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<br /> -� . ' t , , . '__'— � .-(-' � ��S``_ _
<br /> � 1. .}'�,.4.4t� �'} --- .
<br />�' �' ' . `. . ,. ,� ' • � , ������ •Vf S' "�`"�� �� .__
<br /> - . . � _ . , ` ° • ' • ` � g�. f �. - t r'- �...1�
<br /> �j ��'�r..f�'.�"_
<br /> � � • 17.�'�04 t�t Pro��gr�r�E�+�n��+cgt ta�an+nw�:If ait or emy puc of ene Fmgerty or aay�ata�st in it ;�a��;�°: �:'���`-.:r—�;' _
<br /> _ . , ts aold or Mmsftratd(ar i�a bme$ctal int�t in Barrawer is solsl os tnsasfennd asu��armwor is nat a nttural pe�3 arithout .
<br /> ea ,, .; r�:`.'�,:
<br /> . Lr.�der'e prtot a+r�Ben c�aseat. Ieader may. ai tts opt�oa� �e immm'�ato PaY�eat ia ti�ll o!s!I eums cccvred..by this �_
<br /> Sa:�r1�S+y Instipmea�.Kawever,t�is apsim sbail aot 6e exerci's=! Laader if o�i�is pm3u'bi�8 by fednal laar ev of th�date F < � F ,�
<br /> of ft�is S�urity Instru�.ni. ' ,r �� _ -
<br /> " • i f L e a d e r e z e�I s e�t H�.s opsinn,�t n d e t e h a t t�ive�a:r o w e�t ao t k e o f s s x a 2 o m t ian.'n m aot�ce s3�s11 pmyFde a p e r t�of n4t ' . v
<br /> .� .. . . .. . less tbsa 3�days fram Y�dats tlts natica iu dehves�d as madied wIthia wLich�or[owe�must gay a i l w���y this _ . : ., =_
<br /> 8s
<br /> S�uriry Instrumra�t.If Boirawer fai'ta to Qaq 6�eume paor W tha exgiratian of tt�ta periaal,Lender�ay invo&e any:emedies -,.
<br /> - - `petmitt�by�ta Secml lnstro�ent.c�ith4ut PortF�er aotice or de�d oa Borrower. `'`�
<br /> . 1& L43l�'e ia t t� R�1�state. If Eorrov�er-mexts casaain caaditians, Bcie+�d+er ehall �svs the �ig�i to hsve _
<br /> . -- enfo:+c�nt oF tbis Secut�tY tnst�ent d'isranti,nued at ea1y+ti�ta prIor w tha esrtier ofi ta)S daya f�sa�c6 o4i�er geuod us =-°s=— - ,';
<br /> a,ppltcable law maY s�CifY fior �) �c�+a eate of t�e Fragetty puts�ant ta aay poarcr of sate oaamiaed in tln� - , . '
<br /> Security Iayuvmen�or(b}eatry oY a judg�t en£arci�g 4M�s�arity Tasaumear.Zh�se coadi�ons�that�toc�:(�b? � `;:_^,>;;-,..;
<br /> -- - -. . . 1.cadsr ali�tms a�ich t�wauid 6e dua t�de�this Security Iastr�mc.nt ead thc Nois as if a�.s.,._— •� - -�•-
<br /> > . ..
<br /> _. _._ ._ _._..._ cmes anyr defm�It of an}r_e�er ooveaaats or agceemeata:<c}paye all exp�incumd in,aafmcaa8 t�a Securit�r lastcnm�ut, .. �_
<br /> itieludiaS,6�aot tlmited to.Rasonabtv attomeYe'fe�i�nd�d?taYes sueh action as I�d���g,teasoa�ls2Y naquice to assu� - -......�__ �:, ._�.,.;;.�:
<br /> � tltst the lisa of this Security Ins�t,I,�ar'a rights in tha�opaty and Barrowa's obli�Eian to gay.t�e sa�s se�d by � ':-ri:.�`..;::'�:.
<br /> du9 Securiry Iastniment ehaU contimce uacbauged. Ugoa refnst�tement 6y Eorrawer, �is Secmity Instramcat aad the ' :'.�:
<br /> imen �
<br />- o�tig�tlons sec�ted heieby shall:emaia Pouy effertive as if¢o seceierataan had acx�u�ed.Hocvever.this right ta reinstate sL�II `- . ` ��
<br /> . maKivd�ply in�e c�se of ea�lctation�mder�azagraph iT. F � . ._ ;�
<br /> . �,,..
<br />- - . `�19. Sate o!PIof� Ci�e of Lasu Se+rvic�r.11�e Notc or a p�tiel inter�st in the Note(toge.�es wide this Secuiity _ � _...
<br /> • - I�t)may be sold one or t�ase times wi6iaut prios aotiee to Bos�wer.A emIe ma3►�It ia a c�ga in tho endsy(imown - --
<br /> t
<br /> as tP�A'I�sa Servicer')tLat collecta montblY Paym�ts due wader tha Note and this Se¢urity Instru,nuent.7h�atsa may be oae �
<br /> at.ae�ie ebaages of tha Loan Sewicer�mielad:d to a saIe of tt�e Note.If there is a change of ttne I�oa»Servirer.Bmmwer arill 6e •. . -:;:
<br />— ,, - , .. .'S_.:
<br /> — -- g�r��R'�ittm aotice of tha c1�ge in a«:ordaace with parag�apb i4 a�ove aad applicable lsw.The uatioa w�l state the name and . : . �:`°�`'��:_.
<br /> �4-17�:of We naw I�an SezvIcer and t�e addrrr�w v�ich pay�eate s4uuld�a made.lhe notIce w�D al�ao coatain sn oUcer � ::''`"-"�
<br /> S vi Y °�;. :;!':t�i�
<br />- . _ u►faam�6�ance4��YePPlicablalaw. ::=_;;::�:'.: �.?;':_;:._.
<br /> . ._ � -��i�-Ha�rdo�-Sa�$orrnwer shnll-not ca�se ot�ermit-ttta pmsr�ce,use.disposal.stosage.ar�etes�of�r . . . ••,_,;.,---.:-__�Y_
<br /> N.�sdu� Sudsmnec9 on or in t�e Raperty. Bonowe�r shall not do, nor altow anyone else w do. auYdvng a�'ecsa�;tTce . •- :`;`;�
<br /> . Pra�pr.�t}��mat is in violation of any Fnvicoameatal Law.'Ihe prooedin�evio s�tencas s6all not apply w the psese�ce,�.a� . , . ....::`j,:;%'�,'-
<br /> . st�s�a asl;tfle FiopeRy of sma11 quantitIe9 of Ha�rdaus SuEstaacas t6at ar�genera]Iy�ecogtuzed w be appmpriaie w aoh�r.� .. :,.+; .. :=-
<br /> - tes'sa}t�Dtidtiuses and to maiateaa�ce of tite Ptogerty. ;,�.• -,:�`:'�'``�-""`
<br /> ,�jy.��✓���::-
<br /> � , - Barlpwer Bhall P��PUY 8+ve Loadu wntiea notioe of any utvessigatinn.etaim.demand.tawsait or other acti�a.by say•' � :`�:...� �:,—
<br /> �'�' �iY a8 �Y Pn P�Y� � P�3+ Y �r-, f_ 3
<br /> canma�al or e,a or vate mvoI the Pro aad an Ha�dous 5ubs�ance or F�vimnmers�Isw . :•..�,.4';y;.,,
<br />-�; ,. of:wlucbeBQnOWCl T189 8CLU8�IfIIOWICd�B.IP BOJNWCt ICaISL4,ot is natifed by aay gavananeatal or regutstory auth��,cts�t _-��_%'•;t��:;�,;,;
<br /> ; ; ac�y,:e�da��t or other zemediation of a�►Hamrdaus Su6stane�affecwn��e Fropetty is uecessary.Borc+awer slmll pxoaq�b'v taff�e : ` `�"' �
<br /> � 7 hf. . ,.
<br /> _ 8��ILOC�AATf i�lIIE�18�SCZIODS tD&CCOI[��C6 W�1�IIV1fODnIPAffi��A7. .; »
<br /> ; II '
<br /> -. A�tued ia tLis paragiaph?1F. 'I�amsdons Substaaces'are tlrose substaaces defiaed as muc or ba�adaus sn6�aces by .
<br /> s � Env�ma�m:c►tal Law an8 the faIIm�eing su6sPaaces: gasolino. kemse�e. other tlamma6te or Wuc petroleum prnducb, wuc : � '.:.:T ...- :. �t
<br />_ . � passtcds�to amd herbicides,volari[s satvents,material8 containing asbesws ar foimaldeLyde,aad radioacbve materials.As used in ;-• 't r;:,,:;.: �� �,(..�
<br />_ � ttris pear�ph 20, 'Favironmeaml Iaw'meaas federal taws and laws of t�e jwisdictioa whene the Pmperty is tocatod tiiat '`,c:� �;,:::.;<-s�"t ,
<br /> r., � eu
<br /> -_ i �3ate ta�atrdtL.�fetY or environmr,�tal protection. : .�:,•`�^':' �:;:,
<br /> �..
<br /> ;:. �.; � ' ��,:��;,,
<br /> .. k N1Di�-L'1VIFORM CQVSDiAlV1°5.Boraower aad Leader fucther cavenant�ad agree as follows: :, r.F. ,,
<br /> . .. ......_ . _ .
<br /> ,. ,� .
<br /> 2Il: A,mal�atfam;lR�tedies.Le�der s6al��ive uatisc to Borrower prior to ac�eferaffon foIIow'c�g Boirawa's breaeh �/=:�b`��'
<br /> of a��•o�rnant or�grEeueuB in t�i�SSautity I�sZsumeat Nut�t prior to aecei�at�oa�md�pazsgrapb 17�anle�s •, � :1.
<br /> BPA��lii 1�►w Prnvtds o�).T6e ccotise shnll s�ec3fy: (a)the defaWt;(b)tlee adion e+equiced to cu�+e t6e d�Wt; � ��•
<br /> (c)�a d�cb:f►flt�ess t�an 30 days fram t�e dat�t�e aotase is gfiven to l�a_n+awer,by whic6 t6e default must 6e e�n+ed;aad { . ;� '
<br />:; (cA,tNcit failitne to ce�me the defaWt on or�eEape t�e date speciiaed��e ctotice may rasWt in ecceleaation of the s�s l . ;;��';-:
<br /> _ ; sr�red b;��t63s Sese�rity L�sd�umea�t aad smf�aY t�e Pkmperty.Tke rs�tuo��all fiarther info�Borr»erer cf the r 3 g ht W ' %�''.,;':
<br /> y'. .
<br />=,-'t, ,, re�tt�ttt��atier aoo�astcon aad tl�e rig6t to 6ring a caust actcon bs�9 the nona�istence of a defaWt or any other ��''�,'%r�''' '
<br /> -� ; �. ;;:-,:r:.;,; d�f'�se aC��Dorra�ve�to a�eleratiQa aad saie. IF ihe d�Eaivll is�ent�an or 6efore the date specified in fhe notioe, .
<br /> � :, .,,.t.;%::: L�diu},.axitts optton,may Fm�ediate papm�nce€mA of atIl�wr�s sectnred by this Sean�ity i��t witiroat '
<br /> _ ' �:;j��,`f,••"";, fiuth�dttatund and may nn�e po�r of s.aie and any other�.pe:mitf�by applicab2e law.Lender sl�1!6e t - °
<br /> �;;,�.:;;,,�� r...�:. -
<br /> j�;;.` p ' p h 21,iaclu ,6ut aot runited I
<br /> '�t;��,�t>.�.,.•�,>�"' �tiqt+d�tu am'Red a!1 e�peases inc�r�+ed in pgesnting the r�edFes lvvtdr�++m ttns aragraP d'ing
<br /> � .{r'.`l:`.'�;�'``�'' W,�le attoe�s�!s'fees and cusfs of tit�evideace. ` ' � �
<br /> .�.,,
<br /> ,� .,•,���s>:�� � Tf tlfA povv�ef�sa�e i5 itzefl&ed Tn�stee sba1l recortD a notice of�efaWt in each eounty in whlch arry pnet of the ,
<br /> � ��f�t��.;:�7; ' , � 1S �� �
<br /> �,• ��.{,'�f , ,� �;it�toealed aied slu�sT1 cs�copies of such no�ce E�x C�ae ms�a�er prescribed 6y applicabte!aw to Borrac��er and!o
<br /> , ` ��;�';��i:�;°.'' tia�ofirt�perso�prescrived�appllcaDle faw.Aft¢e tTrP�eecquired by applflcabie law,Tn�stee shal➢give p�li�c notioe �,
<br /> '.Y, .r"..,�i,,^;A:.;::.�:,. .
<br /> . t:"��. o�i sad�W�t1ie�and in the manner prescri6ed 6y�Dte law.Tnutee,wiWout danand on Borrower,shal!seli i , .
<br /> , . ,,,: .,.. .
<br /> ::� i.• •?,;t:'; W�Paa�sa�na��sudion to the higheat 6idder at Qke time and 6�an�rmder We terms designated in the notFoe oT.,` ,
<br /> I
<br /> c � �':`,:::i ss��[ti.aqt+t�r ac�:�anels and in any order Tr�stee dete�v�ines.Trm.�maY P�Pone sale oi a;L4 or any pa�cei oF tPte j
<br /> ``. S.: � '.`''<'�`` Pro�mCj"'1�Pu6�ic�announamment at the time and ptace oF atry previonsly scheduled sal�I,�mx�or its d�rnap.� i
<br /> , ..��f.�, pur�¢i!D Pr+aperty at azry s�te. , (
<br /> ; �
<br /> ;';'.:° � .
<br /> � 114- 5 74 F°m'ao2e s�O
<br /> . :.1`::. ��ott�mms�a� LY044 P.aasa�• , , . �":�.� , .
<br /> . �;�; , ���'�� ; :
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