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<br />_--__-__-=__-="== ` . paymcnta m��o ton�e�r Qa,ncysii�.at ths opti�n of.L�det.if,snartgt%�e w�r�e.cover,��e(in ehe nia��aht suld fiQr thc[�ri�-<�..
<br />-`_ --_----_-- , '_ that I�eader rca��Iies)Pmvlded by an insur�t a,p�pmvct�by�i�er a�6acorn�.a avaidabte aad is o�m#�d,&i`storrer,sh�li Es�3►. •
<br /> -_ -_=_ --_= d�pmmiums�iired co a�ai�vai�o�ortgage�insur.utce.dti et�'ect.or m pmvidr a t��c�ve.cintll{h��equirement•�or�+tpge, ; �
<br />=_ - -- insuranoe�fs In uaoardance wi�b auy wciue�agreemst�t tr�tween 8ant►wer c3re4 l.E�r ar epplicabie lAw.. � , . ,
<br /> --_ -- - - . 9�g�iva��Lender or,its eg�nt mny dza�e�reawma6I@ entries upon ar�d it�spectiosls of tyie Fropetty.Len�r�1!gixe. <
<br /> -.� -- - -- Sorm�v�'norice ut tl�e time of or prior to an ias�ctIori s�ecifying teasot�ble cxus�for the inspecxion. ' � _ ' •,
<br /> #;;; 1(D.C�ndemBatdo�.'i4ie pmoeods of any awar8 ot�cLtim far damag�s.dtrect or�cat�seqa�ntia9. insarm�ction wfth eny .•. ` ..
<br /> 3r,
<br /> �:�. eoademaatdoa or other taking of any pa�n of the.Prop�ny.or foY coaveyanc�e in lieu of wndemnazinn,a��reby asaignad a�d�
<br /> 4 � 4 S" . 'sha11 b� 'd w I..en�ier. . . . , ��
<br /> ��- 1�►,���� ' � ... .
<br /> • �'r y �°.,.�;� tn�the eveat of a�fiatun�ofttie Pmperty,the pra�sbali�e agpIied Yo tiie sama sec�d�y this S�wriey i�, _ . _
<br />- ''�t��'� -^ , ,� wAether as aot thea dite.with aay eacess to Barrawee.3n the event of a ui tniaa of the in�vttich tts�faix
<br /> •' �;•y ���: "�. �I !� 8 �P�Y.
<br /> � ''' " ;���'' mnrket vat�of the Ptug�ty iramediateiy befoa+e the tatE�ng ts equal to or gre�cr th�the antount of the sums secur�by thfis
<br />- ;:f; _ —.
<br /> z '� � SerurIty Ltsuuaae�t i�uzodiateiy before the tat�ing.unless�onvwer sud.Iaader otP�envue ugreP in wricing,the soma s�ctued by - -
<br />-_ -:�;�,��--:.. 'this Secursty Imsinunent al3a11 be mduced by the amount of ti�ee praoeeds muitiplied by,the follotivlag fracti�n: (a)the total
<br /> - h�r�.;._.�JS.,p.., � a 1.
<br /> `"• ��:�. a ��!I���q �}._t�!e!�c� ��(' �}. `'_+
<br /> _ , ;,�1i��kt�.a.r'v.C'��' Y4YLWlL O�Ylc JW�•-�S��x VGl�{II.S{QIIUI�.divided by tb)tfie�fair mstrket vafue of the Fa+aperty i�'�tety
<br /> -.` "�,°,_'.,, ,°.`..>�� 6efore the takin�: Any balauce shall 6e paid to Bormwer.W the�even►of o partiat tal�g of ti�e P+roperty in aiiuch the Cair
<br /> ���' .'..;- �''-r.,,��.
<br />- �i'� �'`. • ,- �, market valae o�the FrvF�ty imm�iately before the taking.is te�s than tl�ee amount of i6e su8ss secured imtrzediately befo:e d�e
<br />_ r:. . ,. . S t JI .
<br /> .t�.. . . takin unless Bor�a�rer and Lender oUcenvice in wridn or unkss licabte lav�ot�ernise mvides the mcee�s shall —
<br /> ��; ..:.. _ .,,.::, �::. �• � S , aPP P � P
<br /> � � =}�:�i"�• be agplied w dte sums s�by tbis Security Instxument whetlier or noc tGe sums are ttten dite.
<br /> t�r��+��'�'��t;`;?�,T� IP the Ptaperty is a6andoned by Earmwer,or if.after notioe by Lender to Suaro�ver tl3ai the condemnor offets to make an • � �_
<br /> �'-"`;`..,;;>.::� award or s�tle a claun for damages, Boc�ower fails w,re�pand to Lender v�itbia 30 days afte�the date the natice is given,
<br /> . �. '.: ..4.,::.: �.�,.,.W
<br /> �; � Lcxider ts suthorized ta coltect aud appty tke proapads,at its option,eii�er tQ reswrarian or repair of the Pmperty or to the su�s
<br />