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•sx�p �w�va• ��j�y�w�-r'�'x rY�x . , <br /> :�� �i;��'�- � - � � . _ . . . _ . � _ <br /> ...s.._-�``�..�z'`. . ___ <br /> � T-� ::��r,R��.�^ 's,��;':" ..ra 4 fi.,_ <br /> _ - :. <br /> ' �;'�i�'��`,-�'*�c ��s�-� t - 9 - - - . . <br /> . -^3=��-x.r:tr,�;r' — - -_..�.._. <br /> - � .. - _ <br /> - • '?1 • . .. . `�. . . . _ _'�..��.�_---_— <br /> �v�„�it�ae�n . . .. • . . , , . ` ,- ' ; t . . '� , .• i ' � t� -�� ����� ' . � . — ---. ._...T— . <br />-�� ' "� '. � � . � ` .. . � . ' � . ` -� � , � , . -____— <br />-- -- ' � r►pplicabIs taw may specify`far '��fcue saIe�f�he Fropeny pursuaQt ta jmy�wer afi_sale rantained fn jbis . . <br /> , . SecnrF3y Itis�urttea�or tb)ensry of s�udgtnent�forciag thls$ecmity�taent �ose,co�ons�.te thaz�onavs!cr. (i? � .` . -- <br />=_ _ = =� ' _ . �SaYs l,ender a11 susas wt�b tAen wouId 6�d¢e aad�r tflis�Secu�ity Ia�strument a�d tke Nate ns if nA:s�cct�tion Dad� .. -- <br /> __-_--- nccu�.d:(6)+�s any�uIt af a�y at�er�ovet�ts ur a�ieeiaent�,(c)gaYs aU�xpeases iac�used in enfo�ic►$tiila.Secauity <br /> __-_- _—�_ � .I�gsnuumen�i�Iud�ag.`but not limit�d tt�reasougbt���ttom�ys'fecs:c�nd(d)tukas such�actlpa as I.sader mny musenabty . <br /> = �,,.��f3 • '�. �qu}ne to a§sure that�e iiesrof eHis�suriry In�sicnb i.endci�rigi�.s ia tbe Prapetty s¢4 Bort+awer's obligadlan ta pay the � <br />�`� E. � �x sUnms s�car�d bg tais Securlty Iusstumeat shali"caniisaua unc8an�ed Upan�retast�m�nt'bY.Borrmwer,th�s�er.�reqr =_------ <br /> s <br /> �4 s F�' , . I�suu�eut�ad�e abiigr�t�ons secu�d h�rebyi sY►aU mmaia fa11y effec6ve as if r�o eoo�ter��had�occwred. �foweve%tbis . - <br /> •�;_�� �,�- - � � regflt m teinsmts shal!not appIy in t�E case af ascele�oa�sder gAm�ra t?. . -- <br /> .. �,. ,,w,.- � � . -_ - <br /> � • .._ lA:S3�3u�ai�iate(�a�g�a�I,oar}&er�tce� '1'he AIate ar n p, iut�t�est In th�Note(tagesher with:it�is��ec�.¢ty : <br /> ° �:��1 a �,r{;� �- � __ � <br />" • ���r tr t���t� -': � ' IasUUm�ij muy Oe sold a�te or mote otmes cvit�out prior aotioe w BomPwrer A sate aiay resudt iu a ch�ag�s in tche enlity -_ ---- ---- <br /> �<4_ �,;�:� ([caown as the°Lean Servicer")t�t collems maati�iy paYmen�s due uuder the Note aas�ttis Security insa�ten� Thee alsfl <br /> z,'�'��m,_!f� may be ona ar moYe c,�angea of t�e Lo�u Servic�i untelated to a'sate of the ivote. ff t6ere is a cinange�of the Loan Se�vicet. --------- <br /> -..~, � ,�`�� .• {;'�. <br /> 1;: ��^�°•• '� B�muwu given wriuen notice of the chaage in sooaidance with parggraph 14 ahove and applicable law. �e aottc� <br />�.;;. :��.. �" s.+� w�l state the name and addres4 of tlfanew Lvan Serviser and the address ta which paymenta shautd be made. 7he aotice w�7J <br />',,.� ,,,_. �� alQa cnniain any otber infomta�on ze9��Y$PPUcable law. - — <br /> j-;:� !.a <br /> >.: ����;�... <br /> � ;�..:.{�s,�.��,,;.,�s,Y< ?A. Hs:�ratou9�a3ssiaReQS Botrower shsl)aot cause or pamii the pieseac�,us�disposal,stofagc.or release of any — <br />�., - - <br /> ' ��;�`_'.`;r::'',;i��+`. Hazardaus Sa6stanoes on or iu che Property. 8orro�er shaU not du.aor,nllow anyone els�to do.anytivag�ffectiuS the = <br /> ` ;��.::.' ; . . Pmpezty tbnt is in violatiau of any Envimnraenmi Law. 'ilte preceding two senteaoes shaU nai apply w t�e pmseaoe.�or =_ __ <br />'.'' p ;��, � - •.�' . '',:: si�tage 4n We Pcogerty of smaII quantities of Hazardous Substances that aie gea;erally necogm'r.zed to hs aP�rapriate to normal _----- <br /> ��.=-*•,�i���tt- msIdBntial uses ead w maintenance of t�e P�og�ty. <br /> ,��.;Y�:.,..;�,-�:�ti,>-�:� . . — <br /> �';:k}�;��;•°;'�,:{s*;� Botmwez shall promptiy give Lender v�rItten notice of any ipvesrigation.ciaim.dem�d.lawsuit or oth�r act�on bY�Y <br /> .`�5��1�F,`�" '' • gavanme.mal or re�ulatory aS��S+at Pn'��P�Y invoIving ttis Froperty.and any Haaardous Sabstaace or.F�vironmental ._-_ _ <br /> '; . ,: I,ay� of whictj Bamawec has actuat knawledge< If Bo�wer learns,or is notified 6y any goveramentat or icgWatotY ` __ -- <br /> •..,;-: <br /> .� <br /> � a�thoriryc dtat ang remaval or other icmediation of any Hazardops Sub§tanoe affecKing the Pcoperty is necessary.�arrawer � , �=- <br /> � _� , ,.;'.•.:' - <br /> � •�; . . ...';-;::�- ---==-.�. <br /> . .�r s h a ll I�P�Y rake all n�e s s az y rettcedial actions in a000ndartce with Environmental i�w �_`=;--- <br /> � ., . . ., ; --�-.-.--- -�-----As-us . . .� 1A,�dm��uhstanr�."_.2�lbtt��db��e_s_d�fined ai te�xic or hazardous�stamoes b�r. .�_.�-:,__- <br /> ed.m.tWs atagrnph <br /> r:�:x •- <br /> � :�.,� F�vimnu[ental Law and tfle foltowing substanc�s: gasoline,lcerosene.oiher flammab2e or toxic peuuteum cts,taitic _.._..._---.- :sA-:t . <br /> - . � pesticidea and heabicides,vola�le solveats,aiate;iais cuntaining asbestos or formaldebyde.and radioaarve materials. As ��-4�:a_' _ <br /> - ' .. used in this paragrapb?A,"Eavimnmental Law"means federal laws and iaw�of the j�uisdiction wheie the Ro�r is loc�ted • ''�:-:.. <br /> . that celate to h�alth,safety or envi�nmental pmtecti0a ,t�`�r`4=- - <br />-._ '- • - NOPt-UN�ORM COV�NAATTS. Bocmwer and I.ender fiudier.covea�t and ag�as follows: - - ,-� <br /> .. . .. .. 2L Aoaeseratlon;Remedie�. I.euder sball give aotice to Borrower prtor to aeoeFeratTon PoIIawing-Hor►vwc�s . '`.�,5�• ' <br /> � 6r�aett al ranp oorens�x�nr ag�eement in tLis Secm3ty Instrament(bat no1 prtor to aa�e3eraUob ander paragrsp�17 • _ <br /> . " . � � . miless E��cable taci��vides otherwtse). 1Yie na8oe sha0 spedtjr: (a)the defaWt;N)ttta actfon reqnired to care the s '�.:'�.� �:�: <br /> .'d�f���a date,n��ess than 3�days from the date the notice is given to Borrowe�by wNc6 t�e defa�It mnst be =�s.;_., `=^ <br /> �,:•:'..;� `. . co�;��(d)Wat faitnre to wre the aefaWt oa or 6efore tl;e date specife�tn the notic��aY resWt in a�oederattaa a�� - ;: <br /> , . . ttr�s�rrsse�vred by thLs Serarity E�ament and sale oi th¢�roperty. The notfce ahaEIl f�s.ther iaforim Borrow�e�� ` . ;.{ <br /> ` � ., •� . . , the rigG3 to reWstate after acoeleratinii aad the rtght Eo 6ring o conrt acKon to assert t�e ar�r�-esisteace of a defaaI�mr • ;1•' ;` 5;� <br />- ��„{:.,<`;`': `'•:: ��.,:- ot�er defense of 8orrower to acceieratton a�d sata If tGe defaWt Ls not cared oa csr before the da.�te speciSed in � ' ��` <br /> . ;.,J.'�EM1;';:_,�• "'.'� '' . r,''��,," <br /> _ C.:�. :1... - `� �, '•4 " - <br /> � >>�,• � ��4t�e nolto�I.ander at fts optton may requfre i�c�ate payment in full oYuII s�ms s�by thfg S�y Instrn�aent . <br /> , ,f..,;�"� ., .'. . �� Itrabte law. .,� ,'{r:�.�..,�,,�r <br />- : ..,.,.. ,_ . _ _ . �pIthout farthe.r dempnd�artd may invoke fhe puwer of sale and any oth�remedfes.,�ezinitted flgr sa�sp . <br /> r�-; k, �- � .. ._; .. " <br /> , �. •[�.., i.� . <br /> ; . .,,.'_ , . 1.padsr sT�all 6e enti�Bed to collert a11 expeases incurned in pn►sving We neme�ies p�r,�ided in t6Ls paragrapb�.21, . . . ''�.,r <br /> - � incdudG�6nt aot Umited to,t+easonabie attoraeys'fees and cosfs of tltIe evidenca ,..: . " <br /> . .� t, :. ':'• . Yf i�,pow�r of saie�s iavoked,llrusQee sbaU eecoral a aoSve of default�n eacb county im�v6fe6 any past ai�`1�: . . � .� �r <br /> .::..� �,.�•; : , . . Prope�l4Y 3s tac�teil r�zd st�all mail aopies olsucb notice in fhe manner prese�3bed by applicable!aw W$orrnwer aa�o� , •: ;�• :.; ; �, .' .�- ���� <br /> ::; : � � We oWer.petsctins g�dhed Dy appUra6le ta�r. 1�tter the time reqaired Dy appQlwble tuw,llrustee shaD give pnbl�e , • ���_ <br /> :t: -;„ noUce o�saZe to We peisons and in tse manaer p�escrtbed by appGcabie law. �ustee,without demand on Borra�we�� <br /> • �, ` ' � s�seD the Property at pubUc arace�n to the h�est btddcr at the ttme pnd place and sauder the terms designatedi�., , �: ` .�� ��� <br /> h' <br />-��:;' ;= :��,: ' th$notEce of st�le in one or more p�u�9 and iin any or�ler 1lrustee determines. 7tastee�g�sosipone sai2 oteli or�s�, . :, s �' <br /> _ '� � � � � � pan�el of the Property by publlc a+�a�nric�mentat the ttme and place of any prevfoasl�r�uled sate. i.ender e��` '" ` �`�� � <br /> " �::�: . „-. ' destgaee maY Purchase the Propertg at aay sa��: : • , � ' : . . •r� -;�;'� '`�� <br /> '`" °, " ' „ , ' Upon�+eoeipt of payment of the pr�ce bi�,�ee sha0 del�ver to the purc6aser 7lvstee's d1r��nnveyWg the �'�.� • • °•: <br /> i:r,� • . � . . =��'�Is±''' <br /> ��`''' �•• � Prope3ty. 7'he redtats f�the 1lrostee�deed s4m�C�prima Pade evideace oP the trut6 of t6e state�enade ther�tn. • '�''�''` <br /> :�;.,..:,..•. .. ' .. � .,,._...�:,.�..- <br /> � .>.�:;,�;_..:`•.' , 7lracie�s3�all apply the praceeds of We sate in the following ar�er: (a)to all eosts and ex�enses of ex��rising the p�caas. ��t:.".'�'''� ::r` <br /> _ , �.,�� � . , <br /> ..1,' .. . ' . . . .. . . . <br /> :-- i4f•;(,'._ `... �.•K•, . - . _ _' � , -- � ,- ..,,_ ' . . . . <br /> � <br /> _ �, � �:jf;�,;, , : . �� .' . ' . .. <br /> . _ ,?;�;'s; .. . _ , . _ . .. <br /> _^�:' �. - - - ' , . . � . • <br /> ���'�;ti{ , ��• . ' ' <br /> ' ' ;;t't 4?�; <br /> , '�, ' � �`'�'°1�.�'' , . . <br /> . • 'ti;�: . . .. . <br /> , t ' � i:l�`3. . . . . . . . . . . .. <br /> - �'I�.'�..y' �� -l��ll.! . F i l'+'r��...ww+�.��w . . . <br /> V_ e�FC. :i.�; �.:, r��"'..+-..�'''�7'T''�.....,�.-twt,'1,7�r�' - - . . . ....'��''�'r"r3m";?"'' - _ • °t '?•�fssT.iT' .tt �,;. � - . . . � . <br /> • ;t�.r >.t:� � . „ �.� ',: .. , -;'� .. "^�:Y��;,�, �, ! ,..t�,� � � <br /> ii - .'J;vj�`�- .'rt�l . , ,�il1 . .� , ; `r]pi, ?i;^;t. . ,��;�'��iAt,'.. :i����:\ '{�(1. �t_�, ._.t. . . <br /> `�.�, �(l.':'';�'� �'';f.,f(�" . , ��•d:, �. �, ,`r�• �� . 'A,,,,,f,.�:� � � v��h} , :� . . <br /> � .Pil�`�p:i�` f�li 5ti't�'. '♦ � ;`('1.'^li:7 ' � ` ' - . _ �!�{ }r �t�t ���lfi��'�ii),1,� � +�'r`••'; . . � , <br /> �i:• .� .r,� ' !r�qtiE� 'j'.,(}Ci:• ;�1,:•;�:' .i � • 1 t �i � . Yt ��c� � !t i< ir�t� , ' . . • <br /> . a. ..c;. .,%h•:;Si(�: .. 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