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<br /> f�"F� _ .�.. ..' ' . �` t . ��7• �6���.�.��.w��t i r���l����k x ,e`' c .. __
<br /> - -- - ., c, w i.e�rr� i' ff d ! ';�.� . . .
<br /> - _-- . . . � , .. . . � . . '�' • - . .
<br />_��� � � ' �ta) ���cat��a..�a���-;i�,e:��#a�:. ���.oa► o�<t,2�e�:`4f.me� ��or� . . .. . --
<br /> ,�; -� -��... _,�,. . ; �. � �, .
<br /> : x~ ��.,��� papmc3nt ox i�od �ca� �a �+�. :;��sr . ����oaa ��. the swu�; �s��n��#�g
<br /> `� : ;:..:�.�� '�:rt��•..� ,;, �. �his D�ed oP Tsvc�� g�ca��ed �by��,:�a�r `to a�ap �tcaa��oac �a� iyat�rc�st �. -- ----.�--
<br /> � �� 4 �z ._ , . .. . . . .
<br /> ` �. ��a�e.``_ �_�' .,.. : . 4g H4�S4F�SE .S�l.+����- ��'&. ���+:-�:Sl, ,�EalE'�88r _�1._$�1�F-. II1L•lIlSd9L'*_ �1t�3:...: � --
<br /> ` < .y�' 1fa�fl�L�y of � m$i��r�� �(s��w�r anc� �to$rar��°e sutm�c��or� �an• - - ----
<br /> ;�. : �,-, a��z --
<br /> ,f �;�±�.;. isiteYest. Lena'ier. aha�IL ��t �t ��e+�f�od.ta. aosataieAete.pr+aaea83��g�< -- -
<br />�t' ��-��=4:="=•�;�'J:�•'•�� a ainet suah saa,cc�sc�a� as $e�ur3e��a e�cte�ad. timo��or P�A� aY " .- --
<br /> � ,��:;� !
<br />.:>• � �:;,.�,;��,^�:�. a�her�rise moa�igy a�ost£z��mx�,.a�w-�he s�a aeaured by th�.�:��e��of�
<br /> _ ���r�;,:���.��,�.:.���_
<br /> : �";-_•:;:�����;.;-, Trust by reasor� of� any c3c�n���s:�ade byr the. or�.g�.sal �orr4vyer a�d� .
<br />� . ,>��.-�._,.s•,•�4�;� . .
<br /> Borrower s s�sccesaors in: f.a�e�r�s��,.; ;
<br />- �4 L
<br />' '':1�. ; . . . .
<br />=;4� �., ` . , tbD �end�x's. Faa,�exse i���ut.affoatis�g, t�t�� 7l��eh£1��.p;
<br />_ - af sny- otlaer persoa� 1� � for �e=;�a�ment o� anK� aD].�i+���i.aaa�� . ----
<br />,..
<br /> -� . : .. ,�.: :. ;
<br />- . :. . .,:::::.�:-•.:..,:.
<br /> . � : .. herein mentionera, anc8 wi�h.oufc af�ec�3.iag: the. ifen, or cDaarge� o��
<br />�;: Y....,.%i�•.7�!:�..':'�. r•::..ri• -- �
<br /> _... .1... .�. ._.""'""S.3_ _ _. .
<br /> .�:•." `-,:=---T°-`-," thfs Deed -o�-�usti-upon: any- pbr�oa�, o�� fihe �ropertp r�ot �'ten�or --.
<br /> :�,, ..� � -,.,. ,.� .
<br /> ` � ,. ` ,`• . . : �: f.hexetofo$e released as s�curl�yy �cau the fnll amounb of a!1 • �
<br /> �.' `=t .. ��::.A �,."�-;^�=_;-;___
<br />- " -`. .. ' � unpaid obliqations, Le�cEes r1i 2►pa fa•'WA�'t�tte to tfine aad w�.�taut � . =
<br />---z�-'-;:;",;';.,:.,:_;�':l�... `� notice If) release aa�y person so• J�3:eb-1�r �i3) extend the mat-nrity; -_
<br /> � .:.� : -- -- - ---�-��-----or-._.alt��-.�uy_-o�..the_xesms._o�__an*g�_.su��_..�ibYig�.fi�.#c�na,-�---�ii.�__9raat---�----._
<br /> - ,� � ' _ - other ind�al��es. liv)� r�Tsase. os recanve�:D:.::or canse to �+�,�; -
<br /> `�` . � ;j���; , released or ���co�nveyed� �t as�y,• ��ae, at ��'s aption, �a'���:
<br /> , � � �"'`"���� � �;��, garcel, portio� os .a.u. o� �h� P�ogea�y.. t•�) ��ke a�,��r;�lease arsy • "
<br /> . ,,,..,; . . .
<br /> ; � ,3 ; other or adc�i.t�Qnar.'�:�i�cusity. fc� any.. obligatioa,Fi �::�eatfonedr � ;,;,.,;.;;
<br /> : �,`{, '` ` � _or (vi) m�2t�;�,,,�i:i��s�ionr� a� v��r arrangemen��;.c��<;debtors in . .. -
<br /> � .. , :` relatfon� th��`e� + 'i . . .. -_
<br /> . ;,e. � :.i,�>�;_;� , : ,i.. - .�� . . ..,��
<br /> ..r' . ...- .; ,- ;�.,r, . ....•<< .. . •;-.,_ -
<br /> ° _ tcl� k`oibearance bY _I+en�er Not a t�T�:ir�r. �i.y £arbear- ,•:•.; l:. "� -
<br /> '�: , ,f. ;'i � . . ance ls I�nder n exere s an� a�� � or reme k�s�,ander ox , , , :;
<br /> . g� � a�` �'3 Y .
<br /> . ,;�:::°`r.�, othezwise af�o�rded by agaglicatabe I8N.j„ shala a�.ot be'�`.i�afvea of or . � :�';,,<,`., ,,.
<br /> J .-
<br /> preclude iche.�'�ercise o£ aay. snch;� z�:�qh� or �dy. `�he pr��e- � ` �� ';�.
<br /> ' . . . ment of insui�ala.ce or the pay�ten�- o� taxes:�:ms: ather lfens :�a�-:. -''�- .
<br /> r:ii .4',:
<br /> •y� _ .� . .�. .. : - .• __
<br /> - ', :,.�;�, charqes by ��er shali� not ke .a wa3ner o���'Lender's giqht � :�;;.. ; ;.;.;<,..�.;Y::.
<br /> - '� -� � - accelerate the.: �u=i oE tlie indelatedness secur�d 1a.g.� this Deed � �
<br /> . . . `�� af Trust. . _ '� .� : . . ; ,'. •,�
<br /> , ; � '' �' �. ' �. ' �'�` ��'�j �
<br /> : .'. . , . �d9. '�succeasors a�-�Assi ns Hounc��, Sain� an� Several �r���;;.��',,:`' r.
<br /> � biabilitys � ona. The cov�nants and agreements �:Jiere n aon- . '..,:,; ,,,�_
<br /> - � • ta ned shall in�and �h� rights.h�.�under ahall �r.ure to, t�te � . . '����=�
<br /> ' .� .. !°':H�-�••._.
<br /> ; �: ' respective successors attd� assigns o�,��nder ancl Barrower, subject � � _ ,. � ,�_-�r-'��'--%-�--_-;---;
<br /> r :`,•; ;;,'�%, ��, . to the provis3�ans o� pasac�s�gh� 1�.��3�. �ereof. All cevenaats,;�s�d z,,�
<br /> � � ,k,.,;�.t,:
<br /> <.,:•i;;,:�x.��;f;�:�� �;,�. '� agreemeats e� �orrotves shgl��t;be::�ja�ri� and s�veral. The. cag�3:rs�,s - .
<br /> 1 � • and head3nga o£ the pa�agx�he"''cf':�.s Deed of Trust are ;€±�� � , . . .
<br /> � � � convenfence only and ase. not to tt� u,�ed to interpr�t ar cl���e � ,� - ' ':._,:';{;;,;•:t;,:
<br /> .:... ,. �e provis3mns he�eo�. � - : � ,-'�.�;.�_
<br /> - -�,,�S�r�;�'• � � . (ist" AeQUes�� fc�+ '`-Nf��.£ces. The parties h���� rcqt�est ,-,{i`� : _ r�
<br /> ,�:;:.. ..
<br /> ' ';"�'��;,'��t;,,� :•,��' ' , that a cogy� c���.ar►y;��a��ce of�d�efault herennder and:���oPY o�' any �si�'��° � .� ..
<br /> , `.��t�' ` � ��`•�>';-� notice of sal�` h�xeqi�.de�c be ntailed ta�each party ta �a;a.s Deed of , . ' , . • `:,:�'� ';
<br /> ;• . �' ��..,
<br />�r.•. '•{�• �,�`�,�_zv�`�� �'f`+'�c ��.
<br /> i True�.a� the adds@�s�,�set� forth above fn the mannes �rescribed by '�°��'
<br /> ' . •, ..� . ``'r'"•,;' . ., _,t:,'�.,. .
<br /> ��}���;�` SxQep� for any other notice requifred under �'• � � . �
<br /> `�� ;>Y�,)r�a{ . � .. aPPl�icable �ac�. .., ,... . ..
<br />_ '. yi'�,'':•,4lU��r;Fil�;:�Y-, � . . ' �{Ic;i . �.
<br /> .�..,.., , appli�abl� latv .to be g�ven in another manner, any notice p�r,r.�.deal '',: �
<br /> , �„'`1)ti?,�1' . . 5�lA�
<br /> � ' for �r�:��h�,n. De�ed o� �rnst shall be giv�n by m�iling such �tcii�3ce ���,�'�� .. �
<br /> ,•;�� ''� '�"�`,r • . � .:`� � � b aerCifi�'��rai�l+ adds:sssed to the other partieg, at the aac�xess �':`��r:, . � ���
<br /> � ; :,:t:;, ,.,,t� Y �. ..
<br /> � ','" �ti,;� se� �fu��� above. �� � . .��Sr�;,:
<br /> �; •:;�:��'' . i,, .. . . :',:'yt�� Y::i .
<br /> .,{•��Y�tl;. . . �.�.. i,•i:.
<br /> �' , 5��,;.;1�'.�.
<br /> :. :si:;�;:,;, . . A�n}�- »ai�fice provided for in this E��di���� �xvcat ���=�;,;,:.:::� :�:�.:r,;;;4:�°
<br /> ���=Sr`%y��ri' � '. ' `;� '•';{'+;r:;;. .
<br /> � �>�;;�u�k:,,;� sha�l be e��ect3ve npan�maili�g in the manne� desfant�,tec7 h¢gein. �• , 1 v,.!
<br /> .��...;�. {;;.-'�; . �"j,�.,��,.
<br /> ;�'�;�+;.�t�;�^.� ' '' . If Hor�ower i.s ms►�s faiian� one person an8/or en�ity, ttc��ice sent to ��. ..,
<br />-Y"'r i��i;{tt�i��:- � � �`���'� the addresa set ft�xtiH� alaove shall be notice tv aII anch persons f i . i; .
<br />=-��';!� ;.�f;',�;-��=�`,, � . . and/or entities. . �
<br /> _ , �:�I�t"�5;.��'r, .
<br /> , « f::
<br /> .. �� � , i.,�,,,.: .
<br /> �:r;�i�3�;,�'� � (�')1 �Ir�s ec�ion, Lender may mmke or cause to b� made
<br /> "' :,�' '���'`il`� , � . ressonable ex�tr es upon and inspectfons of the Property,, grovidecl .
<br />-'>�'• ' � that Lender shall give Sorrower notire prior to any such fttspec- } : . ' �
<br />_rr:; �x�t''� .� ,;�-:;.:
<br /> i '!`- � , " �� tion specifying reasonable cause therefor relatea to Lendes•s I .
<br /> _ � �� . . , : . . . interest in the, P�operty. ;
<br /> • '` � � tQ➢ Reaonveyanc�. Upoa payment of ali sums secvred by i .� , .
<br /> :�;'. : • . � thfs Deed of Trua�, Lgnder shall request Trnstee to reconvey the � ,
<br /> :_�� _ • ' _���-__�,_ Propertp and shall eurrender this Deed of Trnst and all notes �
<br /> -- �.r-,-., .� _
<br /> ' ' �� � evidencing indeb�edness secured by this Deed of Trust to Trustee. ��� ��� ��� ��
<br /> , x... . - .
<br /> . •,;._ . . ,
<br /> �,: �.
<br /> ,.
<br /> -6� . .
<br /> , �-�.
<br /> .. ..,;,
<br /> .
<br />