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<br /> �S•5f. .v1C�1M � y .���� •. , .c . . .. ( i . . t .r , " - . . ' .__'.— v�`- t�� ` ' t . � -__.._��� — _ ...
<br />�`��,L..���.,F..1�..s:.�� . . . . . . . - . � • - . . ���.��0�'6ti7 .� . ° _ _ —
<br /> ��u�swr.aw�w::.x ex� • • ` . . • . � .
<br />_�. " ' ':,.�a� . . . . . . [ , " ' _ , ' .. , . . �O . . 1 � . .
<br />_�; .- I- i,,���r._ � PeP�o�'`that L�er�equues. 'Ehe in�tirarcce r,airise psoirlding the lnsuranoe�sLall6e�eA 6y•BaaoNer aubject to Irendet� � - —
<br />=�r � � npgmwat alt�cti shaU aot be nareasona4ly wIttel�:td�If Sorlurrer fails�a ma,inta6�coveiaos d�scrthed abave.Lender mayf et . -
<br /> - ' F ! ' � .
<br />_;� • �.ender�Opiioar:obtaiz�etrveiag2to protect Leudrx�s dg�is in the F;opecty in�000rdahaE with pamgtiaph 7 �.'.•, . _
<br /> _;. Al!insui�.�Falicies�ren�rats shall 6e acces�mble t4 txader an3 sPialtincltcde A stsu►datd mortga�ctac�e` I.ender •
<br />_ °:t�`�"'�"�;` + sha11 have tpte rig�t to hold ths pvlides and renawats. If Lendxr zequims.Bait»;v�r s�all�mmPtty.giv�tn Lender.all reCeipta
<br />-_ _,_ ,°. . ��,..,..,,� � --- -= ------
<br /> �;: , ��'r n ;u�._; of gaid�iwAS aud ren:wal notioes. Ire she event of loss,Bonower shall give prnmpt aotio�w the iasuranos c�rIef.and. "`-
<br /> Y ' t.�der. l�ader mt►y makepraaf of loss if uot made promptJy by:Borrower. � . . � , ` N �.
<br /> l.,t, .. . ``�°� IFnIess Lender u�smrow�r�t$eruvise agrea in writ�g,inswance.�nc�s shall be ap�liN u restoration ar tetair af , �;�` � �_--
<br /> .� ti _ �.-� x.:7.
<br /> � r � � the ProA�Y�8ed.if We mstoration e�rep�ir is ecanomir,�lty feasible and Leader�s secuiity,is nat iesseaed. If We � �.=
<br /> ir
<br /> ,< : � ` . '�" �noiatian or repau is no�econamitalty feasibie oT Lender�s sectuity vt'raul�6e I�ect.th3,ir►s�n�ance pmeeeds shatl 6e .�, „ '�� = --
<br /> '� �- . ' ' 2p�lied to ttte sttmS seCUred 6y t6is SeCtu'tty tn�+�+�f�whether or nnt then due,witd enyF excess paid co'Banower. If � -
<br /> �� � _ ��• Ba�rower a6andons the Pmperty,or.does not a�swet within 30 days a.notioe fmm Lender t�r the insurance carrier 6as g,�,r "�°' -
<br />_ , . ��'.;.`.: .. of�ered w seule a cit�im.then Lendez may collect t6e insuraace pm�ds. L.ender may iue the praceeds to repair or�estoie = =--._.._
<br /> ' ' ��� the Pro or w a swms secured b thts Securi iasaument,whet�er or not then du�. Tke 30da QQriod w►�i whea � -�` °""""
<br /> a :,4 ;<< . P�Y P Y Y �► . Y be� =.— _
<br /> • 3 the notice is givem ,. �
<br /> �_ r��}r�:� lJrs�Leuder and Bornewer othe�rwise ag�ee in wtiting,anY aPPiicatian of proceeds to principal s�aU not exte�td or• .« '�,�.,�d.� �;
<br /> ���r postpn�ti�e dne date of the manttily F3Yments�femzd to in paiag�apbs I and 2 or change the�xuount o�the payments. If ;,�y y4;�.�t� �
<br /> tr'—
<br /> � �°'�;�.. u a d e c:�r a g�g h 2 2 t h e 4't o p e rt y f s a c��b y L e n d e r,B o�r o w e r's ri g h t t o a a y i n s u�p i o�i e s a n d p m c e e d s t e s i a t t n i g� �
<br /> o -
<br /> ' : f y�F"�i�:�. from damage w tt�e�p�aty priar to the aoquisiuon shall pass to Lend�r to the extent of the�cros secuted by this Securiry .`�;�:,� —� _
<br /> ! `. .�/,J<yf�•.rt�����'� � ,�Fri lIlS�1U111C(lt IAU71�i�T}��f t0�2Cq117S1hOI1. . . •. '� � �v . — Y�.
<br /> �f ' n`' r: � � � 6, OrcuAauc�, P�svabton, Maintenaase and Protect€on oF tite FroP�93 �mrmwer's LoAa ApplIcatFon; : �,` �,_ - —
<br /> _ _ .,�4 f�,` '_,•,-,:;�:;:- f yjc hn1 � 8oaawer�Ff accd�y,establish.and ose tiie Pmperty as Bmrowe���rincipal'�dence within sixiy days'after . ;� ,�. �' "•�, -_•�
<br /> . �• a. � the execution of this Se�-ity L*�st�ent mtd shali cm►tinue to occupy Yhe Prolr�ty as Bm`�u-�rer�prineipal resideace far at �F�� ,�...�_.�._.
<br /> '_�.; : ':,;;' {° yeai after t8e'��of occu an unless Lender othenvise a in writin whieh consent shall not 6e '� --
<br /> -. , . .._ r;,f�"�,�,�,� least � -
<br /> ;,� ;..:�..:..-�. r': . unreas b wcthheld,dr unless extenuatin�circumstances e�ist ahict�ase�{.�� nd$orrow'er's rnnuol. Borronrer shalI not = -
<br /> . `5. . - �v A�S:'�.f::• .. . ........... ' g �`'S '_____ .- I.-._��'—�.o.��
<br /> . ._" �'_ '"""'
<br /> -1. ����'r��';:•:�'•��t':ju?�ti' - destroy;damage or�a��Rfi Yrropeifyr;alI tti�P�ieriY t-- - - - - - - - - . , ------=_
<br /> e ow o�defieiioiate.oreo�'f�waste on tiieFropeTt} �Boirnwer sTiall� ` �'•
<br /> �. . .'� . :� ,r�:�:.-.;.,-
<br /> `;;���`'1 R��'�' be in default if any fa�Eaiure action m pmceedic�,a�fi�ether civil or criminal.is�gun that in L�ender�s �aith d ent , .,U��c+
<br /> 1`.�,�'� �t;;, �� N 8m � '=
<br /> r,��- •"..�::, :,.� could�sult ui forfeitr�e of tiie Ptaperty or othenvise materially impair t�e f"s.°n c�eated by tl�is Se�tY Instrument or �.,s ��_
<br /> � ' `�r'��:':, Lender"s seciuity interest. Bormwer may cune such a default and rei�stat�as,pmvided in m��ph 18,by causing the action � `��+�7-- —
<br /> -` `_�.r _,�,.:r:�� !4�.,° or pra�.~'�.g to be dismissed with a niling that,in Lender�s good faith determination,precfi.�s forfeipue of the Bonmver§ r_:;,.,'�r�,�.�.-�.
<br /> .'r,. ;;, i' Y��k�,,_ : intezest.`�.�ie.Prap�rty or other maierial impaim�ent af th�iierr cnated taytfiis Securiri T�vument or I:ender's se�uity - � .� .:
<br /> ' '`���'� �V ;> r�}F interes�. Sosro�ver st�lt also be in default if Bomowe� daring the loan e}��iratioci�cess, gave materially false or '
<br /> :r ��'�`4,r��F'f<<;;�``€��:t„'.:;'� inaccurate infom�at'sar�.ar statements w Lender(or fa�ed to provide Lender with any cnaieriat information)in connection with �:,�•, ��•'';;. - �.
<br /> Y.. .
<br /> • ,f,�'�,.a.sa;�,<+�'��,�i4�.�,��r,.'���. the losn evidenced 6y�he Note, including, 6ut not limited to. representations con�:�.Borrowei's occupan�y of.uFe �; .r�;, ;;�;��i',
<br />_'`' '?�t'.£��`:�;;''1`:.:;t�sf��"ri''r�;�'== Pe�3" F P� tY PY p � ,t;.;;�, i,+ .
<br /> �« Pro a"s a rinci residence. If chis Securi Insdument is on a leasehoid,Borrower�3.fl:crsm 1 with all the rovis= ns ��s� ,'� .
<br /> •;'!';i':?i:i��,'.s'������"�� of the lease.,If Bormwer acquires fee tifle to the Property.the leasehold and the fee dde sii�tT m;s merge unless Lender ag�ees �'•:'� r
<br /> " s��r' t��'�- to the merger in wtiting. , . ,.',f,�}� .
<br /> �F'� ����}�*�� I. Protertfon aff�.eader's Rig6ts in the Property. If Borrower fa�T,s e4 gerfoan'ths covenacrS�and agreements � • t , �rf/�{ r,
<br /> ��:y� ' . - contained in this Se�.Ey Instrument.or therc is a.legal proceeding that �.�significandy affec[L�rxiier�s'rights in the ,,:'' t4 ,,���F:'};, ,e. ° �•
<br /> '�`�'�t` ` , �;,; � t�raperty(such as a pra��reding in bankruptey,probate.for condemna6on or ferf�ttne or to enforce laws or regulations),then `' ',`� �F���' , ':'
<br /> - :'��, �r�_Yc?,,.�'.:'� L,ender��u da and pay for whatever is necessary to protect the i-zlne of the Property an�L.�der's rights in the Property. ;�• ;,f:r��y� .
<br /> `:• ��r•.•J.;�� :•. Lender��ions may include paying any sams secured by a lien v�f;ich has priority over this Security Instrument,appearing : �°�!�Y•
<br /> . . :;..,;r,
<br /> ' •�,;:` r,�:;',":... ' ,.,��;�,�'
<br />- � � :�,;:.�, in court,paying reasoa�ble attameys'fees and entering on the Property to make repairs.Although Lender may take action ' • �� �� '
<br /> ,�.
<br /> 'F c;...::•._.. . . ,t.�'
<br /> �; .;;;;;:::,f;,� � undec this paragaPh 7.;f�ender daes not have to do so. � .,�::•,� .,`'"��``�,��
<br /> '�����;���,�i>•: -� . My amounts�;:.ix;csed by Lender under this paragraph 7 shall beco�e:�ditional debt of Bor�ower secured by this ... r'�t�,;'"',;��'�'s`', r '�
<br /> ���'r%:��' `-�.: �� •�.f' Sccurity Insuument. 4.1ess Borrower and Lender agree to other terms of payrr.�tl:.rthesc amounts shall bear interest from the '��-�:�'::_'���"�'<<+�;� �
<br /> � �.e.o. ,.,�. .,'�;:1;:�.�r ' ,r�..'.�.:.. .p„f,,s, 9��
<br /> - s';'' "•':�;,%�;� . �:.; date of disbursement at the Note rar�and sha116e payable,with interest,upon�ice fmm L.r.nder to Botrower requesting • :;�`�n��.;�:�.��
<br /> 4fr �: . . ,, , '� .l�c r>;
<br /> � a en�
<br /> , � r: P Ym x��_
<br /> . " ';f y1Y ' I - ��,`�'ki r?:� 8. Mortgage Ips�a�anee. If Lender required mortgage insurance as axi��tion of t;aking�he toan secured by this . :�:y��" .; ;�` �. ;:
<br /> `• �?, ` � " ' Security Inswment,���ewer shall pay the premiurr�s required to maintain t�.�r.�nortgage insurance in�e#'fect. If,for any �f .. •':��. C '-
<br /> �' �'�.•F�r • I•• .i �CC1S00. e mort x,.��rance�coy-era e u¢�d tr L.ender ta ses or cea:.i.,�'to be in effecn. Barrrna.cr shal! a the � • •�' � � �"
<br /> ,.!.t is. .-.. , , th S��"' � �i � Y P P Y . ;r.,:.. .
<br /> " F'�;�•1,:•� .� ' . premiacr�s�quired ca�o�'sfain cacec^+.��r��asi:r.cts.Il;r equivalent to the mortgab�e irtsurancc;�reviously :.z�=ffect. at a cost •.. . `. •.�
<br /> ,:� . . ' ",:' �;�,;�,r .;._' ..
<br /> _ , subst2ns�c�.:.rg�equivalent to the cas�i r�:[3mrrower of the mortgage inswance previously in efl'ect f�om an altemate mortgage ,;�,,'��'('�,,��, . �; :�
<br /> . �=%:',:A..��: .'..:':
<br /> - : '' insurer.:�.�ved by Lender. If sa��:a.�tially eyuivalent mortgage insurance cov;.rage is r:,E a.a:�.r.;'able,Borrower shall pay to �-.,.,��
<br /> • � � • � Le�nder each month s�s-.��-n eyual to one-twelfth of the yearly mort�age insurar:.�,:�:,remium being paid by Borrower when the -
<br /> ` ��""� ' insurance coverag�C�,,ay�3 or ceased to be in effect. Lender will accep4 use ar�'n:�:-rn these payments as a toss reserve irt lieu � '
<br /> . �rYp�,-, . . - .-�. _ - .-� -..
<br /> -���" i�fif;'•:' � �.. of mortgage insurar:��:.. �.oss re.�erve payments may no longer be required.:,r,ii"+.�:option of l.ender,if mortgage insarattce ' � •• . •.�.�
<br /> -�.�; ; +i:, .� � ` - coverage(in the a�r�.iurs¢.�d for the period that Lender requires)provided by�;-c insurer approved by Lender again becomes � :,, � .
<br /> ""• available and is obt�i.�:;Borrower�'.I pay the pmmiums required to maintain mortgage insurance in effect,or to pmvide a .
<br /> :�.;� '.•', � � loss reserve,until the>+�,airemertt t��.rix�ortgage insurance ends in accordance with any written agreement between Borrower ` � . . •
<br /> �`';;, ..:' .�. . ... andLenderorapplica�!elaw. . . .
<br /> : i�'• . ' 9 InspectIon tv�der or its agent may at::�e reasonable cnuies upan aLi inspections of the Property. Lender shall ' � �
<br />- ' �`?;;,` give Borrower notiee ak ifi�:time of or prior to an irt��ection specifying reason�le cau.ce for the inxpection. . •. '. : �.�t
<br /> `�..; ; , • 10.��ndemn�u�set. 'I�e prou�ats of any a�r�ard or claim for damages,direct or consequential,in connection with any '
<br /> ::•:!•�.
<br /> .��: Sing1G F�.mci�-•Fannie 1fadFYtddie Mac U*1ffllltrb'S.*efi'FRL'NEIVT--Cnif�n.Covenants 9/90 (paRe 3�j6 pi;vil , .
<br /> ' `i`c,} ' Gtdl{lat[A BIISNtA Ftt161.(aQ m . .
<br /> �}��:. � . � roi.r.krGi�tfBOOS9643xIOVAxststsi�tlit�:�- . � ',�:.'
<br /> ,j::�;;� , .
<br /> . :..F . . .
<br /> :�:�. . . -
<br /> _ ; ,. '. , . ;.""'..':. . ... . .. _-�,.. .._.__.� ____-. --. ,.. . . � ,.�.,... _�., .
<br /> , , . , � :,�,:,,r,;... . . .
<br /> . ;,�.
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<br /> ',f' ,%��: . '� ' ..• . . _ . _ . . �� � . ' , . . . ' . . _ - .. � . , , .. , . ,�.
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