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<br /> '.� �. _ ��inl T S_
<br /> �Z���C � ��
<br /> Y '..:'��S j aM,.�.`..',t,C._ '•t: '+� -6
<br /> r-•� � ;
<br /> , . . � � .`o.. .:.�� '� -..'.
<br /> . . .
<br /> �""
<br />��--_ .— — '-_ _ _
<br /> , ...3�: . � f ' . .��.�:• � _ �,. �5'7 I' :'.� ' • _ C±• 1 2 . _... .. - ._ _ ..
<br /> ' . 'Sd: ��Zic i �sY@'I' -:Mit;- !:_ �l, __ - . ,- . _ . _ — -- — .
<br /> ��� ��,��. ',� , � � , _ ... ,_ � ' ,��., ,,iiic�in `iu4icl��F.Murl�u�orcr}tis�fi��;tv.�A��� _ .__y�,=..�� ,--
<br /> — .. ,`�° 1't3 tii�vL•:�►ttJt��Tci Htu.0 thc samc ui�tqtne�iv�ri��„c�.as 1' ulf Uli�COl3vCy S(il()�fT�ClitiSCsi#�t����I4Jt�:'. _ . . . ."` --
<br />�.�-�u���.=���=:-=,ca ' t t , . ,
<br /> = - . ,,: � i�y�nRniS wittf�t�e Moptgagc���tiat thkhrs�ttb�bor.tias dausl ri�,lis t+�. • � : : , .,; _
<br /> - - - . . are Pree Pcd�i�r*umbran�e,exccpt ns hexi�uitri�scsrwist eeci�c�rli��r`bc�65f r��ns�aishcsalrr�$tsott b�mes��,�-:.• .,
<br /> � . ; sabic aSainst th,t�eicher in la��arf in cqu ig;ai�a1i.'aabhc��'�ng��t intcrests.Q�che Morigagor fi a�id to t{i� --------
<br /> --- _ _-- � . . atl enari�a!ngli . .. , . . , ,.:, •:
<br /> — � , �ab�vs�PSCrt6ed pre�nfses. e rescnl�>aro�ex�a����cl and�:�leiivcfcJ uPo» ll�c foStowittg¢on dit to��sc l�„�.
<br /> _ PnOViDEft ALWAVS. and thes p , .;,...: ' � � , _,
<br /> :.E�. _ .J � . ... ` � . ".,. .. �: ,
<br />�.�. �.,�_� � tsit: . . < < � �" � ��;'
<br /> �:: .y`'�j�'' . < . � .. .. ' ' '''` --
<br /> .� ``"�.� ;`��°!�:"`�� Mort a ar agrees lo pay to tiic Mort��Qtc.�or�ordcr.thc plvrc�aid primcipa!sunt+�ith,esi�crrbk;ft'or�d 8��� . -�____---
<br />-•'�"� �_ y�.� � g <<��� . cr rr�rturo t � B.SQ; .
<br /> �, �_� , . , _ < ; [� , _
<br /> � � aE, the ratc�of eight and �ne^�
<br /> �_ ` :�.', � �per.annun�.on.che�npaid balancs until.paid. Thc..aid prinasp�l,attd,intcrcs!si�att be nayabie at th�a�Ceee o ---
<br /> :.,,r:,
<br /> ;�f� �; �`=��'�' ' ``:-°a. • �D'�R 1�ASSQI. F�ANK FOR SAYIN(�S.a� Y:.�: Sos: x'9�di;.r _ ate i -_----- --
<br /> ' '-``�T�:��':.�'. ,�'' lie his,��TD1 3$101-2926 ..or.at�sueb;otE�et�ptu�as.ilta.t�a�dcrot'thenotensaydes�ga =--
<br /> - ���:._.�..���- �c»��-�= in �P in mauttilg,.in�en{lniGnl�,�f --
<br /> �.:*:s;.�_�;'-�;
<br /> ' � :�::-� .: ,�:: '-. wri�ing detiv,crccl �r m�ilet! to llte Mo�tgu8��s _-------
<br />- ' "° - `� gIPTY-F�9II AI�ID Sb/,1�0 � . .
<br />- �t`�.N--!';,f;;;�`- :; gZVE gONDRX:D . .. � .. -
<br /> • -_.. . .::�is�t�.:�.. . , , 14►9�'. ..
<br />__ _��,.:,�Y�:r;;,:.�1;;;::.;�'g � )�.cmumc��unb�un:thu. [irsc,_dnp,:uf,�." ..�une
<br /> : ��,,. .: . h� Qoll�'s (S 555.54 aid,cxceDt tl�at.i(noi saorace, __-__-
<br /> ;... .y.. „ ',�'y�, .. _
<br /> .i � ... ..�-.���.. '•.'. . ___.._.
<br /> '�-�;t:,���:: st�:� and continuing'au theRt of pri c palcandintarcs4!ait�n��t�a ai d'l��F ble v,n thr Iirs�day vF ------
<br />��:: s -.:-:�.>�.�.,.:•�x:�;,;�
<br /> :� �-��
<br /> ��` '• ` �';''4`��t• � ;all:uccar�lin$�ta ttt�tkn»s ol'a ceita�n�sron�issory notc ogcven
<br /> :: ::��. - , . P��.�final paym .
<br /> , �:f:° �� ' "� p, 2009. . ,
<br /> - �� t i,:,t �_ � � . ..
<br /> ` datc ficrcwitti cxccutcd by thc sai� Martbugar• . . t
<br /> >�s � ' ; . . The IVlortgagor Purii�er agrecs: . ��x - --
<br /> � f � � � � , ...
<br />� ._.�..:.�� �!.He/sbp.witl�pay.11tc indebicdncss,as�_I�e�nbufa�,t���'i���i�:��'vilcgc is rescrvai to Qrcpay�at any llnic. ' �sf°-�=_
<br /> ='; '�,,� � . , .. thp'eritir.c�ndebc�diic�slhsr���arf�.��iriat _
<br /> tess than the amount flt one instaltment,
<br /> _�� � • ---------- --- __W1J`[�TOIIIZ3IelIUUIII O!�C@r: - - - �-- -°-- -- _
<br /> , c f4 i 1'ix inii-shaD be-credited-an the�1a1��4'�civerD._ _y _.
<br /> `.::. �';`;� k . .� or one hundred doliar&�$Iil0.U0)�•whicliev�it .: �rB�� --__-
<br /> ti �,necd not bc creditrd unci4 thc next[ollowing i tmlI- :r
<br /> �� � �"�;�.:, °. . �nt ;on�aA:ij�stu111f��i±difa�t�ftE' •, �"�-
<br /> ',� t f��4 < . .,� . Pattial prepay�n .oth8r.:i��it � r a rt�o_ `�+�►icliever is earlicr. 4
<br /> <°. « � y°� ment due date or thirty days aftcn suaH p,�sll.Y p���,`�r . ._
<br /> ::,,;�,
<br /> .� .f.�. 1.-'�..� r..,nf...�}� :.�-.;•�:.,. � . . . .. �
<br /> �. �: �.`� .:. .:: '. ;•-��. .'°. -2:Together-�vittr and ia addltia�i t�ii�th�nthly payments oC Principai and iqtcrest ayable under thc terms - -
<br />_ P �
<br /> Qereimafter �s=t:::�..
<br /> - ° ` of the note secured haeby:Mu�tSagor rviE��p�Y ta.Mortgagee.as tru3tec.iunder ihe terms of t6is uust as- - . ,�7�.,,,.;_ '.c
<br />� � � `�``� ��. .�� �stated)on the first day oFc�h month until said aQtg 9s fully Paid: ;+.: � =`
<br /> �;��':r.�Ii. ;r:
<br /> - , . . . . (Q) A samrealual ta tiie`ground rent�.i�any,next due�plus thc premiums thnt�wil!next become due and
<br /> :;. ,,,. :. �'>,;��:`.�`:�" •' ed.,rQ A plus taxcs , � .
<br /> }: g°.:��•�` - - - � payabie on pplicies of Grc and other ha�rd insurancc covcring thc martgag g ,�� an�of w1ucK �; _
<br /> .��� �4 °� � ��ssme�i�s t�ext due on the mortgaged properta a��erc(or div'ded by the�.�of manths to . r;�,
<br /> ; ; ��i��J, `. tRe Mortgag�, �s'roti6ed)tess all sums�dY P - �,��-;���meats .'',`{;� •`:
<br /> `•t,k+r ` •';,
<br /> °'�" ` _<<���'�r :'�`�` � � . eiapse befare�m�_?�flnth prior to the d�t,�',��:sn sueh growid rents,pic�i;1,�-'�s. q� remiu�ss. . '�
<br />- - , s �� • �� Mart a eeintrusttol�;i"�a:dgti,11��. •p �+�...
<br /> .:' �vilt become deuciqaent,such�;�.�ts to be i�r�by � S � �s, r
<br />:i,;� , �__ ,....�,�--;�-��-;; c., � ,:si��� .�
<br /> •°'�' �}_,,.�.��: ., � 't taxea and spec�al assessmefit:.. ,: ,
<br /> r�;�.r
<br />-s:;, t':. : ; . ': (bI The agSregate of the amount���a sm Pe n y ncm caclpmo�tli�lorbe a nlied o%�:i'ollowing it ms .:.' .`,:
<br /> i�i'� ;:' � , � ,' secured hereby,shall be par�. , � :. . ..,: �� `,
<br />— ,,'s :� . ,,.,::x
<br /> _,r;� .; � . in the order stated: ,'.- :,�'c����;''%r _ _�_
<br /> -::=-�, r;;..,�'`:�'' . .�t> ground rents, taxes, asscssments. Grc and other hazard insurance premiums; �.}.,•-;:'..;._.-,;,�_
<br /> . :.";;� _ :: , ��_�
<br /> " `� E'��'r ,.: ; �,�:q intcrest on thc notc sccurcd hcrcby;and '�.�:,' -
<br /> f`Y . :::: rr,:r,t� aniostization of thc principal oP said natc. � �, . �`� .-
<br /> - 'r y' . ,. �; + i atc n�oulhiy P�YI»cnt shall,unlcss madc gnoJ by : ��;
<br /> r
<br /> . .. .�,: ' ' 'At�Y cicficicncy in�l�c amount oP any sach ab6"eS
<br /> _ ;.,,:_;:':;� `r.:.,; ' .: uic»t,cuustitutc an cvci�t of dcPautt uttdcr . t• ';7�.;y��Vy;j,,;��,?�:
<br /> �% ,•..^:�4i��"•;!`•:�' llic�lartgagar priur tu U�c duc dutc af d�.l rrcxt suclt pay „ r ; . •z,��;�yir•��.. _..�,.._.,�
<br /> . ,�,r, , .
<br /> �� '' ' t:is mort�aSc.Al Mortgag�c's o��tiou;•tif.�;rLS�►Bor will pay a"latc c1�Argc nat cxcccdius four�e . .. r ..,;� 1 ,
<br /> � .y i . . , �
<br /> � - cen tum(4%)o f a n y i n st atll��,'a�wher,.'�a,:d morc than GCtcen US)days af'te�tf�r.���e date lt�ercof ',`.L Ai����,_
<br /> �.�� `hereby.unless ' �'� '. _ `•�
<br /> � to cover the cxtra cxpcns�i.t;»:i.�ed in handli m d�elio9 al°�,y he ndebt dness���,�h a r g e shall ,.. _
<br /> " ' � � � not be payablc out of thc proceeds o�a..�.�alc ; ��= ` . ,
<br /> ; .
<br />-� s: : . , , .. _
<br /> � ` _ .:I.:,` �
<br />-- ' - ' ° ' ��r such proceecl�are suf7iCient to Jiscl�a.��:itic eutire indebtcJuess aud a(I Pruper ctists anJ�'xPeuses `,+R.1. ..,� �
<br /> . s:<,- ' . ' secured tlierebY• •� .. .. `� . . � ..`_; .
<br /> � � � '.3.lf�':.�cotal of the gayments made by the Mortga asr`�ud���f°gpound rents,paxes�and assessme s�or � � ';( �.' � , `.
<br /> . ' :;'� ,: � ,
<br /> amount of payments actually made by the Mortgagee, . �r.
<br /> '�� � � � ' insurance premiums,as the case may be,such excess siiall be credit�d by the Mortgagee on subsequent payrr�ents
<br /> � - � � � � to be made by thc hlortgagor for such itcroshall no bc suf�c ent to�pay suchr tems��vhen'he same shall beeome • �• �`:;;:
<br /> , gagor.lf,however,snch rnonthly payments � ��'`
<br /> �,• - . .;: �'..;
<br /> , ., .,,;;•,.,
<br /> . due and pay��le.then the Mortgagor,slaall pay tathc Mortgagec�as trustec,any amount nc�ssarY�o mukc up � �; ,'
<br /> ,�::�� �;�' . i ',?��:
<br /> ;;;;. the de�i�ieuc!within thirty(30)days afcer written�e tlie Mo g gar shal tenderato h Mortgag e�in aeeordanee �
<br /> ='"�7` c�,wluch no:ice may bc given by�nail.lf at any tim
<br /> .�4:' � wi.�the provis;ons of tho note secured licreby,iull paYm�n�of the cntire indcbtedncss represented thereby,t e �..
<br /> ��:;�; �.
<br /> +'i. Mortgag�e,a.s trustee�shull,in comp�er the c ov s�ions of(vl,of pa�ragrasph Z ler of'..If there sha1136e a dePault �.
<br /> � �}' ' auy cre�it br�l,�rtce accuawlated uttd A �
<br /> � ' � undcr any oi the provisinns of this niartgugc resultin8 in a public salc ot the premises covered'her�e�b'I���c�of � �
<br /> � ' '� � � Mott ee acyuires tho property oU�crwisc ai'ter,�dcPault, Qic Mnrtgabcc. as trustec,sball app y. �
<br /> � ��� �r'��' . '°��' ' the commencement oT such proceediu�s or a fa�h�2 Creced geas a crteJi�on tlie�u�te cst'a c�rued and unpa d a�nd �
<br /> � � . t�credic die Norcgagor under{o)of parag p p , ,
<br /> .j'..
<br /> ' �;. . . , the balance to tlie principal then reinaiuin� unpaid on s�id note. �
<br /> -i.v. f .
<br /> �. 4.Tlie licn of this instrument shull remain in'•full torce and e`fcci Juring any postponement or cxtension '
<br /> � • � 7rt ihcrcol'sccurcd hcreby. , , ,
<br /> � o±tl�e ti;ne o£pay►ncnt of dic indcbtedncss or any p •
<br /> � 1.t.�'; .
<br /> � �� ' . 5.He/she will paY ali ground rents,taxcs,assessmcnts,watcr ratcs.anJ othcr governmeneai or municipal
<br /> � . :�: � � ' , charges,fincs or impositions,Icvicd�q�on said prc�i;es i�Cs�or���scssmci��ati�al`,,an�y bc icv cJ andcc U c la vs �
<br /> �_ -°2=�"= � -_= or ttu debt�ccu.r.�!tiicr�by.1o�cilict w�lh� 3 �. ----_ - -. -- -..- - _ _
<br /> ,� ,. , .
<br /> of Ncbraska against tfu Murtgabcc,ur thr lcbal IwlQrr of sait!pri�t�i�iai irotr,u��ac�uuoit�E ttiu iudctflrc��c�s,
<br /> . �
<br /> c �, :'>. '' . • exccpt�viicn p�ymcnt fur all suclti i�rms l�ati U�i�retufotitc M1tnrtg�cc.,In JcTault �It�uri tl c Murig�brctnrav paY ' � � �
<br /> ' .' . v:ill promptly dcli�•cr;tir of�cial��cccipts tlicrcfor to i�, .
<br /> � , :.... � Uie sautc. -
<br /> �
<br /> , � • . ,� .
<br />