r,.`.'i;=.-.> > "` �"v`�' y � kr` . ",�p`�`p�"'' . . . 7. . - _
<br /> � _Jp��';_h � 'E 4 �a , . 7� ' �' `'-,• __ —- ` --- — .._ µ _�
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<br /> . 'a..x5.i-• .1 j _ . . _ —"' .. �+- - - ---
<br /> �, t •• •• • ' � ` - � 4�� �Vi� �Y+r"Y`�+=x _ __-
<br /> tf� __ _'`[ . . . � ��� t :J _ . ._"___.
<br /> . o r,.. ..� , ' , . D O� lYY��7• DC0��9�YY�YYL��1YVi�S�V� . —
<br /> p�� ��'�s_`•i.`'__ — -
<br /> :" '�' ��' c 6 . � �Ji"wG — � _--
<br /> �� '�r <.� . � . � . � ` . � — �. -
<br /> . ,,,t, � �1�.DY 81�mtfigtt�..
<br /> '�'. � �f . •�Hig DEfA 0�Y'RUST.ts maQ�8�o!gse "��d8y M , ��� , �, �-�+ -_----
<br /> H
<br /> .. g,,��-�,,.
<br />� ��. `a , �. ths Tn�r.. ' St���a � Hoss Cao�pa�Lore . _ -,_._.---
<br /> 4 .< �r 3 Sos 3-�-a _ 6raad Y�l�nd He 688l1-9�l01 � '��. �."`� --
<br /> . . W1�i1S8 tIlSillit,Q�nBQTBS!19 I�Bf@1/!'tDT[U�Of.°WItlf�1B/QR8 aT tfi9l��?. k+ _ -
<br /> j. r �i: }`$V@ QO�EI� �aA�Ii O �@�!'�m �Y'��Yi$�O� ' ` . -
<br /> ; the Tnts� s1 . � . . _ . ::
<br /> - P 0. 8ox 1587 Cs�d Eml�ad� H$ fr88Fi2 y`-' `�
<br /> ,
<br /> �� �._,_ ._.: wt�we�tts�g�4�a ls � , (Rstett�"fnatee°).tinti � � �.:
<br /> � t � _ _ _� ���
<br /> 4 � t ' Fiv� �oimle �a�s .
<br /> ih9 BeneBctary� • ` ,�
<br />= '~ a w ...^`, -J�/�,w �815 H. 8road�ivll 6�ad Igilond, 8fi 688�2-15�7 �/��{����( w�(� � . . °"
<br /> .. ...tr t. ��„�W1�9 CYWGIa G7 • ' •n~�lNR1�(� - .#� �. �'.'"`Y' ''�: .�.
<br /> `.� .. .. �' � : r f,,.�"�y-_
<br /> FOA VALUA�LE CONSlDERATtON.�nctudie�g.t+ende�s e�Rensfan of cradtt tdeMfBed hereln tn ��- �`
<br /> ";;��i�,;q ,. Steffen 3 8ore Contraators � ��s,�or maro)ond tAa misi he�n ccea�� r=��" �-
<br /> t,. .; {� (heretn"�arroN►e�'.
<br /> �• the�eesipt o�wh'.ch is hsref�►actarawlodged.Trustor hereDy IrQevoeaDty(�rants�transfera conveys and s�lg�s to TcusteBr�N.' °�'`.ir' ��Y, _
<br /> ,`:'��n`� `- - - TitUST.WiTHPOWBiOFSALE.tortfieb�n�fi4andsecuiityafLende�,urtderendsubJect�ufh94emisandconditionsherein2.R�r�e'l . � •r=—��*�1..
<br /> -.�... �.,-- --
<br /> r,., , , „�.,��-.� -
<br />_ a , f0rtn.ffie teal propeRy.descd0ed aa tolfows '��� �rx=�•_..,..._.
<br />_ —;�,`,�` '�--�.�_-- LOT TWElVE (12). WESfHat3D PARtC SUBOIMISIOH, ��:.:`�`=.:,�-�---
<br /> .' �(;�- . HAlL COUNTY, NEBRASKA. , . . �:�r,�:,�,_;.-
<br /> �f-; _ . � „' �-.= �—
<br /> '�;'•: T ethe:wtfi at!bui�dings.tmprovesnaMA fl�m,rea.sb�ets.alfeys,P�9�Ya easemems,dSMs.P����PF�f� ,y� �� -
<br /> ., -�- � n�s�focafled thereon or-inany�erise parmininglhereto.saQ tJtR re.nta,issues andprofit�reuerato�and iemairedere 9ie�rea��A i ;�.
<br />£� �' sucfiPersorralproperlyrthat(saUachedtofhaimpmvement9so�stoCOrestltuitaafixhire.tnatudin�Cra�noTlCmfte�T0.-tC6�fltog�tntt` -
<br /> ' • cooUng equipertent anatog�ther with the hom�ad or mar�t�1 iMer�ts.if any.whkb intecests ana ttBrtlsy reiaa8ed 8nd+�ratw�al�� ���`
<br /> ," '-`'`:, , a6v�fitd►.irtctudirtg re�tacemertts and additiona thereto.is here�y E�to be a partot t�e real s�i's secured bY me ilen ollt+� �'° =
<br />- �'�.�;� ::�t • Qeed o!Trust and atl ot the foregoing,being rsiemed to rter+�3n a.s ihs"Propeny"- . �, f�--
<br /> !''(Ii " _ . . �v:...
<br /> �, '• . Thts Qeed ot Trust sha11 secure(a)the paymer�ot the pdnclpe!swma artd tntsr�Y�atQartced b�e�romissary note or cr�dit' � '°�"`
<br /> , a..
<br />_ ' :..�. . ��
<br />_ � � ,trr?" liay ZnA ig94 Octs�r 31et 149� . '��-
<br />- ;` . - . r=�,,;. � agreement da� A� having a c�&turiry�of ���
<br /> . i,;°;< ��. . . ��I Vf.'a��iv .
<br /> _ . ,� ' jR the origts�at pr3ncipat amount o!S ` and arry ar�!aq mcd'iflcatlons.extenalon3 en¢�car�� _
<br /> � , �% .. ,. ,'>. .';�f��reof or thereto and sery end ell future edvances artA rn.adusncas to Borrower(or er►y ot tliem(f more tAan one)hereva� ' ��
<br /> �: � .•• ` '���.�c�isuant w one or more promissory not$s or credit agr�es��(b'�erelr�called"Note"1:(b)the PaY+netti of other Bums sdvas►nod!1� ,
<br /> ;,�',F� '' ' ' : ,$.endertopro�cithesecurityoftheNOt�(c)thepedormareceotallcavr�Ira.ntsandegreementsof7ru�orsettorthhorein;anS��N�� ,•;;.;:r,'.: .,:-"
<br /> 9 '
<br /> . ..:;';;�s •." ,,:.��sgnt and�e indebtednes9 8nd obligatians of 6oROwet(ot any�y4•41"tem if more 4han one)ta L6-rsder whefher dir�t�'�At•,•'.'.`';:`; �'+•�_�
<br /> . ,; , ;,'.::•:`g�sotuteorcontin�{entandwheiherarlsingifynote.9uarart�►.overdr�(4�rotherwisaTheNate.9tt�fiaedofTrusten�8nll.0n��'�.: '�,:� f'��x ,t:
<br /> . 'r� .,.-,�.:�.; `ait�erdocusntsthatsewrethalloteorothenviseexecutedinwnneatlontherewith.indui3ia3gN►i8�nuttimiffiHonguavent2e�ueaul'�f: �x,�:r
<br /> e
<br /> ..,,''S� : ` � h�F�ir
<br /> ; i�reements and assignments of teases and renta,shaQ fCe rete�red to he�ein as th�:'�P)ocumenta". •� ,�?�, �"�;
<br /> '� Trustor covenanfs and agrees with Lender es fol1ow� `` '��''' `
<br /> , ;fs� _ ..•�, , .
<br /> :':i�,'i' ., 1. Paymfnf o1[ndebtedntst.Ail inaebtsdaess secured herepy shait Oe P�d when due. •;
<br /> �r��.�,. . 2.Tifta.Trustar is the owner of the Property.has the right artd suthoriry to canvey the Properry.and warrants that thz►it�+n�� '�`
<br /> r ,�..rreated hsreby is a Tirst and pBor li�n on the Piraperty,e�cept for Uens and encumbranc�set brth by Trustor to wr�ing ar►fl ,= -'
<br /> .�, � � ' ' d?eliveredtoLende�bebreexecuGonolth(s0eedafTnr:l;.��ithsexecutionendde�iveryolthlaCeedolTiustdoesrtoiviolas.oany. �"
<br /> � p��ntract or oU�er obUgation to whfich Trustor Is subje� ,; �:;•..-. �"_-
<br /> 1 .: 3.Taus.Assessmmb.To pay before detinquer�e�6 L^�ces.sRecial assessments and aU other charges agatrnt 4h0 PropvrtY- , _
<br /> . .i --
<br /> 'aaw or herea4er tevied. . - ----
<br /> < 4. tnt�.TokeeptheProperiyinsuredagainstEamagebyflre,hazardstnctudedwithintheterm"extenQedcoveregs�'.BrM • ________
<br /> ; ;�othe�i�^�'rds as Lender may require,In amounts arnd witA compan�es accepfabie t�Lertder,�ming Lender as an ad�ifoaimi i �.; __
<br /> `�� ' r�; �. n,rmed insure0.with foss�iabla to the Lender.tn case of foss under sueh poticies.tAe Lender 1sGUifs��ized toadjust Co1leeQ�d � "'��,; �
<br /> r �
<br /> :j:r.,�;_: . ' �1.. . . �
<br /> : ,;,,,,,. . oom�romise,ail ctaimsth�Usder and shall have the opUan of apptytng ali or part oi tCr�i('►.4ur8nce p►aCe8Q9(�t0 a1ry Ind8�nC3O �1���.�.. -
<br /> rr `�:i.-�-3fv*��'
<br /> ' ��r�.� ' secured hereby and in suc4iarijer as Lender may determine.pi)to tha Tncstor to be u�d�f:rrihe repairor resto►atton of fhv PropOrty: �;� �;y,i.,..: `v_
<br /> � orpiqioranyothe►purposeoro�JectsaUStactorytqLenderwithoataftectingthe8eno�CtFSOeedotTrusttorlhetuflamouni6e�auod � �r.}�ts,<<., •';._Y:., .
<br /> hereby betore suct�payment ever took place.My appllcsHon of p[acesds to indebtedness shali not exten d or po s i p ono t h 0 d u o :
<br /> date o!any paymenm u�der the Note.or cure any defautt thereunder or hereunder. '.; .
<br /> � ' S.Eterow.lfpon wtitten demand by lender.Trustor shall pay to LenQer.in euCh manner es Lender may designate.eu�RCEen1�� ti+j,,
<br /> '� ' s+wms to enabte Lenderto pay asthey becoms due one or more o!the foltowing:(i)aU taxes,assessments and oth�r r�s�-gos against � ,r.,.,_
<br /> a ` it7e PropeAy,(ii)the Oremiums on tAe property insuraaco required hereunder,and(iii)the premtums on any morf�a irr;urnrtCO c%`'�
<br /> ; : . .�quired by Lender_ �
<br /> � • 6.MatMtnanv��Raaaln and Co�c►plt�nee wtlh Laws.Trustor shali keep the Property�n gaod condiUon an0 reDmiq�8h21t" 1 �
<br /> •�� ; ; promptiy repair,or repface any.improvemont which may be dammged or desiroyed;shaii not commit or permi!arry wast�or� �
<br /> �•, clatertor8tion o!the Property;snalt not remove,demotish or substan�a►y aiter any of tAe improvemenis on the PropeRy;shalf no4 � � .
<br /> 7 � c�';-�';.. .I:t�mmiLsufierorpermtt8�t3c1totradonainoruponthePropeRyinvlotaUonofarrylaw.ordlnanee.orregutstlon•art0sh�ltp3yam! :.
<br /> ��`�:>�:r�:�' ' '.,�ttsmpUy dtscharge at Tr�i.gter's cost and ezponse ail lierra,encumbranees and charges►evted.impo5sd or a8scissed&galR3t$�C� � ,�1`�
<br /> ' �'� ' �;'.,., : 1�uDerlY or any partthor�f: '�"�� .
<br /> �• �-,��,:.�. � . ' 7.Emtn�n!Oomaln.Lender is heca'by dssigned�t1 compensaUon,awards,Qamage�and other paymenb or retief(harein�f'�r�� �
<br /> '•' -;�;,�`,'Proceeds'7inconneetionwit�condemr,dio�+or�thertakingofthoPraporiyorpaAtherenf,artorconveyanceinlieusfconQotnnm» I
<br /> "''tfon.tertder shatl b9 entit�ed at its op�oa Ln aommence,appear in and prosecute in its own name ar�yt aceon or prooeeding3,ertd � ,
<br /> i, �� ' ts4�ai1 a(so be entiIIed to mako aay compramfss o�setttertsPnt in tonaectlon with sucb taking or dam&gq.1a the event any poRi4rt a1 � :
<br /> j� ' tho PropeRy is so taken or damaged.Lender shatt hava ti�e option,in its sole and absot�te disaretion,to epply aJl nuch Proc�eds;
<br /> atter deduCting theretrom all cost�artd axpenses incuttad by it ln conneetion with such Proceed9.upon any indofa�dnds9 secured �
<br /> ; �., i�ereby and in s�teh order as I.,enQer m�y det@rmino,or to app(y ali such Proceeda,aiter sucb deducUona,to tho restoraHOn olthc� �
<br /> ,� ;i; PropertyuponsuehcortditlorisasLendmm�yQoteimarto MYePAilcaUonotP�aceedstoinQebte�nessshallnoteYt+enQarpostpono�
<br /> �,. She due date o4 any psyments under tho NGt9.or cure any detauit thereunder or hereurtder.Any unappited tunds sfiatl bb Q�i@!o�
<br /> ��. Trustor.
<br /> 8.i�aitannanei by Lendf�Upon ahaoaaurrence of an Event of Qetautt hereunder,or ii any act is taken or tegal proc�eding •
<br /> ". commeneedwhich matertalry aHecblender's intereat in tha PropeRy,Lender may in its awn discre�an.butwifhoutobtigmaC�►todd�
<br /> �,.` • so and withaut noticeto ar demand upon Tn�stor anaf without reteasing Trustor from a�ry o6tigaUoo.do any act whtch Tnistor�es�
<br /> - egreed but taits to do and may atso do arry otnor aot it deem9 netessary to protect tha securiry hereot Trustar shatl.immadiatety,
<br /> ' � uponQemandfhere4orbyLender.Daytot�sn6or�IleostsandexpenssslneurredandsumsexpendedDylenderineonrteetiCnwlth
<br /> � 'F � theeuercisebytertderoltAetoregoingNghb.�ogathmrwHhintereslthereanatth9QetauttratepravldedintheNO2o,wA!chAh2ltb�
<br /> . aQdad tu f�te inde�tedrtes9 secured haraby.LenQor shall not incur any liability because o!enyMing it may Qo or ornft to da�
<br /> __--- --__..-.- �etntds►.
<br /> . .�
<br /> .. .
<br /> . . I
<br /> . .,
<br /> . .� -
<br />