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<br /> ' ",':�fs4.��,;.�;:,�:. .+•,:,:;. ,�:��:,•;�
<br /> ;,�;,,,:, A rectaraguiaa� tract of larc� situated ia the No�tLtr�st eoraer�
<br /> . .� �;�r;: of the South��H�lf (S�) oP the Southwest Quart��•(��) og t�o . � � � � , '
<br /> -.- , -���r���`. � Southeast Qnas�er (SE�) oF Sect3on,Nfns�een (19), Tovnahf�� . ��
<br /> . . . . • Ten (10) ;Nor�h r.Rang� Elev�n (11), t•leeti:of �he Si�cth� (6�1�� � �'��:,.
<br />_ , .. P.M., Hali�Cou�ty� N�braska, describei3.�.�rs foilows: '" :.;�_..4
<br /> � � . Begfaning .at� the Northaest coraer of s�id Soutb�Half (S�ap� ��.''-�;;;;�:�>�:�. �
<br /> . ,,�,...;.:,:�.
<br />-.. � . � the SouthvQS�� Quar�er (SW�) of the Sou�'��ast Qnart�r (SE'�),: ::�.
<br /> - runniag.thence East. Seven Hnncirea Trren��;►six (726.0) f�eet.. �'": �
<br /> � � � � . " • rnnning.thence South One Hundred T►ien���.��120.0) f�et;,. ,, , . � �>;:;;;,,;
<br /> "'�'�,-�-�,,:;;_. : :; •� runniag;thenae West Seven Hnadred Tr�eat�-six (726.OD ��e��..�o �'�1�^�'°-
<br /> .:�;,
<br /> .:;-E � a point oa��the West ifne of safd Southuest Quart�r (s���� c�f:
<br /> � , the Sou�beast Quarter�(SE�), ruaining thence NortH� One '� �
<br /> � • �,�;,;. Hundred :Tvea+ty (120.0) feet to the paint of beginnfagd . '.'
<br /> '. _ EXCBPTINt3 a certain tract therefrom.as recora]ed in�W2►sramtp; '�''•�
<br /> �'; ' ,-�_ IIeed as Document No. 90�103567.
<br /> ._.�::. . �;:...;r.,..'.: _� .
<br /> � � .: j..: 'LqGETNBR SJLTIO ALI.�b�ildinge, fixtures, imp�ovemea�tn and•ap�nrt�anam.�s:,��longing
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