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<br />.����d .-.: . .�.o ' . ' � ' � .� .. � ' � :• . - • .
<br />_,�._�a.� �1 ... < 1`7..�Y�s£er o4i ths$'%�e �'a�a�tcEal Hm:?er�'d�6u Bfl��.Sf aii.or g�rt of the Prair�TtY p�r.nd�in2�aise in�t . ; - _ -
<br />�.�--- � � .�s satd pr transfei�ced�or if a���cial iciteresE in R rraaCr is sotdar iraltsfcrra!��nrrov�cr�S not n n�tyts!ptersun)anthuut„ � _-
<br /> --- - - - -�cgi'�i'�` [15YQP oiiti�fiei t�t"f��s �i,S�ii.w t�..nwy..t�`'--:arn�tEra int iaRr! �t�„tQa_!_�A €�t�!n$�_6tli(15'S�A1L� �Y�1�9. .. _._'r.— -
<br /> - -- - ' . Sec4uity.t�ttumerrt.;T�ow�vrx.tG�s opsiqr�shall no�be�xeres�ed 6y Le�iQer if exercise i�pruiiibited 0�fecterat taw as of tha ciat� <
<br />_-- -- � . of tI�s��Y�I•°. ��. ` .:, .:. � . . . . . . . �
<br /> - --- v ' ." � ff Eander�ercis�s�s apttan�Ikad'ef sbafii give$a�t+awe�noitce bf acoelsmtion.The�iati�e shaU�mvdtt�o pe�iad of rtat
<br /> -- ---- -- ttss,;t�a�30.days lmas tfce d�e the,natioe is itsli�er�d_or nr�ilod withtn wf►�c�Batcnwet.nwst pa}r al! sums secunrd by ti�Is� ��
<br /> __ ` S�curitg Inswment.�f Bo�ovaer faits w pay t�se su�p�iar to ttte expiratfon of this�ad.Lender iisay i�aake.an�t rem�Qtrs . '�.
<br /> r� p�rtrtnitt�by this 5e�rity Iacbvaa�at aithout fj�r aotice ar demuid on�arrower. , � ,
<br />-== ni �
<br /> 3- � i�. Borr+nw�s RYg,h� to R�miste..If$ortower meets a�rtain onnd#3tons. Boprower shall dave the rigt�t ta.6�ve .
<br />_ enforcement of�is�SecurIty.I�mi��t'disc�utinue�l at nny timQ priar w the earli�t of• (e)5�y�(m�saicG other period as •� ..
<br /> ' -- - - � .� ._ >_ . . .. . _
<br />-�' - app�cabl�e Yaw aa�Y sPcr�Y,�r;�iris���32 ��te.sate of the ProFe�ty'pufst�t ta s�ry�ow�er=of sale oont�taed�t tnIs -=_
<br /> e,
<br />- ��, S�a�ity In�n�t;4i t�3�Y of a jud�e�of+eing ttus,Sect�rity Instr�ai:.'lYias�aar}detiuns are that 8amnwei:(h)gaya .
<br />"�, °�I,endet all�sums,afuch tHen watttd he due nm�r this�ecur►ty Y�sm�tett3 and.�Fid�1�ote 2S if no aoceierarion h�d ocatrncl;(�)_
<br /> _'� -- -- aires anry�defauIx of nny ott�r c�svermnta•a�.e�raeuceats;(c)Pays all expea�ses i�c�ed;ia ea�forcing th5s Secudty.Instiaatet�;�,
<br />-�. iadudin�,but nnE limtited ta,r�asonabte:attaa�ys'fe,es:�assd(d)ta�&s�6�#on as Lea�der aniry reasouably reqtdre to ag!�ie� .
<br />_ . that the tied of tbds 5eanity Ias�t�.{�ndcr•'s n in fhe T�perty:and Borrower's n6�igation to gay�the s�uns sesur�l by�
<br /> -:�; Wia Sec�uiry Insttumeat shaU cominue�uncluw�Up-q ra�reinstateIIment'byr So3rower, this Sewritq..�Cisuua�it.snt�+tt�:,• .
<br />' o6t��ations secar-�d heieby shall rcmain fully:effectivt�as if�tco acceteradon Isad acxur.re�.�Hawever,shis ri�t m rein�ate sh�ll�;
<br /> �i� not appty►in the case of sooel�ratioa under ZT. . �
<br /> l9 Saie oY:Not� Chaage o!�are��� 11re�Not�or a partial intec�si im t6e Not�(tdgeiher wirh this Secarii���
<br />- Instrament)may 6e sold oae ar mare times witRout prior nntice to�axrower.A sate utay resalt in.a dmnge in the enfsty(Imsa�vn �
<br /> as tt�e'I.n�Seivicrs°)thtit ealteds manthlptpaYments dne under tkc Note and this Seiurity tastru�enL:TYiere atso ma�be oua�.:: .
<br /> .__ �r mote changes of the Loan Servicer.unie�w a sale of si�.Nute.If there is a change of the Y,oarr&etvicer.Botrawer wSll be . ,
<br />- �:._-: - ..., ,• given.written notice of the change in aocordanoe wittz paragraPh 14 above aad apgticab�e law.�e aodoe an71 state tRe uame�d . .
<br /> � ;r�,':r.:,,�;�,:-y'��i�i?_� addcess of iha new Loan Serricer an4i tI�e address.to w6ich payments,s6uuTd be made. '�7ie a6tice arill also c�anlaiat auy ati�r
<br /> - i:����'S���`���'�� infoaaatiote t�qui�d bY aPPlicab2e law. • , .--
<br /> �- : . Zl�. �rdous Subst�tnces.Bbxrower shall aot c�u�e or geanit;the.prea�eace.use,dispasaL smiase.��.n�,�t: ' _
<br />"1 � T�,:-�, ."-i���:,.. ----��-----�Haraidoas-S'�tbs�-on or�-in-�4He-Properiy.-Bomnwer shaU not-da:�-aar altaw--aayone else to•dfl. anYtheng aff��4�e �
<br />_ ' ;�,,,,y. � �m p e rt y t��is in violatioa of an y Smriro�ental Iaw.The prtceding mra sentences s6all ant ly to the pmsenoe,usz,or
<br /> . �` �r�r,��'..'.�i�•�?:_.. app
<br /> Q F �="' ' '. :;::.::�orage on the Property of smaU qaaniities of Hara�atlss Supstances that are gc�aerdUy reco g a i z e d to be.a{tpropriate to aornrai '
<br /> ���.�'-.. - r,:`��idential uses and to.maintenance of We Pcoperty�._;�� ' `
<br /> ..'f_;:,.`:``��'• ,: . Boa�+nwer sT�all pmmpdy,give Leade�wri3ten i�otice of any imestigation,daIm.demaud,lawsait or athei actionDy aay �
<br /> •,� r� ::,,;,y�,,�'.. . ..__ . ... govemmental or nguiatory agency or.private paity invotving.the Property arid affy Naz'andous.Substas►ce or Frivironmeniat Law
<br />_ �,�'� ��. ,..-�,:�;��;'. ' of which Borrower has actual Iaiowiedge.If�uraaxer lrarns.o�is notifled bq anY govemmental or regulatory authority,t�at
<br /> . .. ._:
<br /> ' �r�:�:.=:`.��F'°.- any nemoval or ofher remediation af any Ha7ardaus�u�fstance affeain�the Pmge�tg is a�oessary,Borrbwer shall gromptty take
<br /> ��'�":';,;<;'',�.'`;. aU necessary remediad actions in ac�cordanoe�1vit�'�m+�itvnmeatal Law. ' ,
<br />- . %��;s r .i;,:,,;v";:::; As used in this paEa$raph 20, ,"N2aardous S,t ;��"are those substances de6ned as touc or hazardons sabstanfes by .
<br /> :, �p,;��'�;;%c`{;�����;�,.; Envimnme�l�Iaw and the fallawing�s��tances: •g�.'solinr;,.kem:sem: other flammable or toxic petroleum products, toaic , .
<br /> �l ` � �y em
<br /> - e,:..::r...:'..�:�., pesticides�Ixerbicides.volatile solvents:materials•cpnisining�..��s or formaldehyde,and radioastive materials.As uss�d in
<br /> i�;,�`` � ��� "` ' this paragta�st�7A; "Emirnnmental Law' means feai�..�laivs arn���ws of the jurisdictcon where the Property Is located t�at
<br /> �_' ,: . . .
<br /> . �!)Jt31�;y.,,�����, .. ...• .
<br /> <<�r'��. �•• � :.�eTate to heaith,safety or environmeutal p:ntecUon.; '
<br /> 1.�:,3:•.4�.�,;.�.':..�,.�:'..�;" .
<br /> .�+;3='�y,�dr;s,:, �_,. .•�,_�.�: AiOIJ-UMFORM COVENA;QTS.Borrower ac�i�racder further oovenant aq�agree as fol2ows: ��
<br /> st��f „t:I . s,.r{,��r' . ' 21.Aoceteratimn;[temedies.I.ender sha11 g[ve.mnt�oe to Soprower prias tir acoeteradom fo�towiBg•Borrowea's breac6 : . ;---
<br /> . :,�„{ � of ttny coveaant or agreement ia this�Sec�rity Instrumenf(Dut Qot prFor�t��scceleratfon nader g�Apb�i? na,Tess
<br /> . ..[: ..;��..r'f.::'
<br /> .i_..�C,... —_.
<br /> .. , ,.�ti.,; ;.;t appltcable law pmv[dts other�vise).The notice,,�hall speci�y: (a)the defau[3;(b)the adioa to cuae the defaalt;
<br /> � ' �• (c)a date.not tess than 30 days from the date fhe notice is given to Borrower,by�vhIch tt�e defaWt ffia3t be cured;and __
<br /> � � ,'�.�. '. ::�.:�.�,.',; (� that Bailure to core the defaWt on or betore the date specified in the�tise may restilt in aaeieratio�of the sams ` �.__—.
<br /> ' .; ='� • secured by thts Secudty Instru�ment and sate of the Propeety.Trie notdce�furthPr inform Boxrower of We etght W =-
<br /> � c�+?�,;,;`��:;..���,�`� , retnstate at�er aocelerat�on and the rSght ta bring a conrt adion to assFr4 t�hc non�existence o!a deYauit or aay oit�er, _----_---
<br /> � ` , defense oF Borrower to acceleratFan and sale. If the dePault is aot c�n�eal u�or before t6e date specified ta the notice, -�
<br /> . ,� I :;�ktsi{1,.:i Leader.at its ogt�n,maY re9uire t�c�ediate payment in Pe�R�`�.'r�.T4 sur.js secured by this Security Instr�ment withoat . �'::�:----
<br /> �� "' ' F° ihrt6er durrrs�:and may invoke ttre�ev�er of saIe and any oti��+a.�ies�ermttted by appl�Ca6te law.Lender shall be -
<br /> , f :;�� ° `,_��'Id{`.s; ---
<br /> _I.; ! .,. ._ ._.. --.' - entitled to collect alt ex�.ases incn�,t�.pursuiag the remedies pc��38e���is poragraPb 21,inctaden;,but nqt timited
<br />