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<br /> �v�'aQiia�s�siea�' ' . . ,.. _, . • . . �.tc . . t __0 �� _ � � �� ' =' — - _ — _
<br />-= - — - ° ;�TdDCBTH�R`WiTK ail the�impsmvements nm�i or�et��on3he.groper��a r�t rasa�a����..�c�s: ,. �
<br /> v:���.. `: � ; .aad��uw<�iie.re�er,a art af ti� geqrty. AlI teplacemeuts sttd�addit�ons shali sisv tse covcred i�y thi�sSe�idy± �?��.
<br /> ==_� Inst�men� �.li a�the fo�going is�eaed tq�'�a this Securttq Ens'tcan�ent.as'the"P�aperty.° ' . '��:_ � ��Q__
<br /> _�����f ` $�RROQV�i GmV�NA�'S�sat�orrovyer is lativFuTly seise¢of.t�eatate fuaeby wnveyer�aad has tII� 'n�:ta g�t� �°`tiy -
<br /> _ _. aa�convey 4he Frdpaty s�nd that the F{upeny is sriencu��w exce�st faz aucumbrances of necard Borcower waf�ts a�tt9� . `,'� .
<br />°- Yvill defend gene�llq dte Ei�Te w tha P�eperty against all Clalmfi and deu►sads.snF�ect to eny encam�srancea�f rerarc#.i;_ -
<br />_ , TI�S<SECU1iYrY IIVS'TRY�NT a�mbiaes utufoim covenauts for narianal ase and non-uaifo�ca�rcaa�i'�S::vYnth � _ -
<br /> , . � ` limite�variations by jnrisdiction w cansdtrate a nniform seswity idstrh�eqi cov�riaS�P�PErtY• �` —
<br /> �'`` ��.� � ` ` - �' . .
<br /> - -� - L)NHFO�iI CUVEIVAI�'g'S. Bo�o�reran�t I.�d�coven�#anda¢teeas follaws: . � --- -
<br /> � �'r�Y E�, �,��� i. . �ea�oY Pri�tctpal�jnte�es43 PrapaY�tqat eaW L�te Cffi�. Banower sball QramptIy pay wtzc�d�t��e =_
<br /> � :y=��`.�_' of�ad iaten�si an tk�debt eviQeaced the t�Ja�and an t and inte ch es duB under tP�e Note.:;=' `--
<br />- �_�. � ��Z��nds far��I�'�ace. Sub ere ta uypliCab2e Iawo t�o n wn'ttsn wt►Iver�by Lendat.�arrowcr sta�ll�y.tc� __-
<br />- l,rndes on the daY.montiily Qayaeents are duo undcr the Wote.until�the Note is paIcl ia fuil.e sum t"F�ads")far.({s�;y�ast�
<br /> tsvEes nn9 assessments.wlrlct�may atWis►prtart over thie S�rity.I�stru�ent us o tien on the Rvpe�iy�(b)Yer.�ty(�osc�o2d . --
<br /> puyments or grou�rQ ecnts on.tiic Arolxsrty. i�any:(c)Y�tY k��R�P�Y �asuranc� premtums:(G? Y�,i'���
<br />- � '�� insulruncr'pre�niums, if any:(ea Yenrig mortgage insutan,se,Dr�miums.if any:t�nd(�any eum»payubte by Bocro�er to --
<br /> • a :
<br /> � � ---`�`'��� � Gen4e�.in nccQrd�tce with tho p�ovisions�f parctgra9h 8�in Iteu of the p�yrrne�st of mnrtsage�nsuranae pmmiu�,,.��se ;
<br />- �-��,��°�*..���.%:� items are catied"8scrow items." [,endcr mpY�gt any time.coltect aad hold Fi�nds in en nmuunt nat to eaceed the�imum . �_-
<br /> � "�� �emowit a lender for a f�dcraliy mtated mnrtgr�ge.loaa may mrquIre for Bonower's escrow account under the fe�eral[teal �—�
<br /> "s -sn�..:r.�:,��=_'�` ;
<br /> . rr.;r,h ,tk-
<br /> <<•_�;:� - Sst�te Setttement Procedums Act of 1974 as amended fiom tlme to time.l2 U.S.C.�260t er aeg.("RFSFA").untc�is�oth�r :
<br /> � t��-:?T-3''T ?-t� ` law that appl�es to�l�nds sets a tesser amnuat-If so,Lender may.at any time,coIIect aad hold E1mds in aa am�mnt n�ut to � --
<br /> ��:``��;: exceed Uie tes�er amo�nt Lender may estimate the amount of Funds due an�e basis of curreat data aad!jt�asouaablc �—
<br /> ,� i��•. -
<br /> � ...� �� - esttmates of exp�udiUU�es of futuce Eseww Isems or othern+ise m accordance wlth appiiea6le tavi. - '
<br /> :-�:L-=t_. . �,,.����--= -
<br /> ,�-�:.._.� , .:', . The I�ads s�hall 6e held in an ins6tution wti4se deposits a��e inst�red by a.federal agency.insnvinenra�i�,.ar.entity _---_
<br /> . " _i.: ':;�;�;« r-' ---------(iu�Iuding�Leader,i�i.ender is s�sch an insdniiioa)or in aay Federal Hnme Loan BaWc. Lender sha11 appty tBe P�imds to gay -
<br /> theEsccow-Items....Lendsr-may.�ot-charge-$otrower_for.�oldingand.a�plying.lh�_F1�nds.�u�a]IY�palYzi�TS;i7�escraw--------------- --
<br />_ �,.. . ---
<br /> '� �� ' . acsonnt,or v�rifying the Fsctow Items. unless L.ender pays Bormwer mterest on tbe Funds and applicable t�v permits �_____
<br /> �. r� � � ` Leader m make such a charge. However,Lender may requtre Hmrdwer to pay a one-time c6arge for an indep�sad0n3 real =_=--
<br /> .::.�ti<.".` . : �::, --
<br /> - -�._. °.:.,: � `�. . � ; estate tax r�poiting service�by Leader in connectIon with this loan,untess applicable law pmvides othemrlse�.Un1�ss an �':
<br /> _ �':<, ';;:,:,."` agreemeat is made os applicable law requites interest w 6e paid.I.eader shaU not be required to pay Ba�rower any;inmerest ar =
<br />