�abov�Len�er au3y,at , �--_ ---
<br /> . Lender's apta�a,a$tain cavcragf to�rotect IRnder�ri�tits isi tttz Prrip„�rty in a�ca�daace wit�paiagraph 9. � � , �-..�- �. —_
<br /> -- — ` All insura�ce polieie's�d cenewals Sha�l be as'�t��2s[o Lendis and�all:incIude e standaM Eaortgag�'ciaus�.��i.ender �� �'�`,,� � __
<br /> -----— _ ,.�'• �. ,`r�ail tiave d�s tigiit to hoid the polici�s and.r�hewads:;iP Lendet re�iie,s.Sonn��sha'Il F�PUY�Ve to�.ender all recx�apts .. �����-- _ _..
<br /> _ .� ' ,. of paid g�lums�nd rea�eEVat norIces.. In the ev�ni of los�HomatiWer shall give prompt aotice to the insuranoe carreer aad ` � - _--
<br /> _ � ° I.endei Le�tit��r cttey msk�psaaf of toss_if.nai inade pmat.ptiy by.Hormiver. . . . =�,,;,�
<br /> ' Ltn2ess[�erider aa�i Barrotiver ot&erwise agrae in wndng,u►sur��pmoeeds�shalt be applied tsi restoration�ar�ep�air df . � , �_""�� � _.
<br /> . the Ptu�any dmnug�d, if the`resto{atlu�a or tepzir.is economically feasibls and I.ender�security i's nat tessened if t�� � � �'' ,.�.��a:,`
<br /> G,:,Y�a�o � , n�storaiioa or nzgatr is not ecouoaur�iy f�k or.Lender�s se�nty wouls be tessened,the ins�nse gioo�dsshall be f .: z;c�r � .
<br /> > `��r°� aggtied to t�.°�ms ses�rect.by dds Se�ciuit�,�t�t.wHethea ar.Qot then:du�with anq ewrxss paid m Haaower. ff _;}-_ _ � ``-�' �
<br /> "'""'�`�.' . Bo�mc�er aban�ons�d�e Prap�rty,or�daxs ant,answer arit6in 30 days a notioe fmm Lenderthai the incnranOC C8It18i h&5 ; ' -
<br /> ��c_,;��' . - t�€ers@ ta•scitIa a claim,then l,ea�ier mag�r,olt��t the insuranoe praceed.�: Lender anay ase t�.p;oceeds to repair or restore ,,..:;�.�:�- -
<br /> = .. tha Pmg�ityc ar to P��+s�,secured by titis Seau�ity Inshvment,whether or nai then due.Ti�a��ay penod�vill begin whea� F: ���;
<br /> V = th��otio�is,glven.�. ' . .,_ :, , � �!`� � ::.
<br /> -- -u�.� , . . ..�s.r':"
<br /> --_---- U�.tess 1.�aQer and.�omnwet oth�iii��a a�res.i�,;vritit?S+enY aPPlica�an of p�+naeeds fo principal sball noi extend or :-h:+ 4�'> . ilr:,;=�
<br /> ._.a...._�......� .:.:.
<br />--_==_----== -• .Post�on�tha d��duteof th�flaonthlY P�Y��nts refel�d w m-ParagraPbs 1 anc1.2 css ci�nge the amount of ttie payraetus:.If. :�`�;, ...� -;��;�- ..
<br /> � nndes pac�aP�;2�:th�Pmperty,is aog�tiied bt�Lender,Barmwer�,ap�t.co iaii{r��uanceif�11�cies and�}�g��resul. .�?,�; a,�`,
<br /> � ��� � - J Q- Y•. f:�- r"_'_'_ � � � s Fa�
<br /> from•dam�e,fa,d�a Properry priof w,�ia accqnisidon shait.gassr�:,�!�d�r#�n.�i�.eaienr of�ue,s�s s�urad 6y�his S� . �• ,� �r� ��-
<br /> ��s� tnswme�t.(qiinedie'oety Prior to the a�uan. :; , -•, � : ,:..•,:� , ~�, ' t �.F°�� ��,��`�
<br /> '� qiin - �
<br /> '� . 6.. O�¢uPanc�,�_1�ervatfon, utenanoe and Prot�s�'s�i �e.�perty+ ::�d'r'rower's Loan Dliratto.s,,`;,` :r ��.. ._.
<br /> _— Leasehotds. Borrow�s;5�11 oaupy.�ab�isb,and e�°.�ne ffopercy�sorra?��'��3ncm�resiaencc wiavn�+aays atcer • ... �s w -- -
<br /> - -- theExecurion of this 5�.: :' Instrument aad shr�;,�tinue to oocupy the Fttx� ,��r as Bomower�s principal mside�e for at . '<:�;;; .i5' ti�s' �-
<br /> _ ' . teast aa� ear aRer #di��e.of u�pancy. unless Lender otherwise agr�s°m ariting, wtuch consent shail not 6e �,��� ' `
<br /> w — .tm�so�,��eld,�oX;�intess e�#iating cjnvrnstances e�ist which are beyond Borrow��control. Borrower shall ant � 3��=-�
<br /> ii -
<br /> :� destroy;d�ge or imp'�r,•;�he YroPeatY� ProPeaY � . `�,• �� �� .
<br /> .`a l low t l ie t o d e t eri o r a t e,o r c o i n m i t w a s t e e�t't h e P c o p e�t}r. �o r r o w s h a U ��
<br /> -_ -� be In defauk if tu�y foir��#�ie actioA or proceeding,whether civil or criminal,is begun that in L�►der's good faith j�sd�ment . � ,,s.,� ' ����-n --
<br /> ;,;;�"°�- �' ... . � ... couk!resuIt in forfe`rnaa.imf-tke=prvPertY-.or.otherwise.matenallY-imPair-the IIe�.sreated.by_tius.S�;'_T�2s�neiit.qr. ___. ; ;��t �� �-��:
<br /> �""` ��, Lend�r�security inte�st. Borrowei may cure such a defautt and reinstat�,as P'?awic�d.in paragr�ph 18,by caasing t�e,actian �-�
<br /> ,- . ar pmceed'mg to be dismissed wittt a tuling that,in Lender�g�:f�jtb debermi�Ji�n,PrecI�e.t forfeiture of the Barrower� `�'�
<br /> fA ^�
<br /> �� y � interest in the ptoperty or ottier maEarial impaitment of the li�it�cceated iiy dris Security�ent or I.ender�s ,", �;_<•
<br /> S�?�..;.��. . .
<br /> �£��,� imtetest Bomuwer shall also be in defavlt if Bomnwer, during the laan application prqi�s;gave materialIy fatse;��,r:.f;;;,:`.,. �' -r;',�t:�.'' ,,� _
<br /> �_,..---. .. . .
<br /> Yq��-•�,�° inaecurate information oi statemenfs to Lender(or fa�ed to pnovid�LenQer with any materia/inforaration?in connection wit� ,•.•-�� > t :.; �,.�
<br /> ��� • the loaA evidenced by the Note, including.but nQt limited to. repiesentations canceming Bormwer�s occupancy of the �'
<br /> �.+,ri r -'t � Propertj►as a piincipal iesidenoe. .If this Se�uiity Insbvment,is on a leasehold,Boirower shall�amply wi il i a l l t he provisions� :'s.,�; '"
<br />:��r��,-:��,��t3�' of the Ie�.ca,r If Borro,w�r acquires fe��,itle to the Ptoperty,the teasehotd and We fee atle sha�;��;merge untess I.ender agrees f-. �
<br /> � ��� . tOthCi4�t 1lQl.wf1tillg. � : •' . ? ,,, , ,=`,` �f
<br /> � r�i��' 7. �$�¢i'Deriion of Lender's•R6gitts in the Property. Iff•#�z�ower faiSs to perfom'i•��covenants and agieemenu , r�`��
<br /> �- �, �i.: t_f�'. � ..
<br />_._.�,:�::�,�r, ., • conmined in�tl�i�5eturityr Insuumenb or Ihere is a iegal Proce�G�sS that may significant�y affect Lender§rights itt the ..;,�.
<br /> ' y�#i
<br /> �f , Aropezty(such'as a p;mva.,�ing in bankruptcy.probate,for condemn�ibn or f�tf.��dire or ro enforce taws or regulaHons),then .
<br /> ' ' .'�� !;i Lender may do�and.$s��'Cvr whatever is necessary to protect the:.���ia�af t�e�roperty and Leader�s rights in the Pt�operty. ,�
<br /> �,t Lender's aCtiaas may Ir2ctuds paying any sums secured by a liera�:+c��piiority over this Security Inswmen�appear�c„ • ' ��=
<br /> :�!._ :• '.': in coiut,paying masona6le attomeys'fees and entering on the#'i�i�t3�,to make repa9rs.Althongh Lender may take arT��: . ; . •�;;,r/_
<br /> r ' `�')'=,' under this paragraph 7,I.ender does not have to do so. ' , ;:r ;�
<br /> ' �;.,,-'�; Any amounts disL'�d by�Lendes under thib paragraph 7 shall become additional debt of Bormwer secured by this � t�; ,� ;,:�' '
<br /> ' Security Insaument. [<riat�s�orrower and I.ender ttgree to other terms of paymen�these amounts shall•bear iutec�.st from the s,r, ,��� ,_�',,=
<br /> E; �« '�• .. . .;-
<br /> date of disbursemem a�.hlaa NFate rate and-shtillibe payable.with interest,upon notice fmm�ixadet ta•Bom?sver requesting �.`s"�-�-
<br /> ,,r -: paymen�• � :,; :i'����'�'"
<br /> _ 'A; 8. : MorQ,,��age Iasuractc� If d.enda7�+equired mortgage insumnce as a condition of�making the toan secured by thla� � :s p'='^�;, `
<br /> F;�;;`.,,,;:.::������ Security;Tnstrument:�Borrower shall�pay the pnmiums re�uired�tti mamrain the mortgag��insur�e in,et�'ect. U for an.�� ''.�d,��- �:,,::
<br /> �.�, >>.,,�.
<br /> �_�.;,.:_.i;T��,�:;- reasan, thb�mostgage i�esurance coverage required 6y Lender lapses or ceases to be in effect. Borrower shall pay th2 • '.;'``'�{:�" '`
<br /> Fremiums re�quited�a i�r�,ain coverage substandally equivalent to the mortgage insuranCe previously in effect,at a wst : � :, ;'
<br /> ti ' ' sabstantlally equiva3cnx to the cost to Bmrower of the mortgage insurance previously in effect,fcom an alumaze mortgage . ��.,� � �•
<br />= '•- � •�• � insiner a roved b Lertder. S substantiall uivalent mort a insurance covera e is noi available.Bonrower shall a to '"�`'�"�'-�
<br />':�,�:: . � �.:,:;. FP Y. Y W S 8e g P Y �L -- _
<br /> Lender eacfi month a sum equal to one-twelfth of the yearly mortgage insurance premium being paid by BorroweF wflen the '�',�•.-f�•';���;:
<br /> ,"' insurence coverage lapsed or ceased ta be in effect. Lender will accept.use and retain these payments as a loss reserve tn lieu • � .�- .:�. �'{,:: :
<br /> _r'''".�;�� � �� of mortgage inswanc�..ia„oss reserve payments may�no longer be reyuired.at the option of Lender.if mortgage insurance. '�`•<��-,.
<br />= •�• coveeage(in the am�A2�d for the period that Leader requires)provided by an insuret approved by i.ender again becomes , � '� • •
<br />__ :��,'��:.,�4; ' ' availab2e and is obt�is�a�Sotrowet shall pay the premiums requued to maintairi mortgage insurance in effec�or to provide a , �', t:. ,
<br /> � ��...i;;;l,;�!, loss rese�s�e,until the i�quirement formortgage insurance ends in accordartce with any writt�agreement 6etween Borrower {. � .. •` ;,,,,:(�, ' �
<br /> , ,'-�i i�'!�:..� , �„MTti�� '
<br /> '; c�r.,., and 1.en�aror�PPlicable law. . �v.•_? ,
<br /> ' 9 T��eetfon. Lender or its agent may make�+easonable entries upon�x�4cespe�ctio�s of the Property: Lender shall , ,� •�
<br /> " give Borrower noaioe�c Lhe time of or prior to an inspection specifying reason��t:���ase for the inspection. '
<br /> �,.•., .�.
<br /> • . 10 �oredea�aat�ticnda. The proceeds of any award or ciaim for damages.dzraa:ar conseqaential,in connecGon with any , . , '
<br /> �'` � Single Fmnuy--Fannie hfaelFYeddie Mac UNIFORM IIVSTIt1;MEN'P--Uniform Covenants 9l40 (page 3 oJ6/ss�..1 � , ., • .
<br /> ��` ',n• �1� : � �latea�ug1�F4tm0.Ina� ' . ...
<br /> .;;�'�, . . . � ToO�dQ�:t�0,i308�3OYA%Oili74,a-f45�.� • . . ... _ . ,
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