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<br /> '� s �� t�' . � ���„z x > . . . ` , f . ._. - _
<br /> � 9
<br /> ±� ,�'t'�--�. z r .� � �y �
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<br /> < �
<br /> . . . .. '• __ _—_ .
<br /> ., w . �t .' '; _ ' _ __ ._ .
<br /> , . . , .
<br /> ` ` �.�
<br /> I" y . . - �. `... . . �' ... r�y_S�, _ ��s{FY.. ' _ - - - _ .
<br /> . ,- _
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<br /> . � +♦ �..�.'. ..: .....-... •. .
<br /> Xis,�` ta., d�,3 �r, � _—__ ' '_ _'_ . . " " . - _ ..__ . . , -� • �� _ _ .� . . -- _ _-._ .
<br /> _ -�'����� . , . - . . . ' �� ����' � . --_-.
<br /> - -- a�i,.-. :
<br />--_ ---—__ "PaY�J��Y no ian;e��e�eqaired,ut tIz�optioa of Leader.i�mart�age i�suranee wverage{in iis�attiflunf end fa�the� �
<br /> that.Len¢er��qu3�s)D�vide�!By an iastmr apgraved by�.ender a$ai�l�mes avsilable anct.is o8ssined.&�rn►wer sh�]!paY, ' ,.
<br /> _ the premiums requ3reA to maintaen mortgage insuaaaee in effe�.oi w pmvidc a toss reserve,ua►ti!�the requirem�nt Car�rtg�ge,.� ' _ —
<br />--- - _ inst�r�nce ends ia accazda44e wlth a�y written agr�mea�i bttveeen Barrac�er attd Leader br aPPli�bte faw. � '
<br /> -- _=--- --- � . 9.�us�edion.i.ender or its+agent may�a�e'reasodable entries u�on e�0 inspeaions of the Property.Leader shalt give
<br />_�-;------------ — $anbwer IIutIoe at the time�of os prIar to an Inspection specifyin�reasona�Ie�use fos the insp�ctton.
<br /> _ Y�""` `' � , 10 Ca��o�. T4ta prooeeds of arty award or.clain►far�es.direct or wnsequentiat.in oos►neciIun wtth aray � �----------
<br />�.` >+s�`As...:..
<br />_ -: � ,���.,,�.�.,,��.�•, . .' ooademnation or other qking of any part of t�;.Propetty.or for canveyance in lieu of candema�ation.sre h:reby assigned ead ' �_-_--_:---
<br /> , u;,.� - --
<br /> ,[ -L_•'(�� M�,��)�� �ve�im�xx�
<br /> _4� ;+L_.52�.. �iT�_ F '. . ��71�l�YTi�ilil6dWiw�� . .' , � � ' , . . _c. . .
<br /> �� ,:�r gsf��, . �In tlte eveni oY a total�of the Propprty,the pmceeds shall be applied to the suins seaured by this Security Iastr�sen3, f�'�'�.�. -"- -
<br /> x�'� _• �': �: whether.or uat then dae. with any excess paid to Eorrower.in tha�cv,ent of a pattial taking of the Pmperty in whi�tt�r fair �x,...� - -
<br />_ .��;�r�-�;^:�:^' market vaIae of the Fcope:cy�n,�++ ��p�y�before the taldng is equal�ta or•greater tban the amouut of the sums secured hy this __=--- --_-_
<br /> �:�. ���,.�;, S�ritY Iasu�en4 imme�ateIy befare the takmg.aaless Borrower and Lender otherwise agcee in writing,the sums se�uced by =— -�---
<br />_ �.�� q;.,.: . this Securitsr Insutu�eat•shalt 6e r�duced•by the amnunt of the pmceeds multiptled.by thc following frncxion: (a)the Wtat '°*"--�-.�
<br />-�� •�3� i;��"` 'l�",iF:�,,F immetiiafP7 ---_----
<br /> .: fr , �`- � amount o�tbe spms sea�d i,,,r�, oat�g.before tTie taI�►g,divided.6y.(b)t6e fast marttet valus of.d��ug�rty y
<br /> -� �-'�s �:�'-:.
<br />�,�.�� �'�;ti;"�t�k>u�;;; isefore tlte.ta�¢ag. Any bala�oe shalT II�p�id to Borrower. Tn tha evs�ti�of:a Paiii�t taking af sk�Ps+�ctg ui t�-fii+�.dz�fzir "—
<br />-�• �,., �'.,a;,,` ,':.�„�' �mark�t v�.di tbe Pe+a�me�ty immediatelg b�ore tJ�tatdng is�less tfian the ammiu�of che�nss.�i�iateig f��� �,_ � _
<br /> ; �"�..L`;. •-'>'=�,` "-` • fakimg,vuI!�:��'ozm�er a�i Le.uder aqh�,i-i�agcer in wriring or unless a�►plic�bte taw oth�'se pmvid�tbe groce�rJs s*rail �t r�A_ _ --.
<br /> i�;,���,,:,.,•�:�•..�,:•- -
<br /> ���,,�'•� � �s,`� . • .he applied co't�e sums�by this�ec�ify�whedier or nat t6a��in�.s ac�e then due. ; -
<br /> �S +_'. . If the Froperty is�onBd b�r�R�er.e�,�,a�er notic�by:I:eadCr to��ro�ver thai ihe condeannor offers to no�aks an ��--
<br /> 'F J"''� ' .
<br /> -. : . , aw a r d or�a c l a i m for d a m a g�s.��i u v�•e*.�-�s.�r e s p o q d t a�c i t�e i 4�i d u n 3 0 d a y s a f�r t h e d a t e t h e n o t i c e i s g i v e n, _ --
<br /> �' ' • ' Leuder is auv�orized to wllect and ap�nIlg���:�t its aption,ei�er ttr t�ii�3ion or c�r of the Property or to the sums r-- v . -- .
<br /> . .
<br /> ,:. . . ...
<br /> _ ,.. .• . .- . _ . e�a� • ..
<br /> , , .,. �. ..�: t(us S eut,wl�er r� ue. ,. .; ,.. -
<br /> , .. -
<br /> .,•. . , .. .. _ . ._
<br /> _�-__�.r...�.;_ , Y .. . - -
<br /> __
<br /> secured b ecunty I�strum o
<br /> . .
<br /> . _.. ..
<br /> � '• <<�-•����<�� � i;F
<br /> ,_• . ,�1y2a.��.-
<br /> •�f-. :. ... ......, ._._._.... - .----.Unless..Lendec�nd_Bom►wer.ntheru�se.ngtee,m.emang..any.`agplicai#;�.af_pmceeds_[a pria�iR�. •�:�Qt_ex_�nd or_ . ....__.. r;�:•'-- _-__-----
<br /> � ' �.�, . . . ,:rc_.m.=•.—_
<br /> �.:;;`. ° '. W�Ddne the due date.of che month[Y�Y�ents refeRed to in paragraphs 1 aacl 2 ar change the amount oY sad£,�r�ents. � �a',,.�, : ,c_..-:_._—
<br /> s._ :_..r.-�. :;: .. , �� N
<br />-�, , �•,. . Il.Borrow�Not Released;Fa�auce By Lender Not a Watver.Extension of ihe time for payment or mndifiza2ioa .�.s,:,�..�,;,___`
<br /> ' `� � of amortization of the sums seeured by'ttvs Secvriry Insuµment gramed by I.ender to siry sueoessor in interest of Bor�c�2�c�;;:�1 : �' � " _-_
<br /> ,�<<�� ..----
<br /> 'ie- �: . 'n�P1�'�.t.�__
<br />. •:t;:;� - ttot operate to miease the liability of the ariginal Earrower or Borrower's suocessors in tuter�st.Lender shall nat 6e r�q¢i�'io �t �' � -.�
<br /> _ - ooaunertce prooeedings against any st�ccessm in interest or refuse to extend dtne far Qaytriert at othe�vvise modify ame �a�i{�ion �,��'T m"��
<br /> ::' , ,. _a�:<:_.
<br /> ,. . , of the su�s secured dy ihis Security instnunent by reason af any demand made by thc original Borrower or Hai��gr's � �'--�4,��a�.,�.
<br /> " , ` � successors in interest.An forbraraace b Lender in eaercisin an ri t or rem shall not be a waiver of or :r�le the " �`�t�`�-'-F— `�
<br /> ;•,7 i;'i'c �s '.-��, Y Y S Y � �Y , '. ':
<br /> ;� P�'•". � ��:
<br /> ', ' exercisea8anyrightor.remedy. . ,�: � :' . ,
<br /> . ' ;s'`v��_ �' .• .. ::'.. ,. , `.f.`" ;�.,
<br /> . : � �,';.��a�':r•,: 1Z. Saooe�sors aad Assi�IIaand;�oint an� Seve�al Ua6Utty, Ca-slgae�s. The oovenan�c and a�aemetus o�Wis . ��:::
<br /> ,,�. ' " -,;: .� . . Security Instnuneat sha1�fr�d and benefit the successors and assigns of Lender and Borrower. subjoct ta tise provisions of " . ;:s�
<br /> ,��:.•: . .. ".,. ,.,�
<br /> -� f � � paragraph 17. Borrower'�oovenants and agrcements shall be jaint�and sevetal. Arry Borrower who co-signs this Security
<br /> • � Instrurtcent but does not execute the Note: (a)is co-signing this Securiry Instniment only to mortgage.grant and convey t6ai ��j
<br />_ � _ �• '.' .� Borrower's interest in the Property under the temLC of this Secvrity insmimsnt;(b)is nat petsonalty obligated to pay the sums �;;
<br /> �� ��-"' secured by this Security Instrument;and(c)agrees that[.ender and aay other Borro�ver may agree to extend.madify,forbear or � •
<br /> � � � � � make any acoommodations with regard to the terms of this Serurity Instcument or the Nnte withont that Borrower's consens. _y.,}:. •
<br /> .;,�?,' •. '�• . .
<br />_ , :..: • � `,' � 13.i.oan Charges. If the loan secured by this Securiry Instrument is wbject to a law which sets maximum laan charges. . - •�: '
<br /> � ,�::���::: „ ���._._: _.:x. i
<br /> � =� �t,.,:r�.:�;,�:.. and that iaw is fit�ally interpreted so that the intetest or other laan charges collected or to be coltected in cannection with the . .--z,
<br /> .. , es '�-_��::
<br /> . • :;-���,. ' .�, loan exceed the pem►iued limits,then: ta)any such toan charge sh�ll be reduced by the amount necessary to reduce the charge . . ;•�:---
<br /> ; ��, � �.�i� y,—�.�
<br />_ ' . ` .:Err,�;.;,;::; to the pera�itn�d limit:and(b)any sums aiready cotlected from&►maa•er«hich eaoeeded permitte�limiu wilt be refimded to s�,,`rr�;;__
<br /> - i:,��.�,,���. � 5i"�e �'' Borrower. E:ender ma} cf3oose to make this refund by reducing the principal otved under the Note or by making a direct ''-�4,��M,,�ti.�•
<br /> , . . � . , paYment to'Borrower:' Ct a refund reduces principal. the reduction �vill be treated as a partial prepayment without any �. . !`..�!'���i±�;°`_:-
<br /> . � , _.
<br /> , ... . .
<br /> . ,,. p
<br /> . .. . . .... . :.:. :.. �. re�sa�ent�ge un . - ;�, 'r rr��' _--
<br /> dei�CTie Note �
<br /> ' '� • .Nott Any notice to Borrower providad for in this Security instrument shall be givea by delivering it or hy mailing • •• ,1� �1r,�nifc�Y�*�•-==
<br /> ' . . ,�'' ' it by first class mail unlcss appficable!aw requires use of another method.The natice shall be directed to the Pnoperty Address : ,���ltn►r�+ __
<br /> . 1��=-° v
<br /> • • , ' . or an ather address E�rsower desi nates b nolice to Lender. An notioe to l.ender shaU be �ven b first clacs mait to ` .�;;• ':��'`'"'��5"'Y�v==.
<br /> Y 8 Y Y �� Y : .. r•;t�<i;�.:: �;;;.._
<br /> , ` Lender s address staied Y�ein or any other address Lender designates by notiee to Borro�vcr. Any natice provided for in this {;';�•:'� •--....r�:r�,;::
<br />.`'��' � . -"- - ,- Security lnstrumertt ah�iD�ie deemed to ha�e been gi�en to Burrow•er or Lender when given as provided in this Paragrapl�. I';:,, .. . ., :�`�.',.`. E:�'�' � '
<br /> � - ,.: , �,;. f,r,.�...:
<br /> • � � . .i.v;, �:�.:_;
<br /> �t : �.. _:, ; 15.Pstlretning Law; Severa6ility. This Security Instrument shall be go�emed by federal !aw and the law ofthe ;,,.� �: t,:i;�i•;.�.".,•,;..::.
<br /> �,: :,,' • �� . � jurisdictioti;iri.which the Property is tocated.In the event that�uny provision or clause of this Security lactrument or the Note ]".: ;;�',,��;;:`,:�:'':;., . ;;�,:.
<br /> . ti� , � conflic,ts with applicable Ia�v.such conflict'shall not affert othec provisions of this St�curity Inurument or the Note which can be � ,� � ,�.._,
<br /> . �� .. ' given effect without the conflicting pruvision.To tl��ti end the pmvisions af thic Securit}Instrument and the Note are declared ��� �
<br /> ; `t '. � . to be severa6le. , .
<br /> •�S ........ ... . .. ,
<br /> :. �.� .�> ��;..'�`:=;'`s•`,�;:,,� ; , �;�,. �:..'. . :: .
<br /> ,�, y,�}t},,a,t,•- 16.Borrawer s Copy.Botro�ver shali be given one confomad mpy of the Kote artd of tBis Secarih•/nstrument. �
<br />_ ;rafi' �,1, ht
<br /> �` �.,'�:�;,;�;�� , :,.. . ., .
<br /> ` 'i��� • :i3�?��:' 6arm 3028 9/90 ,
<br /> ;;,,: `v�� ti` • li�.
<br /> , Z �,y . aage e o�e �.
<br /> '�N.�� ii' ' .._. ' .. .t . . .
<br />- �` . . � . � . . . , , . . "' ' ';i,�?'� . . . . . .,. , . _.. .."""'^^.""""'"�`�'^_.�;� . , . •
<br /> . ;F� . . . . . � � . �. . ' .
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