� .`"y��-�4 ^�ia =.i'r'-i°''1'_-z-F - i�� " � " - '.' � f:- � '� Fr>�' _- --
<br /> ' T,� #+ £ ' , � _� V• l�` r . ' 4 � I ' � _—_
<br /> ,. ' - ' i�'�. _
<br /> < �
<br /> ` �� • � . . � ` r � " ^ __ ""_....._..�......-... - —
<br /> � . ..�r:.. � ' ���,� ' , ;_
<br />_ .�ay��,,..y�i°:rt,,'��?�;;;.`::i � _ � - . . :.. . . � .,�'�� � . .
<br /> �•�.S`^,:p.-..'.rn:.:::d'.:rt.' - . . � �I � � ---�
<br />� - . _�`;�-:�� • `,�Fnmts sha]} be tte:d in an'institut��tn tvhose depasits ate�i��d;t�y u fedeeul age�}cy. insun�ateiity.ar en�sy . ---------
<br />_ :',:��;y.,:.;r�,...�s �
<br /> '- '. -;;�.� � , '(including i.eitder.t�Lender ss such en institutian)or in any Federai Home droan Bank.Leader slmll apppy�hhe Funds eo�ay tice ` , �.'` --
<br />_ -,,::�,.:..�.�;,,: Escnou�Iteri�s. l�eudier n�y not,d�at�e 8usi'owee fAr hqIdiag end appfYinS the Fttis.ds.annually.analyzl�tg tix escruw asanunt,or - - - --
<br /> . -- �.�-,•-,.�•- :� ` verefyring ttie Escrovr tiems.untess Le�er PaYs 8orrawer ir�er�st en tlec Funds and apglir�ie taw permiss Lender to make sad�� ` —.
<br />_ ,,�•�;� ..... •
<br /> °'��..�;�a.,L.�;..:;�::. �charge. Huwever.�.euder may require�oiro�v�ta{ray A oae-tsm$c�rga for,an ind�rtd�nt�ea!�state tax repnrdn�ss�svice
<br /> '�a�':;;. :.... x ,' nsed hy Lender in�connection with tt�is toan. nntess applic�able la�pmv�,h�:.,att�ers�nse. Untess an agreement ts rnade o�
<br />_ :: f-:: ;- -.-,.•'.:..; ap�licuble Iaw reqid�s interest to be paid,d.ender ahall c�at be res�uifed tt►pa,�,B�c't�r any interest or eamin s on the Funds., . .
<br /> -..
<br /> , ,.
<br />-..
<br /> ._ . _::.. . ,
<br /> < __ ... ': . .....r• " �arrower and f:aidQs maY.aSree in writ�n .Dov�ever.thai intese�t.tsb�116s �d att�iqtc Fun�s. Leiider shatl ve to Borro�yer.. _---__
<br /> ,-,. a.:: .__._.. . __----..
<br /> . aitttout�d�srge.an annuaf aocounun�nf the Funds, showing cretiiits af►�d�6it�sn tba F�tards and the purpose for w�►ic�e��� ____=_- ___.__
<br /> _ ;,�:: -;;' debit to ttc3Fw�ds was made.'Phe Fancfs are ptedgod as additiona�sea�riEy+.for al!smtc��so�ireA by t6is Seceuity insuumxnt,,.. _ -
<br /> *�.^.,��. If tYte Funds held by Lender exoeed th�amounts permitted to 6e he'.d by.s�tic�al�x law.ixrc�ot shatl atcourn_to Bamqw,et. : �t, �'�`�'e��'�� -
<br /> :� � ;..,°,, ...,.,: , for the excess Funds in arourdance with c�e requi�n:�ts of apgiicabt�iaw�.If��s of ihe Fm�ds E�t�by Lend�r�pt ati,t•: � ._
<br /> ,r �F:`'.}:�. , dnte is not suffisient to pay the Esece�v items when due,Leadca may so notify Hc+rm��r•in.wtiting.and.in sach case Boirower: t� ��, _--
<br /> , � shal)pay to L$nder the arn.�unt ne�es�ary to m�k�e up the defic'se,mcy. BoTrowas shsli:m'�.ap.the deGcienry in no more thsn, c �
<br /> �- • t w e t v e m n n t h i y p a y m�n t s.a t L e n d e r's s ole discretion. ��_._ --
<br /> . _ . - -- Upon payment in fii}l of aU��secvred by this Se�►dty Instrumznt� I.endt^r sh�41,pt�mpdy refurcd to Bot�ower an� ��=�=n`=_���:__-_---_-
<br /> . .. Fands held by Lender.If.undcr Datugruph 21,Lender shall acqiure or seSt tbo Pmp�}�':�e�a►�,•,p��ta th�acquisition or sala �a��` _ --_
<br /> of We Pro ert .shall t an Fnnds held b Lender at the 6me of• isntian.or,scal�r��ta4dit�agaistst,t�suzas secured by '�K"'
<br /> p Y aPP Y Y Y aAqu st! , . ��:_--- ___-_
<br /> _ this Seairity I[ssttutnenE. . -�"'`��±----=-
<br /> � 3.A kuttna a�Payments.Unless licable taw rovides othenviss.a]I paymes�tt�.re�ived by Lender under Qaragrag+�.s•: , �j4-��--=--._�_.
<br /> PW �PP P . . ,: ��.�_;��.�,_
<br /> � � , 1 and 2 shall be appl'sed:first.to any prepayment charges due under tho Not�seoon3,.tp aa'ifauats payable under para�,sxpht2:- � _---
<br /> - ,' third.to int�st due-fourth,to pdncipal due:an�d last.ta any late charges duo und2r ttdp Rate:; - _ _-
<br /> . 4.Ct�arges;Lieas.Borrower shall pay.all ta�ces.assessments,c�arges.fine�s as►d impositions attn"butable to the Property 2 = �z�,� _°---
<br /> '' � ' which may attain priority aver t his Security inshument. and leaseholsl p a y r�ents or,gmu��+.if�an�v:Borrower sha11 pay �'��;�r ---=
<br /> " th�e obligations in the manner provided in patugrapT�2.ur if noE paid in tirat.rnaam�.•�nrmner sh�){pr�t�h:m�on ame direct[y t =' _ --
<br /> �`,` ' W th2 pe�on awed payznent.Bortower shall pFOmptty fnmish ro Lenu�r a!1 nueia�s af.a:f�:nu�tsz tu�Ss::��ia�ti��eadei this Para�raPh.. j,' r ;+; r�•n��r, ._-
<br /> �°s
<br /> t:.. .,� �, �ag�-
<br /> ��: , - If Barroti�er crrslces th�e payment�ditectlY,Borroa•er shall promptly fumish ta Le�d�r.rar�igts;evidac�:»g the payments. #.:;,,:�;...:;- � z�Y:,.;
<br /> t�
<br /> � $mroiver stiall pmmpt ly d i�harge any lien w hi c h h a s pnon ty aver t h i s S e c.v t i t�.I t i S t t u t l l�t 4 i i t u d e s,s B o r r o w e r.(a)a g r+c e s�i n �"
<br /> .;. :, ,
<br /> .. ;.:� �' w :-
<br /> ' ....'. . ::,.. . .. �
<br />-.:�• ..-.==-.=----:; _��-, -. . . ... ...writing tathe-paymem.of.th�.obligation.sr�vred by.the l��n in��1n�r aooept�bto ta T:c��it�t.Eb do�ests ia ood faith thelien �'^' :_
<br /> . ,. � , , : $. .. t <<. x,���
<br /> �. . � ,�;'. �by, or defends against enforcement of the tien in. tegal proo�ing.s which•iii thp f:c�,terr�s op�mon aperate[o pn:went:�fie # , ,,'�`�°�`'`°-_
<br /> �'"' • � enfomemem of the 1ien;or(c)secunes fmm�he holder of the lien an ag�ernent�s��isfu�torp to Le�er suboidinating thc t�en tv ���•rr` '-`�-----_-
<br /> '� ' �� ���}r��=`�rt.:,.:°== ---
<br /> - �;;. ;I,;;.`:�.�'�: [his Security Instcum�►i.If Lender determines thxt any part of tha Property is subjf�:th�a lien which may aitain priority over .� , ,, ...,. ,.;� .:.�:---
<br /> , �. " this Security Insmrment.Lender may give Borrower a r�atioe identifying the liea�:Bnmoi►r�er shall satisfy the lien or ttike one or ` ---
<br /> • , ` mona of,the actions set fdrth above�vithin 10 days of the giving of natioa. ' . . �; " r
<br /> � .� � 3.:Auzard or Progeriy Insurance. Borro�ver shall keep�che imprm��m�it��ibtv �xisting an c�reafter erected oQ t8e ' ,
<br /> �i`.. ,.�. . ,;'• ,.� P t o p P r t y i n s u r e d a g a i n s t l o s s b y 6 n e.hazards inctuded within di�tt�m'eatf��E�fi,i7?�erage"and any other hazards.IncEicd"iiig � :; ���:
<br /> t�`: 'ir��. • ' . y: e+=..:
<br /> ftaads orfladding.for•wflieb Lender requires insumnca.This insu�unra sfiail>'be m�tintained m the amounts and•far,thB g�ds •� � ,f,-.,
<br /> -'j-' e,.:r..t��.,;;, , �,:,....Y`., that�l.enQer requires.T(�e insamnae carrier pm�•iding che insurn�aa stiall!fib.ci�qs�;n�by Borrower sub}ert to Lender's.appms�al �.
<br /> ` ,' r�� ��: �`, w:�ich�sball�not be untcasona6ly,withh�ld. If Botrm��r fsulx ta�mainttd�.ix�l�adescribed above, Lender may.at.Leader's �:�-� % ��
<br /> � '.:,` '�,.:�;:ji?�
<br /> ;,r�... '
<br /> : ,.,,�,;;.;,...:.�`'� % optian{obtain coverage ta protOct Leivler's rights ia tha Propert�+in aa�rrloa��.���ith pamgraph 7. ; .;:�,.:,,f;,,�r
<br /> • , ' � t � f� ' All�insuraace policies aM're�K�ala sh211 be acceptahls�tn�Lend�r�an3>ah.�ltindude a standard mortgage clause. Lender c� , �s�. :
<br /> �s ' �� sha11 have[he right ta hotd th�polfaes and mneti�•al�.If�[.en�el,requin.�r..Bn�r,"n�r�.c shall promptly give to Lender all receip�y of � • ,�� s��;;
<br /> • - � ,� '•`� paid piemiu�airt rco:ual�notioe4.In the e�en�of:luss.Hamm�•.;nsho.11'gii�pmmpt n4tice w the insuranre camer and l.ender. , ��, c,,:
<br /> • Lender may maka pmofspf:dtrs�I�"iiat mado prornptly b���garrn��wr3 ." . ,,�,,R��`"`
<br /> _ '-f�,,. .. - ' Up1:s.s I.ender aml:Hurm«er�o{h°.su�'ise a�in•�•ritin�.insamai:�y�'sri:�s sl�all be applied to restar-.tion•oa repair of[he �, ' „=,�v �
<br /> ' .��r.'r.�,•!;.. P rope r t g d a m a.ri e d,i f t t r 9 r e s t o r a t i n n ti r.r e p a i r i s e r�n a m i r a l l g f t,i y i h b U a n��L e n d e r s s e c u n t �s n o t t e s s e n e d.I f t h e re s t o m t i a n or �- �''
<br /> , �;�,,. Y � .,. r:_,....,.. . ,
<br /> '����S'``•' repair.is�no�ecamrnf..all}•fztsibiti nt�Len:ter'.s�tivrity�w�-�ulci b�Idi..S���d,[he insurance proceeds sha11 be applied tuitha sums �.�.�` •- .��•� �.;
<br /> � •.�;:.;., .a
<br /> ' � • • secured�6y this Secutity anstrument, w�heth:nar�n�s�th��d ut+.,v�•n U�an}�;exo�s paid to Borrow�er. if Barraa•er abundons tha '������ ;' � � � . ,f-•'
<br /> �.,.. .;_�;
<br />- �'•�y:' � ' � Prapeny,ar does n:n�uniw•er w•ithin 30 daya a�nplia:�fr�irn 1sc:��:c�thaUthe insvr�nce carrier has ot'fered to settle a claim.then •.,;:,.�':'..,:•;.;: � -�-
<br /> . Lender ma collect�tlb�iruurance rnceed�: I�ere�ET�m�)��wn tte3 proceeds G� �:�.sir or restore the Pro e or to a +ums ;, � `� `—�'-'�
<br /> _".°,� :�;,; , '.�:• • y p i" P �Y P Y • t�.:::.;•.:�•,�'�';�;�
<br /> ,..: :,1 .
<br /> = .���;;,.-,�� secuted by dus Security instrnm.n�,�tifieth�i AT�nos�ld:��uv.'JI�.s 3Q-day periixi':,.:Il begin when the notice is given. ,. _�--
<br /> 1 ;;;i�, ' ' Unless l.ender and Borra�tier,nihvw-wise agree in� vitin�: ru►�' applicanan ot'proceed� ta principa! .hal( not extend ar , ;��
<br /> 4; �:,�I,r,..,,.:..��-i postpane the due date of thc m�rtlfl�•��r,}•m:nsa referreei�ta.ip�p..u�a?ruphs i and 2 or change the amaunt of thc puyments. (f � •'„ " rE` �,:�; =_
<br /> ,i �< P 8 P !. P S �i'. . > s _
<br /> • . �,r q �.i�Y� � . �.•. undei ara ra h Zl hc Pm ert�is� vircAi.b• �.c.v�er. BnrraKer's ri ht tu,:n�•in.urance policies and proceeds resulting from . .�:4!' .'�•, 't
<br /> �,`„�>,.� ,, . , .,, t. damage to the Propert} prior to the acqw�diem�yin�qtpasti ta Lender tn tho�'-rla�t i�f thc sums�ccured by this Security Instrument•• :� � `'� p
<br /> '; t�,,�it •.:;�,;�� • immediatcly prior ta tti�:asgui�itian. . �. . . . •
<br /> j }'"�r � b.(J c�pancv. P r�s ti'a tia n�R l a i a t e a i a n�e+a n d�P t o t e c t t o n o i t h e P r����r t y;B o r r o«•e r's I.o a p A p p l t�t t a n;L e a seholds. �i• ;'",.��;;�
<br /> ' � 1:....�.n�i�i>��� � � • t;..:
<br /> .� ^:;r?:s�';�;i;<., ': B��srov:vx�6all accupy,ectabtish,n�v!•r,c th:PraperC�•.es�Bt�rtnt•��i+princ*�:.1 re�idence within sixt��day�after the execution of , ••.•..��::
<br /> :��..��r�°"t::;'t�;;�:t, .
<br /> .,�,,?:1;�_,;: . �' this 5�ajnr�•�.In�trument and shall'asr:i»u�to��ccup�}•�tlr�Prnpirr��'�s Borrau•er'+principal re�idcncc fi�r at leau one y'.�e after
<br /> . :. ;�•. .,,,,�y�};.�;a;�,,. -
<br /> , = ..,- t<<„�., the�aL:+�[nccupari:..�+:�'nless Lender othentii:e ag�oc�s.�n��eritln3;tvhich cc�tint shaU not be unrw�unably withheld.��r unle�s
<br /> � `ti�'�• ���`'••;yt�• extenuating circum5l.u�ar.� exist �vhich are beyand�Bnrrawcr'� cantral: 8ci�tais��cr .rhatl not detitm��. drunage ar impair dse . ,
<br /> .'it P:.` ��:�-;��;;��,,. � ' Prope.rty.allow thr f'r�s�'krty to deteriorute,or�cornmit �catitc nn the Ptnp�-tti�..:B��rrou•er shall be in d::hult if any fi�rfeiture � . , '
<br /> •• � „�i;��;s�;�-,� actian or procecding.���hether civil or criminal� is hegun that in Lender's goad faith(udgment could r��:i:.+rr'.n forfeuurc��f the ,
<br /> - ' :';:t;�y:`�;ti:. ' Pmperty ar othcru•ise materi:ill}•impair the licn creatcJ b}�thi,Securit}•In�trument or Lertd.�•r'ti.ecurit,.��a:t�ce�t.A��rrow•er may
<br /> . ' .`::a'ry;,;F. cure tueh a default and rein�late.as pravideci in p•rragraph SK,b�•cautiing�he acti��n i�r pr�>vaa�ine tn b�•�:��iis.red with a ruling .
<br /> �. , that, in Lcndei+g�u�d faith determinxtion, prculudcti furfciwr� vf thr R��rro«cr'r interc:+t i� the Pro�,•.�y ur uther m�tcrial �� � • .
<br /> ', ; , impairmeM ��f the lien createJ by �his 5ecutity Imtrumcnt �tt I.enJer'��ecurity intere�t. �nrrc+��er ��:��� i�.;��o be in default if � ; � •
<br /> Borrmr•er,during thc I��an applicntion prnce�ti.ga.c matcrialfy tal�c ur insrcurutc infi►nnatian ur�tsten;�';��t��I.�nJcr(��r fail�rl ,
<br /> � : :�:,, h,provide l.ender«-ith any.material infiirmatio�u in conncctinn�vith the luan eridcnced hp th4 Futo. inaf'�zd`:R�:.hut nul liu»ICd , �
<br /> �.,..r,. to.rGpri:{�dntatii,ns coneeming Barroa•er's uccupanc� �►f the Pn;p_rty ar a principal re�idena:• if.lhi.Seceidc?� In�trument i5 on a . .
<br /> i;•��, Ieaseh�aid� Sorrou•er sh�,ll cumply �tiith all the provisi<�m «t t:lre Ica.r. lf Burro��•cr ac�{uin:s Cce tiQe to the Prop:riy, the
<br /> � '�;; '. .� teaseb��Tit s�td thc fee titlr shall nnt merge unle�ti l.cndcr agrc��•n>tlte merger in�r•riting. .
<br /> !� 7.Qrotectlon�if Ia�nder's Ri�;hts�n the Prupertv.If Borrcx��cr fail�ti�perfunn tlie a�eenants and r�.�r�4-n.nts cont:uncd in :
<br /> '��'��� � • this Secariry Instrun��n�, or Ihere iti a Ieg�l pru�i�iing that may tiignifirand} aff��y lAnder'�ri�ht+in�he Pri�peny I�uel�us a
<br /> 1�;�� . �:�r
<br /> ;�; , ., ;, .,, prac�ed�n�in bankruptcy,probate, fnr condemn�tion orfurfeiture�rr tu en+'nn:e taws or regulatiunc),th��n�Lrnder ma��du and
<br /> • pay!or�ahatever is necessary to prutuce thc valuc uf�he Pn�p:.rt��and l.cndei,rightti in thc Pr���hy. I.endci c actian�ma}• � .
<br /> ��� ' ��`�`�`� • indude a in an sums .ecured Q�� a lien «•hirh ha:. riont • m•cr tl�iti Srcutit Instntment. a e�ar�n� in cuun. a}�in� ,
<br /> , .�;: ,.: P Y S Y 9 ' P 3 Y PP. � P'
<br /> � '±... '•��`' ' reasonable attnme}•s'fees and tntering on thc Prnperty tu make repait.. AUhuugh IAnder may take acnon under thic paragraph •
<br /> 'r � '� 7,ixndet does not ha�•e tc�d�+sn. �1 , '
<br /> �= ..,.. , . . . f
<br /> • � , . , . Any amounts di�bu►sed hy t.ender under thic p�ragraph 7 .hall hecume additional deM of Bono��rr �ecured h� lhi, I
<br /> ,� ' < , . . • • Security Instwnent. U�ile.�Bnrru«•er und l.ender arrcc tu uther trrnn��f paymcnt,the,e ann�unt��half hcar intcrrrt Pr��m thr
<br /> ' :� � •�•�:�'.. �•• date of disbutsement at thc Notc ratc anJ shall bc palable�. u.ith�interc�t. up�m noticc t'rum Lcndcr tu Borr�nccr rcyuctitin=
<br /> :.�`:• payment. �
<br /> . � . 8.!lfortg,a�e lnsurance.li l.ender reyuired m��rtgage incurance a�a cunJition of making the loan�ecurcJ h}thi.Seruritc � . . . .
<br /> . ':�i• .' • ' Imtrument. Bono�ser shall p�y th: ptemiumti rcquiriYi ta maintain th: mortcagc invaranrc in cffert. 1P, ti�r sm re:+•�m. Qic I .
<br />- � r; • ' moRgage insurance coverage reyuiteJ by Lender lapties��r ceatieti to 6e in ct1'ect.Burmteer.hall pay the preinium.rcyuirrd to 1 ,
<br /> '�" ' � nbtain co�•er�ge subsWntially eyuiv:ilcnt tu the m��rtgage in�urunrc prcv�ou�ly� in eftect.Sl:1 CIriI�UI1�I3flU:lU}�l'(,111\':lll't11 IO thr
<br /> _._. � -� eo�t ti► Borru«•er ui the mong:ige in+urance prc�•i�usly in effect, frum:ui altern�te murtgage imurer :�pptucrd by I�nder. If� �, �
<br /> . -- _--__.. .--- r-=----. .... __. ...
<br /> . .t �u . . • . � � .
<br /> . � � •
<br /> ' . • • v,,i�•a Forrtr 3028 9�90
<br /> , . • . .
<br /> .
<br /> i . � ,
<br /> ..� ..
<br /> . 4 .
<br />