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<br /> R �E� _, �c�� �� � `_\. �` r ----
<br /> • �� , . .v�:..
<br />� • t . . •�:.r a.:�� - - � ... - -_- -- ..... ..
<br /> t .� �.i
<br /> _ .. .v ., ; � � � ` `
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<br /> •- �., _ . • :
<br /> . . ; •.
<br /> _ ._s y t
<br /> -� ._ -- �,, ... , - .M " ...__. .._.._.V — -' - �- T-T___--- -
<br /> 3•:7,o"+�:
<br /> �"'i': ^` }::�+i�.:L.i.�,�` - . ` . ... - _ . . , . . . `. ' . � � �6o73Qjg,/� . . , -. — __T�__`---
<br />-��r�t d ' �< '�Y:-• � - � . . . �. . .
<br />�• �r�t . , , - -
<br /> `�AlQ�� '. . 1�2. . . . . � - � ���� ' � � , ' — -'--..
<br />.�.�Fl-FJta:i . '�Il'1� ' ' .� .� �. . . —
<br /> ��u-c�_��.zUrirra . . . .
<br />_ -�-�-��=�-�� � •' paymaats.wh�Ch ese reFerred to in Pgragraph 2.or cbange che.amount of snch payrtneats. Any excess pmceeas av�r en
<br />` . , ��t�m�y�1 ou�ndia�indebte6ness t�de�th�Nate�and�his Secu�tY tnstrument shall 6e pa�d w t�e en�ry . —
<br /> .s_.:. �� ent�t[c�th�tetor. . . • � - --
<br /> """"� ' , , �, Fets. I.sadtr may wiizct�es aad cLarges autharized by the S�ccetary. , . ` . .
<br />- ` - 9..Gri�nnds dor Ac�cekrntIon atQ�� � � .
<br /> � �<}° . .,t�,}Defenf� Lender r�cay.�atcept��as limf2ed Isy�����!Y th�S�e�u�►in ttee case c�f paym�at defaaIts. __
<br />- _�';,��,�.�`�";F' , tequiie imm�diate paymen3 i�f�li of all s�uns sscased by tItis Secunty Iasotuinent i� � ��u;s,.�, _
<br /> ' .�ao�� 'r�`'���; , . , (i)Bo�ower d efaults by failing w pay in Po ll anY���Y PaY���4�b Y�S e a s r i ty I n s h u�nt p rioz ..-- -
<br /> -- 3<,� •,u •.� . toar on the due daLe of tue aext mm�3Y paycAen�or` ��f _- �t i ��=�, =
<br /> �' { r : s.<s3 fp�} 1C�--
<br />- -.r� .;-: y -,- �fi i f�a�wr�f a W t s Dg f e i l i n g,f a r a p e a i o d o f t h u t y d a y s.w P e a f o i m s n g a s h e r o b li g a t I m n s c a n t a i ned ia�d�is
<br /> ;� - r . { Secilnry(t151IUmQAt ~ y� -
<br /> �; � " R►)Sale 9 V[tYtout CrcddB Ap�aavstL O.ender sD�a11.if permitted by apptficabte 1aw und aritb t6e priar�ppmvai of tfie � ;.��.�,��.. .
<br /> � `��•' � Sec�+e .recluire imme�iate paYment in full of aD ihe smns sec�by this Seauity I�sonsment i� � �,
<br /> } tary
<br /> `� ,,.�...:�` "`h• ('i)A{i ar part af the Ho .ar a 6eneficial iaterest in a trust ovming a31 or pazt of the Pmpei�y.is said or. �$r�•�' ``�'
<br /> ,�,�"»i:li;k ��.~i1.'�'",', O1ZIE[\YISE f8dT1SFC�(MIICi'�BIi�Y dCYISC dL�£SCBtl��I3Y tllE BOIlDYlCPs� � ��s„��� _:
<br /> "� �'�i r{ ,,�' �;� (ii)The�'t+vperiy�,�s no3 o�p�ed�3►•t��c�aser ar grantee as hi�as tyer pFiasdpal�esideas�e,or the�ur�taser� -
<br /> ,, ;, �, �' �}L'� ar �antee �aes so occu�y,t�. Fp+a�y bav his or her•cr�di�•has.not beea appruved in.aocordanse s ." .��
<br /> '�;r ' �r i�d svith the requlrements af td�C Secretacy. � , _
<br /> ��,�� ,.�,�� � ° .�a�. �d�►�n;�L� f �
<br /> Jl,f�
<br /> s ' r [- . (cj No Watver. If ci�taAces qcc�u that wa�2d permis I:e�er to require imcn� paym �,„ .. �,
<br /> �. ' �% d�s uot ieguile s�sbpaymeats.Leader does not waive ic�rigtst�with�espect to sabsequeni eveats.
<br /> k � ��• " (d)R e g u l a i�ons oi�UUI/�t a s s: In man y cuaimstances regulations issaed b the S v�tiii 1itnit=Le�dsar's �f��=�-�'_
<br /> ��.i ' i. I/ Y. � ..�g
<br /> • , ;,�
<br /> �7,�� rip�ts.i�t the c�of paymeat defaaIts.to cec�uire iQnmed'iate payment in fiill and foieciose if�tx��p� r`: :•'L�
<br /> ��.- :�ri�:':.;�rr� Se�tttity Insaument does not authorize acceieratton or fo:eciasute if not perrttitter3 by regutations of ttu:�ec�2sy. ,�. --
<br />_� .';;4'::, :�; (¢)MortgagP Nat Insured. Borrower ag�ees that'shauld tt�is Security InsUument and the nate secaied therebY ao� �--Aw-:;:-.:A
<br /> , • rtga , �,:.,��
<br />�: " �;� `f' be eligi'bie for insuranoe nnder the Narional Housing Act within a ��S 5om,tt�e '`��;;.r� -
<br />_ ` ,f�r,E%;i,f dffie hereof.lender ma�at its option'and notwitlutauding anything in Para�t9.�equire immediate paym�in '` :� ?.�_r,
<br /> . ;; ,r t.:., .__. . . �.. . . faU vf-all smtts�secu�by this Security..Instn7ment A writtenstate�nt of anX authoti�eA agent of the Secrerar�,r ' . _... . - �,�
<br /> �°. - •"� dated suhseq�ent to from the date hereof.declining to insutie ihis Seturity , ` � ?�
<br />- • Iasuum�t and the note s 8��y.shati be deemed conclusive psoof of sucb ineligi�ility. Notwilhstanding . ` ;�-'�'•;
<br />�•"���'-� `"�•�� '� the focegoing this option may not be•exercised by Lender when the nnavailabiGry of insuianoe is solely due to f�
<br /> �:,,;�.�i• -—
<br /> r I.endei�failme to remit a martgage insurance premiiun w the Sectetary.. '`����"
<br /> �:.�. , • ;, �•:
<br /> -. .� :,�� IO iteiaslateu�►eut. Sormwer t�as a right to 6c reinstated if Le�er has reqah�ed immediate paymeat in full�se , ;�',.-�y'" �:--;
<br /> ' of Borrovvzr'�faila:e to pay an amount dae under ttie•Note or this Serurity Instiumen� 71�is nght ap�elies even after
<br /> ; .,`' `:: ' �,• foieclosuce proceedings are institr�. To reinstate the Secnrity Instr�a�ent, Borrower shall tender in a lcanp smm all '�;+..,�;�
<br /> � ::;';���`�. azna��quired to-bring Bormwer's ar,count curtent incladffig,to the extent they are obligations of Boriower uucder this �,. '''
<br /> � . .����,� • .
<br /> - - - •;.:,':�i;r��'��;:: S�is�'Inswmeat�foreclosut�e costs and reasotrdble aad custo�ary atNmeys'fees and eapenses pmpedy associated!c►9sh ��;
<br /> ' � :•_;;,;(�.�,�;: the fomac2osure pmoeeding. Upoa seinstatement by Bomower.this Sec�uity Instrument and the obligations that it secau'cs , ..� ': ' °.; .
<br /> _ �•z��j��, ' '" shall remain in effect as rf l.ender�ad not unmediate payment in fiill. However.Lender is not to pelmit �'
<br /> ; �p;k;:.,:;•.�..;:.. , nclwtea �i�• ', .��;.
<br /> - ;'��,:;�::• . h a s ac a e p t e d m m s t a t e m e n s a f t e r t h e c o m m e n c e m e n t o f f o�c l os ure p r o c e e d i n g s w►thin two . ;`':��•: <,.� �'•���.�
<br /> f;_ ��;r�;;,` :. .. ieInstatement iF (i1:L�:.adcr�
<br /> _:
<br /> •1�;�',�}t,�.,;r:..,f.;;I:-;.. ... Yea�s murediatelY p�ecedi"4ig the coaunencemeni of a current foreclos+�e p�oceeding. (n1 re���-�nr �� p�iude ;;:l,� _': ..'. :y�".'.
<br /> :. , •... . f or e c t o s u r e on diffenent g t aarcds In the future.or(iii)ninstatemeat wili adversely affect the priority of the lien created by
<br /> - :�:.,.�-�-=:_..-::_--:-.•�,-. thisSecvrityIastrument �. _ _ - '-
<br /> _.' `.:.,..,,, f, ..
<br /> � -� ' . 11. Bosrovrer Not Re[eased; Forbearance 6� Lendmr No3 a Waives. �ite�ision of die dme of paymenY oi � ': �t�""';:�
<br /> " � ' modifreation of amort'vadon of the sums secumd by this Security Insnument granted by i.ecrder to any successor in interest ..'.��-� ;'
<br /> ,.� „` ••� . of Borrower shall not operate to retease the liability of the original Bo:rower or Borrower�s suocessor in•intenest. Lender . _. :`�
<br /> ' shaU not be requiced to mmmence proceedi�s a8ainst unY snccessor in interest or refuse to extend time for payment or ,. �;�
<br /> � � � othenvise modify amortizadon of the sums secumd by this Security Insvument by reason of aqy d:mand made by the .. �� :.''�:��i-���
<br /> � ' . .. � " origi�al Bomnwer or Bmrower's successors in intemst. Any forbearance by Lender m exercising any right or remedy shall •
<br /> �� , .:.';
<br /> � '1;���.1� ' not be a waiver of or reclude the eaercise of an ri t or remedy. '' �;��
<br /> . . � .,�, ..r ..:�., ' P 9 P,h . : �.'.:,
<br /> ' ;�fs?:k: �•:: p2. Saecescors and Asstgns Bound;Joint and Several Uability;Co-Signers. 'i'he co��enants and agreements of • .
<br /> ;••`.'..� �,�,.,,. .
<br /> «r,�° :' . '. �;� ,`.'• - this Security Insnr�,�nt shall bind and benetit Q:e successors and a5signs of Leader and Bo�rower.subject w the psnvisions ` .,
<br /> � f� � ' • of F.�agrapfi 9:l�. :l�v�rower's covenants and�aements shall be jomt arcd u�veral. Any Borrower�ho co-signs this ,
<br /> ,;�,., -. -• ,:`,:�':'� ¢ .
<br /> , �,':�r;�:; . • Secir;i�i;�.^sprur.;er,4 but does not execute the hct�e: (a)is co-signing this Secdrity Instiu��nt anty ta��ngage.grant an .,'����' ��. ,. ,1
<br /> , •:,,;,'.•� .
<br /> � .':;,���#r;., `. cc��:;��+�iat Borrower's interest in the Property vnder the tercr.,�:f th�s Security lnstn►me��:a��s not personally obligated to .,..'. ,'..± '.•
<br /> cc
<br /> , . •' . pa;t���;�Y�ns secured by this Security Inswment-and(c j a�C^s thai Lender and any othe��iorrower may agrea to extend, . •„�-.• :�_� ._
<br /> ' . rrea,3ify:,�•`orbear or matse any accommodations with reoard co dhe terms of this Security Instrument or the Note without that . ,:4���';r; . .`�=
<br /> _ ' • . Sorr�}:;er's consent. � ;
<br /> �- 13. Notices. My notice to Borrower provEd.d for in this Security Instrument shall be gi�en hW:9.."5veting it or by _
<br /> t.��� . � � mai'.i��it by first class mail unless applicable law requires vse of another method. The notice shal�'�r dintted to the ,
<br /> , • ' Ftc�ty Address or any other addmss Botrower designates 1^}�notice to Lender. Any notice to Lender shall Ae given by . . _.
<br /> . � .., ;, ; , - ��.',+:�.i:ss mail to I.eteder's address stated herein or any adi3i�:ss Lender designatcs by e�tcce to Bvtrower. My naiice , :�
<br /> ' �� � • �:u+��1ed for in this Security instrumem shall be deemed to hz��been given to Borrower orL:nder when givcn as provided .
<br /> {4� • ' . � � m this paragraph. . � . .
<br /> v?••.
<br /> r(,.� ' . , 14. Governing Law;Severability. 'i'!�s Sx�urity Instrument sha12 Qwe govemed by Federal!aw and ihe law of the ,
<br /> S�'��• � • jurisdiction in which the Property is located. �z.�f,e event that any provision or clause of this Securiry Inswment or the •
<br /> �;�'�' " , � � � l�otr:confTicts with applicable law,such conflic[shali nct�a.^t other provisions of thls Security Instrument or the Note
<br /> � � . � � ��•�';. ` alr,ir.i��:an be given effect without tha contticti�g provis;;q: 7�c�hi�end the provisions of this 5ecurity 1nsUument a�T,�ii'�!: � � •
<br /> '`; , ,.'.1;'.�'�r::, I�ic��ars deciamd to be severable. • .. '�'"�" ,
<br /> ,�;'•;;".: . .,`,�;.,,, ,• ,
<br /> 15. Bormw¢�s Copy. Borrower shal!be p_i-.eai ona c�catrrztted copy of this Security lnswmenL ,
<br /> '�rr� � 16. Asstgnmen�of Ren4s. Borrower unco�+i�onally assigns and�ransfet5 to L.ender al!the rerers ami tevcnues of the , .
<br /> �'�=`�. � . Ptoperty. Borrower authbrizes Lender or Lender�ageneg to collect the rents and revenues and hereby�iin�ct4 each tenant of ��
<br /> ;�;'�:•�•.. : . the Ptoperty to pay the rents to Leader or Lender's agents. !�lowever.prior to l.ender�s notice to Borrower of Bomnwer's .
<br /> � ' ' bmach of any covenant or agieertec6t in the Security Inswmcw�G.Borrower shalt collect artd�r�cei��c all renu and tievenaes of
<br /> `t' "' � • . the Rvperty as uustee for the benefit of Lender and Botrower. 'F'his assignment af rents canvtitutas an absotute assignment •
<br />- � ;� •' • and aot an assignment for additiunal security onfy.
<br /> ,,g�; �� : . ; •�� if Lender gives nodce of breach to Borrower. (a)all rentg reccived by Borrower shal!be held by Bormwer as wstee ' . •
<br /> i4� : , for benefit of L.ertder only.to be ayplied to tho sums securecl by ihe Securiry Inswmen�Ib)Lender shal!Ae entitled to
<br /> � collect and receive al!of the rents of the Propetty;and(c)each tenant of the Ptoperty siiall pay all renu due and uapaid to
<br /> 1 � " ' � Lender or ixnder's agent an Lender's written demand to thc tenant.
<br /> •� �° . . � . . . ' Bmmwer fias noi executed any prior assig�ment of the renGc and ha�aot and will not perform any act that a•ould • :
<br /> •:1 e•r--:�- � � prevem Lender from eseteising its rights unQer this Paragrapb 16. •
<br /> '�.: :., Leader sLall nat be requimd to enter upotr.take control of or maintain ttie Propetty before or after giving notice of �
<br /> bteac6 to Barrowet. Ho�vever,Lender or a judicialiy appointed receiver may do so at any time thece•is a bmach. My ,
<br /> ' appliration of rents shall not cure or waive any defauit or u►validate any othcr nght or remedy of l.crtder. This assignment I' ,
<br /> _ . ' � of mnts of the Ptaperty shal!terminate�vhen the debt secured by the Security Inctrument is paid m full. 1
<br /> i �
<br /> .._-- -- =====- _
<br /> - � ---: _. . . .._ . ..
<br /> fDr+.Ce i e�Js paqai C::_
<br /> . I• .
<br /> • o'. . . .
<br /> .. � � �
<br /> 1 t . . —.. . .. . ... ..
<br />