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<br /> . CL,AEiLHCB G. OS�'�Q�YdI3I�E�, 8�&� V��M�I LOUI9��.03R`E�telL'YEEt� hueb��tt� � . __
<br /> . , • a�8 �if�, t3z�ntazs, in� aons�c�esa�ian a#,Ten �a1�l�x� ��91�.Od) and -
<br /> r .�athex gaod erad vaivab�'e.aonaideratian,. qul�crYaim� and aonvey ta, � - , -
<br /> � CLISRENC£` O. 08�8RAlEIER, T gste�. of �&�e uelma Lonise Qstestneier . �. .:;;�::;:;'{:. ;�_;��,�
<br />- � R�,v�czat��e. �sast dated• .�• �.�a =��_�=�. . . 1990,. anS �T,MA` LOUISE ' ��;-;::`.: . �
<br />.:�. � OSTI�RM�:Y�:B, Tsustes of the ��:,az��: �sterme#er. Revaca6B� T;�t � -- --
<br /> - _°;� , �. �ate�" . � � 199�n,:��s dCenan�e in cosnmos►, 6ranteesy,;;�ach , • ' _- ---
<br />_ - an u�a�#,vid c� .�ase-iaa�.iE, int�=�st,` in the '£o1laWing �9esc=�bc8 �ser���`esta�� :;.----
<br /> (as �e���a�c3.`�,�i Ne��.:.:�,. �t.��76-2Q11} in �Hall C���t�Y• N�bxas#�a' � '",
<br /> �t}` , .��. . :. ..::�;;,.:, : � �.. . ' '� ����.;�:�.si. . ' ;` ` ,
<br /> .,,. •. . •--� • .�'�ia ��s� �n1f a��'���he�Naxt�ess�. �s�a�te�:���;��:�' 1/9� '�u� �he � =� _
<br /> ., � : ' ` � :r��- --
<br /> ' � ' ����* � . "�3a$t ���ff of the North�t��t taua�*ex t����;;'-N47 1/9) o� S+ac��on '� . ;�� , -
<br /> '' `'���; F�_=�''�` , swenty-twa (22)�. Tovm�h�p £Iev��a.;:,;�,3g �Q�irhh, Raage Te� ;��10I .. . = - —
<br /> - �'� -- - _.--.,-- -�st of tD�e-6th P-.M.�-�in-Hali-���tnity,-;Neb�a$ka,...exaept-a �trac� � _
<br /> :� 1 �_ i, � ' ' � oE��an� conslsting of •Seventee�..`t17.) acres 1Q�ated in the Eas'�, ! _
<br /> ' �" ��� Half of the Nosthwest pua=ter ��i/2 NW�/!) of 3ection Twenty�' � �� —_
<br /> '��'� � two (22�, Towmship Eleven t 11) North, R��age Ren (10) �Rest of ' • "� �`
<br /> � :;`..�,.. ,.� .�• -°.-._
<br /> . ., ., .. . ..., . �t;��zr:.-
<br /> , ,.. ,'.,.�-=�� the 6th P.N. in Hall eounty, Nebraska, more particulariy � � ,�=���`j...�..
<br /> � ' �� ° � describee �s followes Commencirig at the �1o�thwest corner of M�,�°;�---
<br /> . .. . :-;� .
<br />- � . � ,the Eaot Half o1E..the Nosthwest;.Qua�ter (Sl/2 NI�9E/�!) of 8�ction : ,ri .
<br /> . � , Twen�y-tt�o (22)j above� desczib��� th�n in a sout�hezly , >��
<br /> � 6irectio�.at rig�t angl��� alof►g.���he y►,m��rly sidle of the Eas� -
<br />-- . . y'- ` �� ::
<br />- ,. _ �� � H�liE a��:�he Nozthwest Qu��ter :�F�.,G2 L�ti��!4) a distance of Eight
<br /> � � H�andxed :Ninety-two and �'xaa Tes��Lcs��`[8g�'�:2) Feet, thence in an � '
<br />_ � • ' ' ��ster�;y �irection at sight an��,`es a distaace of Eight Hunc�res��.�_�� •
<br /> � . � � , � Thfr�y t830} peQt, thsn¢$ in a��-�orthesly direction at right �%, , ��4.•���•
<br /> _ ., , . • � angles ��sallel to the�::W�at. si�de af the Ea�t Ha1f of th�
<br /> � . � Noxthwest Quarte� 4�a��2�'�P1W1/Q), above described, a distance� o`t .
<br /> . ' L��ght Hundsed Na:;�eCy-twn and TWS� Tenths (892.2) Feet to the �,. . � ;,;,
<br /> � . ' ' Hor�h• 1-ine oE ;sa��d� 9eaticn Twe�i�y-two (22). thenae in a �`." , ..�:�='
<br /> � ,, � � wes�eEly directi'on, at Light ang3lea a distance of E�.ght Hundr� ' �.: ;�;,'�� ;
<br /> ., � . ` Thist�► t�830�)� Aee� to the: pl�ace of beg�:ceta�nq. ;�. . .,:+'�:�.;_
<br /> . � i:��. �*,
<br /> .. , .. Executed: Ma�, 199�4 � � . ��..' • � ��/��
<br /> . � �������� ��'�
<br /> � . -�-�i��o •���-- ,
<br /> ` " • � Claten�ae� G. Qs e=meie� , . a�• .
<br /> J _
<br /> � �. � �. � Z/�A�.�. �5�_,�s �:�2��e��e� . . .•��� "/
<br /> .. � . ._ Veima Louise Ostesme�e� . . , _ ,a;�.,"` -
<br /> . � � STATE OF NEBRASKA ) � ' , .�:;'. :
<br /> ' . ) ss. ' . , k.. .. , . �
<br /> , ' . . COUNTY OF HALL ) � ' :, ,. ..: , .
<br /> -�--���:�::. .
<br /> . �-_. _ . Subscribe8 an8 swosn �o before me th9,sG��-����. day of Ma,�*,,� 1994 • �.
<br /> �.�'� � Clarence a. Ostermeler and Velma Louise ��termeies, �t�:r�ai�anc7 and �. � � . .
<br /> . . , wife. � . � . ..
<br /> , �, �� , �
<br /> , .--� �. -- ����.c_.,t� �('�� "���`'��1r.s;,� ' [. . • .
<br /> � i����l� Nota�y Publ9.c ' . �' ,..� � • �
<br /> ` � �� � � Ib�4,�MiI1��tiM - '/ . ��
<br /> - � � .' .. . . �'� , �
<br />.� ,� . � � . �. � .. . .
<br />_� � �_.T,.�_..:._. � � Thia DeeB i�s made herein to correct the Warranty Deed fzona t�el�na � � �
<br /> "�� �ouLse ostermeier to the Velma Lcuise Ostermeier ttevorabie Rrast, � � . ' . � .
<br /> .. >
<br />_.? ��: ....._,,_.____!_' __ 8ate8�.October 18, 199Q an8 secos�ed October 30, 1990 as Docuraent No. �
<br /> � .�� _ •: . � . 90-106207 0� the� recoras oE Hall County, Nebraska, an8 aiso to f �
<br /> cottect the Warsattty Oeefl from Clarence G. Ostesmeies to the Clasence �• , � .
<br /> . �' � . �. � 0. a�tetmei�r Revocable Ttust dated Qctober 18, 1990 and reco=ded � •
<br /> � t�ctober 30, 1990 as Oocument No. 90-106206, of the records of Hall !• . . �
<br /> � �•�. �.�•� •__ , '`� .�.. � CounlY, tiebraeka. The above deeda wese inCUrxea� in naming the trast � �
<br /> - - -- L_.. --._ _.__._._
<br /> � '�� � � . as the gtantee inatea8 of the trustee as grantee. ( �
<br /> � ... .
<br />_ .. . . ; . i. �.
<br /> .
<br /> , .
<br />