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<br /> - _ ---— . ` ; ��.�;�ie i�a sharea g�azag�satua�on t�s?omm�t�����isz��a�:c�r�af�st�te;ga�cels E` ` -
<br /> �..e. .�.. �<�... . �•:,,
<br /> `. d�scii,bed ahave;i�respact ta v,bic�ihe`pmg�rty is 2ocaoed upu�i�nd ut�izc�b�t t��ii�ac est�t�owa�d b,q ,�-�. —
<br /> � . .�,..
<br /> --, � :�BT.1�`�'Y�while dte pragetcy is lo�.t�:ttgou tutd utt�d b�t�z�te�t�iaG�ov�rtte�t tij�_�UUI�..�t?i�3;t�. . � .
<br /> wlaich gar�g�.acce�s is affordet�tcti eae�of t�e p�rties h�ie2o by means of a joiat dri��� '� . � `. '
<br /> �-�
<br /> , ���� � �r;� t�e gartse.s . R,EE�T for tta� .;��::'�:�s��'-� -
<br /> '��A S, ' hereto wysh.to e�r imta�tus AG
<br />��-- ,- rs .�,, . . . - __ .� - :_F;� . , ,� . _ - - --
<br /> r '� `'��y� fos�n�;���`�.d oblig�taons of$ze p�tties in�esgect to th��p�a;`�=�r�`�.�auCe�r����ifics�o�ti�e =- _
<br />�,��'� <<:. garage Ioc�,_�each sepa�te p�:+���.d t�se aliocat�ma o�f�,;.�ensss aud unaiag��e o�ligatio�s' ---
<br /> �� F; . in t+espeGt ta an�t comrr�on cvalls wlaich inay exist ia�spect w sach ga.rage,aad dae adli�tion of dae joint .
<br />- � driveway. ,:- � • . � � . , .. .
<br /> - ~ NO�f1,T�ORE►iu con�siderauon of the mut�at covenants herein cantained,it is agt�ed:` � �
<br /> .�`��;��j. 1) De.dication af Part�W�11„y Any wal�pre.s�ntty�aistenng or heneafter w be Built,�or the guiposes� , -
<br /> �-.-.��.��- ,
<br /> �� � � af separatinng tll�at portion of the sha�d garag�altocAted to the BEA,7'TY�al�estate fc+ntn t�at pamoa
<br />- ,., aaqi i . . -� �
<br />-- ± �"�.�����`.�.. allocated w tlie GUII.F01tD�al estate�a11 be deernsd tb be a party wall,and BEATTY,the�r heirs,
<br /> � �
<br /> iil�l�;..:-.�.f„ . � 4, . - -- _-
<br />_il�_-. ; . t:`'� . t5 ty :�i.:�-"'��—
<br />�R4, f ' ';.::,,t:,;''.� successars and CiUILFORD,his�&eirs,successors and assigns,s�aU 6ave tbe right to nse such party a�all ' . ��.n_�_�__�
<br /> ..
<br />-_;� -__
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<br /> � --- Sa ZOAg A9 it S�f1811 tEII181II iII eRTS[eACC. . , ,
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<br /> _. .. .__...---- ---- �
<br /> ` ` ` �j4� 2) itnintPntiona 1?�tn.mtion of Partv v1la�. 1n the event the party wall shall be injuced or • ���
<br />. ._ ._ :F�:S, ''._ . :'� . ._
<br />�6 t ,,,;.,� ;;,, desuoyed at a time wh+en the then owners of the adjoining tracts of real-estate descn'bed above have not �.
<br /> �.,;. ,.�7 .; ;..,, ,:.~�. - ' wners of the�a 'oinin nra,cts of real estate��rovided that��su�ra received fm t ms�u�ance�'� e oct w � r
<br /> �..
<br /> �:� . �J � P �Y. �► � aV�,.y�����
<br /> k .�:� ..s - such injury or dss�vac0���the party waIl sball 6e fir$t apgti:�dE r;i�":sach�estoradon. �,�,
<br /> .�
<br /> ,: `� ` ' 3) R�n �.c`"1.��j��*!d Maintpnance off P�.y Wall. �;�aa��tz�e after the partp�+�s�all,or any part '" �.�
<br /> ;j�F` ,};�,�? ,. �.•. , � . , �
<br /> � , tbereof,shall�;a�tTy used by the owners of the respeccive paro�s�€i��tate,the cost of rebuildimg Y,t, ��.�. �
<br /> •. ,�,,, .�.�y�n_,: _
<br />=._.,�" .;� ' _,. , : , and repairin���d walI shall be shared egually hy the parties,���spect���e successqLS and assigns,it � '��<�,�y/ n
<br /> " f..�H�y��'��y
<br />."j , . being under�tc;o4�and agreed at all times that such wall shall be�aintained in a swctr�p sound and not � .':,.'��;+t��
<br />-;s '.,'"� . . � `'.�i�i:,eS;r�:ft �
<br /> ;� :' .� �nsighdy condidon whil�it remains im m�tual use.'. . � ;.;..�,:��;;;;�. ,
<br /> ,:,,�
<br />_ • 4� �.R.g��,�nnd Maintenance o�Shared C�*a��. Each c�e�ce��rr of the parcel of ceag te hi`-"�!�i�f,� _r
<br /> ; g?,sCa ,;;,;,�,h;��,.:.
<br /> s} �� , : ,. f ts,� �- —
<br /> ` �`�� shall 6e soIe��r�nsible for the�maintenance and repair of t1r��,r�c���f she garage located upon that ;y '� , �� -
<br /> � t,. . :� . • .. !��� �i,�
<br /> � ,; r � �,�. � landowner's�:�.Pi��ac���may remove that portion of the garage on such real est�te so long as ifs ;, ������ ,..�����„
<br /> ;! F�:;. �����;: �. removal shal��S�acca�i�d in such a fashion as to permit the portion of the garage located upan the {�`���r�����,; �-{_;
<br />-:,� � , __.
<br />-,;i `'��- � �, � adjoining F�to remain intact in the event the adjoining landowner shall not mutually ag�e to the • ; ; .����'�'���" � �•'` -���-
<br /> .. � . :.1��,_
<br /> �:` ��� � ` ' � ., re�oval of t1'�e adjoining landowne�'s portion of the garage.Sa long as the sha�red garage shall continua w � ��°',...:.:::�;'�'°�"�_
<br />' S r
<br /> , . � � "{'�',{+r�.-
<br />_ � e�in its�.tirely,each landowner shall be obligated to assure that portien of the shared garage loca¢�d . ' � �A`t ��� „ ..'- �.
<br /> ��.Y��. �
<br /> '; " , upon the res�ctive parcels is maintained in a strucUually sound and nat r.wsightly condition. '`��1�`'`'�j . "�`''�
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