- - � �y�i`� . 4�3,' �'�j"a . _ _ . ' ` . . . , . t.-- -—
<br /> z r� f���s ��.5�:-�`� . _. .� .. . . . .:- �-_--
<br /> • ���,�i'_�;� t.�^ � 1;�, I _C.
<br /> ,ti ° :t ,'c i: . '. � , - -� �...s.. _�r_:�r-.c_�----�
<br />�. � . � ' £� ��r t �.' . �:.}�+-'Y� �r - _-_ _ -. .,.__�� -_ »..-_ -----
<br /> � j . .,� � _ �_i , _ _ -
<br /> � - ...
<br /> ,., :.
<br /> , . ..
<br /> . - --
<br /> ... �.. ,;
<br /> ' � �,�. . . ���� V�����1� � . ` -- --
<br /> �Ytly��� - �� . � ' � .� . . ' [ - -."
<br /> �"�v�{S:Li�/iFJ.FI.�I_4'�'.�"��r �+art.c►f tbe Propezty or any iaterest in.it �- -
<br /> �,,�,,�.�:K„e ��-,1� yT.�1ean�e�o�the Pi��ri9 os a Bea��i'idal�re�t in&areawe�tf a!t nr ,ar . - ---
<br /> - ' is sotd or nai�sferre�(or if a beneti�tal iaierest in 8orimver is so2d or uanssferied aad�arao�ver is not a naturn.�}}p�son?ait�au� ` . ,
<br /> �e— — Iradcr's.prior writzen.00asent;�.eader may.,at its optton. require immediate payment an fW!o!t�l'�ms s�cur� Dy th4s,
<br /> =-��� ,`, � �ecuiIiy insuument.However.this opt�on s6aq aat be eaerrised by Lend�r if eaQrrdse Is pmhibited by fedzrat la�k as of ttte da4e ; , ,
<br /> ' of tiiis Security inst�umen� . . _
<br /> _�==_��-- =��--�„�---, ; If Leader exercises this aption,Leuder sliaA give Borrower Qotiae of acceleration.Ttie c+atice s�ailprdv�de a periud of cot � - - --
<br /> ; . t�ss than 3�days fram We date ttie Qoti�is delivered a�s mait@d wIthin whtch Botrower must pay atl sum�secured by[his� . _
<br /> , -a,�..�.;:.;'-.:�;...ti;,. ��uifY tnsuuinzat.�f Sarfutver fails to pay these sums pYiar tfl the expiration of tbis p�ciad.Lende�may invoke any�+em�ies ° �..—_
<br /> ,�;� � _,'.:: Qemutt�d b�ptbis 5ecutitgr 1aSLrUmetit without fiuther aodoe or demand on Borrower. . ` � _ �
<br /> Ig. Bormv�re�s �ti�st to �efnstate. If Borrower meeis oertai�conditions..Borrower shall have the`rigbt' to have � ��,��,��r_.
<br /> s`� �_ t� �` f.�, enfaroemeat of tF�is Se�,vricy. Insuvment d�sPontl�ued at any time.prior w the earlier'ot.(a)5 days{or�sh ot6er perind as ����.�� -
<br /> �
<br /> .
<br /> 3 _ ��� � .��� • applicable taw maY SPeciS'Y for reinstatemeat)hefore sate of the ProP�Y Pucsuatu io aay power vf sal�coritained in tl�is � v * t„�}� �''".�r�
<br /> , , :., _� Security Insuument;or(b)eaitry af a judgment eaforcing this Security Inst�umeat.Those rnnditians are that Eor�wer:(a)PaYs + � ���rt t-;
<br /> - <i Lender ali sutns which_thra�wouid be dne uader tl�s Security Inslrument and the Na*.e as if nn auoetecation had oxas•red;(b) ^._:r�i-� �r,'.,
<br /> 4dl
<br /> w � ,. aues mry defaWt of�ty other wvenants or agraemanu:(c)PaYs all expenses incurird in enforcing this Se�uity Insavraent. ., , �M��s__
<br /> ��' _ `{ includin but aot limited to reasouable atwm fees:and d takes sucb a�ion as I.e n der ma reaso ff a b[ w assuae . '"` "�``
<br /> ���at+;`•.t� ..� 8� eys' ( ) Y Y�I� �.���cs,���t�t�q+4p,>--
<br /> ��ri�:�;.,,,�. - ti�at the lien of this Security Instnrment.Leader's rights in the Property aad Borrower's obli�ation W pay the sums secured bY � �,,�=q� —
<br /> J``• ;�,:s�'.�,�,d`.-.;. ; this Seanity Instrumeat sball oontim�e-uncLanged. U�SOn rein.statement by Borrower, tlus Securiry Inslmment aad the '�,�'� "��c...._.' -
<br /> �/ -��t"-`'wt'.�<, • -�;� obli�atians secured hereby shalf remain fuitp effective as if no aaceleration had occurred. Howe�+er.this right to reinstate shall ,t;'�.`.,'�,r',�. `� ,';s;,..
<br /> j/Y-�� r' s�k F.� . . i1��:.�„ -
<br /> s..:. �.t nntapply in the rase of avceteratioa under psuagraph 17. �,' a
<br /> �s ,f..: f < G;s , �
<br /> �s�t�,v �r �-� 19.Sale af Noi�Cha�ge of Loaa S�vloer., The Note or a partial inte�est in the Note(together cvith this Securiry �z :: �:�.,�, �"-;
<br /> ��.;:..��Y
<br /> ;f;?•�i�;�ti�;�tr:%,,;,? ,•�`? Iastivment}may 6e sotd one ar more times withom prior notice tb Borrower. A sale may resu[t in a ct�aage in the entity(lmown �°�,.- , f� _=-•��^�---
<br /> �y x�:'yff, _�;? as t�e Loan.Servioer")that oollects maas�lY PaY�tents dae under the 1Vote aztd this Security Insaumen�Thec!e alsfl may b�ene `��,v;�T" _ ---
<br /> j ';,:�'�,;, or more changes of the Loan Servicer unrelated to a sale of the Note.If ttiere is a change of the Loan Se�vicer.Eorrower w�I f¢e .. �*�
<br /> ;.;;,:r .�'rE4.;.. . ,;: •. 'given aritten ciaace 4f ttte change in acoordance with paragra�h 14 a6ove and applica6le law.The notice will stat�tiie name�d `::�,. :_„� _�-_--
<br /> - ,; 1 i�.l� ���•._ . addmss of the aew i�an Senricer and tAe address to which paymenu should be m�e.'The aodce wi11 a�so aantaiII any other ':µ�'? , ���.
<br />: •,. '� �:r,°r ,• ,• information tequued hY a�pli�T?le law. ��^ �.
<br /> ,. . � _
<br /> _ ,° s�'�'w.� �x:..� •?A.�a�radoss Sab�aaes.Borrower shall not cause or pem�it the p�esea�a�e. disposal. storage,or.mlease of a�y - ' �, `�-`
<br /> -.:-�• •` --- . . .-Hararduus�Sa6s¢a�rcES vn orin the Praperiy. �orrower�shadt not da, nor�ailow anyvn�els�4o�do. anYthinS affecxingthe---....-. . .�..;£ ' ""�� f
<br /> _ ,. , ,:,�••, . M
<br /> ii%,�;� Property th2i is fn viotation of any Env�aGaental[aw. The pt�pe�ing:two sentenoes sfnall�t apply to the presea�oe,use. or� ���
<br /> :.`�,..,, „r:r . �� storage on tfie Royerty of small quantiaes of Aa7ardaus Substances a1ia3 are generally sern�izafl_csi 6e appropriate to nnm�al . ,t_=�_
<br /> � i r;�, ,,f;':. � cesidenual uses and to mai�ance af the P�peny. � :. , -��.�' _-=_
<br /> �; ��' i f�� . � Bonowet shal)promgtty give Lender written notice pf any investigation.ciafna.siemand.lawsuit or othet,action by airy ' , ��l
<br /> _.;_'p ��.Ms'R r..��-i..� ' , -r.av..-:
<br /> ,r,,� govemmenial or regulatory a�geucy or private party involr�ng the Property and aay i'���zandous•Substance or EnvironmenW l,aw .,.�., � •
<br /> ;.��.;�, of whirh Bortoever 6as,actual knowledge. If Borcower leams,vr is notifced by any governme�aY rr iegulatoiy authority�,tLat ° ��
<br /> '•.. :��:�s:: . any remova3 oro�¢er remediation of any Hazardous Su6sfance affectin�the Pruperty is necessaty.Sarrower sAall promptty wk� � �.� �`.°°.�
<br /> ; . ._ : ,:i;;: . °::� � "' all reecessaiy t�aredial actions in accordance with Enviramnental La�• . . ' . � ';.'.;: •' ;;,�, �
<br /> �.� �r �,�� � +
<br /> ;�.;• ,�� As�.sed in this pa'ra�h 20, "Hazardou's Substan�s are those subslanozs i�`ii*d as toxic or harardous substances tiy- ��°��;'•' �` •
<br />_,.' : ' ��t�-t;.f`:,.. ':,, � , • �',.�
<br /> '�{tyr; Enviionmental Law and a�ze�following substanoes: ga..Yaidne, kerasene, other'tla�u+T'..�te or toxic peiroleum prodncts, toxic '
<br /> ��� � pesticides and herbicides.��1`aiile solvedts.materi�ls coa�aning asb�,tos or formaldehyde,anc!radioactive materials.As used in ,, �,zr ::
<br /> � . �•.: ^:�.�`� this paragraph 20. "Envirorunental law" means fedcrai taws and taws ot'ihe jurisdiction w*-„�the Property is located t6at F •t.
<br /> .� ,,.;;�t�f'}+;�� relata to health,safety or eaviranmental protectian. �,: • ` •� . "
<br /> ' � :s�`.
<br /> �
<br /> :• ''�;:`'r,''r�':`��,: N O N-T.J I`'1�R M C�1'L'�^c N A i�1 7'5.F o r r o w e r a n d L e a d e r f u r t h e r c o v e n a n t a n d a g n e e a s f o t I uc�;:;.;' .: . :•, ;,;:•
<br /> ,..� -. Ii , ..f ..A.�
<br />_� _ �+�;,•� �'1,,.,."''" ' 2t.Arada�'tion;Reazc-x�ies.Lender sball give�iata��e to Barro�ves prFor to a+xeteration L�a.{��3ng[��imaver's bceac6 ;'!�.f�,:,,:' ,,
<br /> •� .���' '-.,•' ..';�`'� �;>�f��: � �'.'",� ,
<br /> . ��' �"r'rt�,d���F.�... . .•• �.,of Shy wve�i or ag�ment in tht� Security Ins�.v�ent (but not prior to acaeteiation und�er grrss,��'n 19 untess � .
<br /> ••� .' .����r.��,� ,. _ ' 'applicahle i;��c:�mv�des otherwise).The notice shalY sgecify: (a)the detaulh (b)the actton re�aut�►t.ti�•iau�:¢Ine defaui¢; �"'
<br />-'`""'- �` �"t`�`�" `"'°`" (c)a date,�;3t 11�ss than 30 da s from the date tfie notice is ven tm Bornnwer,b which the�uiit��xc��e cured;and " ' �
<br />-�:, �, .ti,,: . ; y � y . , -� :
<br /> � ' (�4Lat f a�l tr-e Co cure the defaalt oa os Aefore the date s pecified in tt�e no4ice ma y result in.�.�e r�on of tRe sotns � � '�`�''
<br />.x��: ,...:,.. � .:..�' '
<br />--�".�, � . :• .,`,' - - secared by t'J��ecurity Iastmment and sale of the Property. The notice shall turther iaFar�si Tiorron•eP aY the sight to „'•..:';�; '
<br />_ , ; ..•t.:. ,
<br /> ., �;''�51+'{�i��:':;;:•'�� � ` eetastate ai4er scceterat�on aad the rtght to 6rinb a court actton to assen the norrexistence of s de�au�L or any ot6er • ��r�,��'•'���'
<br /> - �� S3"` `� ��� defense of Borm�rer to aceeteration and s�e. If the default is not cured on os before the date specife�f an the natIce, ' •'�``
<br /> �� '. .�r� t�lt�.�.,c" .= �'.9
<br /> .:•,:,'���; ' � Lendes,at its optton,may �qaire immediate paymea�t in full of all su�s secured by tdis Secnrtty Instroment without . � ,.,,�. ._
<br /> � `•�• '��`'� ���'"!'��'�i'� further deatta�d and may invoke the powes of sate and any other remedtes permitted 6y a�{fs�ble law.Lender sha116e ` ' ��?���"�`_ ��'
<br />_ . .. . .,,,;t,,�'r �
<br /> -- •' •r �,�' entit[ed to a:�r�all exper�ses iucarred in•pu�suing the remedlcg pmvided in t6is Parag�aFirZ7i:iaduding,bat not I�rnited '.:4��!�; ';
<br /> .:':°,.:.:� `�`_.;`!%'r��: � to,reason�BL��orneys'fees and costsa£tItleevidence. . , .��'��,,;�r�f':
<br /> . if t1c��•r�<�r of sate is involceA,Tnutee shali record a notiee of detautt in each county�n�hIcb�a�ty part of the • .-.����':��•.
<br /> . ' ,'. �nn�erty is a�a�ed and sEr�IS�mail copies of such noti�tn the manner p�escribed by appltca6le ia�v ta"13�tc�o�i•er and to • `�`�'#'��
<br /> . •� ' iTi�other�wa�:s pre�c�'3r�d iiy applFrabte law.After t1�se time required by applicabie la�r•,Trustee shall gi��public notioe . .� :��_ �-
<br /> ��•;;- - ; . . of sale to fi��fmons and in the manncr pmscribrd 6y applirablc Lz�F•.Trusiee,�vlthout demaad on Borroa•er,shall sell •' !�- V.
<br /> - �-� • the Pr4gc�'t�::r�t�ublfic suction to the higli�t bidder at the time atsd�i:�ce and under the terms designated ln the nottce of �
<br /> � �� � saSe�u�c.�ur�m parcets and in any order Tnistee determin�s.•:�t�.ctee et�y•.postpone sate of alt or any parc�tl af the •
<br /> , .�`��`';i�,� , ° � .;a i�Tq�S6p,,LY.;�rat�lic announcement at t6e time and piace of any gr�t�iuuslv,i;3�afuled sale. Lender or its designee may : ' ' ,
<br /> �.:f�f����4 . ; �„�,,..w:r.��L�roperty at any sale.
<br /> � ' �'r:•4��•�lr.. .._ •. • :.-1-� , , . . '' . . '' . .
<br /> :ti' .Li_ '.� ` - -
<br /> - :�}1 '".�..�. , y,hf�•{'�t ' .. . . • . . ' . �
<br /> .. ' ��r:1J1��;;1�; '. - . . . •ti:
<br /> , �,.1�;,.tF:,,'+, �;�;���;�;: • , , � Form 3028 9/90 ' . ' . .
<br /> . 2, fl+�ttYi�-� � i,., � . � aagesol6 � • " . .. • , • .
<br /> 1.�1°:1�si + � ' i ' r.' •
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