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<br />—._�-_�-�__-_-:�-�--_�° - 7QflT3T�IER4��THallth�3m�trovemeAis�or��r�t�,reaftere�x�dofathepss►�,:c¢�*.ar�s�,�sa��. ,�{appurteuadces,:aasl
<br /> -----._...- ---- ---.
<br />-- ---- -- __ , �� fktnies nQtar oi hoze�fter s�pai�:•.of th��rresi�ertY•:�Ali r�p2eoements an� a��'"�,sh�I�!ai:9ts.,ia�•c���d 6y�t�h'�s �i3y
<br /> . � , Iiis�umeni.Atl af th��'oregoia��rafen�to.iz�this Sec�ity tncc�+�nc�,s tl2e'Fa�n�ert�,°. :%:� ' � . .:
<br />_-- _--- - . '. SOYt12QW�R C4lt�NANTS tt�at.�rrawi�i i3.�lawftiltyseisc.E11 of che estatr h�by aarze�ey�,;arrrrrii��;i��n�right to gra�t,aisd
<br /> ��_ �� ,
<br /> - ----- -- _.. . _
<br /> �` oaaqey the Pt+operty and that�ti�:Property is�as�ercxi,excepi far encu�►6i�tses of r��:�c�rter warrants and wa11',:` _ - - ._
<br /> — - • d�fensi gc�ezaily the titIe ta the�#ogerty agaenst aU elaims�d�mands.subject to auy eis�u�rb,..7ss,�es:��:�CO:d. ` ,
<br /> -_- ------------ � ' TE�S SECURITY II�iSTR�JMEI3T combi�s uniforna�veaanfs r€,�z nati�onat use a�°c�xu��wfrc�si�Avenaat�witf,`t;mited
<br />=--�-� � varistions by jurisdictian to oomYtitute e uniform security iastntment coverin8�1 gragartY� ':s- ' _____:- ---------
<br /> Y f �� ��-� �UMFORNd�OVENADi'i'a�:8ozmwer and Lendtx ooveuant and agcree as folUaws: �� . �tr,�
<br /> R ��� � " 1. �aym�t oY Prtncip�;�D IAt�sti Prep�aym�t an�La4e CLaa�es. Bosmg;eE sAa�2�.P�?�5'imY�en d�e dze m
<br /> : �,.a���`�� - principal of ac�d intergst on the de'bt evidep►sed 6y the Note and any pr�payment aad date cft�r�es.d�:uctt�i�:[he 1�Iote. ` �z;� --
<br /> � ; � � Z.Faads for Taues and:�nsaraase.Sabjert ta applicabte 1aw or w a�vrit�xn.�vniy er h�;L2r�Sret?z<$orrower shall pay`to - �� _ .��,�.�.. _
<br /> I.ender on t&e day montWY PaYJ.A2nis arer dae undes the Note.until the Note is paid ia fuid;a�u�°�1'3rri1't!")for:(a)Year1Y�axes, �-�_==- _- _--
<br />-w ' - and assesst�tents whicts may att�u►priority over this Securiry Ias2rument as a lien on the Paoperi};�t►)�rr�y,leasehold�aymenEs - -__
<br /> ,_ or ground rents on the Prapertyz if any;tc)yearly haTard or pmperty�n���n�presnir�s:Qd).yctu'ip�,��+ls�insurauce premiums, _ _ �
<br /> - � if any:(e)YearIy murtgage ins�uance pYCmiums.if any.and(�anY sums payable hy.EnrraRrcr ta L:ti�',in accordance with =_--- ----�-:,�
<br /> " . , the pmvisions of para�aph S.�ti lie�of the payment of mortgage insurance premiurrs.These ia,t�arss�C�iled"Escrow Items." ��,��
<br /> A y > i � �.a€iiO�[5IIiY3W92' .
<br /> .�,�,�;T;,,;�;�,.i,:, Lender raay, at aay ame,ooll�at a�d hold Funds in an amount not to exceed the maxi�wmx emnun���;iiendar for a fe�erally � v3;�'rt� -
<br /> " "'._"." related mo e loan tna �-
<br />_ �=<�=i' `'�;' �8 Y�1�fot Bamower's escrow ac�unt uader th6 federal Real Estat�.�t;i�nt Prooedures Act of ���- �-� ---
<br /> ;�,. �,�.•, I 9 7 4 a s a m e n d e d fr o m ti m e t o d b g�, I Z U.S.C�. S e ar o n 2 6 0 1 e t s e q. ("R E S�A"), u n t e s s a n o t�r i av�:d j h t a p pli e s to t he F u nds � -__
<br />' r ;�,�'``{_�°:,, ' sets.a less�r amount. If so, I.e�;,d�r�ay,ai any titae,coltect and hold Funds in an amoeu�t�aaa tri�s4eetl the lesser�mount. �:'"'�>"
<br /> . _ r �' ,4 .. :t:e�i��iey estimate t6e amoca�`c�'::�unds due on the basis of cument data and reasanab4e estsaiAU:s:���enpendiwms rs,�futune , ,� ,_
<br /> �..
<br /> ;.. Esirn��ar ot6et��l,r�t$�n�e with applicabla law. :�� ,: � �: ��
<br /> � �
<br />- :•• �•.s'� :;. , ."s.. ..;� Tiie Funds sb�&r�."s.�d�:n`aa insdwdon whosc deposits are insar�t:by.a federal.agency.r.i:%ts-wmentaliiyf: or`e��tg;'. �; ��:�� _-
<br /> -,.._ ,. •._ ' -
<br />�� .zr'�;=..:="`"�`.'`•,, .'•,:.'s� �_(including I.ender.i�;�i�t is s4i�an institution ar in an_ Fedeial Home�iaan Sank�.L+�nd�v sha1B " ; the FunAs to� tht�".: .. -
<br />_._, .. . ....__ ) . Y . _. . . . .._�?�. . . .:�Y_ ���+y-�w •��•
<br /> -,<i z `��. � - �`t�-�.` Fscrow Items.Lender may not�e Borrower for holding and applying the Funds.annualC��3rrAl�t���e�w account.or 'r.;;, t =--- __.
<br /> • ., _ verifying the Escrow Items,u��H.ender pays Bomower iatereat on the Funds and appli�bt�:iat!i,p�rinits 1.ender to make such - _=-. --
<br /> -- a ct�arge.Nowever,Lender may 1e�uira Borrowce to pay a ane-dma charge for an+ndepe,�nfi�id>t�;tE�tate taa reporting sesvice �.�';�'..����—
<br /> _� ._ �� used by Lender in.connection with tlus loan;:�mEe�s appticable law provides othonvise.�.jJnTri6s•�;�greement is made or .•����• - ---
<br /> . `';^;,.; licable law ,r�.:.;
<br /> .: app" requi�•interest ta be paid,Lcnd:.,shall not.be required tQ pay Borsower amf.sdttlieat or amings un the Funds. . ,,�:
<br /> : � �Borrower and I.endet tnaY agree�?n writing,however�that inreres!shall be pnid on the F►aruisi.�nder shall give to Borrower, : :'�'�° ;..;,,;:: �
<br /> �."� ,. witho�cii��e,.an asmual arcowting of the Funds. shotvin�ccedits and debits to the,�iuidq�amf the purpose for�a6tcli'each . • '-,y�. �.•. '.
<br /> • ' debii io t�:�esnds was ri�ade.'�Lt�'r�nds are pledged as additi�anz.�security for all swns s�uri�liirthis Security Iristhc�ea�. ' , �. ' 6 :� ,�
<br /> �� (fc�F�,^�s hc�E�tiy Ler�:ser.�eed the a�mounu permitte�to be held by app{icabie iau�;• ��1n�er shall account to�onawer :. . . `>1
<br /> ,�� �: � , �� for the�xcess Fe��.:cs�c'corc�.�+e with the re��irements of applicable lasu:if.he amounL��f.di�Fonds.he}d by I.ender•a�any � • ;�•t:?�' ,:�
<br /> , . • �.`.:
<br /> '� �- •. • �- ti�is�ot suffieier.�to pay the E<.�^row Items whu�due,Lender may so notiL�•S3�src+wer in w�i�g,as�d_�.�saeh c�e�orrotiver �� . •. � ,
<br /> �� � „ s.*�`:F:p��.to Lertder the amountine�ssary to make up the deficiency. Bortower shull mAlce c��s�the def�ency ia rt���isre than -
<br /> : , , .-�tw�l;�aronthly payments,at L�ttder's sole discretioa. '. `
<br /> �� : . .. .. . .. .
<br /> __. ....... . . . .....' .
<br /> � � L'pon paymeni in full of;f�ll suing secured by fhis Security Instrumen�.;Lender shulC�piomptty.rzfand to Eorrower any ;1`.� . ;.�k �
<br /> � � ��.. . . Funds held by Lender.If.undet paragmph l l.Lender shall acquirr or seU;the��.�perty.J[�nder.prior tp the acquisition or sale " �'�.:��; , ,,.
<br /> . � . � � of the Proper¢y, shaU apply any�Fuads held by Lender at the time of acquu;i�i��»or�ale a���a credit against the sums secured by � ��;• �.•: '% ';
<br /> , ' ' this Sa�ity Instrument. , . =� * ' ..'
<br /> '.. .'.'�.' : ; � : . .L:. ��.
<br /> .'.'�h,=;.',• . . 3._. 1�catloa of Pa � "�;��.:. .,::.. ,��.:,,�
<br /> `; � �ynp yments.Unless applicable!aw provides othetwiy�,alt'paymenis received by Lertder under p:ragraphs .` =�',�y--
<br />-. �,.'.' :';::�t;�::�:''-==-; __. 1 a�'t��ail be aFpt�: first.�ta any prepayment charges due under tlre;+lute;secandc�to amounts payable under paragraph 2; ' :��.�..,r�+;
<br /> _ �i�;;. ' ° •,,;.' ' ' �third,ta interest d�:fffarth.ta�rincipal due;and la+t,ta any lat�charde�due.undef the Note. �° :+�:�''�' F�.
<br /> � + . •.`"� ` , , � �.Charges;laes�.Borro�ir��shaR pay all taxes.assessme:�ty,chr�tges, lii�st�:and impositionti attributable a the Proper�Y i . . ``��-+I
<br /> . ,�,' r;.. : � .. �
<br /> '�..•���`�''`,:..,,': Y P � tY tY P y•'• S Y• P Y ��.._. . . ,
<br /> �,ti„ which ma attain nari over il�is Securi lnstrument, and[eGsehnld a �tcntn.:nr raund rents, if an Borrower SCTaII a �-..-...,•;:;.�.. L-�. .-':�..
<br /> r,'.�ii�i�{:,' e.,. I . . ,
<br /> �,t � ��r;�,...,.�:. � ' these obligations in the manner proti�ided in paragraph 2,or if.nut paid in thfq manncr.Buen:wcr shalt pay them on ti�nc disectly .:..�;;.�,;,,. • - :'�a;:.
<br /> . '" ': � . . •. to the persan owed payment. Borrower shalt promptly furnish io I.ender ail�naticeti of an�ounts to be paid under this paragraph. ��•'`�� ' � ' `'a���
<br /> . , :..:�,.,: .fie1;:;d;
<br /> ' .• If Bomc�wer makes these paym�ntg diroctly,Barro�ver shall prompily furni�:imLender receipts evidencing the payments. �•<?y��
<br /> - � Borrawer shalf, rom U discha e an lien which hay riorit uver chi!i�Securit Instrument anle�,� . � �•;�,r.�:;;;.
<br /> ., • � P Y TS Y P Y Y &�n�wer.(a)agrecs in .,�,,
<br /> �- ,_ - � , writinb to the paymL•nt oF the cibligation secural by the lien in a manncr nanptable to Lender:(h)conc�.s in goad faith the lien - �•.- . , ` �'
<br /> � � • � by. or de.`ends against enforcanfent of the Jien in, lega{ pmcesdings w,fiich in the Lender's opinion operate to pr�-vent the
<br /> �.� ` • , enforx�:-.x:rtt of the lien:or(c)secures fram the holder ai the lien un n�t�em�nt tiatisfactery to Lcnder'subardinatine ch�tien to � � '" :� •
<br /> � � ' this Security lnstruu,er.t. lf I.ender delermines that any pan of che Ptxfp�rty i,Subject to a lien �vhich may attain priority over ��
<br /> - � • � � this Securiry lnstrm:�_-r.t,l.endcr may gi�•c Borro�ves a noti�p idemifying the t:_n. Bnrrowcr shall satisfy�thc lien or take one or '� ,
<br /> ! }� "��� " -` �� more oE€he actions s�s forth ahde•e within 10 days of the giving�+f nutice. � ,., ,. � :� �
<br /> „� . . 'a• . �n,r,,��.,:,:. . .
<br /> • �-{'�y�. . �'..,•'y;.;•
<br /> , � :,�;��' � Form3028 9190 ;�•.;..;. .. �
<br /> . �. , . .Plgp 7�c'.g . .
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