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<br /> ����tts^. ' . a . ... . .. . . _ . . . . . . ` �. ,. _ .' . • . . , — . -
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<br /> — --_— - T(H3B'PHEFi.WP�`EI eJt Yhe impz�ov�ments now or h�reafter et+ectecl�n thc�rogerty�nnd iilJ:easem�.ts►epP.a�nanaes� .. � `
<br />�;��" •� uad fv�t►�res now ar her�after u part of the pmpaitq.` Al!re��aceffieats and ad�d'itions shaTt atso Er�catier�d by t�is Security
<br />_:�'�s`°�`.�a In�nt AtFof ttse f�re$aiug is tefe�ed to In�is�S:zatity Iastruntent as thz"Pioperty° � .. : _
<br /> �` �ORROWER�VENANCS that Boirower is Iawfally seisecl of the estate hereby conveyed aad 6as th.e ri�ht�o�rant � -
<br />=r;- ---�.w�� and canvey the Ftopty�nd that the�ptrty is.unentumbered.ex�pt for e¢�.-ambran¢es of reaa�. Bu�raswer waaanta�nd ` .
<br /> �' :.::,�#t�',�.� ; • will defend�eueiaII�+'the titte tQ the Ptop�rtyr a�st r11 cl�ims nnd demunds.subJeci t�eny sacum6rences of m�ord.' , , __ --_-- --
<br /> - �° •,<��=``'4;�', T�itS SE�iJRFf Y �1STR[JN1�NT'combiaies wrifarm w�eaants for IIntional �se and aan-unifomt covenants"wItb �
<br /> �K ''S'-''._' ..:1 . • —
<br /> ". .;: •� 1lmited vatiatiaas by jurisdiccion to.const�wte awUform securiry inst�umeatcavering real property., �`-_-°=-- —
<br /> _—�� t ,_� .�� ' ` U1�TIi�ItM COVENANTS. Borrower and�.endescave�nt�►d agree as foiiows . ` - , �. , ,_
<br /> �. ��.. � t • i. �yment uY PrIadpat�i Intere�PrePalnaeat and�ate Cbarges. Bomnwer shall P�PUY Pay vrhen dus the : �,�_ -_--
<br /> ;�"�. . .: -�� r� priacipal of aud intetest oa the debt ei7denoed 6y th�Noie aad anY P�PaYmeni aad late cmarges due uader the Hate. :• __--------
<br /> `���:r�. .�-, � � Fn�td�for 1lages au8 3n�n� Sabject to apglicable law or to a wriuen waiver by Lender,.Baaower shaU pay.,t�o` ' �� _ _
<br /> es
<br /> ' ��°�-- -�,T �°' �
<br /> ..:
<br /> . ,,t., .., ,., :.,,_ I.ender aa tIIe day montBly payacents are due nnder the Note.tu�t�e Note is�aid ia full,a swn(°Funds")for.(a)Y�Y
<br /> -.::. . . ,. , ..... taxes aztd assessmenLs wluch may a�am Prioriry over this Seciuity Insuomient as a lien on We P�operty;(b)Yrarly teaset�vld �--- _—•
<br /> __ �,^ `�.,�..
<br /> � yme�ts or��d mnts on the L?��ierty. if any, (c)Yearly t�azard or property insurance premiums;(dl.Y�Y�� �`.-���-----
<br /> ���. ' ..' •_,_'r,•;. � _..__�.. -------
<br />-� T.: � • � RI�W�_-.--___' ....
<br /> :S.. ms��remiums,if any; (e}ye�tiI��:mm4gage insivance p�miums,�f any;and(fl anY sums Payat►le by Hon+a'�s�t:to - : - ��_-.______.________
<br /> �` , Lend�"iix accardaace witb ti�e�ro�'r.s�s of paragrdgh 8,in lieu of the payment of mortgage ussuiaace psemfums. 'IITz� =--
<br /> �� '.< ' items srer,ailed"Escxu�r��s.° ��Y,at�y time,wl2ect�nd hold PaIIds in an amauntmot to exoeed the max�i'um ` c f�`�� -- -
<br /> �:�•�� ,•."; � r amount a Iender far a Y'�-ati}r='R�aa'��ss�e Ia�may ceqaue for Baso�vei's escraw asa�unt�a�r t�e fedesal�eal �_ __—�
<br />� ' Fstate SettIementFtaoa�es Ac�a� i''7',��s:�:�'i vm dme to time,1 2 U.S.C�2 6 0 1�ets�q�("R F S g A"�.a n tess ano t�z —�
<br /> � '' law that applies to tite�uads seis a T�, `�l:�v,Lender�taY.at any ti��;coIlect and hnld Fuhds ia an amoani not.to. �- -- _
<br /> � .M exceed the lesser amount l.caci�ir'.�ri�.Y���::1�e.°�arsn�mt o�t�nds du� eu ti�6asis�€c�aent data aad reasoaable w"��` b.��.
<br /> : : .�� es��ates of expendit�u�es of fut��ar�,rsfk.��'s a�ii�a`�erwisg�z�aaidance a�z2pplicable t��.. � ' - _
<br /> � ',� p � �
<br /> The Funds shall be held in a��tsrituai�c��t;s�,: sits a�e iris�lced �:.�'edeiai a ' ,m tati ,or eati :. � '��" __-
<br /> ';. depo 'S�'. gett�Y• t3' �!!, �
<br /> -. : .,:,. .::., � . ,
<br /> ':--.-;-��=��.:,�•= der,if r"s�±�in any Federal Ho�e f r�m�ank. Lendsc shaIl appIy tlte�imds to pay. :�`•�=- ._ ---
<br /> _ . , .. Cmctudiag Len Lender is sach an institutia � �' _
<br /> ,� � .. ......... ...... ._ -
<br /> •:- �� .� • t3e�sciooir Items. ""t:eadei may no�t chatg��8�s3towetr fcsri�aldirrg aud-agpT�.��the�Funds;annually ana[�'�-the�crow::� -�-- --��-: r •,:`'
<br /> a� �f"` • account,or verifying the Fscrow Items,ua2e.s.s L"ender pays Bormwer mt�si on the Funds and applica�`Ie taw pe�ts� ` _
<br /> ` ': .�� . l,ender to make such a charge. However,I,�ader may require Baaowet to pay a one-time charge for an iudependeat zi�^..s3�� `;��t, .� -
<br /> :�,,. . ' -
<br /> . :;.::i: ° estate tax reporting se�ice used 6y Lender in carmectioa witb tIus ioan;anless appticable law provides otherwise. Unl��r,� i.;1R-,�'��-_�_-
<br /> „ . .- - agreemeni is made or applicable law requires.inte�est to be paid,l,ender shall not be iequimd to pay Hormwer any'u�.�9t;rar�• _ _;����-
<br /> • - e�aings�n 1he Pund� Burrower and�enderimay agree in arripng;however:that interest shall be paid on�he�ds..6.��:t�,� •`�'�°
<br /> shall give w Borrowet,without c e,an aaaual accountin of the Funds,showing ccedits aAd debits to the Ifi�ds �_a�te: °' .:I �: �`'�'��-
<br /> . harg g �.• . ,.;��:�__,
<br /> �;".�;:: . putpose for whicb eacb debit ta the F�mds was made. The Funds are pledged as addidonal security for all sums�u�; ':;::`,:;;:;��;;_;.
<br /> � �S�,, z� this Se�urity Instrument ' ' - � - ' ,�y' _
<br /> . ", ,,�vF��,:_.�� ff the Pands held by Leac�exceed tTie amounts permitted to be held by applicable law,Ixnder sttalZ�-a.���c� ,
<br /> �, :E,.s,•t r��,�.!; , Barrower for the exces��uads in accondance with the reqmrements of applicable law. If the amount of th��ds�ef��q�: .. ., ; , �,.�
<br /> �y � ;;�;�� � .. . Lender at any time is aot'sut�cient to pay¢he Fscrow Items w6en dae,Lender may so aotify Botrower in�s�ng,atid,in•: ;(;. : _
<br /> - '' �. �•• f����:� •� ' such case Borrower sfsati pay to Lender the amount necessary to make up the deficiency. Borrower shaI:make up the ;, ,.' ��' '�� ,
<br /> " :�-���,.�, ;�,. defccieary in no more thaa twelve monthly g�yments,at Lender s sale discretion. ��`` t
<br /> : �;f i' _ U on nt in fuU of ail sums sec�ued b this Securi Iastrument,l.end shall rom d refund to Borrower an " ,:� �
<br /> - ' P PaY� Y �Y � P P 9 Y 't� ,
<br /> ;� ' _ -- ��- - - Funds held by Lender: If.under paragraph 21.Lender s6a11 acquire or sell the Pmperty.Lender:prior to the acquisition or: - � '��';:� ;�� -
<br /> '�� ' ,� �. . - sale of the Pcoperty.shall apply any Fund4�held by Lender at the ame of acquisidon or sale as a credit against the sums . Y'`�`��`�`�'�
<br /> •�'.�..,_.:.
<br /> '. secured by this Security lnstrumen� • . .�`�-:``�'
<br /> 3. Appliration oY Aayments. Untess applicable law provides otherwise. all payments mceived by Lender unde� • :� �r���:.+� �;
<br /> �-- � �- - -. paragiaphs 1 and 2 shaA be applied:fust,ta�arty prepayment charges due undet the No[e;second.ro amounts payable tucder .- -• •:'f��•'•�:
<br /> ' arapaph 2;third,to interest due;fourth.to princi I due:artd la��'to an late char es due under the Note. •:'��� ��'�
<br /> , �� �. � . P Pa Y g • . .. .r� ;p==;
<br /> a,�. 4. Cda�ges; l.tems. Borrower shalt pay all taxes.assessments,charges, fines and impositions aaributable to tht :.._ . , ,�;,;� �:
<br /> � �1�;';f`, ; ,. Pro wbich ma attain riori over this(Securi Ipstrument,and leasehold a ents or und rents.if an Bormwer �.� ;:�, -�� �,`�'�,�
<br /> Pe�'�Y Y P �Y �Y P Ym P� Y• . ,�����
<br /> ' , �,r_, i��.:'.:.i-:�... .
<br /> ' `� ��,: shall pay these obli�Gsi�as in 1he manner pravtde,tl in paragraph 2,or if not paid in that manncr.Bomnwer shall pay them on �,h;_�,� ,;-•�.
<br /> y. , � dme direcNy to the�:�a owed payment �olrower shall promptly fumish to Lendec ali notices af amounts ta be paid under t
<br /> . .,_ 1,;,�.�.� this paragaph. if$cyrwer makec these poymenGs direcdy.$orrower shaU promptly fumisfi to Lender receipts evidenein� ''� . .14-.
<br /> . :�::•.:,;. .,..
<br /> .. ' .•.,,�.. „° . .,•.• . .,.::_.
<br /> ' the a menu. ,,,.,�� :�+,,,�;
<br /> • ,- � p Borrower shall prompUy discharge any tien which has priority over this Security Inswment unless Borruwer.(a)agrees ' `'.�;;r����'4{�s,�;rr,^,,.
<br /> � � in writing to the pa�:ir�t of the obligation secured by the lien in a manner acceptable to Lender.(f�)contests in good fa�th the �� ':�g ;��u�;;..;,..;
<br /> . � � , • �. lien by.or defends:s�st enforcement of[ha�lien in,legal proceedings which in the Lender's opinion operate to prevent the � � 4-" •�:'�:;:'��:
<br /> , ._ �. . � ::: '�. '
<br /> •. ... .
<br /> --. •- � - enforoement of the��;or(c)secures from th�Iv.(der of the lien an agreement satisfactary to Lender subordinating die lien - �.`'���"''.�`� �•'�
<br /> ' , �: �- to this Securiry Ins�¢rtien� IF LenQer deterrniaes that any part ef the Property is subject to a lien ahich may attain priority - . . �`� ���f;:��' ; ' • .
<br /> • �''�'"��''� over t�iis�rart In.c�umen�I.encte�r ma ve Borrower a naa�a:�dendf m the lien. Borrower shall satisf the lien or take � ' ����� •' '
<br /> `` ` �n:-=:, tY Y S� Y S Y
<br /> � � ,.:1'�ii,<''. • one or r�►�LZ of the�rions set fonh above withirc 10 days of��kL.g of aotice. : �.
<br /> ��;��;,���;•� . � • 5. Harard ai��'coperty Iusapance. Borrb�er shail k�s�:.:�improvements now existing or hereafter erected on the � > :
<br /> ' ''`1'� .'_',�• ' . Pro msared a nst loss b fire.hazards incla�3�vithin Ghe`term"eatended covera e and an other hazards,includin � '
<br /> �r:�.;. • PertY� P� Y s " Y 8 �
<br /> � ,:f��+:'.,_� �,;'�' •� flaods or flooding.for which Leqder requin:s in:�rance. 'iT:i�,:asurance sha11 be maintained in the amounts and for the .
<br /> .��;y. . ;.�,►. . . , . .
<br /> ,���;{,_ �.�t�,:.::� . . . ,
<br /> :�. ,' � ;7t.:';}?,,.;,. , • .
<br /> �.,..
<br /> ,��, . .r:i,y`��Z�I,� � . • ..� form3028 9/90 lon�e2oJ6pagesl • .
<br /> '',�`1'�', ., �lS�'< ' 1 . �
<br /> :,���: .. , •
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<br /> . , .
<br /> ��. . .. •
<br /> ' `� • • . . -�-r'�-,;�; .?`.`,�:�.�i,.•fi rf;l`*•;�.,----•-;--�—•-- � ---, ... . .. �...._,_...r"_.�_._._._._._._... ..��
<br /> : �i;y., 4. �,<�' � ��.�,{'- .
<br /> . �.�. ' .. t'l3iS,I% ,'�1�'t� `;�,'. .
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