.� � - J n f ., R`�°-k'°L "'� t 4, . _ �� __
<br /> .. �;.��i` ^'F x •� ' . . �w: �t$' _ . . . � C L 3 ^ _ .'_. ._
<br /> . , ��f�t�'....r -�- .�s � j � . , . . }.-
<br /> _ � �` r 4.hr. ' . ��., '�•',.;.� _..__ _ ... � .-' - -�''� --_ - � .�- -
<br /> "' • t . ' ` �r _ (� . . .f . . . • � . . , �� � � --
<br /> t` *�'a�`rrec-� ,� • ' � . ' ` . (q � ' • \ • �� '_ _ — _ _
<br /> r-n ,_ . . . . � . . . . _ . . . - - - . . . � . � - ��.ao-t-n-�us. . .—.�._
<br /> �:�,z�`:;�:��=;�;:;_�� . • ' . , � � ` � ��,; �0�� � , . . _
<br /> :. � } ... .
<br /> � t -
<br /> f � 4 : « � ` . the Prog�ty ia viol��fan o� an8 i8w, o��ivaaoe, �sr re��a��r��� , _ --
<br />- ��- '�''+�::��°: � _ � �and shall p�y:.aaid pramp�ly rl3echarg� at� B�rrawe7�'a �ost and ` _ -
<br />_ m� �_c,: -.E:1�' `. .... 7 . . ` _ . .
<br /> _ � exg�n��e ail liens, encwab�carcces ancl chaxqea .Yevied, fmpc�sed �r� --___
<br /> - 5 ., � ` ` assessed a�ainst tihe Praperty og any part tDiereof. � � �?� -
<br /> , � • . ls8At�9].' S F��i r�
<br /> - . � � 6. �ent Dom . i hereby assigned al� ��'54:�`.-�-�,-��
<br /> .' ., ` .,
<br /> - - ` aom�ensat�on, a�aarcTes a�aages asd othes ���tts o�, rc�lief � , �� � � ,�`�+�,�� �
<br /> , �, �. _ry;. �. ��t�reinafter "P�oceec�s"t in cor�me�t3on.with aoademnatioa ar other , - k`u
<br /> - .' �aking of the Property or part tPter�of, or for conve�rance ia l.feu ��- �;,������-:.
<br /> � �'���4�` ''��.�," � - � of� comdemnation. Lender stta�l be entitled, at its optioa, to -�:��_r;;;:�:;.��;` °-� °
<br /> � • Y ca�aence, appear fn and Psoaecute �u its omn name any aatt�on or J` • ��� ��
<br /> ��``�`°� '�=`��• ``:�.�:'��� ` , p9coceedinqs, and shall �lso be entitle8 �o`make aa� ce�prom�.se os ���°�-�
<br /> �?il��'`��=�r�
<br /> ``� � � settlement in connection with such takinq oF �damage. � Yn the ___-_ - -_-
<br /> - , :..���..�. ,..� event an�v portfon of t6e Prope�rty is sa. taken or daivageda Lender , - ���,—,�-�-
<br /> � sIaall have the option, in i�s sole and ahsolut8 discretion, ta Y_� �==--
<br /> :` ��: . -:. . aPPly a�I snch Proceeds.: a�ter deduetanq _theregrom a�l° amsts and , >�:��-�=-�--
<br /> '-``�,:� � � expeaise"s fncarrad bp it in connectioa with snch Proce�ds, upon _=-
<br /> n
<br /> - ;-','`� , � any indebtedae�� .secnrea hereby and in snch order as i�ext�3er map' - ��,
<br /> _ � _ � . determine, or �a app�y .all such Pro�eeds, after such dedtrctions, , ��..-:.-�,___
<br /> , . •
<br /> � • <<`� . to the �res'tora�i.on of the Property upon such conditions as L�der � " `�='
<br /> - _ �, may de�ez�qine. _ _
<br /> _ . ,._. . , . . , i�ny a�splica�f�n of Proceeds to i.nd'ebteclness �hal7. � _ ___—_ .
<br /> : ..�..< •.. . .;,. .
<br /> . .�.'• ,
<br /> ---•-;---;;,.----,--.-- . . _.. . _� nat...Bxtend..or...���tpa��_.tZte...due.._date..of -any--pa�nents nnder the --:---.----. -- - _--
<br />_� ', �"�'�f <<. ' ' NOt@� or cure �� default ttieremwder or hereunder. , � ,; =-
<br /> ' . ,��� , ' . .. _..._-..
<br /> �� `• 7. F�erfoa7nance by Lender. � �n the event o£ Borrower's �
<br /> `.0: �' . -
<br /> �.'� ' _ -
<br /> _' �• .•��;��-='::l'�� : �'`� failore to per€orm. a:ag� ¢sf.the conenattt��herein or maYce any pay� - - --
<br /> _... . ; ;.�,� :, . .....: , .
<br /> .��;E�;�� .., meats :ir�qu�r�d h�rehp,°: �ar if any•act is �aken or legal proceecli.nq - � _- -
<br /> � � ��'�����f;'' .,� couunenceal whicRn . aaterially affects Lendss's interest in tlie � _
<br /> � ' � 'J�f�j��3.!`f;. .:.! � � . - -
<br /> �,F", preperty,;bend�r. inay in its own discretion, bnt withont obliga- �����
<br /> - . • . tion �a do so, a�td wi�out notice to aar demand upon Hosiower, and � ,.
<br /> " 1 � , . ' without releasinq Bo��a�r from any. m�a�ic�ation, do anp �act which °'�'-.�:-�
<br /> �� . . the Bor�mer has agreea"t�but fails t�s dfo and may also do �y other ��;�y'"� -
<br /> }.�;::>.;..,, - act it deems �n��essary to protec�- the security hereof. �easa��t�r �,. ti:
<br /> .n �.
<br /> :;it:,;2;�.,.,.. , a to :�i�d� , - �.:�'_;.-•..
<br /> ,,sf:..r•; .; .. shall, immedia�y npon de�and.�:li�refar by Lender• P Y . >,,,a,•
<br /> . � �''<<. ,. � all costs and �enses.,iAaurrea�.� and sums expended by Le�ader..iu ;
<br /> ' ' � connection with the r��;rcise by Lendeg of tlie foreqoi.�g sigLi�s, � .�• "'�.�, �
<br /> ' � � �,r;r�;��..���� �ogether with iateres�..�hereon at the +�efault rate pr�vv3sd�� in `,�.;.: •
<br /> ;',��<:` ` (� . the Note, wh;e:1�.:s�a�F`�'be added to the ndebtedness. s�ecured .� - �:. �
<br /> �;��,:F;,ff.'' ;r;�i�� '
<br /> � �. hereby. Lead�r..��i�ll not incur any. liabi.lity P�ecause of any�ing ::..�y�x��-;;_-�-_-__
<br /> � � . �� �t m�y do or o��t to �o bereunder. .: ' � � '���'=
<br /> ��
<br /> � ��_
<br /> . . . .. � � � ��� . �;-.�.✓`���r::':�::�
<br /> . . .��i�s,1 J/'.
<br /> � 8. Hazardous Material.s. 3�c��rower shall '�c�p ,the " � �'
<br /> . ��': �.�.
<br /> � � . gicc���.`1� in compl ance with any and a�2 federal, state a.n�l la�al . ,'; � � ;
<br /> � � ��L��+r�; •v�rdinances and regulatio�s� zelating to industrial hygie�. :.�.`�'':� . .
<br /> � . or �� �x�vironmental conditio�a� .oas u�tder or about the Pro er �`�=����`'� ' � ' �
<br /> • •:k ,:<<''� :
<br /> P �'�• ,.
<br /> � � �• � inal�di�r,q, but not limited to,�'soil auid groundwater conaition�. . � .. �.,'���
<br /> Trust�r:.`shall not use, generate, man�Yf�cture, store oz�s3is ose of � ° � �� ''�
<br /> ', .. .,
<br /> P � ��,��"�;
<br /> . .��..::�;,d; y,
<br /> . � � on, �razder or about ttze �sawx�erty or transpart to or �aom the% : ••�..r�,:. _ �.:����..
<br />_ ;;�.;,�,,,h.,
<br /> - , .'.,�}�,;; . L?xoperty any flammable c�Y��siwes. sadioactive •materials, hazardous . ,,y,;;+;ir,f��.: �,
<br /> ,� i,,;r,
<br /> -� ,-°��;;1--.. ; � � � `.iwastes„ toxic substarc.r�.m �s r��ate8 materialsr. 3:ncluc�inq, without '� . '�'?�;?i�,�f�;?r:� � _ :.
<br /> '`�'�':' ����� � Zi.mi��gon, any subs���c�s defined as or included. ia`�.he defini- . ;i`:�f',�'�;` ,- �. ``' ,
<br /> . �';i,�;.��.
<br /> ' � � • �• tion a� "hazardous su���anaes", "hazardous wastes"; "Y�azardo�is t' �� . `•�'���.�
<br /> � " �';�� . materials" or "toxi� ,�ubstances" under any applicai�a7�'e laws, .. ' �� �;�.i'•,.,` __ .
<br /> "� ' �`�;:�`�:,i��:��t or8inances or regulationa fccrll.ectively referred to hereinaf�er �;s',;{� ,
<br /> •� >.....�:.::�•.si�., � � ,';,�,.,�•,
<br /> ,�`;;;`����;:�j��-�:; .- as "Hazardous Materf als"). �ctr�ower hereby t�a�rants and repre- �•'��`-•°
<br /> � -� • �7;�'IT;;���
<br /> • ,����„i}''�it:'�-�
<br /> ` '��?t.a.,•. sents to Lender that t2�ere ar� �.o Haaardous Materials on or under ,�•.•.�;:��:��•
<br /> "�r ? �' . the Property. Borrctir4rc here��r agr��� tv indemnify and hold ' ; ^•�?'` .`
<br /> � ti�,- .. � � harmless Lender,. its d��r�ctorso officers, employees a�a:� agents, . ,;;�,;,;,�t;;,
<br /> i'� � ': ..;,s•
<br /> ana any successor� � L,!°_nderr,s� interest, from aaid aga�i:c�st any and �;,;,ti�::?;r;:,,;;,.
<br /> � ;;'�;��:. • all claims, c�am.aqes .ent3 liabiliti.es arising in conn�ctifon with '�` '.:� " ��:
<br /> ;..�'y"f%?;;'"
<br />-. '�'��'� � tbe presence, use, sfiorage, dfsposal ar transport of ahy Hazardous •
<br /> ' �i �� � , Materials on, under, fr�m or abont the Property, �.ncbuding, with- � �
<br /> ;�. � �� out Iimitation, (a) al]. damages directly or indirectly arising ; � �
<br /> ' . out of the use, generation, storage or disposal o£ gazardous '
<br /> '- I�aterials by Borrawer or any prior owner or ogerator of tPre f � �
<br /> • 4.-`�-�- �� ` - Property, and tb) all coats of any required or necessary repair, . �
<br /> . ` ::��. � . cleanup or detoxification ancl the preparation of any closure or �.
<br /> . other requfrec] plans, whether such action is requirec3 or neces- .
<br /> �:;, �� ,�� ` _ sary prior to or followinq transfer of tf�le to the Property, to � ..
<br /> �. y, , , the full ex�en� that such action is attributable, directly or
<br /> . ,`�;. � . fnclirectly, to the presence or use, qeneration, storage, release, . � .
<br /> : �" .� � -i i th�reatened release or aisposal af 8azardous Materials by any
<br /> � � " " � gessan on the Property prior to transfer of title thereto by
<br /> -__` '.. --. -- _� . __, _ __... .. . . .
<br /> ,•
<br /> � • .. � , ,.� -3- .
<br /> � � .� . . .
<br /> .
<br /> � �
<br /> , : . ,
<br /> , � .. ..
<br />