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<br /> — —. ±�-SI"�'aLH�$ � . • . , �' � � OF�O` � ����� ,` . . _—
<br />- -- - -- 19.TP8A9�i�0��2 PD6j}g�¢y OA 8�>��A6�CSR�YEtxC1Y��D�fllRY1Si'�A.If a�� part o�rhe Pmp�ty or anyr int�rest iit it.:..�
<br />__ - -_ :� I�aotd oa transfemd(or if a benefccial�tvreat:in�Bannwer is sa��l car tr�r.sfem�l;��nawer is nai s natur�peeson)arithaut ,
<br />--_ =--_— --_ ;.I.endt:r'� prtor wrItten cunsent. Leadci�may,,at.ics a�tign. m4uifc immz��e�;��nt in'full of all.snms secured by t�is .
<br />--_ _ - _ . '.��,vrity Iastnuaant.However�this og�i�tnshali�nni he exercised&j��t:¢�tEar iPe��s pmht'bited by federal law es Q€the clate '
<br /> � -- �af t9�s Security instrtnrxni. �. ., � , . , . �
<br />��� _ � ' If Lender eaercises this opdnn,I.�d�r.sllal!give�nsrawer cxucas of aoc��ion.�e a�tice s�at��ravide a periad of nat.
<br />=-:� , tess chsn 3U days from the data the a�tft�z is.deJivec�ad or maiEed:nytt3n whist�;�3arnuwer mnst Pay speros seeared tftis
<br />� Security Irtstrument.If Borrower fuils to�pt►y these sums prioi to ttia�expiratin�e o�`?t�is period.LenQer m�y invoke aay_remedees . ---
<br />_�''� , 'pstmitsed by this 5�utity L�strument,�i�furt6er nuScc or d:ts�r►t�on Bflmow�a. . . -
<br /> � ;� P,-�- ' 18. bE�r�ro�v�'s Rtgdit�'o'R�it4t�ats.:IP Eurroever �ets aa¢ain oand9rians. $orrower shai�6ave the fiight w 6ave
<br /> <;_ - � � ei�farc�t�ti of itfis Seaui�y'iiisi€#utt�tt;discontinued at any iiFm proor to ticc c�lier of: (a}5 days(ors�rch ather p$riod as� �- - -- .
<br /> `�. ` , z°`�_�, '. applicable!aw may speafy�fo��atem�nt)�beforn sate of tts�FroP�Y P�'siia�t to any power of sate coatained i�this . - -_ --
<br /> . ��`"'�4<=� Ses�rity Insuument;or @)enu3+of�,`a�{'ii dginent�enforcing this S�warity insdua�s�.','�lfose madilions are tbat Bonower:(a)PaYS ` ---
<br /> '�.�'�'r" i.�nder a l i sums w h i c h theu wauld li��di�e under this --
<br /> _-< Serurity Irssuuaeeut amcl.t�.ivote as if no aoceteration Aad oocurned;{6) --
<br /> . cures any default of any other coveY�ants or agreeEt�ents:(c}Fa)b aU e�eases i�aed in enforang this Serurity It�suumear,
<br />�:ti,. - __-- iaclu�ing,but nnt timated w.reasa�llt�auome�s'fees.and(d)tsk�s s�c�actiorri.2's Lender rnay reasoa�ehly zequine w assure . . . . — -
<br /> .• =� � � that the lien of Wis Seauity Inst�ucu$nt;.�.ender s rights in tibe Ptap�rty at�d Borrtirver's obtigat{on to pay the sums secamd by • -
<br />_ .� �";:'�r-.�Y. t&is Sec+rrity Instrument shall ooiltiitue•unchangea. Upo� reat�ctete�c�t bp Btlrrower. tius Seeurity InstruAient and tbe� � — -
<br /> - �,. '�`'1,�;, ebligations secured hereby s6all remtan fuliy effective as ii no aa�eradon ksd oocurnd.However,t6is r�g�it to czinstate sball � ----
<br />- Y``s;.:«.::.:.:::..:.:...� nat apply in the case of soceletaiin�l�und�r paragrap� 1?. . : , , `�—
<br /> . � 19. Sale of Not�Ci�ange o�L•astr Se�vtcer. The Note:oT a partia! i�t�r,�E ia.tlie Note(together with this 3ecarity ' _-==-
<br /> .�• `� .������r Iasuument)may be sold one or mose times withaut prior notice ta Bnrmwer.A sal�naay resWt in a cUange in t�e entity(lmown
<br />- . �•T�,�..;`.�r�;s 1�,�; as t6e°i.oaa Sepvicer")that oolledc manthtY RaYm�ts due nrnd�er.tt�Note ated thi�Security Instrumeat. 7�ere also may 6e erce � � -- -
<br /> � ti�' ' � � '� or more changes of the Loan Servlaer:unnelated to a sate of the Ao1e:If t�re is a ciiaage of the Loan Servicer,tt�'a��ver w�l�e �
<br /> - x ' ,," �iven written nfltice of the ehange�in accordance with�taragrap�.t�i�abnve msd aprplii��abte laar.The notice w�g scat.�t:5e name and . , ::`, �'�r �.�--
<br /> : �. �"� ` j`� address�of the m.w Loan Servioan and'tiie address to which payln:r�ts shauld 6e�t3ade.The nuace wili alsa cvi�ain any atf�� . ��:,t�'� �'r _----
<br /> �'„fy_..' . ' °�;.:_. , infom�atioa uiredb licabl�law_. �•�;'s��'��• 4��,;. +o���-=-----
<br /> � y� " � .;�.��4 ��.
<br />_ .:=-t-�+`"''�'r:;, . 1A_H�zardous�nbstnnces:.8orrower shall.notraase..or�{�m�it.the.preseni�er use�dispasaL. stosage�or-release-of��-;'::` ;:< � ` ,'���
<br /> ,,,., - ---- ,-• �, =-
<br /> •� Hazazdous SuTostances an or in:;the�Ft4perty. Borrower shail raat dn. nor a�foru.!.anyane else co do. aaythiag affecting.th� � ' :,,.' `p��`" _
<br /> 'x r�.' Pcopeny tGat is in violation of any Environmental Law. The pr�uading two senE�oes shall not apply to the presen�. use. or `�.,�,,� .-
<br /> - storage on the Property of smd[Ifqµantities of Hnzardous Substan�c that are g+zne�ally reoognized to be apprnpriate to noma�l
<br /> ma .'�'. --
<br /> , . . .' residential uses and to maintenanaa of the Rroperty. : `
<br /> �---r'�•�-r���;-•-� � Borrower shall promptiy�ire L'ender written noiice of any imr�estigation.cla�in,demand,tawsuit__or other action by.any -' `��:�T�
<br /> .. g � rY 8 aY P� A�l+ � S F�rtY Y �,�
<br /> ';;..�,'; .,; ;;5.<�'' ovemniental or lato a en ar �a�e mvolvin th$Pro and an ��Ia7ardous Sabstance or Eavironmental Law `��: '-� _
<br /> ..� < . of which Eoriu�verhas actual kno�Yl Tf iiorrower teams.oris matified b ' � •'��•.'`�
<br /> ; - '; �:�: �: � y ao�govemmental or regulatory autftority,that
<br /> . ,. •, �:;..' �., aay removaf ar ather t+emediation.of anyr Na7ardous Substance aftaxing the PropeatjF is necessary,Borrower shall prompdy take '�'`;'='�`�" �'
<br /> " ��t � � a11 necessasY�edial actions in�accardiu�ce with Environmerital Law. ' ,�?
<br /> a .•.
<br /> -" - As used ffi#�is pa:8grapHi20i,"iiuzttrdous Substances"are thos�substa�es ffefined as toxic or hazandons substaaces ay '`"-����• •
<br /> , �':.,;,� Environmental;�.^w and the ftitlawing substances: gasoline. kera�e�. other flai�m�able or toxic petroleum prodacts. trixs`;a :;�:'� ;;
<br />_;,.. :-'r;:; . pestIcides an�fi�+:l:iicides,volatilb saivents,materials containing asb�uss or forma�d�hyde.and�radi�active mr�terials.As usai:f� �
<br /> mt
<br /> -. , :�=�' this paragrapf�,3�Z; "Ernironmentul.tuzw' means federai taws arxf latn�s of the j�t�'sdiction where the Property is lucated tiat
<br /> • . , relate to healtb,safety ar envirnnmental:pmtection. � "
<br /> ' . • • , NON-UMFORM COVENA1�i7�S.Bamowcr and Lender fiusTerr oovenant aoid agree as follows: ' ' _ .
<br /> , . • Zl.A�celeration;Remettt�:L'ender�shs�li give iiutice to$�r�uis•er�ertm�to.aooeleratlon follo�sictg Borrower's breac6 � - �-'
<br /> 9
<br /> . . ' •, of any covenant ar ag�znent:ih�this 5ecurity Instrument (tivt raot �rioc to�acxeleret�on undes paragraph l7 unless . . �.
<br /> , °` appllca6le laaro.���[des othem���o}:�e not�ce shpll s�secify: (a)tim defaonGd;(/�)the actton required to cvre the detault; .. t;"M..
<br /> � . ��'. (c)a date,a���than 30 dttyx ttnm tha ds�te tEte naifce is gi��ea to Bnrro�verx by which the default must be cured;and ' ��'�'�•: '.�
<br /> -.. , (d)t6at faile�i�to cure the•dt�ault�omor heYore th�date sp�twded in the�oi�ce may resalt in aoceleration of the sams _ `•. :=,�t}'_ ,;.
<br /> _ . - . secured b t�nis Securi ln►4tument�and sate ot the FFo "'�^�•4
<br /> Y 1y �rty-. �e nottce s9oali further inform BorroRer'of the right to :.:���a.,:��4��
<br /> , �•. reinstate a�Cer aoceleration.andithe right to bring a court ac4ion to assert tite.non-existeace of a default-or an oth�x ' .
<br /> Y � .,4���=�
<br /> , : �r f defence o8�e�ntirer to svo�Jhratfun�and sale.IB t9te detault is ncet eure�mn �t before��.3e spedf'aei;r in the notice, � , .
<br /> , . Lender,a�."tiCs.�:�tlon, may,�quiie tmmrr�late pay�uent in fu1!'of itl0 sutoos�b� t133i�!�rity instruineat witlrout i,, : �e� -:
<br />.�� :; :e;, f='� fwKher d'e���and may imake ttte po��er af sate and an�oitxa�is�nedies p�s,�;sa:ul b,a , �r'�'F �
<br /> . y �itrable law.Lender shaQ.be ,r ,
<br /> � ,�tled w ivu4ect all expensc�ihcumed in pursuing tT�e remedies pror•ided i�1�{�ragraph 21,inclading.6ut not limited ,
<br /> ta ra
<br /> f ' �•' ' � `tu�.;�easonable attomeys'fcas at:d'casts oi tttle evidence. , r�, .
<br /> '.'�°r��;' :�� �' If ttie power of sale ts,invokedl Tnrstce shall record a n�iice of defaaall in each county in wtilcDi apy part of the ' .' ;:•°?:n';j�'^�
<br /> •• • •.•• � - • Property is paeated and shaillmutiienpi�c of such natice in/hr manner pressrlbed by appltqble law to Borrower and to .';�j.a. � ;.-�
<br /> �• the oiher�OSTSrc�prescribed�6y,appitcable law.Atter the time Trquired by aQ�pticable fa�r,Trustee shall give public aotice • ' �:%�;f"�'�'� ��==�`
<br /> . ,�����.�; .
<br /> , . _ aSsale to tihs pnsons and in�tHe manncr pt�sc�ibed by appltrable la�ti•.Trtastee,without demand on Borrowev,shaN sell - � - � • �
<br /> ' �,i�ll�-�srt;k-a4 pnbllc auctti�mtu�t[tn hi�hest bidder at ihe time antl ptace aaod under the terms desJp,nated in the no4tce of
<br />_ . � . . � �Ge ilRS'v�e ear more parcefs.aad�in�any order Tnistee drtermincs.Trvstee�eaay postpone sate oP aU or any parcel of the � �
<br /> . , �. �+g�v.irg.pubUc announnement�at the t[me and ptace of an�,previonsly �thedufed sale. l.cnder or its designee may : '
<br /> .. . p1�e�chase�+iP�operty at any sal�.. � p:`„'n�;:. .
<br />. ', , ..,lyt' � . . ' 'i<t(•iJ:� .
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