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<br /> - :.:�::,:.q;;,'��� � . � . . � .� A��l��1MEN�OF i�.EAS��ANm t�El�TS , . • ..� -- -
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<br />_ , !`i4'. ,[r('::.Sit::= - , . ' , tf7ISlW�l1H,Y{YiG�1�Qt�d��!$ 26�.�� �y�J � y ��w�7.� :'�•',• —_
<br /> .'4�` ` - , •44:. `, �i�iTiPrT{ Y• �����r�� � 1Yi3Wi10 1i44i1P.��� �4�...�-rY�� Yli4e ' F� ' -_
<br /> �i� t.:
<br /> i` r '_
<br /> • • ,�. � �, �y� . .. . • 4239 Ka Avemie Grand..Island, ta� 68�5�3� .. '"�s
<br /> _ . . , tesiding et or havt�g an ofi�at y . . �`` -�r�.��
<br /> — � . _ . . .� . : . . _ ,�
<br /> � FirsYlES Ban��tati0na!Associs�f0��naha;NEbta.,tsa ' . � .. ' z� <
<br /> . :� . .(he�in calted"Asetgnar"�to — ��irrtQ; � � � ,z�,�.�
<br /> ' . �_ ifs p�3ncf�at otflr.eat Qmaha.N�s�resSta(harein�tled"Assign�s•ry, � � `�"'
<br /> -- - -_ .. � ' WlTR1ESSETt4: . . . ::�� ;�i � , �,'���s��,�
<br /> ' ' . . . �.K.l t'�i -_
<br /> :r-,i: �' � ��'' FORVAWERECEfVED.l�slgrtarherebYBrants,trans�etsandassignstotlte�SSl�Rae&11.�9tiRr��gilt�"8.'ttd' � '"'''
<br /> .. � ��-,.' .' Q � b .,�_� ;�,;. , � _
<br /> - �r... '�.:.•�:,-"�` ���``� interestoiAsstgnorinandtosnyandalltea�esartdothertenancfestta►vorhereafterntadeancrwtthm3ap��ti�,.4ssrl�estate .;'���`� � ,
<br /> . - ,�y�
<br /> ' ' ' Hall County. 11eb7Caska . � i,� : �'`
<br /> _ ' ta�:at�d in artd ntcrr�ptt�aU�Wt�des�ribe�d � r., ��d .'.
<br /> ��: e in3d�edulQAhereof,wh[ctf�ac3atesffiteshatlbereferredtoherelnafteras"Premiseg':Inctudin putnatbtCtft,�itt�tttat�tafat ` � ,��, _
<br /> at
<br />-'?; � �d.e8seor�osscetaei�L�es.wii��tadHica4ions.iiany.descri'�edfn..C�edutsBhe�eo�ca�� �Pcar,it�s►t�ga �vx�. . �r-�� : -
<br />=-��, , . " . . �(1)any an�e11�ex�nslosts or renewala thereof.t2�arry and ailg ..�ar�9ntees a!the q�esee's obt��br�s under ar►y ffie�i�€aausfi . � ,.,���f._
<br />-=_�,:<: . . - uadsr any and a!l e�denst�na ar rena�ratsof any t�ereo�and(3)alPrenLs.issu$s.Rrofib►�evenues.dapasits,eam2st rttc� . . ;': � � :.. . -'�._
<br /> ;� . ` . payments.�ighb and bett�ffi�nd�v or her¢after arisirtg iram such lease and tenanctes or tar Ohe ttse and axuA��Y�� k:��::::s;:� :,�:'�.`�`�=,.�
<br /> .;;.° . � � Premises�artdar�►andall'�e�sionaandr�newalsfhereotSaidtease,sandtenartciesorottteruseofB�ePre�isestogether �.::'�'ti,;;p:•:.5-.:.�:;;:.;�.i
<br /> :: :.
<br /> ;, .. .. : .
<br /> ... , �..
<br /> � � . v�ithar�yartdall uarantees.�od�icatiar�s,extemsians,andrenewatsthereotshalibesometimeshereinafterreterwdtoastne i �,�
<br /> ,_ ...� . . .. . . L'..:.:.;c� _ ,.-* _-
<br /> L. _.. .:. .:_- �.. -:'.- -.. ' ' " ' "'__ ' ".. ... . . . ... . ._._ . .... _ ... .._ ._ .... . ._. ._.. . , _..."'_" ._.._...""'_'___""'_"_' "' '_ ,• -
<br /> .�� -
<br />_;.;z :.R. . . �"Lease"ar"Lea�Ses,: ` =��
<br /> ��;. 't�. -. . ':tti,, �"�"-.
<br />-- _ � . :z: -�`-
<br /> . , . , FbR THE pURPOSE OF^sECL!Rl�lG: � - :< .�_
<br /> � _ �. � • . •- � ` �'��.:.—T—.
<br /> i , .t,. ,.;,, �
<br /> ��� � ONE Paymentartdpedarm8�[ce�fe�acG�andeve.rydebtitabilityand_obltga�ono1eveqlty�eanddesC�tp�on_ ` ` ,
<br /> ;'`�� �� � � which Assignan�nay nov�or anytime he�fter owe to Assignee.irtctuding.bu4 not limited to.fhe indebtedness of Ass�gnor ' � `��
<br />'-`"=r�;�. ' � secured by tlta�aeAain rnoitgage af:dged di trust made by the As.aagnor to the/Zssfgrses dated 5•.�� �18 9�.._.. , �,� ;�;
<br />-�;�:s�� - ` ' � � � andwoorded'artaberecardeda4orpdartotherecardingoithisAsslgnmsrr�oranyathermortgagaordeedoftrusthe� � --� �
<br /> ::c:.f�? ,: ..Y. . - ::.. ,
<br /> .�r{ `,,'����'s ' ,. . inr�rredartdwhether.ftt�qrr�ia�vbediereCt�orrtdireC�daeototi�fecamedit��a�sot�uteoroo Ungert'�p1s�yoseCOndaryr ";"••��;;�::.�--:,".����:
<br /> � � ' ' It u�dated or unli uid�6ed„aa-jain�severai.or oint ee�ndf sseeral,atl such��•Iiabil�Ies and obti tr�bein herein ��f�°
<br /> ,.�,.;.,,, . �•�:
<br /> �� Q R t � 8 ���: � �•
<br /> . . . collectiveyretemedtosame�mesasthe"Obfigations°};�d �� �::y.^..
<br />-?(�.i . . . . .� ' ... '. . .
<br /> �j;�� _ ., .. , ' ' �� '.• i. .. . i Z�:Y�.
<br /> . , � '(k{f1'3: Pertamtance artd�discharge og�ri an� ew�ry ebtigation. covenan#and agr�em.�¢.*t3 of �� �.:' �•', L�� �
<br />-" _ . : . contained hetKisi or in any such maKgage or deed af trt�..�tor any note or bond secured thereby.or in ea,y o�gation�r�.y � r •�-'�'�<.d' . .�
<br /> `„ � � sacuring Qocument gnren�n connection with any of tt��GIIbligations secured hereby. - �: _;�
<br /> . '> ,. - �,
<br /> . '...,
<br /> . � �
<br />�i'ri: �. . . .�,r'.'rw�
<br /> ��`�'� �''�;..;�� �•�. . t:'.T�taithfulfy:ab(deby.�erfortnanddischargeeachandeve�}roblig,��or�covenantandagreementottheLease �.. . .���
<br /> `;�t��+;w��'�` . fry�Gs'ssortabsperfonne[�.I�rQSv�prompino�cetotheAssigneeotanynoLc��f�atultonth�p�rtolAssignorwithrespectW ;i; ;,::�,.. . , � .
<br /> - � . . tlteLeaSBrAC&1�tlfrO01i.8S588argUfli811t0►.togetherwithanaccurateandcorr.�"etscopy ofanys�chno�ce;atthesotecast ���`. �
<br /> ':; . , � ��:�;:•�'�: ..; �
<br />-- and.expen�e.at�Assignor.ta�ntnrRe onsecu�e the pertormance of eacb and every obtigation.covenan�condi�ore and � �. �:�<<-
<br />�:t�` �. . agreementaf�h�f aaseby tht�L��sBetabeperforme�nottomotd��rinanywayatterthet��nrsoftheLease;nottot�srmt�4e - - �
<br />= � 'the term ot tti�r�ase and a�Ot�tb 30aeA1 a surrertder qt the rents 4Li��nder or to waive,exes�4 condone or in sny mann�r .
<br /> ;, . • � n�ase or discharge trie l:es�ae tfiereunder fram the�+�i�ations;sr��renants.condItions and 2�:eert�enta byrlhe Lessee to be . . . ; .�::.�-
<br /> _ , � � �ertormed,inciudinQ 41te abl•l�qt�bn to paythe ren4at c�Y�t�r�-��,�der in the manner aaidat the placc�av�ir�me specifted rF��•-��:�� :.�
<br /> ' ; , - , t�e�ein.BRCI ASSigDIpl�dttea p���t tese presen�exp��°fe l�as�,�a;r.quish and sunender r��ato the Assi�r�t AssfgnoPs I� ,.
<br /> . � � ' righl,powerandauUl�dty+t6modityorinanywayalterfhetermst�F,c��yisionaoithelease,cc'ira'¢�rminatetl�etarmoracee�ta � � . �
<br /> � ' '�9' surrender thereotjend'snp attempt on(�te�art of the Assignor�a�rerc.lse any such rig��±vs�ail�r��t the written autftCifiy�a�s� f .
<br /> .���� � � ��� �'�:'h'•' consent o4�tda�As�lgnaq thereto beir,g f;cst had and obtairt2d�h�rS;%COnsti�. .a Oel�vi�;2�`trm tertns hereof.a8 d�f'.f'u� � � � .
<br /> .� �: .����,,i,y;. � hereinafler.�n�'i'hg ttia 6�f�nee to deciare all sums secured h��mt�rr:neata�'�!�°.e ara��bte. � ., i' ..
<br /> ' ' ;:��;`t�;•°;�,'. : • . ` ; ;
<br />-"', ,`,���i}{c:� ....
<br /> �. 2..At Assignors+sole cos4 and expense to appear in and defend ar,�y a.rion or proceedirtg erioing urtder,growing �
<br /> ��:�� � � out qf or in�mcry�,�nanner connected with the Lease or the oblicaf,':�?s.duties or liabilities o!Lessor,Lessee or guaeantor I .
<br />�:;F,..� ; ;� . � thereunder„�n+�to pay all costs and expenses oi the Assignee urr.�.►uJ1ng attomey's fees in areasonabte sum,in any such i . ,
<br /> action or pi�eding in which the Assignee may appear. , . „
<br /> l ! ... ' . k
<br /> ��:'';� 3. That should Assignor tail to make any��:;ctalert ar to do any 2ct as herein provtded.then thQ Assigrtee.6ut ' • -
<br /> � � ,. ���outobliga�ansotodoanaw�thos,tnoticetoo�c�rr.r��aa�.:,s�g:�or.and�rstrio�trete��r.�Asslgnariromanyobltgation
<br /> '' ,• - � hereof,may�n�[<e ar do tise same in sucR rtaann�r d*.rS�¢a ss:�.e�rr as the A§slgnee m�.�G��em�necessary to protec�ti'.�
<br />_ � . ; ,: ,,;.�,���' �� secudry h�a�ea'�.irtcluding speciflcalty.wit�auQ limitirtg its ger�,t���rs,ttie ri&h3 tv a�u�¢o in and d�ten0 ar�y acti�r��cP
<br /> :•�;;;:`��•� � � • proceedirtgpurpooUngtoaffectthosecurityheree4orttr�r;c,,�tqorpas�u`rsofth.���+�rsee.a��dat�otlQerlghtbutnotYnedur�co ',,,,_.,
<br /> � � ,,,:t •;. ,; ,
<br /> t'F;;�;.,;;, • . portonn and discharge each and every obtigatIon.covenant and agr�emas�o��Lessor in the Lease contained;ertd in
<br /> �i':�,� � � exotcising aoy such powess ta pay necessary costs artd expenses,emRtoy ca��{artd incur and pay reasonabte attomey's
<br /> • 11 � fees. �'
<br /> ;.�>� :. � � .
<br /> � :.�;. � � 4. Tapayimmediatetyupondemandallsumaexpend¢dbythoAssigneeurtderthesuthoriryheraoLtogettterwith � .
<br /> � '�. �'r. � � interest thereon at the highest rate set to�th in any of the Obligations secured hereby.and the same snail be added to tne
<br /> � ;� �. .•. � Obllgations and shall bs secur�hereby and by the said mortgage or deed of Uust .
<br /> � . ,
<br /> r� ,
<br /> � •� 5. ThatAssignorwillnottransterorconveytotheLesseethefeetittetothedemisedPremises.oranypaRthereof,
<br /> v.�, .. � unTesstheLesseeassume.ainwntingartdagrreestopaythedebtsecuredherebyinaccordaneer�iththeterm�cavEnantsand �
<br /> <<� . conditions otthe said rtote or 6ond secured by said maRgage or deed oi trust '
<br /> � f �!_�_ , • � ,
<br />-- ��____�_.-�- . . . ..
<br /> � , ,
<br /> '•- ' � �A.610 •d6h ?I .. . ' .
<br /> { . 1p
<br /> � � V .. P • .. ' .
<br /> ; �. ,•.
<br /> P
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<br /> ..h. , � ....._....."'.'_'"'_'_.......�.........�.__.�_._.._.. _ _ _ ' _ _ ' '__' ' _' " '_ •�' — _ . .
<br />