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<br /> . . _ , . . :.4.u�c�\.�"'�.St�L SZ, _�,LCi.j.: _ ,. . ..._ . -- LL .� _. .
<br /> - . � ,4 . -- _,.� -- _�.__._._. _.
<br />-_ , �i. .. ....: ..'V � . . . ( .�. - - . . . - ` ' - —___----".-__
<br /> -_ ___- �si.c:_?a"s' _ - . ��� ' � � ��. . . '
<br /> -- - `.� - TOf�BTHEIt,Wi173 alt tAe imqm�remcnss aioav nr he�f_ ier�r�ed��e�o��j.�1 all easeme4ts,agP�uten�cceg.aad.
<br />��. ; ` flx[ure� aow or hereafter d part�af th�`Pmpe`ntY. Al! iepir�sem�nts end additioas s6a11 silsa 6e eove�ed by �his 5eatritj� .
<br /> _..�- -----_' • °,'Instru�c'nt.AII of,tlf�forego�rlg is r�ferred to in triis Sec�ur6ty Jnstttuttent as tlte"Ptoperty.° . ' , � � -
<br /> - - —��; QOR�tOWER COVF.I�ANTS tbn8 8orrcwer ts l�v�fuliy seised of ihe estate�teA�y co�veyed and has t�e right ta grant and . .
<br />�`-- ---_---�� ' canvey the'Pmperty n�that the Property is'u�nwmb¢red�exaept for encumbmnees of re�rd. Borro�ver wanr�r►ts axrd wll( �
<br /> �.� �, �� � . defenA g�rterfilly tfm tide to the Praperty agaicut uh ciaims and demands.subject to any ea+cumbrances oF record. " _
<br />� - _ � �'�IiIS gEGlJit}TY IN�TRUMIENT wmbines unifotm covenanis for nationa!ase und noa-uniform covenaats with fimite� -
<br /> � � �:�- � _�'�: ` variattons by,{uris8�ct�on m canstitwt�a'unifomi security instram�ni oov�ring real property.: . ��'� _=
<br /> �° �i�` UAi1�O�iM COVBNANTS.�mro�res and Lender covenant and agnee as follaws: � �` � -� x �--�
<br /> �,, q, , • � �-� .�+�.�r
<br /> z ���::. �4'= ' 1. FayQte�t aY Prin�ai eud InQer�t3 �ayr�i and Late C6ar�es.Borrower shall pmmpdy pay whe�due the ���..""�`- ."'-` __
<br /> ��-:�;_„;,% � priacip3l of aad interest aa the deQ�t evidenced by the Note and any ptepaymenl aad tate charges due under the lVote. ���„�;�,s �
<br /> ' `° � a.Fund9 for Taxes and�iLSett�tte�Subje�to agplirable law or to a wtitten waivtr,by Lender,.Borrower sha11 pay to
<br />- � . �,�,''`�"'��''�" .:;: � I.eader on the day u�onthly paymen3s are due undei the Nate,until the'Nate is paid.in fuli,a sum("Funds')for.(a)yeariy taxss �����:
<br /> _" `;�y=�`<� ,� ; anti assessmeats whic�may attain prioriry over this Security Inswcnent as a lien on the Pmperty;(b}Yearlyr leasehald yments f.:1�,�=�=��'-
<br /> Pa ,_ . �,::
<br /> - ` '' ' `i or ground renis on the Ymperty.if any:(c)Ye�r1y hazard.or prug�ty iasuranoe preauums:(d)Yeariy flood insurance precniums, , �':f�,�xa�isr�-
<br /> � �, `� . if any:(e)yeariy mortgage insuianc�e reiniums,if an • > � �F���� � -
<br />-�,•"` ...�:.^°{:..�.. ,. .±��S P y. and(t}any swns paya6le Uy Borrower w L.ender. in accxirdance with � �•�:�) . .. � :�.:;::
<br />;F. � - ,d:. tite pmvisions of pacagraph 8.in lieu of the payment of mortgage insnrance premiams.These items are called"Escrow Iteins." �����: `��=_
<br /> =�� ` � �' � '> Lender may, at arry time.collect and hald Funds in an amount not to exceed the mauimum amount a tender for a federally ` e����'
<br />- ��x� � -
<br /> - ,f � u � retated mortgage loan may requira for Bormwer's escr�w aarount under the fe�eral Reai Fstat�Settlement Pracedures Act uf' . «�+,;"�.h �; :�-- -=_
<br /> . , �'}' '` � ''; 1974 as amended from time to.time, !2 U.S.C.Sectian•2COl et aeq.("RESPA"),ur►fess anather law�hat applies to the Funds • : :�`'=��-�
<br /> . ,�: : .t.:-
<br /> . �� � sets a lesser amoum. If so, Lendes ma ,at an time,colloct aad hald Funds in nn amount not to exceed the Iesser amoun� � � •J��`°".''*'`i"�-
<br /> _ �. ... `ti: , Y Y ,
<br /> ' '' `�� ' I.ender ma estimate the •��,-
<br /> ' `." '�'•'�y�`'.- ; y autaunt of Fwtds dae on the basis of current data and,reasonable estimates of expendifures of future • ' "___
<br /> . . , ._ .
<br /> .�:..:�cu. . , _ _ _..�___
<br /> -. .. . . .� -•:: Escrow items or atherwisg in accordance witt�appti�.ble 1�w. • � °
<br /> - 1. . t y�a;, -- _. .,.. . '-_-"-'-. . . . , . . .' . - . .. _.._._. � a —
<br /> - `r The Funds shail 6e held in an instituaon whose d its are insured '��, �'��" -
<br /> epos �y�a federa! a�,�r_instrumentality, ar entity f �
<br /> ' Q° `� .,,., -��ta�a,
<br /> , (including L.ender.'if I.ende�is such an institution)or in any Federal Home Loan Bank.Lender.s(�19�fy tlzeF�nds to pay the • ---
<br /> '' .` Escrow Items.Lende�may aot charge Bomnwer for holding and applying the Funds,annually anatyzing the�.vw aceount,or � ':,�`` '`��`='v
<br /> ";� � •:..:«2�...��
<br /> �, ' _ verifying the Escrow Items,unless Lender pAys Borrower imerest on the Funds and applicabte law permiis L.en�er m m�Ice such '::.:s..:_ ��•!�'��--
<br /> -S' � f' - a rharge. However,Lcnder may require Borro}ver tn pay a aRe�-time ch�rge for an ii�ttependeat re�E estate tax reporting service ''•?���-
<br /> • •`-�� '•,'°'� • used by l.ender in connection with this loan. unless a IicaUle !aw rovides othercvise. Unless an � --
<br /> `�� - PP P agreement is made or '`.� '.3:�'r
<br /> :s.'
<br /> �:'F,;s;`,;;,�� - applicable law requires int�st to 6e paid.I.ender sHail ioi�t be req�uaod to pay Borrower any interest or eamin�Qn the Faads. - � �
<br /> - -�'r s� , , " : Bomower and[.ender ma}a�e in wridng,t►owever.tf��interest s�aIl he paid.on ahe Funds. Lender shall��ive.io Boaower, � �:
<br /> ''��';�m{�`•`r�'�:'- - �' without c e an annaaf aamanting of the Funds.sTta�i.hg credits and debits to the fiunds and the purpose fa��vfiich each �•' "�''
<br /> "o;�rr.;::a'�,'F `��.:r,� � • '• '
<br /> - '�"�`'j`'�;'`��� �`'� debit to the Fvnds was ni2�e_'Ftze Funds are led as additional securi for all sums secured b this Securi tnstrument. +".��. �' ' �'�� b
<br /> r�< "r; P � t3' Y tY :l:; ' ,,.
<br /> ��y. . ."ri,.r3���;7.•,_ , r
<br /> , . :.,,,,�,};�;. If the Funds held by Lezd:r excee�the amounu permitted ta be held by applicabic law,I.ender shall acraunt to Borrower •
<br /> - �•�"�..�'.;k',,:.�_�`;"'��:•� for the excess Funds in aaa��ce with-rhe requirecaa�s af applica6te law. If the amount of the Funds hetd 6v Ixnder at any -`'' '"�`�- •;>, '
<br /> . �.;?;;�!:.,;;:.'.;,-���•� time isnoi sufficient w pay etze Fscrow[tems when dae.�.ender may so noUfy Borrower in writing,and,in suc�case Borrower :'. '� .
<br /> , . � ,
<br /> ,. .
<br /> . _. . . . . , _
<br /> . �` -',!':.;:,>` ; • stiait pay to[.erider the�unount necessary to make icp t�e deticiency. Borrower sh31i.make up the deficiency in no mora than ,. . ° �,. .
<br /> � twelve monthly paymenu,at Lender's sole discretion. . :.;�r`,��
<br /> _ �, � `` Upon paymeni in fu(1 of aU,sums secured by this Security Instrument. I.ender shall promptly refund to Borroa•er any ,^;;.:�
<br /> - Funds held by I.endcr.If.under paragraph 21,I.ender sl,�ll acquire or sell the Property,Lender,prior to the aoquisitiun or sale •�;'�;•r;:.
<br /> . A� . . � ..�,
<br />- ' �:-.�;';;;' � of the Property,shall ayply any Funds held by I.ender:,1.the time af acquisition or sale as a credit against the.s�s secured by ��� _'• �-�'" ..;�
<br /> . ";k��`s��. ;�`;� this Security Instrument. , ` � �r�,'�,�� ��s,A��`-
<br /> � - ''r;*��;;:, �;.5 3.Appliration of Parcaea�ts.Unless applipble t:ia-�iovides othrnvise.all payments receicaf by Lender under paragrap�c `�^`; ,s ;``•p' ��
<br /> t � . 1 and 2 shall6�2�iplied:tir�,ta any pier ymcnt charges due unde''r tt.e Note; secand.to amauni payable under paragraph�; �+ •. .� :�`��`�� �
<br /> ...� � +�`;�;;n��. lhitd,to inter�,+fize:founh,to principaf cue;and i��t..�si any late chs:�es due under the Note. ••�-�, ,�,,� <' ' ,Y�� .`:
<br /> -..:�.,. . :,�,'��t'��if;,:. �. y :. 5�r:�;'•.�: .: �.'�. ..t. --
<br /> '; • • �,,;_..,... 4.Ch�rgesi lie�..Q��etcmwer shall pay all tar,:-;.;��sessments, charges, fines and impositions attributa�i�.cn the Propeny �ssi,�,.,� • ' . -
<br /> .,•r31';;:'. •;:�,�s � ,v „ . .
<br /> ' ;. ,�`r'���.-• .�. .5�''+'. which may attain Fpi�r�ii'. c��;, this Securiry Instrucr•�it.:�and leasehold payments or ground rents, if any. Ec�ower shall pay , !"' � -
<br /> `:��'�;� • �_.: ,`�, ,t E.F;ese obligati¢.:w i�t.he:r;L��p�ovidcd in�aragraph 2,or if not paid in that manner, Barrower sha!1 pay them on time�irectly � � �
<br /> .• s:;s� � to the persoit,•.s,tt��Qayrn�;:t. Bonower�lr�!{promptly furn�s.h to i.ender all naticcs of amounts ta 4�e paid under this paragraph. � � ���r "'
<br /> � ' . �• � s'��" If Borrower na;1��c�:�e zti ents direcil=::.'t3arrower,si+ 41 promptly fumish to Lender receipts ec;t;+�eing the payments. " � ���=
<br /> ".r.:,,`Y;'.:_._: i?:� . .� _ , �. • _
<br /> � ;�,��>,�' �•.,•,. • Borrower.�Ja�'l.�rc�i?,-�.1'y..3'ischarge a:.j leen aii±+��1,;;�priority�rer Ihi�Securiry instrumen:uniess Borrower:(a)agrees in �
<br />_ �:i� �,r,. .... • S R=�'• 'ba y p . , •.
<br /> , ` ;..;y�a�;•;• , writin to ttte 1tez,z i i;t+i�P.loli tion secured 6 �j:va�1r�:i in a manner acce table-t�i�,encter:(b)cante�ts in gix�'faith the lien � •
<br /> _ � '�•a�°':: '� • '. by, or defen�::'„�;,:�i:ist ��t:czcemen[ of:(�e lien ir,,�7��;a1 proceedings which in ihe Lender's r.pinion operwt�t'� prevent the � '
<br /> . ,:: �:::__'_;-•:•:.: _= .. .. __.
<br /> :5•;: . ' •� enforcement co:ilie'lien;or(c).r'ecurec tr�an,�:�e holda:ofthe lien an agreement satisfactory to L:r�:er subordinaiing the lien to � •
<br /> ts � -- :..,j,.,;�, this 5ecuriry I�rsinemem. If i.ender deti��,i�;i�tha(2�.,part of the Property i�subject to a litn titiiiich may a:rai�priority over , � , '
<br />- ;-�.',;,',,�,�:..�.': . this Security Ir�sttument.F�:-rd�r=;mey gicc��nrrosver a�n�i�i,:c identifying thc licn.B�irn�wer shall sati�fy the licn�ir take one ar ��r;.�;,;; . ' �
<br /> '��`f•"'���: more of the actions set foit�s�h�;.,e within 10 days af the a_i�;ing uf notice. � (';,'�1'�;,t,,
<br /> ,:.�;,; ,. . .. � , �- .�Sy`�ft. .
<br /> • . � Form 3028 8140 ' •.,:, , . . .
<br /> aay�s or o ''�:; ::,:'..
<br /> � ,��.�. _ . - ' � ••�' � t
<br /> .,,: �����,:� .
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<br /> . :�. -- �. � � '�t
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