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<br /> �,`z ° %r��! . . � 4 . . �� . G� Y � ��� � :�����- _ _
<br /> �-("`='`_=`�°� � .' � , ��.�e�t�e F�g�Sy`c�a�#?�a��t�=t t�#3c���r.•��iiT6�r exn,i�,�at og t�:e Fe�sperty as�ny.irteEWs3 ii�se � _�______
<br /> — � ' ts�soid a�r tia►�.afcrc�d(r�if.�lrene!'rci�!ia�ers�t ia Bofraw�r is sold ar�tr�ltsgeiY�M�st��r is noa a�turat�}aer�n)wi�:�.�a�.
<br /> - �_ � �� tra��r'�p�r vlrittsa cflase�t, Ltnd�r euay. �t 'r�ep3iert. Ir�:iatme:dl�t�piytr�ent fa fUlt oE all s�tms escuned�Sy:tI�is. �
<br /> -� _-- -- 5es�tri .�ast�nt:However.thfs o'ptin3�shall s�t t�t�ercisef�yt t�ttdor i�eXetrisc.fs�r�i�ibited 8y feQeinl�aw t�af u'�x�dat�s. .
<br /> - ---- -- - � �" .�f�€�is Insc�n�. �' . . . ` . r' _ � ,
<br /> - < . If Lendelr exesclS�.lhts ogtion,Lender shal�giwa Harra�er notIcc a��ezutta�.94to r�tIoe shalF r�vida.o pariad oi�
<br /> — — , ' Iess tt�an 30 days froin t'kc�dat�the.notice�i�dellv�red or maited withtn ahich ga�mwer.t�p�Y�sua��sccuaed by tbgs
<br /> ___- - — -- -- � �.. S$curi�yr Iastnuaeat.�f Bormw�fa�t�ca ay t3�esg surusFriox�to th��piatf.tion of tP�is�iad.l�eader innY_t�tvo���y rErr+eds�
<br /> p af
<br />='�a � ." permitted by tYus Secxuity Insm�me�sr witgout fitatdter rtouee or Qem-tsEd on Soa�wer. "
<br />�; ' 18. �Orsa�'s Titght to Reinstate. if�OSCO�+�t ate�s o�rtain �ondiuo�s: �armw�r sh�lt hutre t��� rigRi t+a l�avss-
<br /> � ° . era�nae�t of this Ssc+arIry Inst�ument dis�tinued at�Y time rto;to t�h�eariior of (a)S Mys(ar sucH ottaer pesrsd� -
<br /> .- ---- - -- � Itc�bie�vv ' far:retrm'tute�srt3 ise�are sate o€t6e. pn�ut+nt�-to any power ot sate�'t�as3.t� -
<br />- .-�.. ,., �,-r. �� �i►s�� -----
<br /> � Se�riry InsE�vment.er tb3�atiypf a Judgmr�t eaforcing.this Secuiity tnstn�meat:�Tdos�e cAnditiana t�tt�at&o�rowcr:(a)Psys -- — -
<br />- .Leade�a11 sums wit�ch�ti�en:wa�ld he due u�der this Se�unity�Y+�+a�and cFte.Net�As if,no aceeletati�n hrid ocwrr�:(b) __
<br />_��` � aur�s eny defsuilr o£any other cnvenant�or agrcements;<�3 DaYs ali"enpenEes inr�ed in.eafia�g t�fa Sssurity,Yest�e�.
<br />_-i. ane3ttding:Dnt aot lirtnte�f w.reasomble atto s'fees:aud(d)tak�s sucfi aciion as t�ader�y.r�nably�qE[u�e ta as�t�se .
<br />-= that th�s liea of this Security fnsmamen�Leud�s ri�ia the Pmperty�ud 8oero r�er's obtn�ution to pa}r tite�sna�s secn�e�l by
<br />°- thfa.Sea�riiy ins�uument s6n11 oontirtue-andiangc�d. Upan �eias�ement,by:�orrawet, a Security� Ir,str�en�E uitd thy
<br /> -� abligauons se�ced hes�hy siutit�emaia fr.tly e�ve as�f no acoeteratian h�d+noau�+ed.'Hotvever.thfa�igDt to reit�state sha11
<br /> - .� :,;:�;., aot appiy in the case of aeoete�ation under pazagiapH 17. ---
<br /> _•� - ,.. � . 19 Sate Q�1�1�C�e of boum•Seavtser. The Note or a Qartial interest in tT¢e NIaoe(to�et�er wifd�tbns Sea�ity
<br />=- Imst�ume�}may be sutd ont or mor�ti�s without prior nasice w Boimwer.A sals mup�snit ia s�c6an„e in We eniety(imowts --
<br />��: as the°Loan Servicer°)thataadlects maaxhIp paymcnts dne under thc Note and thia Security Tast�sment.T6ere atso r�ay be oas
<br />- ' � •� or�nore�anges of the Lu�n�tvicer unnziateA w a s�aIe of the Note.If theae is a clwnge of Sie L,oan Setvioer.Botmwer wi1Z be
<br />_3c �����t _
<br />'� ��, <<s. •;,f`. :r�'vei!arittea notice of t�e�ge ia acoa�laaue witii paragraph 14 above mid appticubte laa�.T�s notioe tivill state tbe aamie mod ----
<br /> -" r`� ,`�r,�',:f.�:`.Y�:�i�� � ''address of the aetv Loan 5c�iber and tTi�;addiess to�ich paymrufs shoWd ise made.The�atice wilt also wntai�a anp oshes =_._ ----
<br /> .; �^�'.�i�`;`�t,jE,�� infom�m�liiori cvquired bY aPPlicabte lass:: . •. --
<br /> . ,nft �,y.•�.I`.d¢:.4�� r •. LV.Barardonc Sa6s�aees..�amnw�rr$hatt nut�or e�t the t+eseaoe, use, � sai; stoiage,ar release af'any
<br /> '. :� ;�. � +.,.;��.. ° ------._._.....Aazardaus-Subsrances-on-or-in-tlie--Ptc��iy,-Boc�u�sball..nat_do,_.nn rall�s�r aayone�to_do,-.anythnag-.aff�the.._.___.. .
<br /> ., ;4�%��',. : `: ,�' • piope�ty that is in viotation of any EnvimnmeataS.iaw.'�he p�ceding two seuteuces shuli nnt appty to the preseace.use,ur ---- -
<br /> „-:�;;���;.;� .�:storage on the Property of snrall qaantities af Ha�ard�Substanoes that a�e geneiaUy ieca�sized to be appcopriate to aom�af
<br /> �y;:.'��:..` � reside�►tial uses and to mainteaance of the Pcoperty. ,
<br /> ' ` �'� �•- °- ' .• Bo r shall g► e Leader�+ritten notice of investigati .c ' , awsuit or other ar,tiinn by any.
<br /> ... ,.. . . rnme 'v any oa ta�m demattd,l a
<br /> t��y .
<br /> ..._..,..:_._,.�: _ party_imro
<br /> .:... ..: :.. : :. . govemmental or.regulaturY aBea�Y or pnvate.. ._ ZvinS.the prope�y.and eny Haz�daoa Snbstance or_ �
<br /> - -
<br /> . '� ° of wbicb Bomnwe�tias actual imowledge.If Borrower teams,or is notified by ang.govemmental or regulawry suthonty,that
<br /> ,. any rcaaova3 or oiher remediation of airy Haaar+daus Substance affecting Use Pmperay is ne�ry.Eorrower shalt pl+nmptly take
<br />. ' .��'�: �;' � a11�neeessary remediaf actions in aocordance witl�Environmental law.
<br /> `� � As.osed_in this paragaPh 20. "Hazardaus Substances°.aie those sabstances defrned as touc or hazardm�s sutsstar��crs by -
<br /> -- • , �s�����:; Envimnnre�ra�t�Law and the followiwg s�stan►xs: gasoline. tse�, oWer flammabte or touc peu'ole.um products..W�ie
<br /> • . . pesticides and derbicides.volatile salveaca,�aterials oontainin$asb�ous or formaldehyde.aIId�ioactiye materials.As used.in
<br /> • �. this paiagaph 20, "Envirorunental La�"rr,�u�s fede�ad la�vs and Taws of the jm��arun w�Ze tlte PKOpetty is tocated tha3 -..: �
<br /> : Po
<br /> -.- , � ' . ' relate to health.safery or enviranmental pa�4�n ��k+ _
<br /> .~'�`. . , -.,; . NON-U1�IIFORM COVENANTS.Sa�€ower amfi I[r�ier further covenant aAd a�¢ae as folld�s:. _�
<br /> . ,. ' ' • .-:�;^ 2I.AcceteratDon;R�neddes.Lende;shall�ve nottoe to Borrower prtor•toacoeter�►ttaiuBe�owiing Sa�wer's 6reacb• �== _
<br /> _-. ;.,�,.; of an cbsr�t or �: —
<br /> y agrament in tt�ts Sewrity Insfrdment (bat not p�Ior to aocelerutb�m aetd¢r pasagrnp� 17 anle�s �; T.,
<br />- _ �. . `•, .��� ap�licable��provldes ot�ernlse).'A�r�;aot�ce sha11 specify: (a)t[�e defaa[t:(b�td�e actu��►uvqatired to cu�e the d�fnntt; � �:���,�
<br /> , - dtl a date,aot ress than 30 days 6raaa t6e date the�tice is given to Borrocver,by w1�€cb��defamd3 mas3 6¢�;and `
<br /> • . f��t6at failure to cure 9��"�on or before�c�ate specifeed im tfle�nt�ce�ay resvIt im acceteratia�o�the sums r�':::'.::�,, •'
<br /> . .: , ' ';::secured by t�Sec�uity C�and sale oP t��aperty.Tite aott�e sDttaP11 fc�ther iniorm Bo�rower o6 the rtght to , '�°�"N' —
<br /> e ui r,_ ;.,_.:�=�-.
<br /> ' . .. . reinstate atter acceleratio��•�rd°tb�;�ri.�,�t to bring g o�art actiott to assfrt t�aon-existense o8a d@famda or arry oth4r ��; �s°�`��-
<br /> - , � �'. ,,� defease of Sorrnvrer to acoelerat[o�s�i sale. If the de�ault is trvi cua�ed on or f�eton�e Bl��tate specitled tn the aat�nr, /� �����!=-
<br /> . ,. ±���n, Leudes,at its option,may requ+m'rsu�.vedinte payment in full of att sums secuPe�by t�tri:�urity Instr�s�t��t � . "
<br /> , � iurtl4er demand and may Invoke the pa�ver ot sa[e and any other cemedIes pesm3¢ied bq�bte Iaw.Lec��r s�tI be ;,� : .
<br /> � • • e a t i l l e d t o o o l l e c t.a l l.e x p e�e.s i o w n�e d i n p u r s u i ¢l i i��+e m e d i e s provided im t�t�s�r a�r a p�e Z�,:i n c h��;�,:bmt aot IIusit�ci' . ' . ,:��, :^:';_-
<br />- . . .� .��,� : .to,t�easonable attorneys'fees and casts oP title evt�� ' •. ' •,;;.. �;+:" � =
<br /> • . - • ._ .s;,i;�; ;�• It tbe poi�•er of safe is invoked,Tnistee shpll remrd a nottce off deiault im eac�a�a�•in wh�ctr•an}•part d�;ti� • •.< <���, .,� :
<br /> '�}� Pr�►perty is located and shall mail ccyu"�.ot such rtottce in the rtoanner prescrih�ec�b 2�p���b1e Iaw to Boa�rower anB�t�' {' .;��:,,�y� �.��„E,r��
<br /> . :'9• �t .i� et`:
<br /> � �R�,at the other pe�so;LS pnscribed by appiu:;sl�(�law.Af'ter the time required by applicabl�lar.,'�costee shali gire pocbtic��., �.. . , �r;, ��:�,;}�Q{��:;:..�,,�__
<br /> •:'''t'�.�, af sale to the persom and in the maarter prescribed b}�applicable la�v.Trastee.�vithout demat�d o�S�srower,shali s�l.� �� � .' ?' ;�.�• '-'•'.Y.=>�ti�
<br />_ . � � `�� ' the Property at pu6lir aud[on to•the hipiiesi bIdder at t6e time aRd pt9ce amd�der the terms d¢si�ated in th¢no3ice 4Q' ��� ;r•�`''.� ��'�`p'',;+�
<br /> �•,':�..:-•- ,; ,;,,,._'°�. �� .�, . ,.
<br /> : E,,;;;�.�,�...t,at7�;;_, ,_ sale in oae or more pareels and in aay order Tnutee deteenines.Trustee rt�g-postpone sate o�al!or anJ parcel of tit�e �"? ,,:�• .'.�°, .,:.
<br /> ! . ��1° .�i:�� ••,�,: : , ,,
<br /> �..,`��a�;:•.,i�:�����j�;�;; Property by pu6lic announrement at the time and place of any previousiv se6�edvted satp.l.�nd�r ar its designe�may ,., ,� �•��
<br /> . `�`�`}.�`�,+: punhase the Frnperty at any sate. t t3�+ .i�'�����.� .
<br /> ,bjY�,'�Ys;•„ �'. :3': �tr�:�•
<br /> . .�`�ili�V�yY. , '�, �:l.`r;' _. � •
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