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<br /> �b�i i ' . :`,. �. t� .. . •. . .� - _.
<br />-- -- �.:' aypl�e lutiv may specify'for . )b�te_sd2e of the.Pcsapeny purs�ant to any`pawei of eate coritair�ed in this —
<br /> s Ie
<br /> � -�?-�; �� ° Sesurity Ic�sttument;or(b)ent�y o.tt jaQgment:enforcing t1�Is�Iasttumen� 1�os�canditiaas a�that$brrower: (a3 =._�
<br /> •` �F e..�•�,��, �
<br /> �-�v�}='��.:.-� : . pqys'Le�der u}t,su�s wt�h ttl�een'woittd tse due uader Wis Securijyr Iasuument and the Nete as ff nn aooeleraflan t�t -_---
<br /> D
<br />��ry���' oaae�d:(b)aues any defautt af a�ry ot�er covenaats or ageements;tc)Pays 8U expenses Facus�e�i ia entoncing thia S�riry ..,. -
<br />_ ��.�� �n.rnuiuent,including,but nut iimited w.reasonable auoraeys'fees;aad(�aake9 siach s�cfios►as�I.cnder may reasauabl5r
<br /> �,:,k��,,., . � require to a�s�a�tbat ttt�lien of th�s Serurity insaument,Lefid$r's dg�ts i�the Proper[y scn�BQaucvei3s obligation ta pay the v `
<br /> � sums secuteil by.tI�is Security Ioammoent sbaIt cantinue uachanged. Upan m,�n,sta�tt�bS►Sor�uwer, Wis Security -�' 4 , _
<br /> .,� � . ,
<br /> ��� �s,_� "` ' Instmment and xhe obti <�7 �
<br /> � �r ts� � gations seauce�t�by shaU rema�n fu]Iy effearve as if rio sa�ie�ation had occvrred. However,tbis ,�R
<br /> , N. E�. r i g x t t t u re i n�a c a s b a 1 1 n o t a p g l y i n t h e c a s e o f a a o e l e a a ti o n u i t d e t p a r a g r a p 9 i 7. � ''� '�w*t•
<br /> t= - � �Q� -�Y iK c:f Ltraa Serv�:eL T6e Nofr or a partial iateresc in the Nnte(together with this Security. �'"�.�-�ti -"'' `
<br /> ..4 d',�. _ _
<br /> � ;.t�,k<<��Af ' . :ta�4�t�ii�`�!`�����more times�rithout priar notice to Borrower. A sate mey result in a cl�ange in the eatity ;�� K������ _
<br /> .`E r�� �;�' �" � (,knvt�in as thee"I�oad S�ihio�tliat coIleLt,s monti�lY Papmeats dne ander tlte Note and this�ecurity Instramem. There atsa i �'�� �,��,Y�
<br />- •;',��I.th}! '` `'; � may be one+at moie changes of tbe Iaan Servicer rme�Iaies3 to a sale of the Noie. if there is a change of the Goan Servicer. ,,�,; � �-
<br /> �:.;z.�,.,-t.� Bo�a�r�viU Ise given written nntiee,af tke r�.ascacdance with ara h 14 abnve and a ucable law. 'L'�io�notice ���Y�^-�-�*.�,s�=
<br /> �I,� ,�'.`. m7!sia2�the a�e and addcess af dt�:ts�°�y�, 'ss�kis�F vHe adclresspto wh�'CCh payments shauld ha made.T�ef��re:will `,�� --_ __
<br /> �p�r Je � 8�50 OOU�SI1�$II�;b�iPl IA�OIIQdtLQI,�.I�..f�.�L'�.'�'. � �r � t Q -
<br /> �1. +��, , ,�` • 2�G•�o�s Su6s�,�,,C�� '�'�3t�C:�ra�scarpesnrit ti�e p�uce,.vs�,:disposal,storage,ar re����ry ���� °
<br /> � ,r'Z��a��:,i' �IlOS.�'!]�5t3IlCCS OD OI Y[L.S3� '����f 5�733II QOI a0.IIOI 8IIOW AIJYQIl�'�rIS�C�O d0,SA�111�'d�, �'�Q'' �'��
<br /> " ':r�' ��� L � [Qf�E rf.��.Y
<br /> 'u."r ' �; P�y t�at is iu violatiort v� ;�a� `�i�'•��:��t�eding two s���� �Pp Y Q�;t�Q,or ��f;� _ x.;'.-
<br /> :a t11at ����..
<br /> `__ ``}_��,� „ , stdia�a oa the Fioperty of sm�3,�.���t�i��nfaa��aces that are geaeraUy st�,zu��3{zed W 6e aPP��^�°� . ��' �`�.°e
<br />� 1 '" iesideatialtues:aadt�maia�enatiee���'�i�ty. .,,,� �, � , L � ��' _
<br /> ' �� ' Borm�e.r�tt pmmptly give Lende€-�an�notice of any investigafion,claim,deseand,�la�uiia�ather as'�on by any j —
<br />��E�r<.��. � .,J,�;. :: , ..``- ovemmenta}or` � a a en or riwat: mvolvin the Pro erty and an Hazandous SnD�tanee ar�ivFtqnmeastal . .. �
<br /> • ���� �,.r^.... ::,: 8 � �Y 8 �Y P ��J'�. g P . Y �,. . .
<br /> . r���,.�;s.�.;�;.,.,�• 3.a�;of wlucfl Bomnwer has actual knowtedg�. ff•8aarower leams, OT iS IIOLfiC(�b�/ Blljl�OY6YUIIIE1118�.:�� . :, a�� -
<br /> '� "' .,x�rr,u�,•. a auc?3�tity,thai any�emaval or other remedia6on of any Iia�ar�dous Substauce a€fecting the i�topettq is aeces�v.i����riower t
<br />�". ,�,;..{t ,r . , ,.
<br /> _ ' '�t;� � :.., shatl pmmptly take all necessary manediai acdons in accondance with Environmental Law. .,' �"�'�,�
<br />�,. , . __. . �:. _ . .._._.-As�sed-in-this paragraph 20,"Hazardous.Substances".are those substanr�d�fin.ed a�W�ti�Qr.�a�?idous substances 6y _ . .- --.... � ,�:_ ,�„�T��,�. „
<br /> � i ...._�� � >:. : Y',.��"--
<br />�. . . , � _ F�virnnmental l.�w and the fallowing substanc�s:.gasoline,kerosene,other flammable or toxic pet�ro�eum gmducts,wxic -
<br /> , ��.�: �:::
<br /> . pesticides aa�he.�bfcides,volat�e solvents,zii�tials coaESining asbestos or formaldelryde,and iadi�fiive materiats. �As : �y.�
<br />``�'' p . .. �in tHis paragtaph 20.°F,�►vlm,nmental Laia°rneans fedeial laws and laws of the,jurisd'tetion whcre the�operty is located _;:�f�:.;,�i.,�—
<br /> � • �;;'�;. tI�ut nlate tn heaitb,safety or envirotunental protec6on': - ';. ; :. <:� � � ' ' �"�"'
<br /> �u � .
<br /> � '"'" ��:•: ' NON-[JNI�aRM.COVENAN7S. Bairower and I.e.n'de�fiuWer covenani and agree as follaws:�;• , ;� �'� -
<br />,�,. . � ,. . '-° ^
<br />�•:` „ ;'"'`.•,4..^"• � - 21. Aooeleratlon;RcazcdIes. Leader shall g�ve uoHce to Bars+nwer prtur to acaeterat�cUC��u�Iowing�ormwer's ,. � . j �.�� ;� �
<br /> j�}i�`1yf �. . , ' Y :.
<br /> , r• ,breach oi any cavenant or ag�eement in t6is S¢carity Iastr�tent(but not pr�or tv accet�atii��.umder�arageaph 17
<br /> .:�� �.` �,��.�.�.r_
<br /> �,�,` ,..- .:.,...,�,ti. ' �i�appI�rabTe[aw.prmvtd�s othervvtse). �e nottce�t sp�i9s (a)the defad�(b)ths adir�irequir�to arre We ;�'�..
<br />-��`_::=�.':.,,';�,�;:�,,: ' .s'Lx�uimli;{e)a da4�adt tPSS ttma 30 days from the da�e:�notioe is given W Bflrrowe�6y wl�ic$the def�Wt mu.."t be .. � . ,: - „�.
<br /> .;,•.
<br /> �°��'+� �k���f�i ` ' cc�+e�:and td)that faIIure to ct�re the defanit on or 6e�oa+e�4P�e date sperttiod fa the nottce may resnit fin acQe[e�ttun of ` ` , '
<br />�.�;`. ;41f kPr�!xx�a'�f,,,. . :•. the s�es s�by tt�s Sec�a,�ty Instrument and sate�09'�he Progeriy. T[ie notice shall t�rther iafosm B�saue�ayer oi � .' I.� :
<br /> r
<br /> ' W e r t g�t t o r e i a s t a t e a f t e r a o a e l�r a t i o n a n d t h e c i g h t t o b r t n g a c o n rt a c t t o n t o a s s e r t t h e n o a�e�d s t e n ce o f g�!l��a lt o r •
<br /> „1k����`.�lit.4 s�� ����� t6e�ce,al.eitder t�pt�a�t�Y t�t�!i,�er��e PaJ�men in full oYaU sums seatnred by tlils Secv�3ty I�mcai .'i . U„►„� �t Y
<br /> � ,�':l s � ' � w i t h o u t f a r t h e r d e m a n d a a d���a a�r i n v�'t h e �v e r o f s a l e a a d a n y oWcr r e m�dirs ttrd b a c�ble!aw ���, ,�f� ��i
<br /> i;_:.:t ,�)� `�k� �- . I�. P� y pl� �ZG7 ,°l�,�r sr. �a.
<br /> r, I.ender s�aU be entltled to'm�I��aft expea5es incun�d in pursuing the remedirs,ptvvided in this Pa;r�►graP� 21. ,n,���,,�.#i`��,
<br /> p em
<br /> . iududIag,bat nut Umited to,t�tisotrabte attomeys'fees and oosts of title evidenc� ' . 1 •��;��,��;.;i�, ,,`.
<br /> �� � ', �;• r If the po«er o f s a le i s i nvo&e d,7 1�s tee s b a l l reco r d a no t lce o i de f a u l t i n ea c 6 o o u n t y i�'��a i F h a�n y p a ri o!W e i (��
<br />-' ;�,:��, ��.•.:.:�:.•_�_ . , Property i�lorated and shall mail oopies of such notice in the mattrte��esescribed by applisablE Ilaes.�o Borrower and to • '` a!rl� �-
<br /> ~� ' � � - th8 o26er isans rescribed b a llcable law After We fime �urpd b a IIpbie law,T�stee s h a U g i ve pn b Bc � " " � :�`w`""��"`°'y`
<br /> ::;;�.,,, , ':• '_. Pe P Y PP �+1 � Y PP ,��""__
<br /> •. �,.,..
<br />- t , •:,:� � I', ' • ti�f�oe ot sate to ihe peisons and in the manner pr�esc:dQ�r�d by applicsbie[aw 'IY�stee,withont deueand on�mrtovoer. . ; ...:.���f .�-�
<br /> ��.:;','_';-`��• .�� .•� shall seU tde Progerty at pubUc auctlon to the 6lgh�st btclder at t6e ttme and plaoe:otul under the terms de�i�ated in �.'�: ��-
<br /> 4,.. ...����%�����;�.:,::�.. the notIee of saIe in oae or raore paroeis and in any order 7lrast¢e detern�ines. 71rustee ma,Y P4�Pone sa�e of all or any . .. ,
<br /> � .,. ±. ,.
<br /> �� :,� � �"'' ��:,. �' parcel of ihe ProAeM9 bY PubIIc announcement at the dme aad place of any prevlously scltedulcd sat� Lender or tts ` �;: ';..•;.:� :
<br />- ;'.;'.�:•s�. ;, ,�.:�.,".,`::; dcsig�ee tnay pimha5e t6e Progtrty at any sale � : , . . ,�i.'�::;���i,...
<br /> ` � � �t' 7 •• , Upon r�reipt of paydteat of the prtce bld,7lrustee shall deliver to the purchaser T1rusL�'s deed conveying We � �'r. ' � '��kr .,
<br /> '�> -:,,fi5;t•_?�•• '': � Pro D ,"'•.S�':�� � , •� �
<br /> perty. Tde recitals ia We'[lrustee's d�ed shall be rima facte e�3dence of the t►vtb of the statements made Werein. � .r�;�� . �; ;�:
<br /> "` "'���:;•' ! 7Yustee shall apply the prooeeds of the sale in tlie following order: (a1 to a 1!casts an d expenscs o f exe r c i s l m g t he powsr �'.�,:�• ...:•:'�:_:,�
<br /> .: ;;h. ' ., � . - i.r_.�:..
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