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<br />_�3_•�f F r � �,� "' �`�QIIOWC[�) �B[IU5'I22 t9 � '� ., - ' �...�,.
<br /> ,0 ,.�����..: .. ��AWSST BANtt N$BRASEt�I. NATIOtlAL ASSOC7AfiY0N . ' ' � •'��"�'•-°
<br />- ''`',...;;,�`ss:,r,;� �:: . .. . . .. 7. , . . . . . .. __ --
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<br /> ':} ��' - `�l:tii � . . ���—MT—w�t P.{7��rit �i . .-�t.: . . ., . . .. . . .. .... .... _.. _ - � _
<br /> �„ � , l7L '—.�
<br /> _;�'"� � .," 1ZORW8S'!G SQtNbt N$BRASRAs NA'DIaZF� ASSOCIATIOIJ . , s . " . .. _�---
<br /> �� . which is oigamzed'and eatsting ander the,latiVs of �g�g� . � �. .and whose , , r,. ' "."m
<br /> ;�, .,. , asjd?�ssis �__---
<br /> . ' 202 SdSST:THIittJ�y GBgNb �SLAI3D. I�J4�•KA „ „ �; :., .. . "
<br /> ��, - � , �( Lender ji Atminiwcr owes Lender the princifral sum of. -
<br /> ' . .IKiY.�...�:_
<br /> ..Y ,, . .. ,, .'{'��.�.�I� ` '.' � .•�. . . .� .. . _.
<br /> �� •';`: fn)•�` � {tl�t --
<br /> , � :;�� �so�. ssvaa Hux��n.�.� arm� rro`�c�errs�r►�� no»�cv.s.$�5.750.oa*� �� � ,�,, �.
<br />�,� � � ,;:`."'f�«`r£�t is ei�id�6;�! by,.Barrower's note d�ted t6e same date as �liYs Securitg Instrument("1Vofle"),wluch provides fot'�,, . ,.`�
<br />=��`�' - :;�;�'�if 3siy PaYments,with th��1.�t,if not paiz�+ear[iest due and payable on. AP.RI�.�.�S. l939•�'��Yi4" * . . 1 �j e��-
<br />_`'� • �'� ':;dj5.i.c;�arurity Instrume�secstln:�tari.ender:(a)dle rr�r-tr�t of the debt evidenoed B�r�l7;�;iV'ote.witf�interest.and all renewels. ' t a;�����
<br /> ;rX � `. '�`,� extensions and modi5cations���3te Note:,(b) tS�z.' �cr�Yaf ali other sums. with i.tsF�r�st, advanced uader L T w i �—
<br /> t ' �,_ .. p3t3�l3p 1 ,. I?� ";'!
<br />=S�l.; : . �,� ..'.',�, ptrotect the serurity of this Seaifity Instru�•:yu��lc�the perfonnance of Borrower's covenaats:and a�reements. For tfiis. ,. •':.;:±;�:._
<br /> U� � :' .
<br /> z Y �� � � -.� �gnse�Borrower irrevocabiv�rpx►ts and caa�i,�js,to Tcustee. in trust, with power of saIe,the fioD'ovsing described property .. • . �
<br /> �� S. . .,��,��n �,L Couaty.Nebraska: .
<br />- � �.,:;.
<br /> ' ::�•,. . :" � ; ,
<br /> '�i � ,:.. " . . . i-, .
<br /> ` � '11S,L OF FiiACTIONA����f3T 5, IN FRACTION9I, 9LOCK 7, ARNOLD 1�T.,�.CE, CITY OF GRAND�Y5�flAIDs , ' �`=
<br /> �'i:r !.,.. ' •' NEBRASRA� AND ITS COMPLE��ST BBIDTG l�l+j. O�;�'� PART OF IAYr 16,'�Q�3�3TQ..,;.', . s `_
<br /> , .. '`;� , '��EIALL (xiill3�Ys ,�
<br />-av�'d � .•_..a_! e. : ..:_u :. ' ,
<br />-�''T;. • ' ' � ,.SIIBDIVISbJ�7 OF T� SE3b OF THE SW3L OF SECTIOIi 16, '�ii*aSII� I1 T�IO&T8, RAi1GB .9; WES3.':,;�- ' ,
<br /> , t •;�.,
<br /> ; r u�•�: • ��,�.,�"•, ° . , .!�F THE 6TH P.M.. 1L4ING NORT� OB DIVISION STRL�f.+T'tu�ll''�'T�F WASHINGTdN STRE$'t'i. IF •. ,,.. : ' �-
<br /> � � °�..��•;f l��`. . � ` � ' FORMIIJG ON8 PQLL LtIT 66 FEET ON DIVISION STRBET AND A�,'ZZ'�is� A FRONTAGE OF 1�'i�ET ODi '
<br /> • ��. ���1... _ .....'�.� ' . . .
<br /> �`�f : ,;���}�, .�; �'1'�'' ` � WASHIIJGTON STREET IN SAID CI7,'Y OF GItAND ISLAND, BALL C(�III3TY.�NBBRASRA. � � . �' .
<br /> ,i, ,
<br /> �,�` :,,;r ; . �:�;i _ , � • • � . � . . -. ..•-- . •.,r .
<br /> _ �r :'-.. .:'}� .
<br /> � ...�t��i�l::. ,�, •�, . - ._.
<br /> • .`'`'`` , ' wRiah has the address of !IZ2 W DIVISION C�ND ISLANI) ����'�'n�' . .
<br /> �� �'! ' l�c-tse�ska 68801 ("Pro�ertY Address"1:
<br /> '�`:,•'i'� ;�� � (z�pc�a:l .;
<br />_��?y; :_ - :': �;
<br /> - TOGE7'NER WITH all the improvemertts now or hereaftcr crected on the propeny.and oll easemenu,appurtenances,and
<br /> '•r '''"� "" ' finwres now or hereafter a pait of the propedy. Ail replucementx and additiuns �itaU alsa be rnvered b�� tiu.s Security ...
<br /> Re�}•" •;;s}5,.;�'
<br /> ' . [nyuument.All of the foregoing is refcrred M in this Serurity InStrument as the"Pro z,�<<>���
<br /> �• BORROWEIt COVENANTS that Barro�a•er is lawfully tiei�ed nf the cstan:here�s} c�nveycd and has the right io grant and �`�h�'�'��;<:
<br /> - rnnvey the Property and thut�he Property is unencumbered, exctpt fiir cncumbran���.�f�ecord. Borro�ver�vamants snd wi10 `i'''•'';' ,
<br /> : '. defend generally the tiUc to thc Property again.st all claims and demands.�uhjc�.ti to any encumbrana:s of remcul.
<br /> . THIS SECURITY INSTRUMENT combines uniform covenants for natianal use and non-unifortn rnvenanG9 with limited
<br /> �:; , .
<br /> �' ' � variations by jurisdiction to wnstitute�uniform se�vriry instrument mvering real property.
<br /> � � � �� UNIFORM COVENANTS.Borrower and Lender covenant and agme as follows:
<br /> '• � <+ l. P�yment of Pirincipal and lateresh, Prepaymeat and Lstte S'barp,es. Eorrower shall pmmptly pay when due thc •
<br /> � +� ' • prineipal of and intemst nn the debt evide�ced by the Note and any pnpa}ment vnd late charges due undcr the Natc.
<br /> � �_ .
<br /> �;i ±�, : . � � - ---" - � Z:Fduds for Tdxes and Iesue�nce.Subject to npplicabte taw or ta a written waiver!�y Lender. Borrower sh�ill pay to �
<br /> : �,; �, Lender on the day manthly payments are duc under the Notc,until the NTute is paid in full.a sum('Fundti"►for:la)ycariy tazes
<br /> ;�; • �,.� and assessments which may attain priority uver this Security instrument as a lien on the Property:(b)yeariy leasehold payments
<br /> �s � ���-'�' or und rents on the Pro ert .if:u► '(cl S'�rl hazard or ert in�urance temiums:tdl yearl flood insurance rcmiums.
<br /> k?•.�Y��r.` ... gr'0 P. Y Y� Y, P�P Y p Y p C
<br /> :� . •.��•-�, _, if any:(e)yearfy murt�ge msursnce prem�ums.if any:and(�any s+iir»payable by Burroa•cr to L.endcr. in:tecotdam�c tvith ,: :
<br /> :t;�},. ":.•,..• .`• ttte provisions of paragraph 8,in lieu of the payment of mortgage inaurance premiums.These item!�ate call�d"Escro�►items.' �
<br /> �;"�t .i ' ' ,� i.ender may, at any time.collect and hqld Funds in an amount no�tu cueed the m�ucimum amoun� a lender for a federally .
<br />=�'�'' :�rl'; ;;..�: '� ' telated morigage,loan may tequire for Borrow�er's escraw account under the federal Real Estate Settlemem Pn►cedurcs Act of � •
<br /> � '� r " ' 1y74 as amended from time to time. 12 U.S.C.Sectton 2601 et seq.1"RESPA").untess another law tiwt applics to the Funds t ,
<br /> ' 'r�.. .;:. ,
<br /> ;.�� ,. . „ . sets a lesser amoum. If so. Lender may.at any time. rnlicct and hutd �unds in an amount not to eaceed the lesser:unount. ` .
<br /> _-- ,�."= . --_ �cder way estin�ate the amcwnt of•Funds dur un the bs�sis o[cutsent elatss�teason�+ie estintates��f eit+enAitom�of future rt.__..,__._ .. _.
<br /> � ;� � Escrow Items or otherwise in accordanoe with appliunble law.
<br /> {. .
<br /> ; . . .
<br /> t � � '
<br /> • � NF9HASNA-Singie Famity-Fann:a MaelFreQd'ie Mae UNIFOAIYI INSTRUMENT Form 3028 9l80 �
<br /> �Nt 12T97 MT(i vrea r.�oaroaee canrd5 13�3�I938100 �s�o����u9� n,�i oi s = . _ ,p��a 5191
<br />