..F<.c"=f��.. ... , '�r� ` � ,. . „ - T.1y!'.'�� � . , .. ' r �r
<br /> T� �R�` �5 ..n "t"t� �+,.t�'C4 ' � _
<br /> ",�,. ..t Y• S y r� ,R ;kt
<br /> . �4_. ` �- �ti Sri� �`x r c Y 4 �rS ,s`
<br /> <
<br /> ` ,... .
<br /> . • d..,,�,.
<br /> . . 3�.
<br /> -,: . ,y' 2 ` �. d �<: . s �. . -.<. I_ �; �c, ✓..�.,�1� < ..
<br /> ' • ' '
<br /> .. i..
<br /> .. � ,r . � . � � ..,.. , . ....� _y^�,.�,'F` o-etY�---r. __ - -
<br /> ,
<br /> _ ..
<br /> -�..�,.. . _.....��:a ..,
<br /> - �_ ' __ ,. t' . . . . ` � F. .. "'� _''� ,__-.-..�_ .._—
<br />. � , ' ' `- ' ' ' ` �»'as,- .
<br /> � �� ' ta.Tira�s'�ar�t t6s��Pa�;+�eety or a�efd�tW tsit�re3t �tn Qarra�ar.tt e�or any�art of u�e.Propat�►or.. Y ,.,q,,.. -----
<br /> a
<br /> _ ,�
<br /> ..
<br /> �yc Isda--�t�B Ia�cr tre�t�rre4(er.�e Den�ldal Ent�t l��or�aw�r lo cotd or tran�rred,and Bnm�rer ts no3 m naWraf • a;��;�-�''�r� �
<br /> �� �� r` � � . Pasanj vfr�ihout Leider'a prt�r�rc0ien consen�!ans£�,maYAt tt�o�ti07►.requ'te[mtrt�late psymsrt tn it��ot eD sums s�cured by . �-"�+ '��'��:� •
<br /> _ _ � Ws Se�rfty,ins�ma�t Kawe`rmr.Ws optton sh�noi ba exercEsed by Lender B mc�se ta proA�by tedaa!taw a»ot the �, �„����,�,�
<br /> _ .' t�_r... - .. • . . F. �c- ' . _ .
<br /> �-- �8_Of�B_�EQtli�i{�.S'�U—IiiBTIT.—--_— � '�: � ,� � -:
<br /> �,`�k`'' � ; . ' �1 L�der mcercisas NIe oD�ar4 Lender ahe0 g�1re Barrawx notiea ot aee�eistian The eatIco slsaD pro�Ade a D�Ied ot.aat � .
<br /> , :{h �; . - . . •;iv��ri-::
<br />_ tess Man 90 days from the dete tha r�atLee ts QeBuered ar mbIIed rYthin.w�teh'Borrowe�mu5t F8Y e9 sums ae�d!ry 4fit3 '`°.�•�.. . . . -
<br /> � , °�`.�� ..�<.,., . ,Sec�uity tnatrumeat li Bort�rer ts'.i�to pay Usse sums pr[ar L�the e�lratioa of thla pertod.�Lender may tmoke eny rmne�tj T�,:.;, -�:• �� , � -
<br /> '" .. . , perin�ted 4y Nfs SecsuDy tnamrrtiv►t wtthod!hrrtha hatice or d�nmc�en Bortow� ' ° _
<br /> - '�''�.. " � � � 1�. �amawe�a Rt�t'! to pednatate. N Borrpwtr mests eermin cond�tons, Bomo�rer.ahaD navo the aght to t,avo '� '� �-- :. � •
<br />- , .' �. .
<br /> � f��+<: - � c�aicemerrt af thts EscauRy tnstrument c�sconttnued at any tUne prtor to the earHa ot, (a� 5 days (or cuc11 other perFod as �� , , ' � i
<br /> , •� , ., � _ . .
<br /> ,_-, _ eyg'+.s�blt faw rttsy spec�fot ra?narut�en�hefal9 6818 at thti PpGp�i7/Punsue�lt ts 811y pOWBt Of.88I9 COtt�ftl8d(D thl9 SCCWi1Il: - ----- _
<br /> `' �.. . tns6vme►�or(b}em�y af a jud�nerd�nto�ng thE-s 8eauiry tnsfi�menf.Those eon�orrs are that Bosrower.(a)Qsys I.�rtder afl �:, . ,«
<br /> • � suma wAtch then wnutd�o�e�sd�r thts Seeu�l}�Mstr�unent and thcr[Vote as if no,ea�teraUon had oewrted: lb}�uras ar� � v.:
<br /> r�_��.'.�_��...�_ ;_�1=�:. defauR af erry other covc�rant,or a�ee�nts:(c)Dallg atl e�enses incurred in en4areFng this Sear�ly�sDument.inctu�nB.but '`''•:;::.
<br /> _ . :+ �. � noi tirn�ad tc.reasans�ia etLOmays'teas;m►d(dI mkes su�r�ctlon_as Lend�mayt reasonaASy requtre to essure that 9he tiea�oi ��:` '` . �.., .
<br /> e
<br /> ��:.• .:
<br /> ��•°t;,.:y.,�- _`.;`�`� � th3s 3ecuiry tnstnus�ent. Lender's dgh3a•tn;Uta FroAe�ty►and Homawds anIIgatlon w pay the sums seared By th�s Secauttl►, z... ,. •, „ � ,'
<br /> . < Instrument sheD oorrtlnua unchanged�Upon•re�►statement by Bcmawe►, this Secufii�l fnstrurttett attd the obQgatfona Betwmd ? > l. �i �.
<br /> - . � `.�` � hereby shaD remsLi tuth/eRedtve as U rta,aca�atLon had oeeurt�. However,this dgM to refistate shati nat apply In the nse
<br /> - �. , � o!aecei�ration under par�agraph t7. y: ��
<br /> ''`�,�• .....; ° 19. Sate of I�dCd�b: Changa of l,�it SeTViCer.Tha I�tate or a a pa�ta!Drte�t tn ffie Note(4og�ther withh thfs i:'. -
<br /> � . .� �� . .
<br /> , . : � , � !� '
<br /> :,,,,. .. ,
<br /> f .. r.... ... ........ ....
<br /> , .� r,. . � 3earfly instrument)may be aatd ona or more times wlhout prlor notice to Bomawer.Q sets eray resuft fn a cdange in the enUty. };;.:. . .= ::.
<br /> - - • , �`� � (imown es the'Laan Serytcd)thai coQeas monthiY DaYments due_under fhe Note and this 3eawity Instrument. 7hera atse may. ` : - •
<br />_ e:: . _ ..
<br /> r. . � be one or more changes of the Laar�S�vfcer unrdated to a sale oi the (Vota.�H there is e ehange o1 the Loan Sevfeer, ,= • ' :—"` � �
<br /> << e
<br /> - �, : � 8ottovr�w�l be ghren written notice ci the ciU;�ge(n acmrdance w�th ParagraPh 14 ebove snd appHt�bie Iaw. The aatica vri� ; . . - . . "
<br /> �, . _ . ''� � state tha name and address ot tAe na+r loan Se�viceF and the address to wh;eA paym�b shoutd be mad� The rtotice v+�aSso �'. �
<br /> •:, Cotttain any otfier intom�8tiorl tequired t?Y BPPCc.abla faw. .
<br />- .. •, � .. . , .
<br /> •�': . ._ . .:.;...,;t -
<br /> � ... .- _,
<br /> . . 2Q..H�di�0U3.SlAD33l8�IC68:_Botmrler sha0 not cause a[p�rnit the pre��ce u��.di5poS8l.spn��e.ar.iB(e�S@ Q1 ... `� .�-
<br /> .,. ... .,_ . .... . . .. - -. __----- -_,_: . ..�
<br /> f.�' � � eny Hazardaus Substances an or fn ti�e Propeny. Borrower sha0 not do, nor aQow anyone�to do. mrytls�sg eftec�g the •,__ .. . ' �
<br /> �:�" � ProPety►that is in vlotffitert of atty/Ec�rUonmet�tal Lsv�. The precedTng two sentences sha0 rtat aPPty to the pres�ce.uae,ar i':. ' _ '�;,�
<br /> � � � storage on the Propety ot smaA q�:ant�ies ot Hamrdous Suhsmnces that are gatc�aRy recogniied to be appropfiate to oarmal:
<br /> v�y
<br /> � '�'�. • residenttal us�artd t�mafitenance of the Proyerty. . ; ; :. ;• � -'
<br /> �..;.. . . . sr,.::, .
<br /> : ,r. . . - . Sotrowei sha� �airtgtlSr give tender w�ttei aottce of�erty tnvestigation. c�irn. demand. fawsuit or other.aetton by.any- '._ :.'y��'�-
<br /> _::_.�.;� .
<br /> , . � • govemmetnal ar regufa�ry ageney cr privats party fmrohing the Fraperty and erry Hamrdous 3ubsffince or Envir�onm�tal tsw oi• ' ..-.=4; j'
<br /> ; . � . wP�ich �orsow�has achral(mowted� It Bomower teams� or is rtofified bf►eny►Sovemmental or regutatory aulho�Uy, that an�. ;: . . � ' s,,
<br /> . ' ` ,� cemp�rs! or other r�nediatlon o! etry Hazar�dous Substance affec�ng Pmperry is aecessery. Borrower sha7 promptty,teks all , ` ±
<br /> necessary remedlal actlons tn ea:orQartte wlth�Ernlronmeotai lew. ,.. . ' , i• :•. � . ` --, f
<br /> , � ' As ysed in thta parsgleph 20.'Hamrdous Substances'are those.su6s�s�c'�'ined as taxic or harardau�substances 6y� `� ; ; j
<br /> , � En►rirpnmm�l Law end the toUonirtg substances: gasoGn� k�usec:a c�,'4�;-if�a.ma6te ar tnxtc petrot¢um praducts. toxtc r. `;.:� `,:
<br /> �� �pes5,ii�es and hetblddes.votatIIe sah�ents.m3tedals containtng a�ts:ert�;�`ryde.�d t��i'naeUve matettats. AS use�.frn ��,. `-.i''%i;.. ,.. :,ii:i
<br /> , •. '.:°- p a c�.�,a!t 2 0.'E n v i ro n m e n t a l L a w•,r�e n a f e d e t a l l a w s a n d I a w s d;t±s a i s J r i�^a�.t a^�:w R e r e t h e�i t e p e ri y t s t o m t e d th a t r e l a t e 2cs• � f t:.• �-'.��.;;..::�,
<br /> a
<br /> . '.�'` heaRA;satetyr or emfirr;rnentai prot�on.� ' , ��� � , ��;:rF
<br /> .y , . �I@i
<br /> . . �'� _,�f� .i-
<br /> �. NON-UNIFOAFi��i+rNANTS.Borrowes and 18nder further covenant and aa1*�-:as fo�ows: . ���
<br /> �. i� z
<br /> � '�`. � � 21. Accel�tu�iic�; Remetl�ea. Lertder shall give notice to Borrawer prior to accelor�cn�
<br /> : ;,,
<br /> `"'"4` foltowiag Borravro�'s 6reach of any cavenant or agreement in this Security InstrumoM (bub,�eat� ;
<br /> . � l��t': ;}�S4��L.
<br /> , � � . prior to acceleea33on ueede�paragraph 17 unless appl�ca6le faw provides o4herwfse)r Yha nati�e :,`�`,�;;,;:�_`
<br /> ', . shall specity: (a) tPoo defaut� (b) the action required !o cure the defau[� (c) a date, �t tess tPo�n ' �.s' -''
<br /> �� _ 30 days from tho date the nMice ts gtven to Borrower. by wd�lch the defautt must�sr,aracl;�;and �s��f°��•� `
<br /> � � � d t h a t f a i l u re t o w r e t h� d e f a u t t o n o r 6 e f o r e t h e d a t e s e c i ft e d t n t h e n o t i c e ". r e s u[�.i n, ��: �:°:,� . �
<br /> ;-. ( ) P �`
<br /> :;.,, 1. �rl..�:;
<br /> acceleration af ttso sums sesurod by this Securitgr Instrument and sale of the P�o�e��P: 'Phe rea�'a�a .;;?rs4Y;;.;.:"
<br /> - � , r�:�.�,. . : , shail furtfier inforre� Bcrra�cc�.of fhe ►ight to reinstate after accoteratton and the �ight to br3cia�,a ���'�;!��%' •
<br /> � �� •�'�'` . cour4 acUon to asseR 4C� Qaoa-exlstence of a detault or cFry othor detense of Boreowvn�to �� ' "�'
<br /> �� '��;%,�:�;• ' ' aaceteration a�d sate. ff t�� defautt ts not cured on or kct"�ffie date specifted 6ro the aot�ce, �� � .
<br /> ' l��tr�4i�' ' � ' Lender at its �i+�ss may requlro immediate payment in fistt rs��ll sums secured B�U 46eie Seourn3y• �� ". ' �
<br /> � � ' � Inst►ument wftl�rrµ� furthea demand and may tnvoke the pa�v�r of sate and any o4her remed�ea �
<br /> � ;; �• psrmifted by a�plc�abte la� lender shal!6e entit�ed to colfect atl ezpenses incueres! io pursuirt�. f'
<br /> �_� .�t,��� the remedies �aeovtded in this parsgr� 21, including, bu3 tsm! limited to. roasm�ll� attorrtoya' !'
<br /> ' � . � tee�and costs af 4itie oviden�e. i
<br /> ' � �� ff the power of sale is tnvotcedy Vcvrstee shall reaord a notice of de7ault i� c�!'�coonty:in�� i •
<br /> . _ � whtch any part ot tye Property ia located and 'shatl mail copies oi such notice zc� #3�e mAnno��
<br /> •; � � prescribed by applicabfe taw to Borrower and to tha other persons prescribed by apptioa6te law.• � �
<br /> ` � After the ttme required by appliaabte law,Trustee shall give �aublic notice of sa[e t�the porc�ons � '•��.
<br /> r �;�, � and in the mart�ror prescribed by appticabie Iaw.Trustee. wi�iiac�3 domand on Baerttzcs��r,shafil�eibi �
<br /> � �;,�s;t ' � the Propor4y afi �ublic auctlon to the htghest bidder at tEie tiino and place and �.irdav tho terceta �
<br /> doslgnated in the noUce o! sale in oae or more parceta and in any ordor T►u�o dotarcerinos. � ,
<br /> ,� � � � '���'�''�� Trus'toe may postporte sade of all�or any parcel of the Property by pul�lic ansouncement��at��titn � '
<br /> . ".�;:...:,:�,,:- .
<br /> _ .,:�?''t`,';'`;;:'' `:
<br /> .,.}'�.. time artd place of any pr�viausiy scheduted safe. L.ender or its designoe may purchi�se•tho
<br /> "•° ' . . Proporty at anq sate. ;
<br /> � �.�-: ', • , Upon r�cef�t of �OOyment of the �e�ce 61d. Trustee shall deltver to the par�6ase��Trtast�e'ti ` �
<br /> _ ; � deed conveying the PropoRy. The recitais in the Trustee's deed �hail be pHma�acle eviddnoe mf� ;•
<br /> - •, . thv truth of the slatemen3s made therein. Trustee shall apply the praceeds of the sata iri�tptb • �
<br /> �� ` ' ' ° � fotfowing order. (a) to ali casts and expenses of exercistng th� power a! sa1e. and tftb selA�. �•
<br /> ;��. ' ' • Irtctading the paymeat of the Tru3tee's fees actu�lty tncuned, not to exceed three
<br /> �, ;�4 � : R'o W the principal amount,ot�tito ' '
<br /> ' � � � nate at the time of the doctaration o!defaut�and rQasonabte attovney's tees as pormlttad �y�f�w; '
<br /> � � � (b)to all suma secured �y this Security tnstrumenr and (c) airy excess to tho porson or po�ona �
<br /> � ' � tegalty entitied to it ' I
<br /> s � . .
<br /> .'9 ' .
<br /> - .'�. . - � -- .-� i�316.L�,tQ t�?A3} Pa�e 0 M 5 ��� � f/r . -..
<br /> --. r "¢`. . •-- - -- � -
<br /> �. .
<br /> � � .
<br /> ;'� { I
<br /> F' 9C032 }_
<br /> . i -
<br /> : i•. :
<br />