r �„f� � i�.� ,.-� �_*�; rlS '�//F„3S �ii:_ st:��., ,,� . .���;,:�:_:. � ,�`i F:-': c „�:-�—
<br /> ti .r� �:{ { ;�� •� r L � -� , - ' ` � �
<br /> y' �a ' ` E L r�'"�"— —
<br /> ;r�. � �;r<s-s__ `o`. . f.4 - ` - ' ._..
<br /> . '� ✓���F� ' .a . ' . . Il � '4 t — —
<br /> r� ,•, .:5, fN. � �4.�.- .<': . . � c ,S. —
<br /> . .� . �t
<br /> . . .F _-. . .� , . ` <''�� .be.Y,' _ U.t _ " ...+cs, — —_ .__ _"— _ — —
<br />_' ;cc. } '.�� __ " . . . .. � .. � . .. . ' ' .. . " ' _. . °. --_ __
<br /> �" �..-'roC.,c.�.".:,s ,w . . _ . - , . . - � . . � - ��__-_--.
<br /> .i,.."S U -�-., ' � . -
<br />- _ 8�� F x�•��� . ... ��`.` ��� ' •_ � ' �. — —_
<br /> _ ;�� ....._: . .v.
<br />=�-= 'i'0�3E�W1T�3 aII che imgrovements anw ar Rereafter c�ct�cl an t�Praa�zt�f��c�id a1t casemen�a�nacee�i�sae3, , '.. � . -
<br /> :�.� ` , .and fjxtuxes naw ar&�ereafter a part of the pmpeny►. AlY r.p]acem�ats and eds9ldaa�a sSt�11 also ha cavered by tt�is S¢cmity _—
<br />;: � InsicumenL All of dce foregoing is refesced tQ In tLis Sc,�utiry tnaW�►eni as tltC"F[�spetqj►." ` � . • .:. --_--
<br /> �' BORRONER COV�NANFS that Bomawe�is t�wfuliy seisecf of thc estato herel�t convayce on�!hns the rlgha�o graru --
<br /> "�; _e_ o !
<br />�;�"` �+"- and convey the Ptapei�y.and that tl�e Peopejty is ua�t�ciunbeteA.oxcept for�ncumbrattccs pf rccflrd. Bmrawer.waz�n�s ead —
<br /> - ` °��`"Tx� • will defeud geaerally tbe ade m the'Flropgrty against all ctairns and dcmanda.eu6Jcct ta nny encum�maces�f�ecnrd.`'�:. ==-
<br /> � � � �, p rty � --
<br /> r_ , k'� ' �'�'` - THIS SECiJRTi°it gvSTRUMEP]T combines umform�covenan�s inr nadonal usc�and non•uniPorm covenaaas�vith - - --
<br /> - ��4�+�;f 4 tf-``�Si ... .
<br /> -:' � :. limited variaaons by jurisdiFtioa w caastitute a unifom�security iasG�umcnt covrdng rcal P�D�Y• � �'�.� _- --
<br /> �- � _ '`Y utJI�oxr�t Ct?vENAI►Pt�s.sorrm�►er aad tender eov�nan�t ustd aga�asto11ii,�s: �._
<br /> _ T _ . . -
<br /> ;� �: - 1. Psyment of Ps�insig�amd I�erest;Perpuyment�d L�te�"�rgs�,BarrQtivcr ehall pm�npqy pay when�ue the ��`�*_ �
<br /> _ r_ .. pr;mcipai of and inter+eest on the debs eviderced by tl�e Note and any prepsyme�tt�:nd tate cEtnrges due undcr lhe Note.�. - '� t_ ti_ _
<br /> t SE
<br /> p � Fimuds for 3?�s�s e�Ins�a�ae. Subjeci to applfcabte law or ta s►writte��vaiver 6y l.endcr.qorrower sAcesl�ay ta- � ' _
<br /> �'^ Le�der on t]�e day mrmd3ly paymenu are due uader the Note.unti�the Note(s pai�ln full.o eum E°t'U31�9°)for.(�3rearlY : : m _-._.
<br /> .:. ,�YN-'1 __
<br />-- �;~•,.� �,�.. ', .. � :�,: °.t�xes aad assess�.°nts arhich may aemin prioriry over this fieca.�i�y ir:�tn.:�ent�s p Iten an tho Pro rt :(b)Y�Y 1��� _. �j�,�'���.--°="� .__�
<br /> 4 : . � Y
<br /> ,� +� ,, v:;,`�.�,:`:.:�"' ,'} ', .�� or g�ound �emu on the Fmg��,if aay; fc}year� tr�asd�ar properry insurance prem�ums: (d) Y�Y ���3�::�
<br /> < •. " �a�premiums.i�any; (e?K�'mortg,age insatance premi�r.€ff��y:aad(�trny dums p�ynhte by 8ortower w ���.��,�
<br /> f �;` � ` � ���a:cordaace witlr t9�e pravssioa�o�Bara�rapiT 8.in tieu of tM pnytnent oP rt�ottgnge insurunce Qremiums. 7ttese d��;F��-
<br /> , �"�, ..'• l;t ^t,<.., , ;?'',�s�:ca2led°Fscrow Itet�s." I�der mag;at am}�t�e.collect and haIQ[�ds inan amount tta:to excecA the ma�ejmum _ .,�����, ,.i
<br /> , � .� ., <. ;'� _
<br /> - a����� ;�4;'-�;: '�'` '�na�a teedu for a federariy related mortgage Iqom may require fa�Borrowe�s escrow uccoune un�4cr the fcdcml Real `�:;,;, �.�-�`�:_>
<br /> ��_., s . ` >:�. .i Fst�t�.Settl�mentPracedu�es Actof 1974 as arnettded&am time to time,l2 U.�.C.�260I et aeq.1 R�SPA),unless attothet .,. � �
<br /> f ' •x� � ''` -- � law s�a.�pplies W the F�nds sets a lesses amount If sa,LEader may,at any time,colteci and hoYd Funds in an cmounl not to rt T='-,�F;, -�- =
<br /> .� ;:;` �.._--
<br /> �, ,,...f,:;�,�a�+� ,�,.: exc�;r�e iesser amour,i. I.ender may estimate the emaunt of Funds due on t1�e bsuis of cument datA aad re�.SOnabie y 3�,.., , ��a�
<br />- ';�.;'��t„�,,�. <i :•.', . esqa�s of espendiaues o€future Bsecow Items ar ot3tenvise ia accordance with appticabie f aw. . �:��x,'. - % ,,,.. -
<br /> �,,t'', ��t�4., ..;.s, 'ts,'v- � ��°~a;.�.
<br /> .:. '�
<br /> � Tlte F'vnds s�6e held in an mstitution wt�oae deposits are'insured by a fedaral agency.tnsuumcntnlity.or enttty k � - �:
<br /> % .� ?�: � f :, �,�. (inFlud�g., : '� ,.�rl.cader is suc8 aa insriwdan)or i�any Federai Home l.oan Baak. Leader sAall ap 1 the Furtdg ta ay %£ �i�� f� �F�.
<br /> . P l� p
<br /> `t:r,� ---:�„-- '�'��
<br /> r��g"� ••�• ,� , �.tt�$v��'��;:r�str.�'��:��:euder-may not-rdaage Borrower�for f�otd'sng and spplying-tfie-Fundsi unnu�liy�-anatyaiag-the.escrow_. ... . .. �t � "r���{�,, �.
<br /> �1 E y�
<br /> ,�4 j� ���Ti�•��`C�;��'...: . tiopAt�,!���3. the Esccow Items,unless Lendes pays Borrower interest on t he Fun d.v an d npp liia b lo �aw po m il t s ' �� .%�� �r,� r. '�`'
<br /> � v .s:r` � �' • ;L�i d e�m r.�a��?..�a c e. However,I.ender ma r e quire Borrawer to a a one-time c e for an ind ndent renl '�`���F+.�..
<br /> 9 P Y �8 � t, ,• f -�,,.�_
<br /> :�;.���,; •,���^'�,;�,. , .estate tax 'oi{=��s�vi��b Lender in conaectlon with this toan.untess appllcable!uw provIdcs otlterwise. Untess an • �;:�, •�:� —
<br /> �P �-,...: y ,,.,.. :•
<br /> �¢r `�f , '� % ��'' . .�. ,�agreemem is ma�e.',c�applicable law cequires interest to 6e paid.Lender shall not be cequired to pay 8c}rtower vny intcrest at � �-,;{���„���.�-
<br />- ��:� •:.:.' ,._r_ �_:,.�,.�,. �,,•.,;:,;.� �
<br /> `5..:;._.., ,.. ..,�,,; '¢�ings on-the Fii�ds:Boaower and Lender may agcee in wnun ,however.that interest shaU be.vaict on�ttie Fund�: t.ender ,-
<br /> �. . . f,,.,� �..::',.. *�:....:''.� '
<br /> <�;:" ,`,;z�< .. . :<• s�iaU give to Borrower,without charge.an annual accounang of tghe Funds,showing credits and dC�ittb ti��ldte�unds und the :•�ya..;+�:� '
<br /> _ r`'�1,;�, ;'�,,;,� �`.,'i��:;f;i far wtuch eac6 debit to the I�nds was made. The Funds are pledgeet�.�additional secud��fwrt sdd eums eecured by .f,��,�it;��=; _
<br /> •.':�°�;�_;'� .., ���.'i... . • r� '
<br /> . <:•Y •..�,�.`-��.-�'.`:�'''''.. t�k��SS�I Il1St[Urt1?JIt.
<br /> �•�.r.fr5;�ii� q'S i����� . .
<br /> •,n.e��i;-� rA,• �t ':�..;'�.� '
<br /> , �y- R� ` If�e Prmds held isy I.ender exceed the amounts permitted w 6e held by applica6le taw..L.end�c sUull accaunt ta ����i�a: ,
<br /> • .�;}3��.::.;•,�;,' '�`;'� � •. Borrower forthe encess F�ceds in accordance with the requuements of applicablc taw. if thc mm�unUaB t�te Funds hcld by :y.�,'
<br /> ?•s� '�`,`°��•`•.�`'"'�+'°`�Y'' ` ' I.ender at an time Es aot su�cient to a the Escrow Items when due.Lcnder ma so notif BaTroacr irt wdtin .and.in � .
<br /> `�y<..``' `: :'-;:;'�j����`��iF:;':'�� " � sach case Boiroaer shall pay to Lender the amount rtecessary to make up the deficiency.y Burtca�ver KhuU makc up thc ' .� �" .
<br /> �'�;� .
<br /> - ' ``' '''i:�" '����� ``� ' cy in ao more than twelve rnonthl a ents,at I.enders sole discretion. '`f'° '
<br /> .':,.;� •.4� ,.�t;;.,i :. deficien Y P Y1II '.; t,_ �
<br /> ' `°' ` '�'�;�';�if���e��':���_� Upon payment in full of aU sums secumd by this Security InstrUment,Lender shal)pramNlly n�ttfhttd tu Borrotivcr any :
<br /> .; t�fi..�.,.,>,�.,.
<br /> ,;�;"--:=�-����=<-r±'�?;; ; ' Fuads held by Lender. If,under paragraph 21,L.ender shsiil acquire.or sell thc Propercy.Lendee.prii�r ta thc acquisition or ._. v._ '.•`_�� ;}:.
<br /> ��%!� : '� `'����.� ! sale of the Progerty,shall spply any Funds hetd by Lender at the time of ucyuisition or sale as a cn¢dit uIIuinst thc Fumx , ;,
<br /> ,.- ,.,
<br /> ��><<. .' ' `�•f�'`�;� ; secuned by this Securiry Insmunen� . •'.y . , �c
<br /> `'�`'` �' " � �� 3. AppScatioa of P�y�tenta Unless appltcablc law provid�.v alherwisc, all payments �ccivad Uy l�cnder und�r , • .•
<br /> ,' ..'• .. : .�:;:;�.;�•.; � • : ,
<br /> ; -:;': . -..�:.":,:K:" ,:;;= � P�P��1 and 2 shall be applied:first,ro any prepayment chargev duQ undcr�te Note:yecond;to antounts paynblc undCr , ,��.'`:i:�
<br /> : ���::I.. :,;�,.,,}`;,;;+°��..,� ; ' par�,r�h 2;third.to inter�est due:fowth.w pdncipal due:aad In��t.to any late churges duc undcr tho Nntc. • . ' `'���'
<br /> � C6arges; Uens. Bormwer shaU pay all tazes, a�secsments.churgcn, fines and impo�itfun+: uttributablu to �hs �����"
<br /> � � t , � , '� �.'ti ; '� � ���yr which may attain priority over this Security Instcument,and Iea.�ehald puymonts orground roatt�.ll'Any. Horrower �'�.:;.,;`,.,.
<br /> ''s� :` .,.•'�,:, ,. � ,,�...:.. .�.�ptY these o���ons ia the maaner provided in pa�mph 1,�r if nat paid in�that munnar l3um►war rhull p�y them��n ;: ;• ;�•:
<br /> i;�'.: ,�;;•Fi;�1;�1::�t,"i,:;,...; ' �>,r
<br /> ��y, �,;� ` �,,f,, , . tiaa_w.azctty to�h2��sson owed payment. Borrower shall promptly lamish to Lender all noticQ�af wmuuntF!u bc puid undcr '� �t�'�Z •
<br /> ' .,: ',{3'�r��,�;;`, -r' '' this�agraph. ff Bacrower makes these payments directly.Borrower shnll pnompUy fi�mit�h In Lendur reeeipts evidenclns :-�-! •� i��t{f," ;
<br /> 4_,,,5'i.�,,.�.r_���Z�q��r..,,:��;d�!'I tI1CQ8}ImC11iS.
<br /> � ��" ' `�'�i iY�{r� '�- � Horrower sha11 Qromptly dischar�e any lten which has priority over this Secudty instrumvnt untu+s lturtower./:U agrce� - "`
<br />_ �.�.,,.` ,..;`;,, ,' �,,��: ; � _ , "
<br /> ;;: �,� (h)cuntuwti►in ood fni�h�hc .� ,;•• • • . �
<br /> (�r� t�• : • . •� .• , in wriang to the p�„�nt of[he obligation secured by the lien in a manner Asceptublo ta Lendur; g _
<br /> � "'� ' ' �`'�`' �'`��'�' � lien by,or defends��ast enforcement of the tien in.legal pnoceedings which in tho Lendrr:opiniun oporutc co pnevent the '
<br /> ,�J�.r i;.-:,'.:;•�'�4..1.��v::t . . ._ ,
<br /> � ,�,....- � .:< •�;�<;�•.:.,,..'`
<br /> ,...-.:•-;_;„; ,<,,,,;,,,,,,,, , enfo�ement of dr�'�;uen;or(c)secures from the hoIder of the licn an agreement�atisfuctory ro Lendar�ubardinating the licn
<br /> ��`s�'`'��'��' �`?� ' to this Security I�strumenG If Lender detertnines that an part of the Pco ert ic sub ect ta a lian•which mu Attnin priarft °
<br /> ` �• ._. :,:,:S`M1;�;t�t;'�:;�;;a � Y P Y • • 7 Y y � , , ,'
<br /> . ;;� :��,.,{.�.,:,,,, ,,;,rE�;, over d�'ss Securiry Inswment,Lender may give Borrower a aotice identifying tha lien, ponmvor shuil satisfy tht licn nr It�ke • ,•.
<br /> � ; j�: `.� ' . ;?�,:,.`.,;,`f:�:,�,:�, one ar more of k'�e.a�tions set fonb above within!0 days oi the giving of notice. : •
<br /> '�,�',;..,`�•: ��.,; ��� 5. Ha�.�7��roperty InsurenoG 8orrower shaU keep tho imprnvements nuw existing ar hercaftc�erccted on thc . '
<br /> :.��' �'<,"r'.`�r '+ , Pro�e���^�-e�ag�:�st loss by fire,hazards included within the tem►"oxtended covemgo°a��J uny olhrr ha�urds.inctuding � � .
<br /> :, •,;�•, ���}•.. ., .
<br /> .,.;� .;,;q;;,,��;���%: � , t�o�ils:cya,tla�c,dtnrt�g,15�r which Lender requires insurunee. 'Fhis insumnee shall be maintt�ined in thv amaunts sucd fi�r Itu ,
<br /> ,.�•. .. �;5:���a:�; . ' ,. .
<br /> . ',;;i�'r'i�l{i • .
<br /> �'�: , ' ib»o302S 9/40 lpu��2 nJh.�y�ga�► , .
<br /> °'�� ;��(..� �� • ' �. • .
<br /> .tt. ;�i;:,, ' .
<br /> '4�'. ��1�...,.. . � , :. .:: ��
<br /> '?���( ���y 4'-5. ;'fti�,AlYiyF7 c���f - � � . � . � � _ ' .
<br /> � �T l. i'`'��lh}{;��14��'� �\t�r81(ti:.. �.:1�; �F• ' . �S+>jry,.-,,. ..,.f. _ �..r .- _,..-,.--.,,,.r.., . , . ; • . _ -�"`;,,• , ,._ • , . . - . . i." . . � ' . .
<br /> �.F,i I r '� '-(yY�i��/��5} � . � ^�°rt� � . ' ' . � - ' . � � � ' .
<br /> 't� ''� 1�,gE ;` . . ! , 'i � - - , . _ . . � � ' . � .
<br /> � �� � r a )l . , . . •
<br /> .,� ,.� _ . .. ;t;, ' _ : ' 'llj�, .. . . • ' ' '. - � : . . � ' . ' .
<br /> ��.. `t�: . . . , :. .. . � � .. .. �• -� .
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