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<br /> _�.._ ,:rm�•:.•�.`ti.�- - - . . �t . , � , ` �� � .�. � .. � '� ` . . � _
<br /> — u��. '_ _ _ _ , � ' • . • � . . . ' . • ., . s` ---__
<br />- _. — - __ .. . • , � , ��� t� ' •_— . "."__. —
<br /> -------=--- _= p��aalds t9�aa i�er reS{adi�s- 'tk�insuiancc carefer��viQir�g t�te ir�snrance shatl be chasca bq�m�'m�b'C�crt t�i�cif�r� , -
<br /> -- -___-_-- ---- �• �9�v�irts s,'aan�ni��asa�tahly cvuhl:etd� If$arrower fait�to maintaisss caver�ss dessribcd�bov�:i.ertder eni�y.et� .
<br /> - •I�drar�o�iass.oDt�fin c�Yv�e to gmmtect LeaQer'�Rgtris In the Rc�erty in u�rdattCe witA pary�raph 7, � . . ' �-
<br />--— =��---- Atl i�suasJna pnlis�t,c e�d retlsw�s sha116e aacepsah2e ta LenGcr and ehall inet�e a standard aza�t�qe stau�. 3.�d�cs <—
<br />—�,:_�;�;�,-=-�- s�r 3 l t m v s t D a e r i�i t�ts o i d t A 2 p Q l isies eud tenewaL3. jg�ndar.e�aiees.Samnwer`sha!!pcmngsty.give to9xitQsr cell aeCSip�s ,
<br />-_�; '�;� 'T �!'pznd�remivacs aa�d r�r a l aatices. t n t he e v C n t n i toss.�orrovrer s h a i!�,i v e'p m m p i a�t i a w t h e i a s s a r�i a c�t�t r i e r r a�d ----
<br />_-sx ���-�.� /�rsitdra: I.�dea�ay mai;e g�o�f of In�s if au�made pmmPdl+bY Baraowes. � � . � -
<br /> . � ' ` ?���`:�,:' Unte.ss Le�dea assd Honv��er athenvise age�in n�ntire�,tnsurrnce pscc�ds s5al1 be ap�li�i!ro t+estaration or�pair of � --.... - --- -
<br /> - :=�s��`�` tt,c�:Y c�saa�,.�£d��ur t�siz is�ty f�:ib!e ar.�I.pn��r�s s�t!�y is�soi t�sened. �If the_ • __---- ---
<br /> �,.��^'..�.,.,� . _---- - -
<br /> , .. :isa3ce�ti�►oF�r is nnt ero�mica[ly tea�ible or t.eader�s's�ty ao�Q be tessenea,tfte insuraase pr�eeds siiall 6e�
<br /> � °" ,° • �:-� ,'ag�plied ta t3�se�s se�d 6�this Sec�uiijr ins�rnegt,�vhet�er ar Qot then`dtFe.cv�itr any ea�ces.e paid to�arnow�er. If -- ----
<br /> � ;..�_;�a.: ----- ----
<br /> ., ,_,,.;:'.- , ,
<br />_ *°.�.u., , ': B�rmwsa abandons t3se Fragerty;�r da�s dot ansvver within 30,days a Ratice from i�eader tJt�t tkr insuranee a�rier has < _
<br /> _ f` ;� .affcae�ta�ttle a c9�:th�I.ead�may wStect the in�rsisoe prace2Qs i.eQder may us�th�ps�aeeds w c�epair ar restam • �- --
<br /> �,�.: �r: t'�aAro�tty oa tm.fiay�ms�ed isY this Securit�r Instrumem.wit�ther or nat thea�du�.'i�3�d�y petiod vw:116eg'm arh�n , � - -
<br />_-� - �;,.:, •.tt►e nui�is giva.�t. . ,
<br /> : ;:.:i��_-:, _ o —------
<br /> �'•- �� Uad�ss l:e�dor�id:Earmwer ath�+ise agtee in ariting,aaty applicatiun f pmoeeds on pmtcipal s6n1�nat extead ar --
<br />�,. ;i:"s.:'�� - . � —_
<br /> • ; �„;` .. �=r. pa�4pmne tise d��e da��af ih�manthZY paYm�►u r�t'em:d m in paxagtagiis 1 and 2 ar ct�mge che amouat of the payments.'If -_---- - _
<br /> - :�t� ,, `;'�. :'��'r: :.`lu�er�4n Zl tdC'Pm�s[y ts aCqu'sted by Lender.Boisotti�es's righi b�any inc�rr.�eoe politiES a�d pmoee�s ce'sstYting -- _-
<br /> .., � F;- . � . :btirij:�na�to t'b��ty p�ior to tl�e aoqrasition shall pa�s to[.euder ta the extent of the sums.�!ry tit�s Securiry =_-__-- -
<br /> �_ , ��. •�t'� :lf�ttt►�ims�iediatzlypnaatothe�on • • . '
<br /> .. , `'� , : G. �Tcc�g�aotq,'Pe�o4, Aiaint�and � af the Pr+o�erty; Borrosiet's La�n AppEisa�+
<br /> � 4�
<br />�.-�. �,,r'�as,,'t� •K ' ',•.- ��s, g�rosa st�oo,capy,estaM'�s}�,and use the PropeRy a�s Bosmwer�F�inciPa!�sideeoe widtir►sutY days ""' --- .
<br /> � t, !,� +�exeassiom of tP�is�Cauitp ia��e.nt.amd Sha110�to oaupy the Fropeity as Botms«r�p�iacipaf�deace for az �, _; _---- T..
<br /> _ 1 r,`�•. • {�! OIiC jfi� a'�J�IC d3IE Of OCql�'dIICy. IlIItC55 �.CR1dCt' Ot11ePN1SC IIg[eC8 lA.tVfltlilg.'s�tiC'�1 W71S¢IIL S�1� QUI 6C � --r""'�--
<br /> � �.,,, ,_ ._.w�.. ` �iness4aa�ly�r-i4hheld,or onI�s.s exte�traring ri+r••n+�rances exist afiich are bEyontl8aaiion•er's�nunL Banawer shall not � ��
<br /> , , •: ----�- - --�-ds�ro - or- '- - - - .---._..__ -- ---- -
<br /> Y•� ��-�OF�Y•si!!ow the Prapeay-todeteiimatcroi obuiuifC=s�r�teun-t3te P�perry-.B�ou�ersiiall �,
<br /> ,:,., �-. be ia�fa�slt if an !'aifeinne�ction ar ivhether civa or rrimivai.a Begim.�at in LenderTS good�aith judgrner� -
<br /> ,r • y L��S. ��.:a: --
<br /> r �, w4tld tes�ll i�a fott�ituc+e of tt%e Ptvpi.�.cflc otbeswis�m�erially i�paIr the•liest t'c�Red Isy;lbis:Secoa[ry jasuusneat or =
<br /> ' wi
<br /> • �c�:;a:�� � • t:r�der's s�t�riEy in4xrtst. Bqe�as�ett�c�such a defaaIt�d ceu�tate,as P���P�S*dPh�$•by caasipg�aaron • ��'
<br /> ;::,.
<br /> , : .. -. .
<br /> �r .,.��::..,=a� - �sr�roo�ding tu be d'um�cu�a i�alm8 that.iu l.ender's good fait6 dete�minatf[m:prectad�s fmfeiuue Qf i�te�Hoava�r'� . . ����`'��`;:;�-_
<br /> ,..::..::•r,._ . _ .--
<br />`- {.�.::��: �.,...._.� " of ' by`t6is S_ . Insd'�ent_or_Len�ir3 '
<br /> , '',�;"' '.� ;• , itaaest in t6e Piapeity ar ac8er.�ateiial impairment_ .ttre uea c�ceared ecamy �tY. _ ,'.:�_.,��F"
<br /> : :r�. �., uoteress. Eo��er sLall ai�be in defaoIt if Borsouer, during We [aan app�icatiun prooesc. gave marerially faLs�.or. x ;''��.'.,.
<br /> :�:;;; ':.::. �r. . ':,;< i�aauate infa+arnadua or smzeateats m i.cc�der(or fa7ed w provide Lender w�th any material6nfosmationj in sanae�ctio»�ith '.`�'�--�"��
<br /> '' , y�� � `r tbz loan evi�ved by the i�ote,usctuding, but aot limited tQ�enrations coneeming BoTmwer's aa�paa�y of the '
<br /> ,� , : ;.
<br /> „ . .
<br /> �3 �t �� P��j1Ft1y�d�CI��_ If l�lis SCiUlidy indr�m�^t is oit a IC35ChOId.EOli�OltCf Shell Cmlilply n7ih.1I'.NIC{tmvC510�s f
<br /> �� '"''��i;, . . ,;; p1�tt�:leas�. If Bo�era+a�,ni�es f�atle to the Property,the leasehotd and the fee title�shall aormerge ccnless I:en�Ezr agees. . •i''°,:;:,;', � ,
<br /> �J� � ,.� tdttce�tger im nriteiig. , ,�.�.
<br /> �' g'�Ys� the Prop�ty. If Banon•er fails oo p�efaim the co�enar►ts and u�eements
<br /> - � • .s,, 7. �a2�t'rmn.of Le�zffxr's Iti - .
<br /> .. ��, J `T-,` ` ,°
<br /> :; . .� t �tt';,'
<br />=y,.': ;t;,,,'}:; - ;}Y7�; -oantaimed in�thns SSpn�ity inswment;arthere is a�egal P�l��3!sigufuamly aftect l.eadxr's�eghts in the �.• ; ..
<br />_ ,. �'�a.., .�t � ° .prp�y(sucb as a pnaaee�ag in b3nlmcgrcy.probate,for condertwa�on or forteiture or to enforee IIIa-s or rzgalac�ons).dua ;.:: :
<br /> ---- '•.� ;� -. , �.:�der ma},do a�i pay fq���erer is cceoessa.ty to�t�t the��a1ue of the Pn�p�sy a�d Ixnder�s ri in`t� , -
<br /> 8� �P�Y•- s�;�:;,..;.
<br /> ~r•.,. ��� '. l�tr►der�s actions may incl�PaYmS any sums seCUled lry st lien afi[Cf!h3s pTiotity Over Iills�SeCUri[y IRCWmCt11:�j�e2tifl$ '!:','�'' , °
<br /> ` '• '` ` in o�urt, teasonabte attom s fe�s and e�r[emr on the Pta to make Althou Lender ma ta&e acxior� •• �
<br /> ,,'r,'r.,•'�.,;�'.,., • P�Y�'�' �9 � S P�' �P�- Sh Y . • ,. ,�rc
<br /> - ;.';."_,. ;,, .;'';;;�.;.��, r � un�this pa�agraptt 7.i.endes does noi have to do so. � . • "'. "' �..
<br /> -. , - .�.;��;.i•';�,�:;';:;;:,r,' Any art�ounts c�isbursed by Lendtr vnder this P�SmPh 7 shall becom�additional debl of Botroti�er secv�ed by tbis : .. ��4,,,� "
<br /> - '',,.,,�:r•. ,, �:,, ,; `"'--t--°=
<br /> ,,�,,,..,r� • S�rity letstrurr�ea�•Untess Borrow•er�td l.ertder agree to other temu of pay�tten�these amoimts st�a116ear intemt Fiom thr t' . -
<br /> „�,�' ' ,;.�rr;,,:, :
<br /> f•; ,::�" ,' ;.';�.�.. ., dt2e o!disbursetnenl at the i�ote rate and shall be payable.��ith inteRSt:upon nasme from Lender to Bonouer.tequessing - R�.��','i i
<br /> , ,, .�S: .�S; ','�� ;,.;:.'•',> p�l�snen� • •r��
<br /> :.f• �E,��; ��,;�,..,.. .
<br /> .�I�'��;�,;;, .. :.> S !►iort�ag4 Ia� [f Lender nquind mongage uuwrar►ce as a condiucsn of making thr Io�secure�d by this �� ��"";` �'
<br /> ,�r�,�,,... ., •:�'
<br /> �"'����`' � ` ` '' 5 o c w i l y I n s t r u�e e n�B o r r o K'e�s h a 1 1 p a y t h e�r e m i u m s r e q a i r e d t o m a i n t a i n t h e m o r t g a g e i n s u s+a,�s e i n e ff e q. I f,f o r a i ty � �
<br /> .;., . �.�:;. „;1 �;,'..'•,. �'.fi;•,%� . ,...
<br />_:•','.; j�� ''',��;�';�j;j�l �, r e a u�. t t r P rt o v rt g a g e i a s u r a n e e co y e t a� s e quired b y L.ender la p s t s ar ceasec to tse in effe r l; (Yorraaer st+a11 �a y the . �t%��;T
<br />-`•:,:- �':`*'.'..y�,i, . ,•t:l•4, . . -�;, �:,ra '..
<br /> •a� ; .i'�',:r',�t,��1• pCe�miums r�quic3Q lo o6tain coveta};e hubNianqally equivaleni to the mortgage inswanre p3@Vinw[y in efTzct.ai a Cost ; ;�(�4�;
<br /> . ~ , .���,h'�y. �% ., ;1 {i q � _ � ,4hY�C�.=.::..
<br /> ;'•,r�� �.,��t:,�,�;�,;.��,;;,. s.�b�lantealfy eqe»valeot ta thr cost to Borrow�af the mortgage insurance previau�t} m effect.from an aite�naLC.�nmtP,aBe ;:';;,. ;` :.;��,y,_,
<br />_ � ,,;t+�i�r f7xti�r�.;,,�,�c, ��t a�roYed by Ixnde.r. ff substantially equivalent mortgage insurance co�era�d.is not available.Barrovter siixil Qay to
<br /> . r ur���::�1��,;�r,>.•.,,, �"� �
<br /> ni ���� �.�.�,'
<br /> . •;''�::•.;r.%�s�r-'�;;.,;:�' I.a��er earb�th a sum ey�na!to one-ta•elfth of the�eariy mortgage insurance prehsium being paid by Bmro�vec when the
<br />:��=';'; ���" �''''•>���i'�:'i.�•.',..°',: intartarx�e emera e la os ceased to be in effect. Lender wip ac t,usc and retain these -ments as a[oss nsene in Geu „.
<br /> 2,a •�lt�r,, , e S P� �P Pas _.
<br /> �f5;r� < �, a >>r ;,,� ai moFrtgage,inwvraroce. Loss resene Qayme�its may no tonger be required,ai the aption of Lender.if mmtgage insUrance � �
<br /> j ��' , � t�{'��� '�;'ti oon'+aage(in the amount and for the peROd thal l.ender raquiresl provided by an insurer approced by Lxn3er again betames � '
<br /> .. • �;�;�?(,�el,�/:.".,�,�. ;'�;-:',• air�lable and is oblained.Barrow•er shall pay the prem6ums required to maintain mongage insurance in effect.or to provide a � ,..'�. y : ,
<br /> i.;;:l,r�,:t��;��'+`�r�;,..,.,:.. , htns reserve.uatil the requirement for mortgage in�urance endc in accardar:ce n-ith�:sy wrinen a�ement betw•een Bomaa-er < <•;<,�.:
<br /> t"� ' �•j;,,�";;` .;?� �Letpd�er arr applicab2e law. . .
<br /> .''. `,ti;;, � .,, . ' ,
<br /> ;;. :��?:5.., . ; ' 9 T�.4�PeNion. Lender or its agent may make reasonable erRri�upon and inspections of tlee Ptoperty- Lender s6sil1 '' .
<br /> �`':�;:�•.:��' :�.-;:.:r,�', gi��e Bbtme4er v�ntire at the dme of ar priur to an:nspection spe�ifyinE trasonable causr for the inspectiian '�''�;(`�s;`::". :,
<br /> , . . _
<br /> � ;�t�'� .,; 'lb.� Com�emnat?on 'll�e proceeds of any a�vard ar ct,�im•to�.tl�ma�es.dimet or consequzstial.in connection aiti�any � '. •
<br /> :�� `,�., . -. . ,: ,. .
<br /> ' ""}`�'�����•• Sin teFami! isflair�lae'FredditlYl UNifUtt.URSii�L��T--l:nffamCmas�s 4S0 ( r3� 6 "
<br />- •=r:�:,�T��' �.; , L y^ 1� l�e �1 NRc�r • � ,
<br /> - ��f•;;�,.fp`�1�. � Uv�leto�imm.L�c:/ '+ ' '
<br /> ( ovo
<br /> ,,..,•���f'�}tr..-�': . . La[N�fi�IF�057D3i7J 2'..�FA16ES:9�al31 � .
<br /> .,f,.'�.�r?_f�.:. _
<br /> . ,:�:�:. ,,:,. . . � .. .
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