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<br />�' ` .. .. .. ` . .y . � . ` ..� .c l. . . . ,I` � . . ` ` ` , t ., . —
<br />-�.r� ..�'��:��`: , h' �e_g�oper�p• 3a�v�ola�ion 'g�� �riy law,� ar�l.aaace� `os��r�gnlat��taf
<br />_ : .. �y. :.t..� ------
<br />=�:��.: ��:.���y-;:�:�� �, shal�. �ay an� prouaptiy. digr.harqe. at �or�cc�er's'��ps� an8 =--
<br /> ..."1��,-p";:�;'� � exp�a�se ail,33e�s, ��cumbgaaces: and charges lea�Ee¢i $mpased o� , .
<br /> ��'# �ib:�:.1�.�:: ' -
<br />_ , ;;y ':��:- -...t . .�,,� ` � � assessed agaia�t fch� �'rogerty or aasy part thereof.; : . � . - _-____--- -
<br /> .�, ' � , _ .. " � ;
<br /> , ' . . 5: Sminesn� ncmain. I,er�+�er ie Fiereby ass�greQd a�l� �' __--
<br /> - — _--" - . co�es�sa�ato�; a��3s, aFaages �arad c�thar paya�n'ts or rs�ieg
<br /> . �`; ..�:`. ' (hereinaftces °Proceeds") �.n coruaectt�s► a��h con�emaation or e�Yaog -= -
<br /> r. � � ..',�;::r< . ;,,,.� , . —
<br />=�:�;:�� �:;`;;,,�,:;:,-;. � . �aking of the Property or p�t thereof, os gos coaveyance in 1l.eu. —..
<br /> , °��'' of condemnaf�.on. 'L�tder shaa.l be enEi�led, �t its option, to
<br /> - � � . � � com�enae. appear in and proseaute ia ite a�n nams any actiosa o� ,
<br /> m e
<br /> - �� � grcae�dia�s, and sh�.t1 alc�o be entitied to make any colmp;om3se os
<br /> "- -• � s�Iement in conaection wi�h suah. �akinq or da�uaqe. ia ttie .
<br /> `;-� " � . _ . ev�n� any portion of ttae Prope�p is so takea o�•damaqed, T,ender "
<br />- � � . �� �.' shall ha�re. the opti.os, 3.n fte sole and abaolute disareti.on, to . ---
<br /> : :�:c.:;:. . : , - ":'}' apply alI suc2x Proceecls, after d�uctfng �erefram all casts and � -
<br /> .. � :;, :.
<br /> `--. ;;�. -,��;.=.= � . � exg�ases inc�arred I�g �.t fn aonaee�io.� c�i#h sach Pxoceeda, „r�pon- -- - ,;.��_�__
<br /> _ •.:�-�..:... -
<br /> + l����;,;;�,;4,,;,, ��._ an indebtedness secured hereb aad in sucb ordPx as Lender may �
<br /> "�''`` `- . : x`��;� .:�:. deteraaine, Ar to apply al� �ucyh Proceeds, after sucb dednc�io�s. ' =-- ----
<br /> ` , ' � ' to xhe �estora�ion o� �ttsQ Property upon such condi��otts as Len@ex •.., .-
<br /> ' z_ - . ; may dete�.ae. Atty app3.�ca��ioa of Proceeds ta 3.xxdebtiedaess shal� ��
<br /> '-•, :.'-�.:�--�=-=;�::;.r���- ---::;r:;:::����-..:�_:.-mot-- exte�;�nr-poatpone�-�-�Pi�--dne--clat�__o�� �any---payme�tts-�tuir�+�--�he= - �_ -
<br />_ � ����J'r�'�
<br /> .. !i ..a?tiF}.._� �. , ° ' ---
<br /> ...�.. ;} . � Na��e, or��re a��r.defaul.t_tliereundor or hereunde�o •:
<br /> . ,J�~ � , �� . . , :��, •`
<br /> " .�::`';': .� ° ::.'��� �e�foszaanc��.b Lendere Ia t1�e ev��.of 8��acomer s
<br /> . � ; .
<br /> ; ' . �.,,,.
<br /> ` �:� :-. • ���3.ltire �:���rfosm any �c3�,i. e�ants �ae�eit� or make a�y ay,. �
<br /> . _ ._<. , _.. -- p
<br /> . ;.- -- . . � �;ts req`i�red hereby, o�'if any act is �Tcem os.;�ega2 proceec]fng, �
<br /> � . � . �i�nced which a�ateria�ly affects LendeX's �u.ti�rest in the ___ _
<br /> ,, '. �. ;-`:. :,.� ` - . L�pes�y,�;,Lender may i�a its owu c�iscret�on, but��.�ithout obliga- ' - _
<br /> -_ �. tf� , - .;r;�.:..::: � tion t�;�3f� $o, and witlaor��.;AOtice fio oz �r,.�nd upcn Borrower, an8 �';.t -
<br /> � t . � without, ��asin Borro�.^r� �from an abl�� ,��on, do any �act which ��•
<br /> ,, . ..
<br /> �?si��� ��. • , � t,�e Hara�� hasg�9reed �ns� fails to da a� mag �.Lso do any other ;{�; , ..—
<br /> '�'� ` ' ' ' ;��. i� de�s nec��ary to pr.otect the seccsrc.� ��seof. Borrov�er . ��' °
<br /> ��•� �r..l "}S'��y?o"� . ��I' '-
<br /> ;',�:,�,.:;.:,�?,�+ �:;f. �ia�l, imiaediat�S�� upon demand tlz�efor Iiy..'��-r.::Pay to I,�nde�-
<br /> = ;a; ::, . -��.f. � ,:
<br /> - '�;;. �-it���e.._;::-.'._�'.:_.:_-_ � aosts and eacg�nses incurred ar�d sums.•.�g�si.� bp. Zender, in���.:•:
<br /> .�,
<br /> ;,�+i ��r�;;'r��.. cannecti�i�:with the exercise by Lender a�� �i+�'�fez��going rights, � �"'.-;,.
<br /> ;�-�,� ,;���==;��� ��` . together with iat�rest thereon at the defa�iilt rd�e provided in �."
<br /> 7'h'•�..,.• ;. . .
<br />'::'°�• . the Note, whicb shall be added to the ndebte�.ess secured '�,�
<br /> . he�eby. Lender shall not incur a.s�.g liabf lity ]because of anythinc,�, �. , :- �.
<br /> � • '�''. .. " i� may do or omit to do hereunder.� . • . ���=
<br /> - �� � 8. Hazardo�ns �2aterials. 8a�awer shall k� the ;;��`' ���
<br /> � .�� ' Property in compl ance wi� any,aaad �al�. ��c�deral,;�state aair� loaal � "`���` ' � ^� -'-
<br /> � � � `��=h�. � � �aws, ordinances and regu3ation� ��lating to ��ir.�trial hpgfene" � �'�>`��; '� `
<br /> ,l . 'v)�'i;rF•'. , ,•�L.<,•.{ 4f"twhtr.+e
<br /> � 'Sf� ,±�i� to envizoaunental cond��ions m�� �under .or altaFU� the Property,�� ; r
<br />__� �,. ��• �. •-� � ancluding, bu� not limite� to, soil an8 groundwater conditions. � "�:�'�-:
<br /> � �'rtistor shall not use, generate, manufac�ure, store or dispose of � >;�.. •�,�.•°�; :��
<br /> ���° �"'`` � � ¢n, under or about the Property os trax�sgort ta or from the . , ' r-'`-�
<br /> -•..�;, ���i,' . � .. �
<br /> „ . �c�erty any flammable explosives, radfoact�ve mate�ials, hazard,c��ui� , ,. .
<br /> .. � -t;: � . c,��t�es, toxic substances or related materials, including, witho�x� � ,.,;.. �. . • � ' .
<br /> �' ;��s • � ��imitatf�s^, any substanc�s defined as or `�ricluded in the defini�- �. , �
<br /> � � ' � tion ot: '°.l�azardous subs�ces", "hazard�ga wastes", "hazardous �-
<br /> � � � � - �ateriais" or "toxic sa�r•stances" under any ap�xLicable laws, � �: �
<br /> � , K._ � ' � � �a��3nances or r�c�ulations (collectively referred �o hereinafter: ;',�.; � � _
<br /> � � "Hazardous Mat�rials")�. Borrower hereby warrarita and repre- . • • ��;��-:;;'`• � :. �
<br /> , }. . �� � � ���ts t� Lender that ther+� are no HazarBous Materials cn,.or und�r � '�� � � `
<br /> •• �; � � � `�t�.I��. pxcv�erty. Horzower �hereby agrees to indemnify aad�';hald . �
<br /> ;�.a�m2es�� Lender, its directors, offices�,. employees ,an�.:agents, �
<br /> aazi� any 'successors to Lender's interest�; From a�.d against �any an+3 ,
<br /> � : ; .a�a' claims, damages an8 liabili�aes ari�ing �in aa�anection witu
<br /> " ; �ne presence, use, storage, aisposal or ,t..�ansgori: �of any Hazardou� �,: . �
<br /> ;'.� ' Materials on, under, from or about the Prc��ertp, including, with- ' �� •
<br />- . :�:: • out lim�tation, ta) all damages direc�].ir. or iadirectly arising . ��
<br /> out of the use, generatioa, storage or c�isposa.L,. of Hazardaus '
<br /> �� ' , , Materfals by Borsawer or any prior owner or op�%rator of the �..
<br /> ;;, � � �. . Property, and (b) all costs of any �required or neceasary repaiac,, i�; •
<br />_ ��! � • c leanup or detox f f icat�on an d t he prepara t ion o f any c lo s n�e o r 1 j' , • . .
<br /> � >F • � other rec�uired plans, whether such acfiion i.s �required or neces- � •� � , ,
<br /> � �° � �• � � sary prfor to, or follawing transfer af title to the Property�,. tn ��t . �
<br /> � � ":3:•. ., � � the full extent that such action is attributable, direc�ly o� p . .
<br /> � 5 ' �� �• indirectly, to the presence or use, generation, storage, rel�ase, ��1 .� �
<br /> � i; � threatened release or disposal of 8azardous Materials by any !,�
<br />-- , `.;�----=-----.=--- pe�sun on the Fxoperfiy pgiar ta tr�ssfer cf t�tle Lttaru�a� bg
<br /> � ' ,!.--. .... ..- -
<br /> i' . • . i I
<br /> ti � . .• r:� _3- �
<br /> . ,
<br /> .
<br /> , .. • .
<br />