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<br /> �.� � - s`, . � . ' ' " � ` .. � . , , _ • � iti —
<br />—��tiYt7i.- _ . ,.. � "" -.. , _ ` �• . ' . ' � ". � ' ', . '�'e� �� � � ' . __ --_- --
<br /> - --- - - . . 't�Ei�R WITH rJl�o improv�uen�s aow or tierEaf�r�recfeci�on llr�pmpe�ity.aad�ea�.tnteats��, g� �°'� , .
<br /> _ . a��xtures.�.ovi br hece�ft�r a daatrtt o�tfle proper�y..,AlI cep4��ent�an��ad��obs sh�11 atso b�coveted by t��as�tgr.;;'_:
<br /> re
<br />_ , I�strauze,ii. Al!of the fongai�g is ref�rred to iq t�is Securicy�fns3iumeat�s t�e"�gaq�."� . , .. , ° v ,.,F.� .
<br />=`±- � �URROFWER OOVENAIVT5 thai$omowre�t i�Iawfu4ly seised of the estate Qsn�Y,cqnyeYed and has tbe right to gtaad�`,_�
<br /> attd convey the Prt�peity sud tt�ai the Piogerty ie uarnce�be�ed.exrept fa�eara�m9rance3 of record Bgtioiuer wairaats aad °
<br /> " .. ., wiU dQfenat�eeaeraliy tt�e tide to.ths Pi�epercy a�sinst a�3 elaims aa�demaads,subjeat to.�y�nasmba�ees o�ses�d: � < .
<br /> ae
<br />- 4�i�F-"�,°�:`"�= ' Tl�S SECtJRi7CY INSTRtfN�NT combines uaifa�t co�ren�ts �fot,nat�aau�use aad noa-miiform coveaaats�with .-
<br />,.;, .'�... �'��`.�:.: � l�nited variadans by jurisdictbe�a w constitute�a uniform secmlity instrum¢nt covertng ieal propesty. � . , , _
<br /> F�•�..x...-�..
<br /> - � --�= ��W A _ UN�RM COV�NAAPd's^. �orronrer aa�Leadee cd�enant snQ agcs�as foltows: • � -_ _
<br /> �l ti. : .. ,� L H�y�ent a4�elndp�l an�Ti�Lee�t;Fee,�qu�emt�an9�te LZaarge9.Borrower sha�I PsomPIIi►PaY when due @�e .�--------
<br />_ �;..s �,..;<< ,::.',� . R�P�1 of aad ittterzstaa tha d�sbi evidei�ced by the Hote�ct an3►FreP�ymem�dlate chaiges due imderths 1�tate. . • --- --
<br /> ���,� :'` , �. �bnds[or7l�Sfsun�d I�ntans� Subject to apglicable Iew or to a wri2teawaiver by Leuder,Bauoe�vsr sIlall gay w -_ --
<br /> �'� �' .`:: ,:."�s e
<br /> �..M,:,:,-��-� �.• �, - � I.eadsr oa the day month�+PaYm�nts are dne aader @�Aia2e.�the Note is paid ia fal�,a sum(°�lmds}fuF:(a}yearly
<br /> `r'•.°"=`,�';�c;�:,:;`'�� taxes and assessments wbicb m3 eatain si over tltis S�curl Instnnmeat as a�en oa the Pm . I e a s e f i ot d
<br /> ''.�:-`•'%'�'°:t;",?.��:�=',o- �3Y P �Y tY P�Y'(b�Y�Y
<br />_ :N a;;µ,...,. ri_ , Faryments or gcoBad Yent�on ths PmpErty.if anY:(�)Y�Y haTard or property insucauce gr�minms:td) Y�Y�� — --
<br /> , �-;._ insutance premivms.if any;(c)Y�Y��SaSe��P�ums. if aay;aad(�any sums paYabte by Baaomr to
<br /> �.,`.:'`��'..:,:� ;;._ Lender.in accordance with the provisions of paragtagt►8.in lieu of the payment of�ortgage ias�ugace�nemibms. 1'iiese
<br /> +`.,:. . f; L�.°ffi SI�C�ItCd`ESCIDPJ IICI115° Lender may.at any tiIIte.Collect aIId Itold Fuads,i1I.8a 8ritoutt£usst W F.j.r.�od!t�ma=imnm _
<br /> � ,: :•,`::_ F,:.. �. Y
<br /> - �. ;.••,,t ..- ;�f```r: ; amonnt a teader far a fedeiall �laoed mortgage Ioaa may zequ'me,for Bamawer's e�w•actcwrt����edeiat.Rc�al: � -- - ----
<br /> a_;: �.�,::;,�'.. �sfate S�tlement l�coce�ues Act bf 1974 as amended froal time t,�tiine; t2 U.a.0$ZCs(}1 et seq:(°RESPA")..craF�aaotlfes
<br />-_ -;rJ;:� . � taw th�tt applies to the l�nds s�ts a tesssr a�notwt if sa,�.eadec raay,,ax any tim�.'m1l�ce am�Tz�d Pim�ds ia sri aaiaurn uat t�ssti;;;� � -- - --
<br /> � , i;` : ``;_..°.:; estceEd.drE tesser aatmmt. Lender may estimat�tfre alAaunE a�I'hnds d�te on t�te toasis of cuaent datat au�ti�asatta�j11�Y,�� ' �„j-::R� --
<br /> :; e.stimaUe�of expendidue.s of futlu�e Escmw.Tbcros ar otbeturise in a�ance neitB:app�Cable ta�v. - ---_--
<br /> ` Ttte L�inads shal�6e heid. in an instimtian w��eposits ase insurPd Y�g a f�derat ageucy. ins�i�i�y,or eatiry ' -'
<br />- ''' �'" ",;:.;,' ha -_---
<br /> :: : �: ..,,f;._,_':� -_ _ _
<br /> � . . �_ � .:;�:� �
<br /> _. , . .�:. ..,�r•, ,J� ' CmcIu�ag F.euder.if L,�tder is s¢ch atit in.�ritation�or in any Federal Home Loan Bank. Lender shall apply��nds to pay -
<br /> � :�°.;:�.;-,;.:.:;_..;�;° �
<br /> _:,, : -;� :..._ . _.;. the Fscraw It�ms. Leuder aat Bormwer for holdmg an�ap lyin..the�uds..ant�u�tQY�aT�ng t1�e escnaw ---.---.
<br /> �.' -:_.,'y-_,,. -��`s` , accotin�oc v-.° .,...�t1��s�w Ite�untess lerider�- s Hoirowei m�t on t�e Pau�s"�_.._._- e la"w--�----ts- -----
<br /> =' ;�r�'T��,• ��E Pa3+ �PP _ F�
<br /> • '::�'?:,f..?.�,�..:. l.ender to gralqe sttch�d3arge. However,Leude�may tequire Bo�mwer to pay a one-tuue�at��'ai�:-�eudent real
<br />-`• ° :;; estate tax repotting�used by Lender in conaecuon with this loan,anless apglicable taw pr6vides,o..,i�s,�. llnless an
<br /> 'r:•�;r," •-'
<br /> �. . ,;:�: . ... agceement is made or agpiicab2e law requires interest Lo be paid,Lender s1�11 not be required to pay B'. .:...r�t`�ny inteiest or •
<br /> r�
<br /> - :. ,,:,:_.�:'. :`;�;-. eamings on the Pands. Bom�wer and Lender may agree in wri6ng,however,that interest shaIl 6e paic���'vads. Leader
<br /> ..,..
<br /> . ....
<br /> �.- `� ,:-.:�;;;.�;.-`: - . shall give ro Boirower,wii�out ch�rge.aa anuual asoou�ting of the Fuads.sHav�ibg�dirs�nd debits ta th�Fimds and t6e_
<br /> ` i�.':��.�, se for wluch each debir to the i�trnds was made. The Fuads are ptedged as additional securi for ail sums seca�d b
<br /> �.; �, :�, S�e�utty inshL_�„r . t3/ Y =_- -
<br /> %�;'t�'"':•:`.`'�%;-::;�,. : ..�! If the I�ds heic�"�:Lender exceed the amani�t�permitted to be held b!!aPPlicable law. Lender s�account W - _
<br /> ` ���7 `� :•. Bonower for the e�l±uads in accordance wids da�sefguiremeats of applicable_law. If the amount of t2��ds held by
<br /> . , -
<br />- ?��'. '�t',,...;,,.,,,. �� Lender at any time;i.�msu svtficient to pay the Escio�-Items when due.Lender may so notify Bormv�er iu��an6ng,attd,in -
<br /> , ..,.., ,,,,.a��:�.:` -i e��-__--��
<br /> . '' � ' '�FY;`,r. sucd case Iiuir+uwer sf�a11 pay to I.ender the amount neces
<br /> , ,�nf.f':,,:• sary to make up the deficieucy. Bqrrower shall make up We =�.�;-;,,�;,._.__
<br /> ,' ;'�'.I�. '�� . .���a��' deficiensg ca no more Wan twelve monihly payments,at Leader's sole discreuon. - --
<br /> � � ,�;'�,. .:.::'": • Qpon payment in fiill of all sums secured b}r t�is Sec�rity rn �,,, - b l.ender shall pmmptiy refwid to So:rower auy _`�_,_�
<br /> ��` ;,� Funds hetd by Lender. If,under paragraph 21,Lere�r sliall acyuire or seU the PtopeRy.[xnder,prior to tlie acguisidoa or �'��
<br /> �=:�{s:;.:,;�._,r...-.�_::-:, s�te of the Pro
<br /> S;-t��.•.:,: perty,sh�ll apply�ny Funds held by I.endet at the dme of scquisiNon or sate�s a credit Sga�ast thc sums ���;',-,•�-.�,_,�
<br /> �, ,. secured by this Security Instrumen� '�•'• .,. .
<br /> � 3. AppIIcatton of P�yments. Untess applicable law provides othenvise.aU paymeats teoeived by lxnder under � ••� -
<br /> ;� •,; ���,_:' . paragraphs 1 and 2 shall be applied:fiist,to any prepayment charges due under the Noie;secand,to amounts gayable under �:.�
<br />_ ;•;�,.,;;r;,,:�.• � paragraph 2;tdind,to interest due;fourth,to priacipaII due:and last,to any late charges due undec the Note. •� , ����,��.:
<br /> '��' �� 4. Ch es; Ueos. Bor�awer shall a a��+,a+ces, a.uessments. ch es,fines and im siUOns at�a�a.ac�ab2e to the � '�'-
<br /> 'f���%�;r � P Y ' azS Po .. .;:�- `
<br /> �}:���:�f•�! •�. •� :•. Peoperty which may attain paority over this Sec�,q��,rl�srrument,and leasehotd payments or ground rents.it a��. Borrower ;,.''' '`. :'..,,. •_
<br />