. .: ..:.:..: ....:r �;. . ... _. . . . . r �+-n-•�<. �.y;:�e•w.+'. .
<br /> - .�:i 4`y."` � .. - ' ,.F .�ay :�. ' . .. . _ .'f� ___
<br /> �` �v`l.v:?:`` ' . . _ " � .. � x ;� �. z,r.r�j� ._ - . ' ., � . .� _ .
<br /> . .
<br /> . ,
<br /> � ' . ��
<br /> . . _..._
<br /> .
<br /> , �. j ',�
<br /> "SY�....._F . . . k . . .
<br /> �j • �
<br /> ' C:. ' ':� ' / •': .�f - �.F . . ' . . . _ . F:
<br /> ' �_I' (r � .�t.' . �.. �j w r.(r-.l}. - .. . �
<br /> � � . ' . . ��.. _ +•� . .�� ._._ ' .�:�.s:.:`s'�� ':Y
<br /> . . .S . - . . ( p/�� ���� r' . . —_
<br /> �,� .. � ' . . . .• • � �. . , - � •P ____'--. —_—_ -•. �'
<br /> ���. ..�� t . , '
<br />�` �,".,. `, 5. �tird t�F�+oper4y�u� So�awer sh�if�Sxp dta imge�vemsa�iva4r��ng aY�er erecicd oft dta � � . �_.'� a��
<br /> �� `� ~ ` Pra�Ay i�ured sgtta�t!tes9 by�.Qu�tards i�ctud�d aFt6�a tka term'aacesdad caversge'and asy ot3���.inctudin8 �a
<br />--_hs .; .. �, � .. � a <
<br /> ,:., ;,�. . - ftooda.or tYoading.for e�h4cb LcnBar cequi:es insuraQCO.'Il�ls ins�uance e8ait;�e n�eimmtstaed ia tbe amaunta and fcr ths pertada �'- � -
<br /> e
<br /> ` t�at Ir�td�t toquire�.7�0�niusaace cnrlar pmvidirg tha inaursaco e�sll be eha�aea�r Boerawor�tiject to Leader's apgraw2 `_ _ _� ��
<br /> `tis� } v d _
<br /> � �
<br /> _ ; ,,, , wt�3�a�aU aat�•� ••�*,�1y F�ithhsld.I�Borrowar failu to mstnt�ttn eoeaeage descrf6ed a6ove. I�ader may.ai Lmder's � . � ..:�:�. .
<br /> ' optiaa,obmIa caverage t�pmt�t Idnder'e righte�n the Prapesty iA Qocondaa�wItL�ragrapb�: ;; `,�` _
<br /> ' ,` :, .., '.,,�. ..� All�n�aee pel�cIes aad teaawelo shaiD 6a scos.ptab2a to Leader end sha11 inciwta a s3andmd martgage clm�eo. Le�tQor - ;:, ��'�. � , __
<br /> i
<br /> - � � � ` � s�aU 6�avo the rl�qht to ho2d the pollcira aad rea�oantia.If t�nd..�r t�equi�ea�Botrai.var eb�ll.pmraptiy�aive to Lr�dar a�l neoeiptn of h �- �;'� _
<br /> _ �:� .� Peid F�tlura aod ranearat aetices.in ttisa ev�t of Ioss,l6oriowcs�sll gIve prompt notiov w the�nr�t�ce cairier and iender. { �- �,� �
<br /> _ ,:;;� no - .x �
<br /> �,� —' < ,:. I,eader ar�qc make proof of Ioss if not msde p:omFttY bl►�airoaer. . � '�
<br /> •� .4.:-.. �' .
<br /> `�'�� s''� Unlc�I�ndcr md Boacawar otaenvIse agree ia azittu�,ias�traaco pmaeode eLaJl 6a�p�iad to restoration or m�air o£tha , , � . _
<br /> �,
<br /> - •e securi n aotdessr�sd.If the ierte�stian or .. ��,:`, • �
<br /> , . -�<-;:- - - -�- P�vgaity damaged,if the restaratioa or iepsir Is oconomically feui6le ea►d I�ndar ry� �::... .__�.-'`' . .�,
<br /> :<< _ ._ _...._�.`.'� �xp�1r ie aot er,onomicaliy fmsi'ble or Leader's secarity wuu2d Ee iess�ed.tha iasuianoa ps�.�a ahell.6e applied W tha mtme 'r::. -- r�='' '. , . �
<br /> -- J� ' ' secu�M by tbie Secu�dtg Inste�en�whether or nat tliea due.witL atry wcces�paid to.�o�owe�: If�ono�var a6andooa the �(FEC%.: ' �. .. .�
<br /> l.ir��(�, ... .�� � �
<br /> `:,. � , Fi�perlyr,or daes not answer with�n 30 daya a netioe from I�eader tbat tha i��utaaoo c�rsier ha�ot�d.w sx3tte a ciaim,then j��c .:'�`� '.
<br /> � '` Y�. :
<br /> f�r _ Iender m�y►ooyect dia tn�uanoe pYOCad�. Irudcr msy u�e the proc�ads to reymic or,rastaia tha P�operty or.to.PeY s�s j:. � _ k�
<br /> 3�
<br /> <° �cumd h1 Wia Security Ins3�ument,whethar os aot t�en�ue.'i�e 30d,ay pe+iad aill begiin whea We natice ia givea. `` `�,��,
<br />-;,; - . n ,
<br /> . :� - -. .... LTntess Le�der aad Bomower atheiwise agcee ia wtiting.enY_aPP��on of proo0eds tn.priacigal s1ieU nat extead or ;!4� ;��`. . _,..- . - .
<br /> %' - , past�rana the due dace oF the�ontblY paYmeuta�ef�e�to in parag�uphg 1 nnd 2 or c�aage tlta amaunt of the paymrnts.If r,� :
<br /> � � . L - ' �, under paragtapb 2I ti�e P�operty is acquire�6ryr I�ade�.Bor�awer's ri�t to auy iasumnoe>pbticias aad pmcends t�atting from ��;, , ' ' ; �. ,Y
<br /> P operty mc d ib�
<br /> � `.t dam�e to the P r o g z rt y prior to o'�a scquis'sHoa shall pass t�Leader to the eatent of the sums secand hy tSia Secu�ty Ins�t !!'��.. -_:::'-..-= r ---
<br /> :i f' �.. ' . . itaffiadiutely prtat to tha ecquisiHan. � " ��. . . , • �;.�:
<br /> . 6.�osupanegr,Pl�rvatton,MninB�naeand Pk+nto�tou of t�ce�aA�Yt Boeumw�'s l.oun AppQcatuon;�old�. �` ` �.�`
<br /> �....,� ,
<br /> r . Borrowetsball eRer dte execution of . `:
<br /> ;Y . . ... occupy,esta31Is7�,nnB us��a Fiag�cty as Earroc�!ex's priucipal pasideaan a+ithiA aixty..days - : ,_. ' _ __.
<br /> us
<br /> ;;�,. , - •. thio Sacurity I�vment and shalI'ceatiaue to aoeup�the Pmpsrty as Bamowar's ptiacipal cesFdenae for at feast ona yaar aftca • • ,
<br /> :!#`, � �e duLe of occupaucy,�mless Y��na othesais�ag�ees in writiag,wbic3�coasemishaU'not i�uarea�onnbly a►ithhetd,or�m2ess � , . . ' ;
<br /> 8�e : _
<br /> , extenamting circu�aces exist v�1�*:c� a� beyaffd Bm�oiver's canhol.�Barrower shati not de�coy. dama8e or imPair t� �;' : _
<br /> .� f;,� i , exte mttn v�
<br /> ' , .._. Ptaperty,aUow tha t?lmp�rty tn deor�osate.os commit waste on Wo Pm�rts►.Banower ahn11�6fl in defuWt if any forfeitat� .:. `• , f� °'"=
<br />_ �`.`, , , , sction ar ptoc�ding,�aether civil or etii�i�tat.�6egan th�t in l.�es s good faith judgaemt could resWt in forfeidtte af tt� . ' 3,._.—
<br /> �-�., �
<br /> i��.'.,�+'y,,, ;a
<br /> �. - -- --.. -_. Pt+apeaty or otlies�ris�r�eriaUy impair the liea c�by dris Sactuity Inshuaaent nr len�er's security intereat Borrower may � • = v-��.�.� ��
<br /> � � ` � cura such u defnuTt aad c�astafa.as pmvided�paragrapb 18.by'causiwg the tution or p�no�edicg to be dismi�ed wit�a ralmg .. � `?,f; �t'
<br /> �' � . � thaff, ia l�dcr's goad 3siW de��arion, p�ectudes fmfait�re of the Boemwc�r's enta�si in the PtoptRy or ather materia�� � ' . . :�
<br /> `'�•� : � impa'vmmt of the�ie�cceated by this Seca�ity Iostrume�t ot Lendr•r'�secttet�iate2esi.t Botrowct shal!also 6e in default�if� �: �;�-- •- ,
<br /> �;,.-�. . ,
<br /> �:�--:-..-.,, . � 8armwar.dudng the IIa�s epplication p�.P,aa�marerially tai�e or iamxumte infa:umtina or smte�e�te w Lender(oz failem, •..=��..�=� �
<br /> _ ;`� . :,:�;,���� W p�vida lr,nder wi�say mateeal in€or���j nn connation with thb loan evideaced by We Note,uecludin�,6ut not limatad . �. .��' �
<br /> _ :.�.:,... Y�,
<br /> . ::;;5.�,,:, . • deia,c�.If tLla Sxuri InsErumeat is on s � ,;���.'' ,
<br /> �i `''' `�';i�lt'';'.:�:' to.�p�ntutions cancxming i�a�ar��es s�•�acy of the Proptrty as a princaggll resi ty . t .�• , .:�`;` _�.
<br /> � ,� ,.} .,,�fr•.E" leaseliold, Ba:rower sGall co u�ii�all the pmvisions of Ute lease. If Barmwcr ao�y'ues fee titte W the PlrapeKy, t� .�,
<br /> s . . �:•...
<br /> , t�. I�ald amd the fee title aball no°r�rge ualess brmder agoees to�ie meagez in writtag.. `' .��� ��i�
<br /> ',.,1 l'; �. ?.171t+mtec4ioa of�.eader's Rights in the Ph+�periy.tf Bor�vwe�fails to perform flte cove�aats�wd ugeemente contained dm� � : • ,
<br /> :r . • this Security Inshumeat,or theie is a Iegal pmceed'mg tbai msy significaatiy af�'ect Irader's righta�in the P�+uparty(sac6�as a � � • • . . :
<br /> �.,��' -, pmceeding in 6anktuptcy.Pmbate,for caademnation or forfei2�ue or m enfatce laws or�egulatioas).theA irader a�y d�a�d� .�. � . �. . .'�.
<br /> ,,
<br />_ ;•�;i +,�•�':� i' ` Pay forwbaie�►er is necessary to paotect the vatue of the Fra�ady and.I.endu's ri�hta ia tha Fmpasty. I�der's acrc�may i � . ,'' ..:'�d`�
<br /> �� �
<br /> ';`; �;;, �';`:;�;t,,.;,� iaclude paying any somv s� by a lim ahicb bss prioriry.aver this S�curity Instiument, aPPeaimg in caurt, p�yiu�a,•.. � ' �;,/
<br /> '<it . • :,
<br /> ;',r'f. reasona62e attamey�ss"l3�v aad eate�sag oa the PQ+aperty to m�Ice repai�a.At¢hoogh i.endrr may take actiem imdcr tiais paragFaph�;- i . 9� . -
<br /> �'��+k '�;�;;'• ;• . 7,L�der does not�e af�do so:. ' � �� . � ' � -
<br /> �'' `;�;fr.�;�, l�ay azaounts•�'"cs�e�sed��.i"�er (ia�er•tttis paragrapb��7 shaU�baeoma additio�l debt of Borroaer secacect�hy tL�oi � • -
<br /> ...i.!�,1:;;:. .. (
<br /> ' . ��„.,.�". . S��mea�Utiess���x mad Lender agree to athEt tanns of paymeat,these amounta sLall bear intec��fifiaa t�• .
<br /> ' ` .. ••�i+`t�:��'� ' � . � ,
<br /> � f �; .. , date oE�";sbwsemeat as:,1;�i��ise�and sha11 be payable. witb interest, upon�notix finm I�der to Bormwer�oastiaL• . ,
<br /> �� kt:,� p�ym•�� . . _ � •: � . ,. • _
<br /> i ±
<br /> �;�F� ' . 8.Mortgage Ur�war•���`�ader mquired mortgago insumnce as a condition of m�tcin�the lo�secuied by dns Securit�:� ; . '
<br /> ':• '; ,� . Inshumeut,Barm�c.�.dsaY�premiums requi�d to mamtain tha mort�age insvivaae in effect. If,for aay reasoaa�a� i �
<br /> • most�age ins�sraace c:verage�.pi:�ed by Lertder tapses or ceases to bes in effect,Bomowset shall pay the pcemiams ce�n'o�ba, �
<br /> 'i;;, ; � obtain covetage sa�Fa��6a11Y Wuiva2ent to the mortgage L�sumace pt�eviously:�effect,aE o cost substantirilly equivxIeat to ttiys�• .'
<br /> . ��� . • cost to Botrower cnl�,rir»mortgage iasuraace previously in effect, fmm ecx e�2t�ate mort{�ge+��+••+�•approved by L:adar:�f� ,
<br /> . � substaatialty equ:��;�ortgage insurance cov�ago is not available,Bon*sw�s°:aq'pay to Lee�der e.i�&.�nth a sam eqot�li�� :;,�`�.,; '
<br /> �� '•• � ,�. . ,;:. oaatarelRh of the p•c��.�ort�e insurauce{sre�aium being paid by BotroR�z.r��en tho fia.�rance:,is.��e lapsed or ceased td . •'t,.,
<br /> .. .;�;.
<br /> -.:'�?'r';��;,., be ia effecL Leader�viSl acce t,�aad retain these a ments av a loss reserve in lieco-croff actort e�insuraace. Loss reserve �,`;
<br /> :%'.� ;ir;'�t'�`. �v P p Y �& ;y,� .t„�. � . ,
<br /> : _ 'S'i. • � . i+>:: . ,.
<br />- � �' ' - �1Z4- s�4 Formsmas a19�, �,,,';_;•,..':" ;:, ,
<br /> J111.. . . .r.�'Y:'. . �f1`
<br /> � . 1, �I
<br /> � '"�'" �-6RQl��sz�m TiY°044 v.oeaor e �NLUr. �i� . • ,. '. `,�.•
<br /> , ? . +""'�� .
<br /> � ' ,
<br /> .
<br /> , . ,. .... _., -- -� -•---T-- --- •-�---� - - - ... - - - � . - • ... - •.
<br /> i:Or�':
<br /> . ! , • . .,t.��: ; i ��r . , .,��
<br /> .,1,.'rl 5.��;. - . .. ���1 ' ' ��;i, ,. . •
<br />— �'�: . � . � . . .. � � „ � � -
<br /> , •� � . . . . ., . . . ' .
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