`� �t'z`ni�'s�'-:�i;wTV'Sf� 4 :�-.r r i' _ . .. . . .S�i. . _ S 1^�4fi.T�___
<br /> 1� +S� ��ch�`��° �
<br /> . r+ �i'��.? . t'J �� ' � . . . _ . YC ; #� ( -
<br /> .5.. � . � , ,�.�
<br /> � •i .':1 . . . .. : _� .. .. '- .� - ZC . . ". ' ... . -�. •• __ -�..�.�..
<br /> i �. _ . . '.5:`�l , . _ � _ .. `_ _ _A._le�..,�.: — _— —_
<br /> ��k, ,�( _ _ � nY.. �._ — --- «:ur`.� _ '� -_ -,_ . :—_--_.—
<br /> f� _ ' _ � - .. .. . � � _ i • '
<br /> �.i�� � , . . . .. . . • . - - _...
<br /> �xa�+fk��.i . . ' ' . - {� /� . . . .. , . . . . -_—_".
<br /> _t�3LYG6�31�2D_A� � ` /� ����� —__
<br />_ ���YaY�ivL'd!_--_— � ' . � . � , . . ��@� a. ' . , - .. _ .
<br /> _—_—_--__—_2 , . . . r �. . , a . '• � . . � • , •
<br />_ � 1 � �ndemttazian►ot other tuktng of any past af the Fk�npe�ty,Ai for eaavey'aace in lieu of candemnation.are here asst ec�and
<br />� t` • � .�
<br /> ;� •sb�aU 6e paid to Lender. . . �_ _____ ------
<br /> � In'the erent of u total taking of ths Pr,4�y.the.pmcads shall 6e�uFplIed to the s�ms s� by this 5ecu�rity
<br />_�� ; . .
<br /> �`., �` lnsuumeaf,c.rr�ett�r.aF�ito�.dr�n dus.with arey'€�ixss patd to Hozrowe� Ia the cveat of n partial tatcing of tho PrapeaCy in
<br /> t � � ,
<br /> - ; svAiePa tI�fssr matkei v�Iue of the Pt+upetty inurcediutely befom tiie taking is e�ai to or�uter than t�te etra�ount af tl�'sums
<br /> �,,•�.:"4�,;� s�cured by th'ss 3ecurtry Insaument imme�ateIy befare the takang.unIess Bo�rowe�and Lenderothrrwise a�,ree.in writing. ��_�r
<br /> � 4�''�''�t''���°.� ` . the sun�s secumd by�his Secusity Ita�uument's�all be reduced by the mrtovnt of tf�e pros�eQs.multiplied tsy th�[oftovdpg -
<br /> frac6on: (o)tita rotai ttmount of the sums secund immediatety 6efo�e ihe mking.d�`vided by(b}the t�aair matket vulue at tfte • � �'`"-�-`�� —
<br /> `,�� � � y- � � pioye�4g Immediatety Beforr thc takin�: Any balance sh��paid w�or,mver. in ths eaet►t Wf a p�af ta�ieg�€si� � r�`�
<br /> ;�F�.,.,� �` ,. 3� . Pcoperty w�vhIrh the faIr ma�cet v�luc oY tl�e Praperty:ir€+mealiateiy befoie td�e talcing is Ees`s tl�n the cunaur►q of th�sums '.s f
<br /> � �•�;-�. �` :, . ,s�cured isnsnediutcly befo�'the teking,unless Eoaowec and Lend�r ott�twise agree In vrriting ot unless a�pli��ble lativ " .�.�, �
<br /> n � ,-
<br /> _ ' _�'.i;;.,,<,. r�:�t s oi�Aawise provides.ehe pmceeds sha1D tre applied to the stuns secured by this Security insua�ment whetBcr as noi the sums ate ,.���,�,� �`=--- '
<br /> _ .,.�.;;.",� ',� � � ' •thendue. ' �;�,'"' �' _.
<br /> •,,�.;.._..: ,,,, , . �, �:: . � _
<br /> �- .•- IP the pro�ny is abandoned bjr Boimwer,or i!after aotice 6y Lender ta,Borrrower that the condzmnar of�ers to mafse ,��y,, _- __
<br /> � `' � 'i'""+ ;iy< < un aw�or settls a claim for damages;Botnnwer faits to respaad to Lender withi�t 30 days after the date the natiQe is given. .�r,�-.��,,�� .°-
<br /> ��� � :K,r;.. < :�: I�sder es authorized to collect an�i apply the praceeds.at iss aption,either to restoration or r�pair of the Froperty os to the --�r��'�2= �"
<br /> .. F sums sec�ued Dy t6is SecurFty Instrument,whether or not then due. . ''w i � � �--
<br /> ` ' t � Untess I.ercder and Bairower othetwise ag�ee ia writing.anY aPPlication of procecds to principal shall aflt extend or �� �� ��;�`�i���-
<br /> � r.': .. :.• - -
<br /> - � . _:•. • postpon�the due date of t6e montWy payments�femed ro in pa�graphs I an�2 ar�hange the umo�t af sach payns�t� � �tCs,�,� , .-- ---
<br />- .t' . '� , . ...�5;]:t� �•.� 4
<br /> _ il. Bnrrovrer Na! Reieasad; Forhearaa�e �y t.e�d�r Noi a Waiver. Exteosian of t[ie time for paymeflt os .,<��`=T�.`,,,_-
<br /> � ' modification of ai�tortizadon of the swns sec�u�ed by this Security Iastrument granted by Lender to�►y s�cccessar in inr�rest ,: ��_��.__-
<br />� �. � ' of Bnrruwer shall not operate to release the liabiliry of the eriginai Somawer or Borrower�s sucoesso�s in interest.Lender _ _ __ �`.,,,.,:,_:_.-.
<br /> � - r ' ."+ " � s6a11�ot be mquired to commence pzaceedin&S aSainn anY successor in interest or eefiue to extead dme for paymam or ` °` ` __
<br /> i.. ., ;.;.„�;`:,:,r'��f�� otherwise modify amofization of die sums secored by this Securiry Insuument by reason o f any deman d m a de by tTis osiginal .�,�'�. ---
<br />-� �-,.---��- �.-���� � ...:Bo�wer.or Eorrawer's saccessms i n in t e re s� A o y f a r b e a�a a c e 6 y L e a d e r i a e x e r c i s i n g a n y ri g h t o r r e m e�y s h a l l n o i h$a � _
<br /> — :• : .• ,-. :. ,� �... ._. watvero�orptecia-d�ifieexeiri�eo� �ightara�y.—. . .... _ _. . . ..._. .. ----...em........ ...... ...-- --... .._ ..._. ' , f� _ _
<br /> � � � � 12 SuccescaQS az�d Wsst�ss Bonnd;.8�and Severa!Liab�ttp;C�signess. '[he coveaantc aad agreem�ats of dus , �� f -
<br /> �� " . : Security�eat shalt biad aa�benefit.the successors aad assigns of Lender and Borrower.sublect w the pmvisionc of .,,,
<br /> ; .. ,,........�
<br /> " � , . '. Fars�uPh IT.Bor�ower�s cove�ats and agreements shal6 be jomt and several.Any Barrower who co-sigos this Sec�rity �:;.;;, ���f=�'�=�i-
<br /> ;,• ... ,
<br /> ��•h��; � -;
<br /> - _ ,_ ' .,.. _ _ : insuuinent bnt dnes not execute the 1Vote: (a)is co-sigmmg this Security Instmment only to mortgage.grant and convey t6at 4�..Aµ.,;l�. �__.�_�_�-
<br /> . u
<br />- - � � .:;;,, Botmwer�s interest in the Property under the teims of ihis�ecuriry L�soivmen� (b)is not personalJy obl's,gated to Qay the sums �•,;>:�.. .
<br /> % ' _ .'.,,.':• i`•: ..� • secmeed 6y this Security Instrumen�and(c)agc�es that Lender and any other Borrower may agree to e�?:�.ivad�'yr,forbear ;;•.:':.. ''J. .�:-.:
<br /> � _ os make any accommodations with regazd t�c�e terms of t[us Secutity Insaur►zent or the Note �i��E that Barrower�s - ``'"%`.
<br /> ;;fr��
<br /> . _ � .,,... ':��: . consent �•. ':�'..:" -•' s"�.i ' ;�.'
<br /> :.,..
<br />_ ' - _�.. 13. Loan Ctrarges. If��r�an secused by this Secariry Instrament is su6ject ro a taw wluch sets ts�axi��toan 'k,,?�,j:;?.;r� =.
<br /> � '� ;K:aM.:�ir•, .��
<br /> � � charges,and that law is finallp a�i�eted so that the interest or other loan charges collected or to be wl3ested in o�a�tian :.�;:���...� ���
<br /> �,:� ?,.�.. ' :., . ., �_ with the loan exc.eed the permittr�limits;t�eu�.(a)any sucb loan char�-e�t�aSl be reduced by the amo�,t necessary to s�duce . ;,�=:°`.; <i`�" "
<br /> � ,.
<br /> `�� y:`.`.'�;...�, ,,' ,� . � ttte charge to the Q�itted limi�and(b)ar.;��s already collected it��:p.orrower whici�exceeded,y��itted limits will 6e � ,,
<br /> _: ; �.:.. . .. . refuttded to Swto..er. Leader may c600s8 t��ce this tefund by t+edu�r�che principal owed under e,.�°+��Se or 6y�naScing a �... �. �' _ :�:�
<br /> • d;..-nct�yment to Bom�wer. If a tefund tedaees p�incipz';c�reductson�uiil be treated as a partiai p~:;,a:�:neni_vF.irJv��t any " • .3�`'.*
<br /> -- -- ,.. ---- . .--,--�' P�STnentctmrgeundertheNote. . .. : ��, :- . •.:� : < ��. I._�.,' . �:. .: �._:,
<br /> �' ` �.' 14. Notft�es. Any notice to Borrower g:�cc�ded fi�'i�this Security Insuument shall be given�."�.y1�,g:i�or by ', '` '' " %" ' `�f;
<br /> � �� 4�' � � � mailing it by first class mail unless applicab:r fi�..._equires use of another rnethod.The notice shal!be dG:�x�.,'��s tCt:Pto ' .. •.`.' . �?�t�''%:
<br /> �,. � ::,: � � PertY � -z�: „ ,;�,:,:
<br /> f'•: •..•� ` ' � ��.� Address or any other address Borrower desd:�r•.v:s by notice to I.ender: �ny notice to Lender shaf�L��ii�s by Pust class , ;.
<br /> : �: r.. �.•��, ;,....
<br /> ,�° �.:`=, ��' •�-.-="�Y�'� mail to Lender?s address stated herein or ax«�aiia:r address.l.ender designates by notice to Barrower. AU�},��5�ce ptovided for � '" ,:' . ' .• a:�
<br /> ' ,t;.•��� in this Secvriry Instrument sha:S tse�+e:�.i�:�zo�have bee�given to Borrower or Lender when giv�se as provided in this '�`�`��,�-''�-�.;�
<br /> . �, �;�.;ir� �1�. P�Fh� , � ``5.�i';—
<br /> ;;jl��,.,�.� , . .
<br /> .. • :"'t3�''�i`: r••,' �°, � ,�. � ,..i:�>� � ..o._
<br /> , •.k ..• . ,f;� 15. Governtng Law; Seste�,'�:�aip.. c r�.s Security Ir'a^vment sha.l be govemed by federa2 law and the law of the •"'`"��isi;��`�
<br /> ''} • �;;;,i;�.. jurisdiction in which the Pro p erty is locate�_���.�he event that any proQL�.an or dause of this Security�'�swment or ihe Nota ,, .. �, �":.,��
<br /> � r ' �' ' conflicts with applicabte law.such conflict��•,!�'c'xot affec[other provis*_a�.of this Security Inswmeat,c�e t 1�e Note w hic h can �� ��;«.`�.��
<br /> ��4 _ � tse given efifect withouf the.rnnflicting provir:��. To this end the pm��;sions of this Security lnstru.�ar�and the Tlote are • �--��-��
<br /> ': � ��`..��•.•`\•�CAr{R'.
<br /> � - declared to be severabte. . ' ' ' .: •���.,.° ;::,`'�+;�F
<br /> '' _ • 16. iiorrower's Copy. Borrower shaU be given one acaf'brn�ed copy of the Note and of this Securiry Instrument. � .,�:y.i�,;��
<br /> . 17: 'dY�ansPer ot the Propeny or a Bemc4'scial Interest i�Borrower. If all or any part of the Pirogerty or any interest in • ;. . � �� ,�:
<br /> ! � . . it is sold or transferred(or if a beneficial irn;•�.�in Borrower is sold or transferred and Borrower is not a naturat person) ':��. •��p-����'°�'
<br /> � ..•.i4Y��;� -�
<br /> ,_ ' --�;'� '�--� � <i without Lender's prior written consent.Lecnc��r�cray,at its opaon.require immediate payment in fu��arf atf smns secured by . _ - Y � ;,�,,�•�.;5���'
<br /> � this Security lnstrumen� However,this oFccc�s.'aall not I��exercised by Lender if exerc�se is prohifi:�3d by fedzral law as of ,. ` �; T',,�j,:�j,��.,,;..
<br /> .��+i��;;;, • the date af this Security Instm�nent. . •.;ri;j;,�,:� ;, ,'.•' ..
<br /> . �• ;',;�1;��,�;�� .. If Lender exetcises this option,Lender c.*a11 give Borrower rtotice of acceleration. 71�e notice shal!provide a�od of :::i;;,;�,�,.., �: ,
<br /> - � "�•��° :, ��; not less than 30 days from the date the notir.�es delivered or mailed within which Borrower mutit pay adf sums secured by this ��",v.•"� �
<br /> : :. .. :.,
<br /> •:.. • � '� � �
<br /> , - . ,� ''•� �';''r ' Secority Instrurrten� If Borrower faits t��a;k'�ese sums priur to the expirsstion of this period. Ixnder may invoke any - .. �'`"
<br /> .. ; :. •::::s��:�;::�::
<br /> - �- � �' remedies permined by this Security lnstrurrtect g is►�out further notice or demand on Borrower. . • � � '��'>"`•; .'
<br /> ��'?'_ �`::•i;��i?;� : •'<,,r. ' ' .'
<br /> • __�.,..:.�l�J;�,,�1��;',•,..�.:;� 18. Borrower's Right to Reinstate. If 8ortower �r.eexc certain conditions, Boaower shall have the right to hava , :
<br /> , , ;},i.,, i`f r.,t,��,�. enforeement of this Security►nstrument diswntinued at any Gme prior to the earticr of: (a)5 days(or sach other period as ,
<br /> , ;.�i.,{�`;c,,;.:;•`�' SingleFamilY--Fannte�tae/�rcddte!VlacUtilP�bH�71VSTRU\!Eh"i--UniformCovcn�mts 9190 IpaRe4aj6pvge�l � � ,.
<br /> i.' � � ' • . � ';,
<br /> � . �,
<br /> �: .� , �.
<br /> . ,._ , _ ._, _.__-.- ---._ _ _ . ,�.,. .... . .
<br />_ �i� ' . :`�._.,_..•'� .. � .. ' . . � , � ' , � ' . ' . . .-1.. ' � . ' ' , . . . ' �,
<br /> . •�' � . , .. , ' . . , ' ' ' ' . . ` ` . ,. : �" : .. .. . . . ' . .
<br /> �. . _- _ .. . . � � _ . . . _ . .
<br /> . �.1, t�" . � . � . , . • . ' ' .. . ,. ' . .
<br /> L •�`r: . .1.• .• . J 't .. •• . .. � . � .; ' .. . - . � . . .. . . - : .
<br /> .. •�L•�_ _ ' .� ' .. � • ' .. . 1 . ' • . ' � . , ' . � . . . • . . "
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<br /> . .�.
<br /> • ,
<br /> � •( �. ��� , • . . . " . ' ' � . . � � � � � .
<br /> . , , -. . � .. . ' . . � .
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<br /> . .' J.
<br /> __ . _ _ _. __—___ _ . _ . . _ _.___—_...--�-�_—__—_._._'__�':•'�—_� _.
<br /> _ .. . . . �__T:_:__=�,_.
<br /> _r , �_ .—. "'__.._—_ _.�._.. . . —"_"__ '_'_"____ ""_ '."-,._. ._
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<br />