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<br /> � "_'_'_.'"."__-____-' . . _". . ._ �f., . � t � �_.-_---.._ -...
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<br /> fC��cµ��^' _ � . � . .. . ' . . . . ' '_ .-- _ —
<br />���- 3L�.�� � ' � � . .C ` . ��� . . . . . . ..
<br /> � . p,�y���v�:ida.az��ta m P�ragaph Z�,or changa ithe amoant af�sudt�yments. A»y exre�ss p�ceed.�av�a� '
<br />= ;,�'��.�': A31 ou��tr.f� i�debtedIIess under the I�end t$is Sec�mty Inst�umept shal!6e Pa�d.4o tfae eatlry
<br /> y� - .�,-�;.� amouzu�z�ey���ic��y�t.+�paY`Sl ou '�,.�. � ?.;- . .
<br /> e� .�_y � T.Q:idW�k1Ti�� ,� . . . .,: . - : .
<br />:�- _: �: �es. Lmt�x m�y.cal�4�t�: d charges.suthorized ltj+the Secreuuy. •,
<br /> ,'�',�'� 9. Gram�t�tat•�l��f�P�eB� . � �__._��_
<br /> �' L . __�__
<br /> `���;`- � {p)�Sq; E.E7t�'afi�t.tt435fr'��Pt ss�d by t+e�u�8t[olss issued by the See�+etary iA tYie Case of gaymelld defat�IiB; —�----,__-_��.—
<br /> ; ` � tequite izn�r�nt In faU of all swns secuied by this Sec�mty rnstniment i�. . . � � �
<br /> yin fWl en tuottthlY Payment re4uited by this Sectuity Ittstm�xtent p,'ior �a k"�� -
<br /> {i)Hoam�r�a. .�it3�►Y���Pa Y s --
<br /> Y� — tna�a�I.�e�d�4a.r�of.t�e.aeat mnnthty�a}r-ment,or. . �-�l = � -
<br /> T (ii}Bcutaa�:dr.fca.ttt�bY fa�'ling,Eor a periad af thuty days,w perforru.a�9 ather oU�gauons cunmiaed in-�SS . -���.��Y��r =:
<br /> �a, Sactrtty Ltss�l�t. ` ' . - . ; �� � -
<br /> �`,� . . (b)S83e�7t2�lo�t T,�it AP�Omvsil. Leuder shall,if pemutted bY a�ji�ab2e faK►and:with the prior.app,rovat of the , ,�,.w� �.= .
<br /> - t�'� � Secaea�uy,req�ire iancr,�ii8ie�ayment'va ''�pf ai1 the swas secu�.d,6Ff:t�is Seauity Insonrment� � ���.�. z���_
<br /> �; is so2c�or ��n
<br /> - ,;�-`J.:,':y, - - (i)A!I oi�pact pf�sYp P�y,�e .or a beeeficist inieiest�t a trast,as�rain�a11�or.part,of,tha Prv�rty. �"� . �`"
<br /> -` � :. •- � or�rise tiansfearc�3;t���fty devise or deg�x�llsy t6e Bomower.and .a��k�����u '-"--
<br /> ��: � , ,, (ii)7�Pmperty,is.n�t4rcrt�ied bY the purcUaser>qy,9antee as his or her princ�pal r�side,uce.4r,tha parcbaser�: '• -
<br /> .�.^`` , � s�.o� pro erty butrlg,gr.,as her. cre�t has not been,ap�mved in►,ac�cord�ce -�� �:``-
<br /> . � az grant9e. �,PS� � P _ m ,:-
<br /> ;, � '.. wi�h ehe req�iu�at�nt�.af,"tlis Sec�+etary. °'s� ,
<br /> ,; (cl Na�faiv¢� Yf�ces occur that aoutd permit l.xnder w requi�uamediate paYmeatt in fuU�but I.ender ! �i ; L�y�,.�;-
<br /> - :: � d9es nat req�i�c sur.t� p3�.�u.Lende�daes not nraive its rights vKitl:�resPect to subsequeas events.. ��, t .. � .����,-�t>
<br /> : . ' .�ap�
<br /> 's,:��:,. � (d}Re�sta�ica�aS�fID SiY�tar9 In manY cir+cumsmnces re��,:'i�!!RS issued by tiie Seqctary w7i�'imit Lende�'s �?�,,, ,�.�; _
<br /> �,.,_ .�,;�,:. . ,> righu,im,dr ease of�p�ri;defaults. to�aire i�ed`ra�,pay�ent m fuU and foteclose if not paid. 'ibis� ,�,�jt� .���,.
<br /> f. Sec�uity InSYxuta�.�t dt►es r�v,�2:�utharize accelecaaan or fa�ctpsur��iFi�ot permiued by regnlatians of the Seccetary. k� ..'I�, '�°� :-
<br /> (e)Ma�Nat inse�:°Bormwer agcees thai shau�€B:s Secu�ity�nstrume�and the note seco,..^ed theieeby not , �b,���= , -
<br /> � co,.
<br /> ���' �t, ` >':- .� . be eligi'bl�a fas.insucA��under the Nati�nai Ho�usba�Act within 8 moa t h s -
<br />�; _ -
<br /> .. 4 �' �CLY7W7i �� ��� �t �
<br /> ..• ♦ . �
<br /> , _... date hereof,Lemde+r tn3y�at iu opu
<br /> .
<br /> .. , , _
<br /> �,. � o g P� _ Se�,�ziy . ... _ .
<br /> •� '•� ' � � �:...��.� `-
<br /> .. ..�a;-----. .. . . _0 9 ' '��' �
<br /> n anci a ' ' t���Y� in Paragia requirc .<�Pa �� '�� -._
<br /> ^' � ' fiill f all sums secuce�f by�:sit'ss�Security rnsuair,;nt,i.Ar;��ten statenient o�any a�.�����o�tir� . • 'r��'��,�f..�
<br /> - : : °.` - . da�d subsequ�:nt ta• 9:fdAYltUs : fmm ihe date kerea��ia�"sing to iasure this;Sec+u�ty ;_';'�r,�����
<br /> ;. "!'r�� Instrumratt a�ui d�nRt�sec!�thereby.shail be d�concTusive•:�bof of ss:�a,"r�cligibility. Notwittutanding .'
<br /> r.0 ,: , :����-
<br /> , ,,. ..
<br /> ... " . . . the fateg�i_�,tlris.optz�may not be exercised by l.�nder wheif�Ia�t�:iraila�'of insusanoe is solely dice to ,�f. "':�,-.��
<br /> ....::,.
<br /> � - - - -.-- - - - Lend:3�s faiiuz�ca r.ea(►it.amortgage ins�uartse premium to the 5�.�:.;;. . - �.. - �
<br /> . IQ Rei�ststfesn4a►t..Ho�AN(er has a right to be reinstaied if.Lender tia:s`�uim.d im.ti.a3iate Payment'in fulY because y .:;, •
<br /> a
<br /> '�;;':, of Baaowes's failtue ta a ���nount,due under the•Nca.�r a;,,this Sec�uityr LuvumenG� ''i9�is right applies evett after . �-r�rt�- ::,'
<br /> , -... - forecl�asuce �itistituted. 'Ib reinstate the Seruiit�,lnsmimen;. Borrower shall tendes in a l�unp sum.ail� „�����- ;:,
<br /> - :..5:;.,_I�:,:%,�._ ... . amfl�ants ceqd�re�d ta�Basrawer's account current including,to the ex�:'�hey ar�obGgations of Bolrower under this .�. .-': 's,;,:�%-�,�. .
<br /> Security Instnimea�t.faraeici55ttt�eosts and reasanable and custamary attomep g'€ees and expenses pmperiy associated wiih . ;;-,�,;.�,_
<br /> r�''` . � ttaa;foteclosure ptoceeding..UR�,�+einstatement by Borrower,this Security Pnsaument and the obligauons that it secwes . � :;�'.,•:: �';;�:,i:
<br /> tt
<br /> shaal�emain in eff�ct as if Lc�v.'r.r�htrd not rec�uired immed9ar���ment in full. However.l.ender is not required to mtit�� �•. 1�:>`:��:�
<br /> P� � ' ..�t. E �..
<br /> � J':.':iJ;�.
<br /> - � � teinst�A�tr�t.if: (i)I.en�.a,ists�aGr.e�pted remstatement aftet tte..^ommencement of fo�¢cJ.cnr�na p�oceedings wilhin tn%o • ,,;;r"•{��'?
<br /> _ �.
<br /> �� yeass��ateSy pccoed'u�,s•ttig'eammencement of a cumer.�,fareclosure pmceedin�t,iY}:�ibstatement arill pcesY;�d?z �,;���>j� . :
<br /> ;�. :.' � . -
<br /> � � ' o.nr�s in the futuce.or(iii)reinstatement will adversely affec:.��x+ority of the lien emated boz • • �;'.�"•���,:.?.Y���
<br /> . - -:-_-_--- foieclusi..:se an diffcae+at�gA �' .,�# !
<br /> u
<br /> this Security Inst�umr.r�,s�.
<br /> 11. Haaua�em.lY�t Reteased; Forbearance by l.ender Plot a Waiver. Extens:on of the time of payment or ,. . ,•js.'�lr�
<br /> modification�t am:rrtirzqtcn of the sums secured by this Securiry Instrumem grantec!by Le.,^.der to any successor m iatetesc ;;';r;,.rtre1;F
<br />_ � of Bwrawet shall�nni o�at�ta�!ease the liabiliry of[he ori�inai Borrawer or Borrawer�.svccessor m interes� Lcnd�� .,,.;�`,��:;;;; •�,�
<br />- -�� shaU not 6�:rec�uued ta com�rtar:�e p��dinSs agwnst any successor in interest or refusc tu extend time for paymea�t or� ;,�s�`�;v���•.`�s.-:.'
<br /> te , �'y.��f 14.�`f��;;;jr�r,•'•.�,.
<br /> " oth°rwise mod�iy cunrartizatibn.of the sums secured by this Security Instrument by rea.sa�of any demaad made by the ,�.• .;.;,,,c.'r:�t,.�;w..
<br /> t; � ariginal Baimti��es:or�Hmrower's successor.s in interest. Any forbearance by Lender in exercising any tight or remedy shall�� %' .•�'�
<br />-. , not b�a wait•e3.of,ar�g�teclude the exercise of any right or nmedy. � '"'....1� ,���
<br /> �•��N?�:
<br /> - :i t�� � Saoc�ors and Assigns Bound;doint and Several Linbility,Co-Signers. 'Ihe covenants and agreemenu o f _ � _::��
<br /> - ttis Seceuity lnsttument shall bind and lsenefit the successo�and assi ns of Lender and Barrower:sub ect to the mv�sions �' � . '. :� ::``
<br /> g J p. . . ..�;;:..
<br /> ... . - of Parti�ln.'9�Ci...Borrower's covetfants�ftd agneements shall be joint and several. �Any Burrower who co-s►g�s �d �;'.;_, ,•yt;�.r�-:, -.:.-�.
<br /> it�}i , :
<br /> :�• . Security In�ttum�l�tiut dces not eaecute the I�Iote: (a)is co-signing this Security Instrument only to mortgage,gran . , ,,a�rr °
<br /> � �i;.;,,. convey qh�t Bcsrnn�r�'s•�interest in the Property under the tcrms o f t his Securit}�Instrument;(b)is not Qersonall y abli gated to ,. �•,;.'`;`•�:.';;
<br /> ��y�i;�.'<< a th°sums sec+�rcc�• this Securis Instrqmenti and(e)a rees that Lender and uny other Borrower may agree to extend. : ' '�'�".� . : ���
<br /> k�.s�3;_ p y _ • �IS', y s ::.., :, -�
<br /> 9,,t;��.;.,: mod�fy,faata:ac�os,m�any accommodations with•regard to the tertns af this.Securiry Inswment or the Note wuhoui thai ,. �-
<br /> ' ��"' Bnrnme�rsco�ases►1� ' ' �:<r!`t;:r'�' .
<br /> . . 'y�:.:f�: .', .'. � . .
<br /> . � �;..;�...":�;:�;f,;�i�";;'; ,r 13..NMl�es. Any notice to Borrower provided for in this Sec�iriry s�f.�u�ent�T:��.be given by delivering it�or by ;'•:�:�;Y•,;a. ' °��``
<br /> : r:.��}��..;,. _ ma+lirtg itaGy�°�rst class mail uniess applicable law requires ���of another�riethod. T4:notice shall 6e directed ta�the :'"•.'�t;;;;�,.�,. .
<br /> � ��f:'�' ', - :.`.ti�'`' • �;f1y�PU{",,,$Q,S.4 Of 871y OI}lC(BddIE&ti BOR0�1'eC dES1�113t85 YT6 pQTICC 10 LE.^2�er. Any notice to Lender shall be given by ! ``z��i5;:°
<br /> { ,�s 4> . , . .�. .. .
<br /> rr fitst,c�sss m�l•to Lender's address stated h.ns.z ur any address l,ender eiasignates by notice to Borto�ver. Any notice
<br /> k`'��. �: � , p.mvid�for in this�curity Instrumem shall bF��:�,ned to have been given to Bonower or Lcnder when given as provided � '
<br /> ;_ ..�e . intF�is p;�Sraph. . .
<br /> . t_': . ' I4. Govea�aing Law;Severabil(ty. This�:��ure,: Insx.�r�nem shall be govemed b?�_Federal law and the law of the . . .
<br /> , jwrisdiCxion in which the Property is lacatcd. In 1:�e����+t citwt any provision or dause ot this Security lnstrument or the
<br /> �,,.�;•. NatQ conflicts wit6,a{�plics+ble law,such coatti�&s�a:l�eot affect other piovisions of this Security Instrument or the Note , , ,
<br /> ►
<br /> l y��t, ; � �v(vich can be gicen c�t'ect without the conflictiin��aovisian. To this end ihe provisions of this Security�Instrument and the ' _
<br /> : l'',. . � Nat¢are declared to lr sevetablo. !f -
<br /> � ,;r�f'.; , .
<br /> ,,:...;�,. � iS. Bosrower's�opy. Borrower shali be����en on�confarmed topy of this Security l�astrumeni. -:
<br /> � 1 G. A s s➢g n m e a t o f R e n t�. S�c r o w e r u n c o n d rt i a n a 1 1 a�:•i s an d tr u nsfcrs to Ler.dts�J.F ahe rents�aaA revenues of the '' • ' '
<br /> ; „ . . ;�';;,�,;�.,;;, �. Y r� ��; . ',�;�,,;:::':�;
<br /> ;+,r�' � :,.,:;,,;;�.,;, ;; Wo�rty. Borrower avthori7xs Lkrd�er or l.end;r's agents ta colic�~t the rents and rovenu�-;er�3 heceby directs each tenu:t of• �.-.•;..�
<br /> , ; s:: � � ,. t1�}p!ro rty to th�rents to l.ender or LcndeL's a ents. Ho�r•ever. rior•to Lercdei's r�r.�tin:,to Borrawcr of 6omo�vers �" �
<br /> { Po PaY 8 P �",:, .::: rJ ;'
<br />. �'�:,,'� ., � .'.�;'' . bzeach of any covenaat or ogreement in the Security Instrument.Borm�r•er shall co1lect ar:�r�a::�•e all rects�and revenues of
<br /> _ �'t`; .' . ' ' t�,re Pr�nperty as wstee for ihe benefit of Lende�and Barrower. 'i'his assignmem of rents co:.:.,:tuces aa�-olute assignment � ,
<br /> . ��.
<br /> ����. . '.��r� • . �"` at�D n�ot an assignment for udditionai securiry only.
<br /> " ' �' ���' �'`�''''� If Lender grves notice of breach to Borrower. (a)all rents mceived by Burrower shall be held by Borro�ves as mistee • • •
<br /> • �ij.c:r-. ..� � l,..�.� . . . .
<br /> �:':':��.,; '+ ,� �., �;;� � fdm�Danefit of Lender only,to be applled to the sums secured by the Secunty instrumeni,lb)Lkrtder shall be entitted to -
<br /> �1 ,•; • �.'�; .':'r co139ct and teceive all of the renu of the PropeAy:and lc)each tenane of the Praperty shall pay all rents due and unpatd to �. •
<br /> � � � Lender or Lender�s agent on Lcnder's written demartd to the[enant.
<br /> +� 'j`.�' ` � i Boirower has not executed any prior assignmem of the rcnts�nd hati not and witl not perform any act tAat wou[d , � ;
<br /> �•�� ' ' i pr�vent Lender from exercising its rights under this Faragraph 16. i
<br /> `� '� �.�;�,,�; !,, i Lender sha11 not be requued to enter upon.take control of or maintain the Property beface or stfter giving notice of ; •
<br /> k:� . `" ;`�i ' � brsach to Bomnwer. However.Lender or a judicially appointed receiver may do so at any time there is a breach. Any ;
<br /> ;, 't: , �i;; �','';•: ' a�li¢atian of renu shall not cure aT waive any de5au11 or mvalidate any other right flr remedy of Lender. 'fhis a5signment i .
<br />:. ., p . � ot tenis of the Ptoperty shall terminate whert the de61 secured by the Security Instrument is paid in full. ;
<br /> , . .. • • � ' .
<br /> E_
<br /> '... • -_.._.t..t.,_:,.:.:i�...._...:. ' .
<br />_... �t . �---•--^--e. .. . �
<br /> .. ., .1 . . ' '_—_. .._ .
<br /> T.—.._......_
<br /> s ! . •
<br /> .# '` . .,, , , IDuRe 3 oj4 pagal i
<br /> , . � . �
<br /> ,� .
<br /> i . • . �' --
<br /> ...
<br /> . . , .
<br /> r... ., .
<br /> f „ ... .. _ - - -
<br />