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<br /> . , . y. . �. _ .a '. _
<br /> .
<br /> . • •
<br /> .
<br /> t
<br /> .
<br /> . , .:� ; � , �v:-_.�: ,.. . _ r� .. -
<br /> . . �t.'� �t1�k�' --- _, . — —
<br /> . .
<br />' '- -
<br /> __::�� i---_ . . — - , ,- . . ..`< . '< ,. ' , ` 4 t < ' . `. --- . —°---
<br /> i� �crr4A-t�! r' � ' . ' . . .. •. ` :�,.•= � '.` ���� . . r . . .; _— - -- —
<br /> ;.,,,Q,y� i, . . . . , . . ' .��
<br /> .___— __ v —� , .; _ . .. �_ �.. _, . ' . � .. ' ��� .. . . � _ ' � .
<br /> � . .. � caridemnatt�s ar ot�Cer ta�cing of any part of the Fr�fperty.;or fas¢anveycnoe.in Iieu of cafidemulat(on,aro�by assig�ed attd . ' t
<br /> -- -- . : <<s$aD 6e yaid�o Lertder. , � . . , � -
<br /> - , . , Irt tIie ev+��f a tatal miring of dte'Pt+oylcrty�tlse proceeds shall be applied ta ti�e�urns seci�mti by this Secarity : . . --
<br /> — — Tnsn�aneht,cvhethee or nat thea diie.with siny cXcess,Pafd tA�o�wer. In the�vent c�a p�ul�Ctn�oY the�icoperiy in
<br /> = ------- --i t `v,rhiclf th�s fair market vati�af t�e Pcoperty€mmediatety b�fore the taging is equai to or g�atcr d�t�Q�councof the�ums- —
<br /> -"y�_--- � � � seeiu�t 6y etris Sec�ity�.Inswment immecfiaiely before the mktng.�tess Bo�wer and Londer mfterivise agre�in writirig; . --
<br /> -=�` th��u�s sea�red b�t6is Se�nricy Ins�unent shall be nduced bp the u��ount..of tpe,prbceeds m�itiplied by the�ollowing ,
<br /> � . . :.
<br />_-" '°t'=��:v�:.->,: �actiaa (a)th�toFal e�nnmmt o f t8e swtts s e c u r e d i m m e d lute ty b e fore t 4�t u l c ing.div I d�d bp(b)t he fair tn a r k e t v a tue o f t he . _--__----
<br /> i�. 4 t��.—F--..�"`� -- ' � - -�PIap2Tfy ffi�&t�jt b¢�2 t�te t8fi�ji& A41jt 6�3tf�5�131� °�...°�f0 HQTfOlY¢l. II!th£�Yetit 4�8�tflZCl�g�lT�'�• . . _ - --_
<br /> � ;' �' `'- property in.wdicL tBe fair�ket vaitte of the Ptope�ty imm�diately before the.mklnh is[ess thatt the amouni of the sums —
<br /> .�,��
<br /> -; ..`,;;_.._..���-Y. secured imme�iately before ti�taking,unless Boma►ver and I.eader ot�erwise agm�in writing or uniess applicab2e lavi_�• - ---
<br /> �•='-::;i::... �-". otiterwise pmvides.the proceeds shall he applied tu the sums secured by 3his Sec�uity instrumznt�vhether or not the.stYms sue ---
<br /> . ;�,'t��:.; . . . -
<br /> : then due. � .
<br /> .:�+: _ , tf the Property is abandoned by Bomnwer,or.i�after noEice by Lender W Barrower that th�tnndemnor offers to nQake _
<br />= F � sq���or settte a claim for damages.Borrower fails to rrspand to l.eader within 3�days after che date the natice is given; ---
<br /> �"".��- �{� Li�cci'u�t-is,authorize�ta collect and appl}r dte ptnceeds,at its uptiun,either tn restaratian or repair of the Froiserty or to tlte _ --
<br /> ���`�"r-�r�,,�-+ . ;;� 63►diis Sec�uit�r in�scmen�whether or Qot then due. —
<br />�S. � �+� ��` �z 4�; ` 1�L�t�'•and Bomow�er otherwise agree iu writing,any applicution of pnaceeds w priacigat shal�not extend or ____�._._.Y_ ____
<br /> �,#� •:.�:u��,.;..::;�:;���,� ` P��;t���of the moathly payments ieferred to in ParagraPhs 1 and 2 or change the amoum af sirch payrneuts.
<br /> �; ';r•;-,_._�'S�<.•„-. ` � � - '��`,��'-�nt Relea�ctD;Fprbearaaoe By Lender Not a N�aiver. Extensian of the time far paymeni or —
<br /> S;�a�•:-ri'sbc�':3?,� � . r...;_. --
<br /> tF ina��f`arffortization of't6e sums secured by thls Sewrity instrumenF g�anted by L�ader tu aay suocessor in mreixst ---
<br /> .:• ''u'i��. �" ` :"`•� of��iei shail not operate to�tease the lia6ility of the orig�aal Borrower or Bomower's successois in interes�I.eader � =-:._•
<br /> �. '�F.r.`�". . _ . � . �u�.iaW_—. __
<br /> r �'::�,;;�:tt,,;��.,, :"` , s�aJil:�ii�f De�q�ri�ed to commenc�pmseedings against any successor in interest or refase to extead time for.payment ar �:;L,-j�N`:
<br /> ��r, zse modify amorti7adon of the sums secured by this 5ecuriry Instn�meat by season of any demand made 6y the original h__-
<br /> . ,- ;'`. .
<br /> � ,,.,;.:r :,� �i _:,7�' � JC OE[� Q6 �7C 8 ' ��` _
<br /> ' ''' , � ,.;:;..;���t ��OJ � SUCCCSSOTS� tIIICi2S[.
<br /> ce by Lender m e e�cising any rig6t T,
<br /> �r, .. ,. .. ... . ...; _"'i'.'��." ""_"""""_' .._. ._'_"_."' '_" _._..._"' . " ""'_"—""'_—_"'____""""_"'__._ r-,�`1
<br /> B�ro��s ui : Any focbea�an ' edy shall x
<br /> . -.1��� ,�b#or�piecindeth��ezenciseof-a�y-rigiitor-remedy -- - � .
<br /> _ .�•• - " '''.`s ` �:Suecesossand Assi�ps Bound;So�nt and Seve�a!Ua6iltty;Co-sigQers 'tl�e coven�nts and a�eements c��dtss � �.Y_;-•.{°----_------
<br /> ,;;�.,.; g . ,.��^.
<br /> • � ��uument shaU bind and benefit the successois and assigns of.Lender and Borcower.subjecs to the prov'�ia�ms�� . � �irn _--
<br /> � l7.$wsower�s covea2sits and agt+eernxn�s shall be joint and several.My Borrower who co-signs tfis�aa�' � �`�.�s
<br /> • •� '�" :� • (.I�'.lent but dt�#?at execate the Note: (a)is casipiing this 5ecurity Instnicnent onIy ta martgage,grant and caa«�d�fi.nE �:�E
<br /> -- .. �` ' �f`�'° ti;:.:..°: Borruwer`'s in'.�;:i�the Property under the t�em�s of this 5ecurity Insuume�.(6)is not personaliy obli�ae¢dto p�y.tY�"�,'.'..,:�:",:,'�:`:�, :;;��.:�:�.«
<br /> � ,. `; se'cured by.this`As��}r Instrument;and(c)agrees that l.ender and any other Borrower may ag�e to e�a�,modi�y,fa;"�,j ', ��, f.r,�S� "�
<br /> ' t��yt�sJ� " ' 'or mai�g anY�c�a.,�odations with regard to the teims of�this Security L�swment or the Note without tfi�at @ednoar�'x , E . �
<br />� 1S�r�����i��". 'COf.5�6�:.� t� . �S r , ` :r� �'f� a .
<br />- 4 :��: �L;;� :j�:'.,f [4 1�'a::.: '' � 4 . :
<br /> � ��:7 t�.���';��ar.�cc. I E t h e l a a a s e c u i e d b y t h i s S e c u ri ry I n s t m m e n t i s s u b j e c t.t e a l a w w h i c h s e t s�a�u c��i�s�s�a-� , ,. , :
<br /> � _ :.` f , : :,° ci►aii��s,and tl�(��fina4y interpreted sa titat the interest ot other toan ch�uges witecxed ar to he rno��ia co:.:�'C� ` �t'�
<br /> � ' with the loan exc�dte pecmitted limits,then: (a)any such loan charge shall be reduced by the amount sc�essary to.igduce �•'�S• ' " ' ° �!"'� • '°� --
<br /> . - the��arge to the pesmitted limix and(b)any sums already coUected fmm Bormwer which exceeded petmitted limiFs��:!i be ' ' � ' ��"
<br /> , �•�R:�.I�%',.t.(ri i �•/ .. '.
<br />- '.•.`...;t`;;�,,,`;5� .`':,::•'%�:' ` ref�ded to Borrower. Lender may chaose to make this�+efund 6y r+educing the principaf owed under the Note or by u��a a ��%� •'� " _
<br /> "�``.�'F�'�r,!-`�``' � d' ent to Borrower. If a refund redaces rinci al.the mduction wilt be urated as a urtial n n ent w����;a �`� �''� '
<br /> ' .����, � ,, s.f. .�,� � ,rT�� P p P P P Ym Y `;i�+�'•;�� .
<br /> ---- � T t i ;rr t r , ' ���CiiT C�T$C WIdCT 121@�Of@. .... : f' � 1::
<br /> • 10. Notices. Any notice to Borrower pmvided for in this Security Inswment shall be given b�deliveririg it'or by ` `��. '"' "`�
<br /> � mailin �t b fust class maii untess a licable law re uires use of unother method.The notice shall be dire�cced to the Pro e �.:� c`i
<br /> S� Y PP 9 P nN ..;�s,, �
<br /> . . . Addn;ss or any other address Borrower designates Dy notice to Lendet. Any notice to Lender shuU be given by�irst class �:'';•!�:�� .:�� ;,
<br /> .. mail to Lender�s address stated herein or any othcr addrcss l.ender designates by notice to Borrower. Any norice provided for ;`:'';�,,�1�;�;�'� . �;�
<br /> in tlzis Securiry Insuument shal!be deemed to have been given to Borrower or Lender when siven as provided im this `:;!{�„ f •�� ,��
<br /> � .' • P�B�Ffi• .. . :'���,� '�t�,,��s:�
<br /> .. -: •
<br /> • . ,.. .. •
<br /> � ' '�"' ;; .. ' ;Sever�611t . 71iis Security Instrument shaU 6e govemed by federal law and the!aw of th'e �.��,.-��"���
<br /> .. .,. .
<br /> ; ,� �; ,... ,.. ,:�, --
<br /> lS. Gover��.aw ty
<br /> . •. . jeirisdicuon in whi:�tfie Property is tocated. In the event that any pmvision or claase of this Secuaty Instrument or the Note • :`,°.�✓ �_�
<br /> .. ' "� . ,�;:!.i•� _
<br /> .�` ����� _ cor,�'�►sts with applica9le law,such conflict shall not affect other provis'sons of this Security Instrument or the Note which can �•,,:,;•� •;.,�. c. -_
<br /> . ' ;',,; y�i+�;;=:'�:: ` • . . Q�y�:v+�effect�vithout ihe cai�iictin�provision. To this end the provisians af this Security instrument a'nd the NatL•are , �s��/, .��
<br /> , �` �!��,'.�._:'.'. '� ��str�+3�to be seyerable. � �. �•, , '�
<br />- ' ; ;.E�.�$'orsawe�'�Co�y. 8orrower shall be given one confomied copy of the IVote and of this SeCUrity Instrumer.�;�:....', • ' ,`'.�.. -
<br /> ' � ��S� Tra�a�,ic8t,d4e Property or a Beneficial Interest in Borrower. If all or any paR of the Property or any inteitist in �°:�rr�.�?�'-'.:,
<br /> . . � - ' � .' it is sold or",r�ris:��;:(or if a bene6cia!interest in Bormwer is sold or transferred and Borrower is not a natural petson) .' - �•!;-
<br /> - _ _ ' , without Lertd�r�pr.r��:written consent.Lender may,at,iu option.require immediate payment in full of all sums secured by., ;; . ' . •,t;.•.�.,` J
<br /> � ' ' .• � , this Securiry Instmzs:ent. Hoa•e�er.�his optian shaU not be exercised by Lender if exercise is prohibited by federa!!aw 2�cf. , .:. ;. .� ' �s:4:•':"��;• , :
<br /> - � . - . tt,��•�.of this Securiry Instruczr�ci� � • . � , `:�:�:r.� .x.'•' :: ..,'
<br /> , . . , � � ,tt�...
<br /> _ , . , ' �,1�:Lendec exescises this oFsi�n,Lender shall give Borrower notice of acceleration. The notice shall pmvide a gerc��:cti� , � . ;
<br /> t ' . not less than 30 day s from the date the notice is delivered or mailed within which Borrower must pay ati suzns secured Ly this ��;�t:,;
<br /> � •• ..� � Security Insm�me�l. If Borrower fails to pay these sums prior to the expiration of this period, Le��dEe�.nay in�:o'�e any � ;3s.:�
<br /> . �. ,_ :, , . .., >;.,:,.-,
<br /> -, • � -�- � ' cemedies permitted by this Secvrity lnstrument without further notice or demand on Borrower. • � ;`;,� �� : • ,• �t•
<br /> •' :'���`s�t;rt�>.:.'`.� . 18. Bonower's Right tm EBeinstate. If Borrower meets certain conditions,Borrower shal! have rlre'�'�?x:���•:have <<;��� . �, �
<br /> :�� . . ,�.,,�.� , ,. ,
<br /> ;,�.1�r..; �1�:,.'��'�f.:�;;:::' er,fan�ment of this Security Fres�uQnent discontinued at any time prior to the earlier of: (a)S days(or su�=li,�ri��:��PC;od as .,���,'-r��� . ;;
<br /> � , .- ,. �. , •• , .
<br /> t +�� ;� '' � . . , Singie Camily--Fannte MedFteddit Mac UN160RI11(l�STRIiMEK'P•-Uniform Co�•enantc 9rYiG r�•r;,N4 njb yag�s) ' . �'�;'
<br /> �y,i�:
<br /> , ;, , �: � ,� ,
<br /> � • +c � � � _ . �` !}��4;�;
<br /> �. �i ��jj)���r.l, Ii ' . ' _ ' ' .,r��..i�:• ; ���•�
<br /> :. ��V�''�( . . - t � , . .
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